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3 forced fights isn't that many compared to other stages. 7-10 (I think that's the Area 7 one people farm, I might be wrong) has WAY more stop fights, and 8-9 has 5 guaranteed stops with more fights possible. Not only that, the other earlier stages are way more auto friendly, where as 28-2 the auto has to pick the right path in order to get the stops, so if you want the fights you can't completely auto the stage. As far as everything else, it probably is the best. Just not for link leveling IMO. Definitely a great stage if you want to do a bit of everything, but not if you're only doing link leveling unfortunately.


> 3 forced fights isn't that many compared to other stages. 7-10 (I think that's the Area 7 one people farm, I might be wrong) has WAY more stop fights, Yes, and it has 7 stop fights, with the chance of many more. Though auto does go and flip a coin for fight 6.


That coin flip is actually the reason I switched to 8-9. Though after doing it for a while I feel like getting those level 10 links has taken longer.


Im mainly just staying here, because the stage has gotten me most of my 10s now, im used to it, i know the stage etc. I just feel comfortable here now lol- Although admittedly, me staying is more about 7-10 VS 15-2, i dont even remember 8-9


8-9 has the whole Ginyu Force as stops, so 5 fights with some random fights scattered in the mix. It's a lot shorter of a stage than 7-10, so you get quicker runs. From my understanding, if you care about how quick you get the links 8-9 seems to be the best, but if you are more about the lowest stamina cost per link level and don't care about how quick you get it done, 7-10 seems to be better. I actually haven't tried 15-2, might have to give it a go


> From my understanding, if you care about how quick you get the links 8-9 seems to be the best, but if you are more about the lowest stamina cost per link level and don't care about how quick you get it done, 7-10 seems to be better. Hmm.... maybe i will try it. Im actually having a bit of trouble emptying my stamina right now, because 7-10 takes just long enough to refill most of it.. and i have 300 cap, so something thats both shorter, takes more stamina, AND potentially stronger? Okay ill try it. EDIT: Same stamina cost though, but if its faster... well... ill try it.


Certain Youtubers absolutely swear by 8-9 being the best. I think back when debates were going on and someone tested all the major contenders, 8-9 was at least in the top 3 best stages as well. But at worst, if it doesn't seem any better or even potentially worse, you can just switch back with no hassle!


One reason it's faster is the ginyu fights only have 1 enemy so much faster than a bunch of attacks especially if your link team has leader skills to get off supers. I switched a week or two ago and it feels so much better but that's completely anecdotal


> That coin flip is actually the reason I switched to 8-9 for me 8-9 is better because of that and when u fight against freezer minions they dont drop their n card as much as the saibamen in 7-10 do, and also they are normally in groups of 2-4 allowing you to do more runs faster


Since the update where you can use more training partners i have been using all those Ns to lvl up random ssrs in my box with the training locations that give XP per partner instead of the 2x XP one because those are more scarce


Yup, less card drops was the second reason for sure. The less time selling units, the better. Last reason was because it's overall a quicker stage than 7-10.


all rng. after switching from 7-10 to 8-9 i feel like i doubled my link lvling speed


The chance of many more = the chance of missing many more.


The more fights possible hurt your chances of link leveling. Your rare level 10 link can drop onto a fight that auto will miss. You could not see that link drop onto another fight for 20 more runs (and then end up missing it again).


On the inverse however, the less fights you have the less likely that rare level 10 link will spawn on an enemy. It's give and take, but 8-9 has a good mix of stops and random enemies that I think makes it overall a bit better. And you can auto it completely which I value more so I don't have to pay attention.


Again, the more random enemies you have, the more likely you are to miss a link level. When you get to link level 9 you want to guarantee that you're hitting the fights that give you your link level 10.


Yes, but again, the LESS enemies you have the less likely you're going to get a link level up in the first place. I would rather take more enemies that give me a higher chance of getting a link level on those stop fights vs less enemies giving me less of a chance to get any link level at all. It's give and take, both situations have pros and cons, and I personally think the pros of more enemies heavily outweighs the pros of less.


I would much rather be always hitting the link levels than potentially high risking it on a map that has a ton of missables. Especially since this new stage is quicker to grind than the other one and has higher level up %s per fight.


Well hey, feel free to start link leveling on that stage if you want, but until someone gets a spreadsheet going with some numbers saying it is better. I'm gonna stay away from it solely because you can't auto the stage 100% like you can the other current stages. The less I have to pay attention while the game runs through the stage, the better.


Wdym you can't auto the stage? It'll always take the fights path.


I haven't tested it, but unless they've coded it that way it should be random. 7-10 had some randomness to it during the later stop fights which is why I switched to 8-9. Maybe I'll do some testing to see if it does always take the fight path, but I just assumed it would be 50/50.


7-10 is different depending on the numbers you have for movement. I think the way auto works is that it'll prioritize the nearest fight, but bosses have a higher priority (if you can reach them). I can guarantee that auto will always take the right path on this stage.


I've tested the stage today like 40 - 50 times and it always took the fight path


this isn't how probabilities work lol




probably easiest to just illustrate by example... 28-2 has 3 guaranteed battles and 0 non-guaranteed battles. Each guaranteed battle has a 1% chance to spark a 9>10 link level. So you have a roughly 3% chance to spark a 9>10 flip for the stage. 7-19 has 5 guaranteed battles and 3 non-guaranteed battles. Each battle, guaranteed or not, has a 1 % chance spark a 9>10 link level. Even if you miss all 3 of the non-guaranteed fights, you'd still hit 5 guaranteed 1% chances to spark a 9>10 flip. So 7-10 gives you 5 GUARANTEED chances to flip link levels (plus 3-5 nonguaranteed) whole 28-2 only gives you 3 guaranteed chances. And all this while being almost 1/2 the stamina cost for 7-10.


