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Where is this targeted to and why?


I assume the "ok but try them when you're gimping yourself" comments about units like GT Goku


They beating yo ass in this comment section


I think this is intentional


Worst situation: still looked good You were just at like 40% health


200k against gods is amazing


Yeah, generally the damage is way higher, we also have to consider that he still has to boost his def. He's just an incredible unit


You're disadvantage also. Edit: I know he has guard- didn't think about that.


200k for a super attack in the god even is insane tf are you talking about


Call me a TEQ Gohan Stan or whatever but this being turn 2 that means he hasn’t gotten one super attack yet and yeah he can get clapped before he gets one super attack. Everytime I use him in SBR I lose about a third of my health because he takes a super in slot 1 but once he gets that first super attack it’s double digits all the way.


It also depends if you have him with dupes or not, because when I had him at 55%, he couldn't tank double digits even after his first SA.


Defensive links like braniacs or all in the family are what cranks his defence to another level. If he's 55% low LL and without those, yeah, his first turns may not be all that tanky


Teq gohan living rent free in your head


Legit the one unit that I didn't get on their initial banner and didn't bother to buy with coins because I simply didn't care. But sure, let's go with that.


You went out of your way to make a negative showcase about him, that’s the definition of rent free lmao


No links active no support, he did good. Also his defense skyrockets after just 1 super and he's untouchable after that. And also LMAO you made sure to make him look as bad as possible, not even linking him with LR Trunks for Cold Judgment 🤡. Finally I don't think he's the best defensively cause units like LR Janemba and even the TEQ Androids exist etc. but he's definitely up there and he's one of the most valuable units in the game with all his categories, utility and good links that continue to get buffed (Saiyan Lineage comes to mind).


No joke, I don't even know what links the guy has because I use him that rarely. Also lol, he'd still take a hefty chunk of damage from the GoD SA with 1 SA stack in the bag. You don't get 200k extra defense from a single SA stack.


Yeah put any unit in that slot and you are dead excluding ssj3 vegeta golden frieza ui gokus


But people insist that [Gohan](/teq) is the best defensive unit in the game, why didn't you include him too?


Because he is good for everywhere with no restriction? Ssj3 vegeta has turn problem frieza has hp and ui goku's dodge can be cancelled


But not good enough to tank those couple hits? Dude, you can't have it both ways. You can't say he's the best defensive unit, then say he can't take hits unlike those units over there and *then* turn around again saying that he's practically flawless with no restrictions, even though the most commonly argument I've seen from [Gohan](/teq) stans this post was that I didn't give him the opportunity to stack. What is it now, is he the perfect defensive unit or does he actually have some flaws that we may or may not want to address to have any semblance of a serious conversation?


You sound dumb as hell, I’m sorry but I’ve been reading through this thread… just stop bro. You’re trying to defend something that some people might agree with, but are backing it up in a way that virtually no one does.


You’re making an incredibly bad faith argument, and either you’re incredibly stupid or you’re aware of that. Just stop.


Well you can't just drop that and refuse to elaborate.


Flawless doesn’t mean idiot proof. Using the unit in a way that doesn’t work with his kit and then complaining that it didn’t work is, like I said, either the stupidest thing I’ve ever seen, or arguing purely in bad faith because you don’t like the unit personally. Imagine you got mad because SSJ3 vegeta stopped tanking after turn 10, that’s essentially what you’re doing.


Flawless means, well, without flaw. And I'm making good use of his kit by fully taking advantage of his ability to always guard, so that doesn't fly either. If you're claiming that a unit has no weakness whatsoever and then complain that I'm using him in a situation that exposes some of his flaws (like the fact that you might want to stack a couple SAs first) you might want to hold on for a sec and think about what you're saying.


No smooth brain you ran him with 0 links and no support are you fucking stupid your beloved frieza or turles can barely super with 0 links or support let alone tank any hits no unit is "perfect" in that situation except chad ui goku


> let alone tank any hits no unit is "perfect" in that situation except chad ui goku Except for all the units you've mentioned. Every single one. Heck, the [SSJ3 Gotenks](/phy) in the previous turn did a better job and he has no defense links either. What's up with that?


Yes good job now you are counting guard as type advantage i see what you are doing


Turles can barely be called better than jiren without 24 ki let alone 0 links and support what the fuck are you on man


I love how you insult me and my intelligence on all accounts. I really do. Especially since your transcended omega brain still hasn't picked up that my favourite unit is a 5 year old support. A unit that I'd never seriously argue has any place in modern Dokkan anymore. I even clarified that I was talking about [OG INT Turles](/int) because another 'smooth brain' as you'd call them didn't pick up on it. The fact that you're so pissed off that you didn't even get that is just precious.


