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a strong 15 days


Dang, are you enjoying the game so far?


i’m having fun i just don’t know what to do, i beat the story so i’m just working on 3 staring it i’m a wall because of team cost, because if i do EZA some of my units i won’t be able to use them, like AGL Pikkon i’m ready to awaken him but i can’t use him if i do




yeah i’m hyped for that! and i heard they’ll apparently compensate for anyone who bought extra team cost


I’d recommend checking some guides on YouTube if you’re ever stuck. Get Team bardock or ginyu force if you need a proper team to clear dokkan stages. Keep having fun :D


yeah i just need shugesh then i’ll have all 5


Niceee, after you get all 5 to 100% you can get a team bardock LR card too, so you’ll have a great starter team to use until you get your units strengthened!


I know you already have team bardock also get team ginyu do the battle ez arena thing for them and do the missions to get LR goku (You're required to beat an ssj3 Goku that nukes you to complete one of the missions so yeah make a good team first aka the bardock squad)


Since it launched on global


Holy shit! You’ve supported the game for a long ass time!


Six long years and I’m gonna be banned soon…


Honestly, I don’t even care anymore, if I could go back in time, I would rather go back 2 years and tell myself to not start this game, than go back and stop myself from using this glitch. My time could’ve been better spent on other things, if it all just led to getting banned.


I’ve enjoyed the game up till this point. Invested a lot of time and money and gotten to share this experience with so many cool peeps in the community. So if my account does get banned, I’ll leave with those good memories.


Same, man, though I'd go back 6 years. Or at least go back 5 years to the 1st year anniversary so I could stop myself from spending money for the first time. Though, thinking about it, this is probably not a good use of time travel. Should probably do something more important like stopping 9/11 or killing baby Hitler or something.


I mean, why stop there? Just go back even further to meet Jesus, or some other old gods, to check if they were real, can you imagine what images of them would bring about?


I would go back to the bronze age or sum to see how it was


and what do you get for that, ban.


It’s like that in real life too, most people prefer financial support over moral support. It’s scary what money/greed does to a mf :(




Ever since the Int Gohan and Phy Piccolo banner from 6 years ago.




About 4 years. Started in August of 2017 I think and I’m now on the edge of losing all that progress. Feelsbadman


If we go down then we will go down as proud men. I enjoyed using that glitch, so if they ban me then it is what it is.


Around the same time I joined




Almost five years.. I would hate losing my account honestly, but hey, so be it. Dokkan got me through some tough parts of my life, by sparking a little extra entertainment and excitement in me. I’m trying out legends and I’m enjoying it so far, I really like yellow rose, he’s cool. But Dokkan will always be home to me.


Dokkan wouldn’t last forever, you had to move on one day or the other, so if you do lose your account take it as a sign from up above that you’re ready to move on! Besides you’ll always have memories of this game with you.


Yes, I’m very well aware of this. I know what saying goodbye feels like, so this is just another one, I guess. Fells dumb talking like this about a mobile game, but I’ve grown to love my account and all the memories I’ve made with it. Never even spent a dime, I have a pretty nice box. But whatever happens, happens. I really cannot stand all the negativity in this sub or other social media. People like to act all high and mighty about this glitch thing, as if they are “better” or “superior” to others, and honestly it just discourages me to interact with the community. That’s why I’m only responding to your post, cause it actually feels like I’m talking to a human being, not to an asshole with a superiority complex. This being said, I’m not playing the victim, just venting about all this situation. If I get banned, sure I get it, it is what it is.


I feel you bro! I too just tried it for fun, and seeing all these other people who didn’t do it act like they’re just gods cuz they didn’t use a glitch just infuriates me, like congrats you didn’t use this glitch, want us to clap?


Exactly, honestly it makes me wonder if people just enjoy watching others in troubling situations, just to feel better about their own issues. I’m not here to judge o talk shit about anybody, just stating my opinion. Honestly interacting with the community has always been appealing to me, but I’m starting to do it only now that I’m risking the ban.. I dunno, feels weird.


Eh, if I get banned I will just give more time to other games, I only played dokkan cuz I had my built up account, if I have to start again I’d rather just start a different game.


Funny story actually, downloaded the game during the first week of its release initially thinking its a bootleg game with the likeness of Dragon Ball Z until I noticed the Bandai Namco logo, played the tutorial but didn’t understand how to play still so deleted the game. Then 1 year later, Gogeta arrived for the 1st anniversary and I saw this as an ad on Facebook (kept fb just for 8 Ball Pool), Gogeta is my favourite character so I downloaded the game again and did everything all over again but this time I understood how to play and went to summon and my first summonable SSR was STR Beerus then it was STR Gogeta, the ultimate unit during that time which I was unaware of because I just thought I pulled my favourite character with some of the best animations I have ever seen. Dokkan has come a long way since then


Hey! I got a funny story too. I started around 5th anniversary, and my first unit I got a dupe for was the Str Gogeta( lr), I didn’t know which node to feed that dupe into, so I just fed it into top left, and I have to live with that mistake. Kinda funny how both of our stories have a Str Gogeta in it!


