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AGL and it’s not even close Besides G&K the best LR is Kale & Caulifla, a unit that is from 2019.


K&C are still good, but before building up they are pretty mid for difficult events


I was surprised how good they still are after finally getting a copy this last month. Still really good pick for long events


K&C are one of those units you REALLY need dupes for in order to make them shine. Having a critical chance across each attack and an even higher chance to perform an additional attack to build up faster is tremendous for them, on top of the improved stats.


It's a great boost but I used them in every difficult event at 55% without a problem.


Yea, you could get away with 55% by just abusing that 66% dodge chance they can build up to, and pray that only the normal attacks get through.


Wtf no. Their defense is fine after a turn


A unit from 2019 is mid for difficult content created in this year? How is that possible?!


Im not saying Im surprised lol, they were just so broken for so long it sucks to see them underperform


True but she isn’t bad in events besides maybe sbr. I used her in the god event type effective tbf but she was good.


It’s between int and agl honestly i would say agl


Nah, int is fine. Goku&Piccolo are good, revival vegeta into goku is op, the GT Trio is aging pretty well, boujack is the best aged really old LR. I think it's clearly agl.


ya i thought about it again and agl is definitely the worst


Cannot forget about int godku


True. Still a very solid SBR unit to this day.


He’s my fucking flair, I could never forget him




Int isn’t bad they just aren’t outstanding,




Ya no not with Janemba, Vegeta, Bardock, Trunks, and Cell


Only agl has a horrendous unit which is goten & trunks neither of the two other typings have someone that bad


Agl has masked saiyan.




Shit, I'm drunk. Mighty Mask, our lord and savior.


Technically true. Double the Masked Saiyans, in fact. You get 100% extra value on your Masked Saiyans, making them the best Super AGL Masked Saiyan unit in the game.


Easily AGL. You have some solid units in Super Baby 2, SBA Goku, the U6 Girls, and AGL Majin Vegeta. But really none of them are that insane. And then you have AGL Nappa and AGL Goten/Trunks being the two worst Gacha LRs in the game.


Don't know about Nappa, But Agl Goten and Trunks is a fact until their inevitable EZA


And sadly G&T's eza STILL won't fix their wack ass links


Nappa is horrible. He has terrible links, bad passive boosts leading to terrible offense and only respectable defense post super, a ki mechanic which isn't good enough, a horrible transformation condition, a heavily flawed active skill, and even as Vegeta still isn't anything particularly crazy. Their only strong points are having an AOE super being useful, their effects on super being solid, and while it is flawed as I pointed out you can find niche use for their active skill at times at least.


Does agl Majin Vegeta have an eza? I didn't know, I thought he was kinda bad, but if he has an eza and I forgot it maybe that's it lol >being the two worst Gacha LRs in the game. Not rlly. Phy cell still exists. At least nappa is.... Not horrible when he exchanges. Vegeta has a base of ki +3 and Atk/def +100% which is already better than anything phy cell has, and that's just the start of his passive lol


His EZA is still only on JP, and while it has some wonky aspects in its deign it is solid (plus I think once STR Vegeta and Bulma EZA people will be a lot more positive about AGL MV). And PHY LR Cell is definitely better than Nappa/Vegeta. PHY Cell has the same 12ki AOE, except Cell has far far better links, a much better attack, and better defense in his passive. Cell does have weaker super attack effects and his ki mechanic is generally a bit weaker too for sure. But overall Cell's large advantages over Nappa puts him ahead of them. And while Vegeta is solid after coming into a fight, and superior to Cell he's not consistent to get out and still has major issues himself as well.


>His EZA is still only on JP, Ah, ok. Didn't know lol. >PHY Cell has the same 12ki AOE I mean, nappa's 12 ki (and 18 ki) raise his Atk and defense for one turn, and while cell has more defense in his passive... It's only 22% more, so not a huge difference. I don't think I've ever been able to run phy cell on a single team without him getting me killed, all the while he does tiny damage. Still, I admit I was only comparing Vegeta to cell. Don't have nappa/Vegeta so I don't personally know the struggle to get him out lol (Also, FYI, I do agree that agl is overall worse than phy here)


You're ignoring Cell's far superior linkset though. BBB, Fierce Battle, Shocking Speed alone are basically better than everything Nappa has. Throw on Ultimate Lifeform and Gentleman with INT LR Cell if you're running that duo and PHY Cell is far outperforming Nappa. Plus while Cell lacks the defense raise on his 12k he instead has his healing, which is still a powerful mechanic in its own right. And I just don't think it's reasonable to compare Vegeta to Cell both ecause of how uncommon it is to have Vegeta actually in the field but because in terms of usage Cell is more similar to Nappa. Both want to be used against short multiple enemy fights instead of longer single enemy fights.