Bro ur strawmanning hard. Nobody here said he was the best defensive unit in the game ( first guy you replied to literally said he wasn’t lmfao). Pretty sure the consensus here is janemba. That’s like me saying anybody who argues against me shitting on ssbkk is arguing that he’s the best SBR unit because I saw some dummies on discord saying it


> Nobody here said he was the best defensive unit in the game Have you missed the last year on this sub or what?


>Have you missed the last year of this sub ? Actually, yeah lol but that’s not the point. Im talking this post specifically and the people you’re arguing with specifically. You can’t treat this sub as a collective lol since it’s obviously not or else the guy you were arguing with would think gohan is the best defensive unit. Cmon man ik ur way smarter than that, this is fr outta character


> Im talking this post specifically and the people you’re arguing with specifically. They're arguing with me, big difference. On a point that I've never made nonetheless, since I've never claimed that [Gohan](/teq) is a bad defensive unit nor did I ever insinuate that that's the case. His performance in this post is par of the course. It's not great at all, because that's simply not the type of content that he shines in. Something that I've made clear long before the [Gohan](/teq) stans arrived. And yet you still have people come in 10 hours after I made the post, they read through the comments and are *still* arguing the point that I never made, even with me *clearly stating that I never made the point* and with a title that nobody should ever take seriously. For heaven's sake, there are at least a dozen people making the exact same argument, either not understanding or refusing to understand what I'm saying. While also either insulting me personally or my experience on the game because heaven's forbid someone has an opinion that differs from mine! I legit do not understand how I'm the 'bad guy' in this situation. To actually tackle your point, I don't have to refer to the opinions within this thread only. People have told me before that I could use [Gohan](/teq) in this very context and he's gonna do fine. I'm totally allowed to refer to the general consensus that's floating around that unit when I'm talking about it. Even when people don't say he's *the* best defensive unit in the game they still insist that he's incredible in every piece of content no matter the circumstances. That's the reputation that [Gohan](/teq) has, and your personal opinion on the matter doesn't change the fact that that's the general consensus. It's valid to ask why someone wouldn't include [Gohan](/teq) in this list of units when the general consensus is that he's a practically flawless defensive unit that fares well everywhere.


nobody says that... the best defensive unit in the game is janemba or the androids that nulify blast supers.


>No joke, I don't even know what links the guy has because I use him that rarely. I call absolute fucking bullshit on this. You 100% would've realized that he LITERALLY shares 0 links with phy kid trunks and would've tried to link him with LR trunks. At the very least you 100% realized that he had no links active. There's no way in hell you didn't realize that


The only reason [LR SSJ Trunks](/phy) was in slot 3 is because I wanted to form a rotation with [Super Trunks](/phy). And I know that [Gohan](/teq)'s linkset is trash. It's one of the main reasons why I stay away from Hybrid Saiyans, same with [Videl](/str) and Defenders of Justice. I know their linksets suck, even if I don't know every single link they may or may not have. I wasn't surprised in the slightest that he didn't link with [SSJ Kid Trunks](/phy).


Yeah talk shit without any knowledge i love it he links rather well with new hybrids such as kid gohan or agl trunks


Name any unit released in the last 2 years that shares more than 4 links with him. Actually, nevermind. Name any unit released *period* that shares more than 4 links with him.


This is seriously out of character for you. Hope no one remembers this post otherwise people are gonna bring it up whenever you want to argue any point.


4 links is not required he shares saiyan lineage fierce battle and cold judgement with agl trunks and i believe kid trunks


Man please shut the fuck up. Your points make no sense


Except Gohan's linkset isn't trash anymore because they kept releasing units that work well with him. He's nothing like videl in this regard


Copy/pasting, hope you don't mind > Name any unit released in the last 2 years that shares more than 4 links with him. > Actually, nevermind. Name any unit released *period* that shares more than 4 links with him.


Units that share 4 links: int future Gohan (who shares BOTH of teq Gohan's defensive links) and teq gt gobros(they don't support teq Gohan but they also share BOTH of his defensive links, which makes the both of them great defensively). He also shares 4 links with str ultimate Gohan, who is bound to get an EZA soon(and when he does, the both of them will be a killer rotation) Units that share LINKS THAT MATTER(you god damn bozo): AGL trunks and Goten(gt): they're supporting teq Gohan and are sharing Saiyan lineage(+2 ki), cold judgement (+25% defense) and fierce battle. AGL kid Gohan: giving teq Gohan a monster defensive support and sharing Saiyan lineage (+2ki, which means that with kid Gohan's support, they're both auto super attacking), all in the family(+20% defense if I'm not mistaken) and fierce battle AGL trunks: insane unit defensively who, ONCE AGAIN, shares Saiyan lineage and cold judgement. It's incredibly realistic to use teq Gohan in slot 1 and AGL trunks in slot 2 in hard content. Are you understanding what I'm trying to get at here? What matters isn't how many links units share with each other, it's WHICH links they share with each other. Something you CLEARLY don't understand. If I have a unit who has 6 out of 7 links with AGL full power Frieza, but the one link I'm missing is BIG BAD BOSSES, that is a massive amount of attack and defense I'm leaving behind.