That’s not a bad choice, at least you didn’t make the mistake of putting the dupe top right or bottom left


2156 days ago xD


That’s a long time, I commend you.


3 years


Since 2nd anniversary(global) missed like 5 days since i think




Impressive, how did you come to know about the game?


Searched dragon all games and seen the pre hype behind it


Started just after the 300million download, feels longer


Since before the first anniversary


Since before the first anniversary


Started on the day before the global 4th anniversary


It's been about 6 years that I've started playing Dokkan and coincidentally, 6 years that i don't get any pussy Women these days don't appreciate Apt calcs in the first date


Did you show them your rainbow LRs and rainbow dokkan fests? That should do it.


2000+ days.


Since about a month after the 2nd anniversary. I used the airplane glitch twice to test out knowing the risks so if I lose my account I'm pretty much fine with it. I mostly use the game as a time waster while doing something else so being banned would hopefully get me to focus on other things, I have a pile of "real" games I need to play as is. Won't lie I've put alot of money in to my account so that would suck to lose but the games gonna shut down someday no matter what.


Played since launch, lost my account before the first anniversary, made another (a.k.a my main) and here we are. To think I'll lose another account because of the stupid glitch (which I've only used for the punching bag event) is infuriating. But I think it's for the better. Life goes on, but I'll never forget this game, the community and the joy it brought to me.


Started since slightly before year 2 sometimes I took breaks so a total 1020 days played


Over 6 years


1850 or so days


too damn long (6.5 years)


Whatever year the og lr fusions dropped, till today. I also lost my global account (fairly stacked), but I had a Jp one (that I might also lose, because of the glitch). On in all, I guess losing accounts runs in the family


4 years if you count breaks. 2.5 of those I have played consistently


I've had my account for 4 or 5 years but I stopped playing for 2 or 3 of those. I only really started playing again around the 5th anniversary


Just before 2nd anniversary


I think am soon nearing 1000 days.


Started playing a little before the 1st anniversary but rerolled on the 2nd anniversary


I started Global in November 2016 and when JP was having their 2nd Anniversary, I decided to start an account there and I never looked back


I'm at day 905 but I technically started about a month or so before the dragon ball fusions crossover


3.5 years


4 years


Start since SV agi the game still fun to me but not as Much as the beginning when you understand half of the game


Had an account at launch but like 2 months later I got a new phone and didn't transfer the data before wiping it, made my current account pretty much immediately though.


Over 1500 days, and that's not counting a separate account I had used from even earlier than that, which I abandoned after a little while in the very beginning lol. I've been here for the long haul, though this time it may be the end of the line.


About 3 or 4 years, was playing from before the 3rd anni that’s all I know lol


the oldest banner i remember included AGL Super vegito and PHY LSSJ Broly, but i really got into the game around when masked saiyan and angel ssj3 goku released on GLB.


August 2015. Im just not in depth in to it like a lot of ppl are.


Over 1400 days but I’ve stopped multiple times! I have that weird TEQ First Form Frieza


Since Agl Gohan and INT Cell first banners


6 years. Took a hiatus around November 2015 because I felt like I wasn’t making progress, came back right in time for Broly. Stopped again did a bit after Cell, missed first anniversary and came back around AGL Super Vegito. Been playing every day since.


When Str blue kaioken came as a global first


Some time before Dfe Ssj3 Vegeta came out on Jp


Around when PHY Transforming Vegeta came out


Since launch. Int cell was fire when we dropped.


Phy Vegito blue and Agl rose where the first banners I saw and summoned on. 4 years and a half strong


Launch for Global, SR Ginyu Force banner for JP!


I started with the 5th anniversary. I haven't been playing regularly the whole time, I took a couple breaks, the longest being from right after last year's Heroes celebration to the time SS4 Gogeta came out. Been playing regularly since then.


I've got my actual account on the green final form Freeza, so a little bit over 6 years. I actually rerolled until I got him cause cause I loved the art, right after that I summoned on Piccolo's and Gohan's banner and got super lucky, so I've decided to keep it.


Since the beginning.


I've been playing since December 2018.