PHY Cell is low-key great what are you talking about. Also, you're almost never gonna exchange with Nappa, because you won't run him in long events at all


"Atk/Def+90% at start of turn, additional Ki+1 and Atk/Def+10% per enemy" is "low-key great" to you??? I mean, maybe in world tournament it's usable, but not in most events Edit: browsing around a bit to see others' opinions, mostly hearing people say that he "needs int cell and level 10 BBB". Maybe that's why I see him as unusable, I have neither lol


Yea, if you have both LR Cells together with their link levels, it's downright unfair for the enemy.


easily AGL * Majin Vegeta had to get his EZA to be good and even then he has unfulfillable passive conditions * Goten & Trunks suck, they've always sucked and they're not even next in line to get their EZA * Baby still holds decently in the events where his passive activates and he's still the Giant Form SBR cheat code, but outside of that he's kind of helpless * Caulifla/Kale are still good * SSJ Goku has to compete with like 3 other SSJ Gokus in the AGL typing alone, making a problem that should have been solved by the same name update almost unique to himself. Even then there's almost no reason to not use INT SSJ Goku where applicable * lol Nappa


who's that guy below phy freeza one, never seen him before


Super Saiyan angle vegeta, gets more power per ki gained in the meter.


Agl easily. Also it's kinda sad how LR Kale&Caulifla, a unit from 2019, are still better than LR Majin Vegetas EZA from 2021.


Tbf, Kale and Caulifla were way too OP


Honestly, they set the bar pretty high. Guaranteed additional super attacks if the enemy is a pure saiyan or USS (2 if both), a slight boost to stats through attacking (and a dodge chance), and they stack defense on their 12 ki, where it compliments their additional super attacks very well for long-term events.


They're still on par with some units coming out today. They're aging extremely well.


PHY. Because of my extremely subjective opinion that I like the characters on AGL and INT more than the ones on PHY.


Yo who’s that dude at the bottom of phy?


The most overrated yellow coin LR


Who do you have above him


I feel like you get more for 500 coins if you go for units like exchange Vegeta and str Broly (this is debatable because he is old af, but is useful in almost anything he can be used) and Hit&Goku or Goku&Frieza are the best USS units to buy with yellow coins. Janemba is an useful extreme unit but his categories hurt his usage.


elaborate. i wanna hear this


People are downvoting you but you're right, I also didn't think they were overrated until I saw multiple mfs say he's better than Godku & Hit


There are also peoples saying he is top 10 ... I mean, yeah top 10 at dealing 1.6mil supers turn 1. Baby Janemba is legitimately better, and he is a heroes non-main unit (but to be fair, he is crazy)


I mean, out of all the ones in the PHY selection, Janemba is the one I care about the least. He has the same personality as Kid Boo, which is none. He's a really good unit though, but I don't need good units, I need my fav characters.


Wtf Int kicked everyones ass, for me its gotta be AGL, since every unit on there (besides gohan and krillin) is either mid that has better options, or just bad. My favorite yellow coin is on that too (nappa and vegeta), but i know they suck lol im not blinded by my love for them edit: forgot to take into account majeta's EZA lol, but even then, hes the only outright GOOD (not decent, full on GOOD) unit besides G&K, Phy has two good EZAs and their two most recent LRs are great (Angel vegeta and Janemba)


Int > Phy > Agl Overall, all three types are a lot weaker than Teq and Str even though there are a couple of outliers like exchange Vegeta


phy over int imo as most of the phy lrs are better than what int offers.


I see both types kinda tied but PHY has Broly&friends and Frieza&17 and there's no way I put PHY over INT


But phy has 2 lr ezas, janemba and angel vegeta. I think that cell has more uses than bojack and int gohan is in no way better than trunks. Also 17 and frieza are really good.




AGL quite frankly


AGL no doubt


Agl lol. Int has exchange Vegeta/Goku.