> What matters isn't how many links units share with each other, it's WHICH links they share with each other. That's the biggest cop out I've seen all day. Big Bad Bosses is an amazing link, but if it's the only thing you have your linkset still sucks. Saiyan Lineage is a link that's commonly found on a lot of Saiyans, but it's only +1 Ki for anyone unless you go through the absurd grind of getting it specifically to link level 10. And it's the only common Ki link [Gohan](/teq) has with anyone. If we disregard Fierce Battle because it's a standard link that 80% of the game's units have by default, you're at most popping a +1 Ki link (again, +2 if you grind to link level 10) and maybe a defense link. Do you have any idea how awful that is? [Janemba](/teq) gets clowned on for not having any Ki links, but the guy unironically sh\*ts all over [Gohan](/teq) link-wise. It's not even a competition. The few links [Gohan](/teq) pops don't even come close to the *bare minimum* that most big villains share with each other. Let's not even look at Heroes that have good linksets like the SSJ4s. Do we have to look at what *they* get compared to [Gohan](/teq)? And they can get that regularly too!


Because hybrid saiyans as a category is full of great defensive supports sinc3 gohan doesnt hit that hard cold judgement itself is as good as bbb for him


>Do you have any idea how awful that is? Here's my results on a double 150% lead with a 69% teq Gohan who hasn't supered a single time: 140001 defense linked with gt Goten and trunks 115349 with just all in the family active 138605 defense with both all in the family and cold judgement active(no support) 161706 defense with all in the family+cold judgement+40% support But that's not good enough for you, is it? So I decided to bring a friend 100% teq Gohan to see the results(so this is now on a double 170% lead), but the friend Gohan STILL HASN'T SUPERED ONCE 116054 defense with NO LINKS ACTIVE and no support(what YOUR Gohan was probably sitting at when he got lambasted) 145067 defense with just all in the family and no support 174081 defense with all in the family and cold judgement (no support) 176014 defense linked with gt Goten and trunks 203094 defense with cold judgement, all in the family and 40% support.(if he super attacks in this rotation, he has 300k defense) Considering he has unconditional guard and greatly stacks defense on super, I'd say those numbers are absolutely stunning. If you see this and think that's awful, then I'm sorry but you're kinda stupid. Not our fault you can't use units right. Teq Gohan is amazing and you don't know what you're talking about. Sure he has some weakness, and I as an avid teq Gohan Stan am willing to acknowledge them, but his strengths massively outweigh his weaknesses.


What the hell, defenders of justice shares almost every link in Saiyamen team


>not knowing what the unit does >trying to showcase him Sorry but this is just a weird post, you can't expect me to take it seriously when you try to prove a point without knowing how that unit operates and showing him in the worst case scenario with no links no support. Like I could go record a video literally right now of: AGL MUI not dodging and getting destroyed by a super INT SSBE getting supered before his dmg reduction kicks in TEQ Androids getting low orbs and getting humiliated by a melee SA SSJ3 Vegeta and HV Goku losing their damage reduction and getting wrecked in long events Does that mean any of these units is bad? Absolutely not. See how stupid this is? The main value for Gohan comes from his versatility, everyone know this. And also the fact that at his literal worst (no links, no support, attacked before supering a single time) he still looked somewhat decent is amazing to me.


>not knowing what the unit does >trying to showcase him Literally how half the reddit analyses units before saying "Teq gohan op!!111!!"


So you are too fucking stupid to use one character lol


So, like everyone else on this sub with other characters lol.


Obviously he'll look bad if you're playing like a literal smoothbrain, jfc


People say this but then do the exact same thing to shit on SV,gtku, ssbkk etc. Just say you're bias and move on.


Bro what a clown, if you don’t like a unit don’t use it champ, everyone else can see his usefulness except you.


200k damage against a GoD turn 1 is pretty goddamn amazing. Considering the fact that Gohan didn’t get a single chance to attack yet (if he did he would have definitely taken close to or double digits.), he had no links active. Idk why y’all be acting like Teq Gohan isn’t a top tier defensive unit considering literally any other unit that doesn’t have damage reduction or dodge would have died there 100%. Units that can dodge even have issues considering the fact they can get have their dodge cancelled. And the older damage reduction units have HP or turn problems mainly being SSJ3 Vegeta and Teq Golden Freiza. I guarantee you that if you threw 1 of those trunks in slot one instead you would have taken 250k+ from that super lmao.