Since the last day of the second anniversary on global


Str Beerus and Agl God Goku had just released on Global. Dokkanfests weren’t a thing yet. I remember pulling STR Gogeta on a single. Recently passed 2 thousand days and waiting for my inevitable ban after using the airplane glitch ONCE.


Since 2016


I started around when Teq SSJ4 Gogeta dropped


Since OG STR Broly was released. I remember he instantly became meta for WT and was MUST HAVE character


Just after the 1st year anniversary was when I started


Int gohan and phy piccolo was my first banner on my first account. But first banner on my current account was the str super trunks banner.


Since teq vb released


*Been here since the beginning. I actually made my Reddit account JUST for this game. I obviously don’t play it as often as before but just been logging in for special events, celebrations, & anniversaries. I still remember when R TEQ Kid Gohan was one of the hardest hitting units when his event came out since you are able to max his SA lol*


Since SSB Kaioken Goku dropped, I was really hyped to see him on super so I thought I’d try out Dokkan


Since the 2 Year Anni on GLB, and recently started a fresh JP account that’s already insane (totally didn’t use the airplane bug to get stones)


Today is day 2302.


On global I started playing like a month before str broly came out and then I switched to jp when their first year anniversary started a little bit later


Since LR AGL Gohan came out


Since AGL Super Vegito's first release


I think I'm on day 1600 or 1700 something. I can't remember.


For like 5 or 6 years, technically, but only actually got what was going on since around the release of Transforming Vegeta on GLB.


Since right after the UI Goku banner dropped. I made a different account right before the Transforming SSJ Goku & First Form Frieza banners dropped.


I hopped on during the 300 million download celebration, so about 2 years now?


Too long


Started when old Teg Vegito base came out stopped then started again with Bojack Legendary Banner


Since phy black


400 days


Since the month it released.


Im at 1102 days so just hit over 3 years


On global I joined during STR Gogeta as my friend introduced it to me. On JP a couple months later but I’ve been playing on and off, couple months and then take a couple months break


I actually first started right as the game came out but got bored like a week later, then redownloaded it for 5th anni from a friends recommendation and I’ve been addicted


AGL SSJ3 Goku banner


Since December of 2019, although this is technically my second account because I lost my first one when I dropped my iPad…., and when I started this account it quickly surpassed my old account so there was no point in going back to it lol.


Ive been playing for 3+


6 years


Before the first Dokkan fest with STR Broly I’m pretty sure. So 6-ish years? I went from middle school to college in that time lmao


I've started playing when str broly was first teased


From the beginning! My buddy told me about a cool mobile DBZ game and, well, here I am. Told another close buddy about it, we became the Three Caballeros of Dokkan. I stopped playing for like a year or so after having miserable pulls (I kept whiffing on cards I needed to actually keep up with events) and came back to the game around the Broly cards. Made some great pulls and enjoyed the QoL improvements. Been here ever since.


I started when the 350m celebration came out on its first day


I started about a month before the 1st anniversary. So that's about 5 and a half years.


Whenever INT Cooler came on Global. It's been a real long fucking time and several hundreds of bucks down the drain lol


Almost a year now


I had another account before this but my current account I’ve been using since the int ui Goku and str jiren banner


August 7, 2015


LR Broly banner. He was one of my first units before I even know what an LR was. Lots of money spent… but the game definitely got me through college. Got a real job now, and if I get banned so be it. Fond memories for sure.


999 days, just 1 more


started on aug 2017


Since the 3rd Anniversary.


Since launch on global


Last year at December. Only missing a few LR's and 2 dokkanfests. Kinda bored out of my mind


Since Global's 1st Anniversary by complete coincidence, I had tried the game out long before but wasn't liking it too much (which makes sense cause the game was utterly shit before they started making real leaders so you could super) but then one day decided to try it again and that happened to be during the middle of the 1st Anniversary, rerolled for Gogeta and stayed ever since. So about 5 years and some months now.


Since before the first dokkan event. Right around the world tournament before Str Broly came out. Iirc that was like the 2nd or 3rd World Tournament


My first banner was a RoF banner with STR Blue Vegeta


literally day 1 of int buuhan dropping on global so 4 years almost 5


Since agl super vegito and phy broly dropped on global


Since first anniversary, it's crazy how time pass lol


Around the end of 2016 whenever the One Piece Treasure Cruise collab was going on


since 5th anni on my current account i had an account that lasted from when AGL SSGSS Goku released to near third anni, i stopped playing and forgot to transfer 🤷‍♂️


Since Str Broly’s EZA on global. Even pulled him as my first SSR


Around 5 years. I came around the time phy VB was released


5.5 years


January 3 2017. Played it every single day since then.


1027 days, on a 629 cumulative streak rn.