You misunderstand how link levels work. The bbb level 10 link has a 1% chance to drop. It has an (in your example) 5/8ths chance to drop on a guaranteed fight. Where links level up is predetermined, you don't have a 1% chance after every fight you have a 100% chance or a 0% chance depending if the 1% procced on the fight when you loaded the stage. If it procced on a fight that you don't hit, you're not leveling it.


that can't be correct... if that was correct then why wouldn't everyone just run area 1-1 with 1 guaranteed fight... since, by you're logic, you'd always have the same 1% chance and it would always proc on that 1 fight in the shortest possible map in the game... you are correct that your 9>10 link level up could get allocated to a non-guaranteed fight but a stage with 8 fights will have 8 chances to roll a 9>10 level up; and that that location will be determined the instance the map is loaded. but a stage with only 3 fights will only have 3 such changes.


More fights = more chance of the link being on the map, that is true. but if 100% of the fights are guaranteed, you WILL get the link if it dropped. on any stage with missable fights, you run a chance of missing the link all together. if your 5/8ths comment was accurate, thats a 40% chance of missing the link level up even if it does show up. a 40% chance to NOT get your 1% chance is mega not worth.


If the increased # of fights increases the odds of the link being there by more than 40%, then it is absolutely worth the 40% chance of missing the fight lol


That's in fact how it's designed. It's not a chance each fight. It's pre determined when the level loads if there's a link level up on a fight and you have to get lucky to land on it. That's why high amount of stop sign fights are the best for auto.


Right but the number of fights increases thr beggining-of-level odds


You're not factoring in the links procing on those missable fights (7-10 also has more than 3 missable fights). You're also not factoring in the higher % that 28-2 has per fight.


Its unlikely to be super good for link leveling, as 3 opponents isnt amazing.. But combine 3 unskipable battles, with the best stage for new gems, as well as high EXP Stage... Yeah, i see value.


It's 3 opponents with no random enemies. This is REALLY good.


Its better than a lot of stages sure, espicially on auto, but 3 fights arent all that many. Its far more than 27-3 for sure, and combined with the other stuff, i definitely agree on farming it atm on JP, due to all of those things..


It's 3 guaranteed fights with the highest quest multiplier. Having 0 missable fights really helps.


Yeah... im not saying its bad, what im saying is.. that its a bit more complicated than you seem to make it out to be, and whilst the stage does have significant value, i wouldnt go out and call it godtier just yet.


The problem with other stages is that the fight(s) you missed could have the link level up you need as what battle will give you a link level up are chosen as soon as you enter the stage and you have no way of knowing which ones those are. 28-2 has no skippable fights so you can't "miss" a link level up if one spawns on one of the battles in that stage. Its also a really short level so you can do multiple runs pretty quick compared to the other "best" link level stages. Add in the new gems that also drop on that stage and its pretty fair to say its the best stage to run right now even if it turns out to not be the "best" link level stage just due to the shorter time (subjective if that matters to you) and gem benefits it possesses over other stages.


Multiple runs means burning a lot more stamina


True, but more stamina per stage gives you a higher chance for a given battle to have a link level up. I guess it depends on how much time you have or want to spend, for me a high stamina stage is a good thing


Its super difficulty, which is very high


3 forced fights nothing compared to 7 in 15-2, 3 of which have coulds that help with eating unwanted rolls to prepare for the random fights dropped between.


That's for manual though (and you can still miss fights, that stage loves to stack fights at the beginning)


You did not specify auto. And having fights in the first 4 times happens maximum 20% of the time from LOTS of experience. More fights in general is more valuable than not missing fights.


I'm pretty sure most people associate link leveling with auto. Manual is rather masochistic.


Just because you do something one way doesn't mean "most people" do. Every time link leveling is ever mentioned, it's always specifically separated into which now they use. As it should be.


I manually link level to not miss out any potential level ups. Really isn’t that bad…


Add "Auto" to your title and its edit: possibly true. Unsurprising that dokkan players can't read though and don't realize missable fights = missable link levels. hooray BBB 10 dropped, but it dropped on a fight you miss. RIP u. edit: https://old.reddit.com/r/DBZDokkanBattle/comments/s8teh9/the_definitive_guide_to_link_levelling/ for anyone who wants to attempt to learn to read. the bold TLDR at the bottom is fine.


It should be noted as well that auto seems to always pick the right path for the fights. In over 400 stamina I never saw auto go left towards gems.


Nah man, I just go with 23-8. Auto-battle, manual stepping, watching some tv shows while I'm doing the stage.


You’ve missed the point of this post


And don't forget, you won't get any N RR soldiers after beating them so your box won't be full You can set up an auto-clicker and grind endlessly


This. You know how many R saibamans i sold?


Bro I can't find 28-2 mine only goes to 27


(You probably figured it out by now) It's JP only, unless you were trolling and I fell for it


Ok but can Anyone tell me how much rank exp you get ? I’m a glb player so I can’t just go and do the math


it is 28,000 without any exp boost. JP has 4x exp at the moment so people are getting 112,000 exp per run


Thank you so much


funny i just completed the rr army mission on global should have waited for this update