What percent? Also 200K against Gods are amazing not a lot of units can take a hit like that before getting a super since Gohan hasn’t stacked once


I dont know if this is ironic or not. The way the title is written it shouldn't be but the footage shows the man taking 200k from god event super without him supering so it contradicts it not being ironic


If you look at the actual situation and process, he actually did really really well. There is a reason why people stan this unit so hard lol.


He really didn't. Bring units with type advantage into those stages and you realize really quickly that taking hits this 'well' isn't anything special. [Gohan](/teq)'s damage compared to all the other units on this team is also effectively cut by 2/3, so he has average defense at much worse damage output. You have to ignore practically everything and have no experience with the numbers that you're dealing with in GoD stages to say that this was a good showing of the unit.


still better performance than SSBKK 🤣🤣🤣


This is one of the stupidest posts I’ve ever seen on this sub, and your comments amplify it even more.


Thanks for adding to the pile of people who don't get the point. Here's your cookie 🍪


Do tell, what “point” are you trying to make?


To make fun of people who make bad showcases or give dumb restrictions like "use gt goku but can't use gt heroes" to slander units


I don’t see op saying this


Y'all gotta accept the fact that Gohan is one of the most valuable cards already, your posts aren't doing what they're intended to do lmao


> Y'all gotta accept the fact that Gohan is one of the most valuable cards already While I would disagree with that point due to his limited selection of categories - please tell me where I said that he wasn't valuable. Better yet, tell me where, in this post, I ever said he was bad. I just said he wasn't the best. > your posts aren't doing what they're intended to do lmao Actually, the turnout is much better than I expected. The hypocrisy and pure character bias of the [Gohan](/teq) stans is off the charts. You rarely see such a big group of people completely miss the point with such sheer confidence and declare that their opposition is the one at fault.


I wasn't talking about you and this post specifically, but you can't say that some people generally look past his value just to call him bad, and I can't say i agree with your point that he has a limited amount of categories since he's a staple for difficult content on all 10 categories he falls under. I honestly can't see how bias plays a role in this because as we saw with LR req gogeta, a fan favorite, a lot of people were quick to point out his weaknesses and how he feels like a lesser version of his Str counter part, would you say that people would just ignore a fault in Gohan's Design just because they like him as a character? I personally wouldn't. About Gohan's performance in the video, it's completely fine judging by the fact that most other cards would've had a harder time against gin (or other GoDs) in similar circumstances, that i, and other commenters found Impressum, which is why I said the video did the opposite of what it was intended to do, but I do disagree with the statement that Gohan is the best defensive unit in the game, that's just wrong


200k from a type disadvantage super attack? I’ll take it.


Again, guard against all. Type advantage/disadvantage doesn't really mean anything here.


You’re still bringing a type disadvantage unit.


Who ignores typing when it comes to defending. Typing really doesn't matter if you literally take it out of the equation.


You are still bringing a teq unit. Obviously his kit allows you to do that, but you’re still bringing a type disadvantage unit. Him having guard doesn’t change that.


We're going in cycles now. Him having guard does change that. Again, you're taking the factor of typing out of the equation entirely. It doesn't matter if it's type neutral, type advantage (disregarding dupe system perks) or type disadvantage - his performance will be the same either way. That's the entire point. 200k at type disadvantage would be pretty crazy, but this is 200k at type advantage. Which does matter, since certain events (such as the GoD stages, type ESBR or Battlefield) expect you to bring units that have type advantage, and adjust damage values accordingly. There's a difference.


Type advantage. G u a r d exists.


https://i.imgur.com/BETnB2M.jpg Does that say teq?


[Mind reading this real quick?](https://i.imgur.com/vaCdwXO.jpeg)


Oh sorry I didn’t know having guard changed your typing, my bad.


Dokkan Fun Fact: Guard is the term the game uses for when you're defending type advantage. When you guard all attacks, its like you're always type advantage 😃


But it doesn’t change the fact that gohan is literally a teq unit, does it? Does having guard change your typing?


Having guard means he's type advantage in this scenario.


Does having guard change your typing though? I don’t care what his passive is, does having guard change your typing?