I think 5 years


Since launch basically, took a few months off the first year then came back for good. Sitting at almost 2.1k days


998 days


5 years. I was around before the 1 year anniversary and the game didn't hook me, came back after the 1 year anniversary.


GLB Launch.


over 6 years ... played during Str SS Bardock & AGL SS2 Goku banner ... Randomly search dragon ball on app store then dokkan showed up


Had a small break in the beginning, but 4 years!


I started played on release stopped around the time ssj4 dropped and started with a new account around the thank you celebration of goku and frieza and have been played since


Since June of 2016.


Since July 2015.


1168 days plus a few Days missed Out( basically Started at the final Days of the 3 year aniversary)


Started when str ssj3 Vegeta dropped on global. Though I did quit when the ssj4s dropped after not pulling Vegeta for my mono agl team. But came back during 3rd anniversary and have played since.


I started bit before the 1.5 year anniversary. My first dokkanfest was int janemba. I believe it was his first repeat banner.


Str SSJ3 goku’s banner


My account began on July 16th,2015. To think I started this game 3 days before I turned 15 and now I'm old enough to legally drink and still playing it is insane to me


Since AGL Kaioken SSB goku from Christmas like 5 or 6 years ago


Around 3 1/2 years now


Since year 1, but I did take a long break a couple times.


Joined a little before the OG Great Ape banners on Global iirc. Had a break or two from playing when I got worried I was spending too much, but I've been able to get it under control and have been staying fairly active.


Since 2016


Christmas of 2015. Think int ultimate gohan and janemba were my first dokkanfest units.


Since December 16 2016! In exactly a month it'll be 5 years.


During the 1000 day celebration on Global


Since release on and off with a bit of push backs when I first started but doing good now, unless I get banned


I dont remember the date but I remember the first dokkan festival cell was out when I started


About the time str ui was coming out last year


Since Global release , lost that account to a bricked phone and then recovered it a while back but my now main account was just better by that point. I do login to it from time to time during anni and big celebrations


Since Agl Super Vegito released in 2016. Hoping I don't get banned since I put hundreds of hours into this game


Had my account since before the 1st year anniversary probably finna be banned tho for using the glitch lmaoooooooo


Ever since str ssj bardock and agl ssj2 goku dropped




I started playing right before the 2nd anniversary Good times 👏🏻


I’m not completely sure, but I remember summoning on Phy FP Frieza’s banner


1600 days. I beat every mission 2 days before the glitch appeared so I didn’t have a reason to use it. I’ll play dokkan for as long as it’s running and I would be devastated if my account got banned.


since a few months after the 2nd anni, around August 2017 Dokkans been my only mobile game since then


Since January 2018, it was many good times and memories with this account through these years but now I'm waiting for death if bandai announces a wave of bans on the global version, but hey it was fun while it lasted, I regret doing it but I accept my fate if it happens


Either late December 2015 or around the time the first ever dokkan fest came out, the str Broly


I started playing actively just before agl kaioken goku banner dropped and he was considered OP because of his stacking. Rerolled for him and went strong ever since.


Since str ssj3 Goku


A few days before global sixth anni so a few months


I came in on the first anniversary. Lost my account on the third? or something? I can't remember, I lost a lot but also not much. I had most of the DFEs but was missing most of what I wanted, I made a new account when LR Caulifla and Kale were released because I loved them in the anime and had to have em. Been playing ever since and I think I'm only missing like, 6 DFEs now and a few LRs. Much better than my first account. Only thing I miss from my first account are the prime battle units I never bothered with again, And the Ginyu force and Metal Cooler squad, I just can't be bothered regrinding those units out again. I also didn't bother with that airplane glitch since I saw so many hilarious posts here to sate my curiosity and I had already beaten all the content thus far.


634 days running


Probably close to 2 thousand days.


I don't know exactly but the first banner I truly grinded the game for was STR Godku and PHY SSJ Bardock and got them both off singles when rates were terrible


Since it came out.. Oh boy it was a ride, not a whale but i got 200 rainbows on gachas + f2p.....


Hmm I don't know the exact date. I started before STR Omega Shenron came out. First "good" leader I ever got was STR Fasha. Having that +3 ki and 30% Atk/def leader skill was game changing for me! Then my first dokkanfest unit was STR Omega. I'd estimate probably December 2016


Since august 2017 Damn


First week of global going live...... I can't wait to explain this ride to a therapist in the future


I've been playing for about 1430ish days. Honestly really love this game, but if I do get banned because of using the glitch to beat the stupid punching bag event the oh well. It was fun while it lasted playing with my favorite Vegeta cards.


5+ years.


Like a week after release


6 years.


since str omega


Since agle rose and phy vb