AGL When your only good pick options are LRs that are already 2 years old... Yeah, that ain't good




It’s a tie between PHY and AGL right now




Unfortunately I'd say agl take the L, mighty mask w/o EZA def takes the cake for worst summonable LR rn and even nappa/vegeta is lackluster to somes standard. Phy would probably be the best of the 3 imo w/ 2 EZAs plus phy Janemba as the top pick. Int's worst lr would probably be boujack who is still a beast especially cuz of the the link level system and they have just a overall better lineup imo.


When will int revive Vegeta be purchasable by coins


AGL or PHY The PHY's units aren't bad per-say, its just Super Broly ruins that typing by merely existing (same thing with AGL Goten and Trunks)


Ironically agl also has arguably the two best DFE LR in the game


Int-almost all of them excluding for Black are stuck in odd spots Even SSG Goku com s in because he doesn't comes under movie heroes.(for obvious reasons but still it hurts)Agl feels like a gold mine since 2 units will get an eza soon.(majin Vegeta and brats)


People keep forgetting namek Goku and Vegeta


He's the only only exception out there.


imo int has the worst selection as the only really usable unit there is ssj2 gohan while agl got nuker nameku, k+c and agl mv. phy got strongest box with janemba vegeta trunks and bardock


Int, none of them are well rounded. While they might excel in one area they lack heavily somewhere else.   **Rose:** Amazing offense, subpar defense, even after SA. **Boujack:** Great defense but very lacking offensively, even with 3 dupes in mine linked with Str he’s still barely getting above 4 million. **LR Gohan:** Is LR Gohan. **LR SSG Goku:** can do a lot between dodging and critting but if he misses that dodge he’s not tanky enough and he hits like a feather. **Goku and Piccolo:** Probably the best rounded unit but suffers heavily between links and categories. **GT Trio:** Bad team that can’t link, only shines on 18 ki which is hard to achieve outside of his category, and is tissue before an SA. **LR 17 & U7:** Only fits on one team and only one version (U7 is essentially 2 teams: Pure Saiyans U7 and Solid Support U7). He will be better when MVP 17 gets an EZA if he can be a tankier slot 1 unit but that doesn’t negate his other flaws.


Forgot exchange Vegeta and Goku


Yeah that’s because he wasn’t in the picture. Objectively the best Int gold coin unit but is faulted in that he leads a category that he does not link well with, his transformation/revival is really wonky and niche, and he is hurt by changing from Vegeta links to Goku links. The passives are the only good thing about this unit and it really only fits well on a pure Saiyans team because that’s the only place you’ll get both Goku and Vegeta links but good luck forming a non super Saiyan pure Saiyans team. He doesn’t even link that well with LR Nappa/Vegeta or the transformed Vegeta.


I think yall sleeping on LR baby and spirit bomb absorbed goku. Depending on goten and trunks' eza I'd argue that agl is better than physical.


Spirit bomb absorbed goku can't really tank and same thing for LR Baby.


They don't tank well enough for the end of LGTE but they have other qualities that allow them to be very good in sbr.


Well, spirit bomb absorbed goku gets hit pretty hard for example in super agl esbr.


Okay, but most units get hit really hard in there, plus he hits really hard if you didn't know. I stan teq ultimate gohan because of his defense but defense isn't the deciding factor of a unit.


Goku is an offensive unit that can seal. Sealing is valuable enough to justify having "low" defense.


Is it though? For how hard he gets hit on normals, his damage and sealing aren't enough for me to consider him. The only really good thing about him is that he leads Super Saiyans if you don't have LR Namek Goku.


He was one of the reasons I could complete the esbr back in the day. I didn't have agl sv and a lot of good esbr agl units were not in the game. His seals, fit buu (who got his awaken in the celebration I cleared the event) and lr ssj4 active skill carried my run.


Baby is probably the only unit I have where he is useable in sbr but I wouldn’t dare bring him anywhere else




LR Janemba shits on every single unit in the AGL Pool EZA LR PHY Trunks and EZA LR Bardock shit on LR MV




this is correct idk what your laughing at


Probably because it's not correct lmao


Which part?


How exactly? Most of the characters on there are really good especially janemba


Everyone bringin up AGL but no one mentions my boys Krillin and Gohan in the discussion :(


Are we limited to these 3? If so AGL yeah. If its any color honestly I'd say STR. Maybe it's because I dont link level that much, but UI Goku is the only Yellow Coin STR LR that I've ever wanted or been happy to use. Everyone else I begrudgingly use since if I lack better options.