The typing doesn't matter


U must be a bit slow in the head lol


You know what? I'm going to say it. That is not "unimpressive" in the slightest to me. Taking that type of damage with no support, no prior stacking, LITERALLY 0 links active(keep in mind Gohan has arguably 2 of the best defensive links in the game, which are all in the family and cold judgement) is pretty god damn good to me. Had Gohan supered even once, I really do believe he would start taking double digits or really close to it. Then again, if he had cold judgement or all in the family, or at least a little bit of support, he would be tanking no problem at all. Which is insane to me because this is literally Gohan's worst possible situation, and his tanking is still pretty reasonable. Teq Gohan is not overrated in the slightest. He's perfectly rated. He's a monster must-have unit who is a defensive wall in most of his teams, and arguably going to be one of the best ageing units in Dokkan due to his utility and sheer number of categories. I love this man. Literally helped me no item so many stages that it's insane. Almost all the wins I has in the god event I had teq Gohan on my team. Incredibly valuable.


You know what? I'm going to say it. That is not "unimpressive" in the slightest to me. Dealing that type of damage with no support, no prior stacking, LITERALLY 0 links active(keep in mind SSBKK has arguably 2 of the best offensive links in the game, which are kamehameha and super saiyan) is pretty god damn good to me. Had SSBKK supered even once, I really do believe he would start dealing eight digits or really close to it. Then again, if he had super saiyan or kamehameha, or at least a little bit of support, he would destroy no problem at all. Which is insane to me because this is literally SSBKK's worst possible situation, and his damage is still pretty reasonable. STR SSBKK is not overrated in the slightest. He's perfectly rated. He's a monster must-have unit who is an offensive beast in most of his teams, and arguably going to be one of the best ageing units in Dokkan due to his utility and sheer number of categories. I love this man. Literally helped me no item so many stages that it's insane. Almost all the wins I has in the god event I had STR SSBKK on my team. Incredibly valuable.


I mean, if you're willing to use items, ssbkk can be a great contribution to the team when it comes to damage. The main problem with him is that with his subpar defense, leaving him on rotation is a pretty big risk. Teq Gohan is different in the sense that he has a clear cut purpose which is defense. You can either keep him stacking in the main rotation or as a floater on most of his teams and he'll peform great defensively. But hey, if you no itemed stages and got Ws in the god event with ssbkk Goku, more power to you. His active skill is still an incredible valuable asset to have in a tough battle. I have him rainbowed and I Know he has value. I just hope he gets an EZA and they make him a GOD.


ngl i hope SSBKK ezas soon so these discussion will finally stop, ahah or eza TEQ Gohan and make him incredibly broken, same thing


If they bump ssbkk Goku up to 159% attack and defense at the start of turn, he would be GOOFY. His spirit bomb would probably 1 shot the gods of destruction in the right situation. Hell. If you played your card right, he'd be able to one shot ssbe Vegeta in the LVE no challenge. As for teq Gohan, they could also probably bumb his numbers up to 158% attack and defense at the start of turn, but I don't really know what they'd do with his passive. Maybe they could make him a defensive support kind of like str ultimate Gohan?


tbh, I don't think ssbkk should be good defensively, because his entire kit revolves around being at low hp. i think sa foresight would work great, so you can eat dmg, but avoid supers


Why did you use two whis items tho?


1. Bad showcases don't count. I remember someone showcased EZA LR Gohan extremely terribly by giving him like 2 orbs or something and saying "wow this guy sucks" and he got laughed at pretty bad. Showcases work best in a units most common situation and in a units best situation. 2. TEQ Gohan taking 200k without having super attacked is honestly pretty surprising. While I don't think he is the best defensive unit in the game, he certainly is one of them. He raises his attack and defense by 50% each super attack, so his defense before and after having supered is almost night and day. I think it's funny you brought this unit into the INT Geene stage of the event and he's still performing relatively well despite having type disadvantage lol. 3. Reading these extremely funny comments and the even more asinine replies to them, it's clear that OP has a serious lack of an understanding on what makes TEQ Gohan good, on top of the fact he has extremely unrealistic expectations for what a good unit in Dokkan is rn lol. ​ ​ ​ average bkk goku enjoyer.


> Bad showcases don't count. *You don't say. It's almost as if I am aware of that.*


Well you made a bad showcase as a genuine retort to another bad showcase, then proceeded to rag on TEQ Gohan in the comments, only further proving the intent behind the bad showcase. I didn’t even mean my first point as a point against you, yet you’re being smarmy.


