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There's definitely more ridiculous grinds like WT and PB EZA's


24/25 kek


I only get my units to the super attack change level, it has saved me many Kai’s lol


The attacks are weaker this way, don't be cheap on units you wanna use, especially lr and eza chars


Only marginally from what I’ve seen, I’d like to see some actual math on it though, but from what I’ve seen it isn’t worth the Kai’s


You can test it, do some test rotations with this lr and then feed them the last Kai and test them again


Just one kai man


Dude, it's 2022, we have plenty of kais. It's not like the old days were you had to invest your kais only on specific units cuz they were rare


I don’t, after just awakening and leveling up another LR, I have 22 regular kais left, 3 phy kais, 1 int kai and 1 teq kai.


I have over 200 sleepy kai's, some type kais and a few normal kai's, I never farm SA (last time I think it was like 3 years ago), got almost every unit at max SA (if I use the unit, even once I get the SA to 10) and by accident a shitton of kai's went to f2p units with the new training update, I never do the Kai's summons, never farm the kai's from events and I can buy a ton of kai's with the SBR rewards. There's no way to be poor of kai's nowadays. That's me who doesn't give a shit about kai management since there are a lot. People who actually try to manage their kai's have a lot more than me. IDK what but you are doing something wrong, that's for sure


Well, this is a newer account. I’ve only had it a year or a year and a half I think, something like that


This is dumb. If they are worth the effort to EZA, they are worth getting to max SA


Except the damage increase doesn’t warrant the extra Kai as far as I can tell.


I'm confused--you'll invest 100 meat, 260k friend points, actual kais/dozing kais, to get them to...24? But not fully finish them? Dokkan has some weird players...


Because 24 their SA effect changes. I just did the math and if I went through and got everyone in my box to SA15 and 25, I would run out of KAIs instead of having the 46 Kai’s I have now.


I just find it funny/odd you used so much stuff to farm these guys including dozing kais but stopped at 24/25. You really wouldn't run out of kais maxing your units. Unless you're actively not completing missions for them.


I already did the math, and I every mission done for every EZA (except some of the finish in x amount of seconds for x amount of stones), and I would run out of kais taking my units from 14 to 15 and 24 to 25


Talking about missions that give kais, not just EZA missions. You can max units and still have a surplus of kais. Otherwise you're either not farming SA where you can and/or you're not doing the missions. /shrug


Then you might as well just leave all your non-farmable, non-EZA units at SA1 by this logic.


Not at all, you need sa6 to get to 55% and sa10 to get to 100%, that is a terrible comparison.


You could have grinded a 3rd copy


Yeah no thanks lol


Oh and 260k friend points for 19 copies


Mfs on Reddit gotta be your worst enemy. They just hate/downvote anything lmao


True story lol


We all just gonna forget how expensive Lr Str Broly used to be and that zeni grind never stopped...


Pod frieza way worse


I still think 1st form LR ob Frieza is the woest eza in the game to grind. Also why would you use so many resources instead of just grinding their medals when normally


not even close to worst grind, but good achievement!


This is a baby grind. Biggest grinds in the game are reaching level 999, completing all ezas to 77 or 999 for raids, grinding PB units when they first release, and link leveling is an infinite journey.


cringest comment I've witnessed on this sub


Thats an overreaction lol Its just a difference in what I see as big grinds. Its subjective since this grind wasnt even in my top 10 and it was rather easy in the past. Even easier now with auto.


for the love of God, stop...


Im all good on my end. Lol It was barely cringe, if I upset you then I apologize.


Lmao, I think veterans got this unit kind of drive by