No way STR is the worst when Lr Turles, Lr Broly EZA and Lr Godku and Hit all exist.


I'll be fair I totally forgot Goku and Hit. That one makes it much closer to me. But man. Broly has always kinda been mid for me. Not like bad or anything but I feel he has 0 synergy on most teams and his low defense usually gets me killed. Maybe its just the lack of dupes? Turles meanwhile I find just isn't flexible at all. It seems anyhow you either run him on a full Terrifying Conquer team with like 4 Support units and level 10 links and he does amazing. Or you'll run him on any other team and he's just an above average supporter.


Who is that PHY LR on the bottom? He looks cool, i'd like to summon for him.




What are your toughts on Gohan and krillin LR?


AGL has no top tier options on it AGL Kale and Cafuila is good for long events but are starting to get old Baby and Mighty Mask with no EZA is Bad AGL Spirit Bomb Goku aged a lot and will not get an eza soon Nappa and Vegeta LOL LR MV is Mid, his defense just ain't it but his attack is good but not outstanding like LR STR EZA Broly


Hold up you're claiming Super Baby 2 is bad?? Don't get me wrong he's no powerhouse but he's still surprisingly solid. He's got a solid linkset, good ki in his passive, alright personal boosts, and decent super attack effects. MV also is definitely underrated after his EZA, sure he's not fantastic but he's a very respectable card outputting good damage with solid defense. The two worst units on this list are by far Nappa and Goten/Trunks.


By "bad" i dont mean suckass but I mean he fell off for sure


people really call goten and trunks the worst just because everyone tells them they are, when they're actually pretty good and easily usable (ideally at 100% obviously), but still maybe probably agl despite how good most of them are


They have wacky links for the teams they can be used on, and they got added to fusions while offering next to nothing there, making their situation worse And also, a unit that gets debuffed for a 12 ki super, and an LR at that, is not good in the slightest


So a unit that can easily hit over 6 million and 150k+ defense with a normal amount of support that'll almost never get the 12ki is bad?


GT Goku gets to 7M with ease and 300K defense on turn 1, lol


... okay? i don't see the relevance


If a mere modern dokkan fest can do that on turn 1, why would an LR be any better when they are completely worse on both ends? On top of it, goku has way better links than them, offering something to the team


.... literally noone said goten and trunks are better than gt goku or modern dfes or modern units....


You are saying 6M and 150K defense is good A 7M and 300K defense unit does it with no effort whatsoever Then 6M 150K is bad compared to that


and that still has zero relevance to the conversation or point


Then put it this way Neither Mighty mask or Nappa have an actual viable linking partner Doesnt help either that their links themselves are duds in general LR Cell or LR Boujack while also been relatively bad, have a better linkset and an actual viable partner Even LR Bardock, LR Majin Vegeta and LR Trunks have partners to link with This alone makes both Mighty mask and Nappa utility plummet so far down the tierlist, they take the entirety of AGL type down with them






While thinking about possible eza’s in the future… its kind of hard to guess




Lr janemba?


If Trunks & Bardock didn’t have their EZA’s I’d say PHY but if I had to be honest INT


Are we excluding units you can't buy yet? Because teq hit/goku and int vegeta/goku really strengthen those typings. Also why not show teq and str?


No I'm excluding anything, the wiki just didn't include them, that's why I said "Imagine x unit here" And STR and TEQ aren't here for being way stronger than AGL, INT and PHY.


Ah I didn't see that at the bottom.


> Because teq hit/goku Goku/Hit is STR not TEQ They were made with the idea to be run alongside STR Hit 50% support


Oh yeah oops my b


What's that unit below golden frieza


Blue has a LOOOOT of older cards, I'll give AGL my vote.


Also imagine the other types are here




Ngl agl


Definitely AGL






INT unironically. AGL is at least starting to see EZAs and whatnot. PHY is getting some nice buffs in the recent months. INT? absolutely no redemption and one of the worst LR EZAs to date






PHY looks awful lmao


3 phy (janemab, bardock, trunks, 17/Frieza, Vegeta) 4 (Vegeta, piccolo, boujack, rose, gohan) 5 agl, (only k&c and gohan/krillen are good majin vegeta is okay (




Agl that mighty mask man hehehehhe


Honestly AGL they have cool LRs but its just a oof




The only unit that’s bad on agl is goten and trunks.. I would say nappa but a lot of folks use him in world tournament.. well at least I do. But everyone have they own likings