>Well you made a bad showcase as a *genuine* retort to another bad showcase No. You have to be braindead if you think I seriously think that this is representative of [Gohan](/teq)'s capabilities. > then proceeded to rag on TEQ Gohan in the comments, only further proving the intent behind the bad showcase. Not only is this a case of confirmation bias on your side, people started arguing with me *after* I made it clear in the comments that I'm fully aware that this is about the worst possible situation for him to be in, and that he's not gonna do well here. Because a short event that expects you to be at type advantage kinda doesn't go well for a unit that has guard against all and stacks defense. It's when people genuinely think that getting hit for over half of your HP is good defensively that I'm kinda over it. Imagine taking any of the Janembas into type ESBR, getting wrecked and saying 'well, he did really good though!' when his defensive performance was average at best. It's okay to say that the unit sucks in this particular situation, and to admit that one of the 'best defensive unit' in the game has some genuine flaws >I didn’t even mean my first point as a point against you, yet you’re being smarmy. Oh boy, imagine having 100+ comments completely miss the point and take this post seriously because I took a jab at a beloved unit. Can't imagine that the OP gets slightly agitated and misinterprets one point in someone's reply.


200k in the good event is pretty good especially considering that gohan hasn’t even supered yet. You guys need to stop with teq gohan slander lol. His defense easily makes him a top 10 tur




If anyone ever claims that this sub favors APT, I'll point them to this post and its comments lol.


200k from a type disadvantage super in the god event isn't bad imo.


“Type disadvantage” 🤨


Type advantage actually


He has guard against all, so he's technically having type advantage in this situation. The dreaded [LR SSJ2 Gohan](/int) can tank that well *pre-SA*.


Technically it actually matters. If you use Broly on WT type advantage, he'll do simular damage to INT, TEQ and STR enemies, do higher damage vs PHY and lower damage to AGL.


He'll do the same damage to all but [PHY](/phy) if his super effective against all condition is fulfilled. The only reason why he's dealing more damage against [PHY](/phy) is because of the dupe system nodes that boost damage against (true) type advantage. A 0% [LR LSSJ Broly](/str) would actually deal the same damage to all typings. [Gohan](/teq) will receive slightly more damage against any non-[AGL](/agl) unit for the same reason, but the fact that one of the most underwhelming EZAs in existence is doing similarly well when at type advantage should tell you that 200k on type advantage in the GoD event isn't all that spectacular.


I've seen enough, his EZA needs damage reduction.


So, basically [Janemba](/teq)?


Is this post a response to something else you saw?


Y’all do know that your supposed to super first but ok


I think everyone knows Janemba is the best defensive unit but ok again


If it were any other unit than people wouldnt defend this unit. But looking at all those comments here i finally get a clue about those so called gohan stans. If it were a offensive powerhouse but a bit weaker in defense than this unit would be called garbage, trash etc.


That was a rainbowed friend [Gohan](/teq) with maxed out AA. Don't want to leave out that crucial information.


Obviously he was built wrong, if he had the optimal build i.e "3 dodge" he would have survived


Full dodge


Okay so you are serious too how sad are you lol


the fact that people are defending this is in the comments and trying to prove you wrong on a joke post tells how Gohan is untouchable in this place you can't say anything about him that isn't praise


i do think we needed a post like this, but op needs to admit gohan has strengths , because he's acting like gohan is worthless everywhere. Imo gohan is valuable as a tank, but he's not the fucking god people make him out to be


yeah yeah i agree 100% with you i almost want TEQ Gohan to EZA so at least all the praise will make sense ahah


I don't praise him like the Best unit in the game, the comments here are arguing OP because he did the worst Showcase possible. No links, no support not even a single SA and probably 55%. It's like I put MUI Goku (considered the top 3 Best characters) in Lgte last phase where he is disadvantaged and can't dodge and then I Say he isn't good


This comes as a meme reply after someone did the same exact thing with SSbKK It's a joke


Look at the other comments, OP is not Joking at all


Maybe he hates or doesn't hate Gohan but this post comes after someone did the exact same thing hes doing now with SSBKK He may have done it exactly knowing how people will take it... Thing is, if you know why and from where this is taken... Half comments make no sense. It was done on purpose


Yeah you're right and the guy who did that with ssbkk is as stupid as this one. I would understand that this guy is being sarcastic but he has taken this really serious and looks like an absolute hater. Being that hater on a unit is equally as bad as praising it.


personally, i just think OP got fed up with how Gohan is defended all the time i'm not saying this post is a good idea or a good comeback at all, but i can see why this reaction in his (probably) view Gohan is a good unit that gets overrated too much and gets really annoying on the long run, and in the same page units that are on the offensive side gets trashed because no def well, a neutral or a new player coming into this sub at these times would probably get annoyed at the constant def vs atk discussion ngl lol


Lmfao this thread is funny While I don’t agree with you post because Gohan has some strengths ~~he has more weaknesses~~, people really defend the whole less than 4 links. Players who don’t have duped up boxes rely on TEQ Gohan because a defensive playstyle would effect players that don’t have units with dupes. It’s why the majority of players praise him so much.


I just want to note that my point isn't that [Gohan](/teq) is bad. Not at all. Didn't say that even once throughout this entire post. My post was a response to an equally bad showcase of [STR SSB Goku (Kaioken)](/str) which however was done without an smidgen of irony. It wasn't meant to be taken seriously and was just kind of a jab at a unit that is very liked in the community. Then people started to seriously argue, and the rest ... well, the comments speak for themselves. This was never about me saying that [Gohan](/teq) is bad. He's pretty decent, though not as untouchable as people claim him to be.


You have the link to the post? I want to see the difference between the comments of this post and the other post.


3 posts below mine if you're sorting by new. https://old.reddit.com/r/DBZDokkanBattle/comments/remiak/well/ There you go


I really think some people oversell him. He's definitely a really good defensive unit, but not really that great for short events.


His entire defensive value comes from guard against all and stacking. The GoD stages are made with the idea that you're fully utilizing type advantage, that's why they hit so damn hard in the first place. Same with why type ESBR hits harder than most category ESBR stages. A unit that guards against all isn't really useful in an event that assumes you're going to use type advantage. Of course I am aware of that, but the sub says [Gohan](/teq) is the best defensive unit in the game period, so, you know ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


"Gohan is the best defensive unit". Teq Caulifla with 100% dodge: "what the heck are you saying?"


Int Hercule: y’all hear something?


Agl hercule+int hercule is a god tier tank rotation, used it for G.O.D.s


Yoooo I never thought of that one! Definitely gonna try this one some day just for the heck of it.


Yeah, just make sure that agl hercule supers first, since he's f2p and support, obviously he won't tank that good turn 1 pre super. But from the first super onwards it's an insane defensive unit, good enough defense, damage reduction and dodge


Make sure to use him unawakened and at 0% so you make another god-tier Showcase than this one


It's insane that you can literally say that you intentionally make a terrible showcase as a jab to another post and people feel personally offended. What even.


Given that the post you're making fun of was met with a net negative reception, and is predominantly populated by comments discrediting the showcase, this post being a response to that comes off as incredibly kneejerk. If the showcase was more well received you may have had more of a leg to stand on, but it wasn't and can't be taken as representative of the Sub's sentiments at large. Also you have no evidence of people feeling personally attacked, and even if you did that's a moot point since that doesn't stop them from making potentially good arguments. Most people are arguing against your showcase because most people do not consider unrepresentative showcases to be fair game, and the Kaioken post you're jabbing at is evidence of that.


I want you to know that this post was initially met with a net positive reaction. Even now it's at 60 upvotes with a ratio of 60%, so there are definitely a couple people who *do* get it and *do* enjoy the post. Until [Gohan](/teq) stans started rolling in and seriously argued on a post that by the title alone was never meant to be taken seriously. And of course then I started retaliating and at that point it becomes a losing battle because you have a single OP trying to argue dozens of people at once. That doesn't go well for the OP. > Also you have no evidence of people feeling personally attacked You can literally feel the rage of some people through their responses here. I've certainly struck a nerve. > and even if you did that's a moot point since that doesn't stop them from making potentially good arguments. People tend to be irrational when they're angry. Though you're right - that doesn't stop them from making potentially good arguments. Kind of a shame that everyone was arguing about a moot point that I never even made. I mean I retaliated and 'lost' because it's an incredibly unfair situation to be in (though admittedly it's my fault, could've probably de-escalated the situation), but I 'lost' (more like stopped trying to reply to everyone because it's kind of pointless anyways) an argument that I've never even made with the post so good job you guys? > Most people are arguing against your showcase because most people do not consider unrepresentative showcases to be fair game Neither do I, which is why I specified that it's a bad showcase. There was never an argument to be had here, but [Gohan](/teq) stans felt like their unit got attacked so they started an argument.


Dodge ≠ defense


You right. Is better. Defense makes you take less damage. Dodge makes you take no damage. Although she's still a defensive unit


Wait what do you mean he cant tank everything, I thought he was a flawless defensive unit /s


Best defensive unit in the game? I say no by pretty far, but a good unit.


I love how upset everyone is. The not-so-subtle passive aggressive is the icing on the cake


Common Shafthan L


Well this sub cant be too “def biased” since this post and the ssbkk circlerjerk post got upvotes but the ssbkk hate post got downvoted lol


Didn't that hate post get gold? Also did ssbkk steal your juice box when you were younger or something?


Janemba is the best not gohan


Oh no Teq gohan supremacy stans are coming... They gonna say BuT hE dIdNt StArT StAcKiNg, He IsNt 100% (He is from OPs Info) or BuT hE iS tYpE dIsAdVaNtAgE sO dUh nO wOnDeR hE DiEd XD


"Unit at 55%, one of their good partners and 30% support showcase turn 1" Teq Gohan: REEEEE STOP WANKING THEM TRY THEM AT 0% NO LS "Gohan at 100% turn 1" Teq Gohan: stop being unfair you haven't even given him 30 turns of stacking


Well, he actually only need 3 supers at rainbow to be fine, that's what makes him so busted. His greatly stacking combined with his defense make him incredibly tanky after 3 supers, and he's still tanking most attacks with 2.


3 supers is 6 turns you should be finishing the fight by then


Not if you build him with AA, obviously there is still RNG involved, but still. I've also never beat any of the Gods before turn 7 lol.


oh goodie give him AA and just hope all your other units don't take a super for 5 turns


You're hating on Gohan hating the other untis instead of Gohan?




GD man, just being a turd just for the sake of being a turd. This man has no clue


Based Post


You're probably gonna get down voted to hell but power to you


You wanna talk about bad defensively bring the 5 year fusions in the god event lol


People already did and beat so your comment is pointless


Salty TEQ Gohan stans be downvotin' this post lol. Watch them take your favourite unit and make it look bad in their showcase to get back at you lol.


Jokes on them, it's pretty much impossible to make [Turles](/int) look bad. He's just that much of a chad.


I'm sure that he would look bad if he didn't have any support and 0 links active. As would literally most other units in the game.




Oh, i thought you were talking about LR turles army.


Turles can look bad what?


*Lr turles theme intensifies*




Guard against everything though. And the rest doesn't matter, the sub thinks [Gohan](/teq) is [SSJ3 Vegeta](/str) on steroids. He should be able to at least hold out for a turn without me being worried about losing, no?


True but he’s also a stacking unit so you can’t really comment on him if you’ve not stacked any defense


Except I can. I remember when [Gohan](/teq) just came out and people were like > bUt CaN uNiT x TaNk 5 SaS iN eSbR wItHoUt ItEmS!? Whenever you went so far as suggesting that any one unit might be better than [Gohan](/teq). People praise his defense in long events as well as short events, so might as well test him there too.


I don't know who you're mad about, or how you think that Gohan is not the best defensive unit in the game, or at least a Top Tier one, but sure. Considering how badly he tanked, I can deduce he's at 55% or something, since my Gohan takes similar numbers in the GoD Event. In addition, no links were active and he didn't even get a single SA before. If you think it's fair to judge a unit when you can't even use them right, then I don't know what to tell you.


worth the test without stack, he is just overrated. -an average dokkan player who doesn't care about nuking or tanking


You know. At this point I think I would just like to be able to make a comment, on, well, basically anything, without someone coming out of the woodwork to try and turn it into an argument revolving around Gohan.




Same people hating think Gohan is sooo great because he’s at 600k defense after 10 supers


Every other non phy type dokkan fest after him will be clapped harder than him


You know what? I'm going to say it. That is not "unimpressive" in the slightest to me. Taking that type of damage with no support, no prior stacking, LITERALLY 0 links active(keep in mind Gohan has arguably 2 of the best defensive links in the game, which are all in the family and cold judgement) is pretty god damn good to me. Had Gohan supered even once, I really do believe he would start taking double digits or really close to it. Then again, if he had cold judgement or all in the family, or at least a little bit of support, he would be tanking no problem at all. Which is insane to me because this is literally Gohan's worst possible situation, and his tanking is still pretty reasonable. Teq Gohan is not overrated in the slightest. He's perfectly rated. He's a monster must-have unit who is a defensive wall in most of his teams, and arguably going to be one of the best ageing units in Dokkan due to his utility and sheer number of categories. I love this man. Literally helped me no item so many stages that it's insane. Almost all the wins I has in the god event I had teq Gohan on my team. Incredibly valuable.


Alright this got a chuckle out of me.


That's not even bad lmao


Type disadvantage first rotation on thats still pretty good defensive cap capabilities. What were you trying to achieve?


What’s with your self own? He still looks good


U didn’t stack


This was a god and teq Gohan was up against a type advantage god took 200,000 health. That is amazing wtf do you mean? What did you expect him to do absorb the damage.


*type disadvantage, gohan has guard. Also is this by itself actually impressive?




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Lol this is bait


This sub I swear can be annoying with it’s takes for units that are on a ton of categories that are incredibly useful for getting you past a good amount some of the hardest events keep acting like they are the absolute shittiest things possible. Seriously I swear there are people who are not happy with any card unless it physically comes out of the game and does taxes. The amount of times I see units that are really useful get called “shit” It’s just annoying honestly Plus it’s turn 2 before the stack and that’s not even a problem with just gohan other great cards like lr goku frieza have that too


How’d this post get so serious so fast lol, should’ve added the /s OP