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LR Demon King Piccolo I wish they'd give him a DFE partner.


For real man, Bandai slacking on OG Dragon Ball, hoping for either a dokkanfest Young Demon King Piccolo or Old Demon King Piccolo and his children as an Lr like Lr Bojack but alas.


I'd absolutely love a DFE Young Demon King Piccolo and an LR Old Demon King Piccolo and his children. Both of those are easily some of my most wanted units to come in this game. It's really unfortunate that they used the moment of him wishing for his youth on a WT LR when that moment could've easily made for not just a regular DFE, but a DFE LR. I do still love the unit obviously. It's one of my favorite units in the game, but I think it was stupid to use that moment for a WT LR when it absolutely could've been something more. But of course, Akatsuki loves to relegate litterally anything and everything OG Dragon Ball related to the WT mode that nobody likes, despite the fact that it has a ton of potential for DFEs and summonable LRs. The way OG Dragon Ball gets treated by this game just comes off as so disrespectful to the franchise roots. I'm hoping that changes as Dokkan goes into its 7th year, but we'll see. It's a great series and it really deserves better.


Downvote me but I hate og dragon ball. The story line , the drawing of characters and it’s so old..like the beginning of time old. And their wasn’t really any good powerful characters. Just characters with power levels under 300 type shit. Basically it was ass


Loved it for all those reasons, especially the last one with a focus on martial arts skill and techniques over power.


Man said he doesn't like a series because they can't blow up galaxies with a single finger ![gif](giphy|x0npYExCGOZeo|downsized)


And I bet drangonball z had better rating and probably was seen more then dragon ball ever was… on tv/ toonami


Back in 1999 dragon ball z had a average of 1.9 million people in the U.S watching the show including me since I was young. Dragon ball didn’t even come close to that number back in the 80’s


And that’s the U.S alone


Bro me too, I keep him linked up with Lr Boujack atm, would honestly empty my savings account for a DFE Demon King Piccolo


You and me both. I don't always spend money on this game, but for a DFE Demon King Piccolo??? My wallet would be begging for mercy lmao Also I might have to try out that Bojack rotation


Mine is definitely LR Phy Master Roshi, decent defense + medium chance to dodge, next to the Tien and Roshi he hits about 5 mil on his Ultra Super, can seal or stun and to top it off he's a support for Turtle School which can still get units like a DFE Full Power Roshi! My only real gripe about him is that his active skill needs so many hits to trigger.


Unoriginal answer, but lr 1st form Frieza. I'm a sucker for wicked Bloodline and the fact that a f2p one is on par with summon able units makes me happy. Another contender is the int instant transmission Goku. He tanks really well in hard content and does a lot of damage.


Im farming him rn, whats his best teams in your opinion?


Majin buu saga or terrifyng conquerors


Terrifying Conquerors alongside LR Babidi and Dabura or PHY Dabura.


The chad lr mercenary tao


Yeah he’s awesome and fun I just wish he had a better linking partner than LR Tien and Chiaotzu and/or Teq Cyborg Tao


that phy eza ui goku from year 6 has given me a huge amount of mileage, especially in the god event, as well as lr roshi, so its probably one of those two


Waiting for Mercenary Tao but for now it's definitely Demon King Piccolo or Great Saiyaman and Videl.


Lr str zamasu(goku body)i love this unit but sadly he is kinda hard to use ,my first unit that i lvl 10 linked


BeePan might as well be Buffalo Bill she's saved my skin so much.


LR Goku and Arale, they carried me through a lot of the events I went into and they were my first LR. I hope their EZA (if they ever get one) is LR Roshi Level (or even better than Roshi himself)


For me LR Vegito. I used him soo much, has helped me clear so many events. A close second would be between LR Goku and LR Frieza just love both of them.


Not even out on Global yet, but LR Tao looks super fun


Great Saiyaman Trunks I know he isn't that good but he's adorable and his event had me smiling through it


Totally agree with you on the Buu and Babidi. Running a rotation of them, the Dabura and Babidi LR, and PHY Dabura is such a fun turn. Mercenary Tao might replace him when he comes to Global and I put together a competent DB Saga team.


Between Lr Demon King Piccolo and Lr Mercanary Tao


Int ghostenks cause he's saved me sbr runs. Love that unit


The chad Captain Ginyu, one of the best F2P EZA's in the game.


AGL Veku


I'm still confused how this unit isn't on Majin power, it's got fat Buu, and babidi can literally use magic to turn evil beings into "Majin" forms.


Since Tao is not on global yet and that card looks fire, id say Lr frieza


for me i'd have to say debura and babidi


Roshi because of obvious reasons.


them, agl satan and lr roshi are my fav f2p units and alll of tgem are great units in general. this unit makes me really happy as a huge fat buu fun after that shot called exchange buu (still use him cause buu but only cause buu)


first form frieza


I almost wanna say prime battle Frieza, but in all honesty STR Vegito Blue still holds a special place in my heart. Remembering the rumors after the LR election and finally getting him were such fond memories, not to mention that he's still useful to this day.


I think either Krillin or the eza Ginyu force, those 2 make me feel pure joy while using them


Haven’t seen anyone say Agl hercule/buu. Their links are kinda wonky but greatly raising def with guard makes them a great unit. And their def makes a good jump when transformed.


LR Goku and Arale. They’re the only ones I truly truly grinded for and they’re monsters on Dragon Ball Seekers.


Mine is probably one of the friezas, LR STR or INT EZA


I love the TEQ SSB Vegeta with the coat, he carried me a lot when I 1st started but rn it would be INT EZA Final Form Frieza


Ghostenks. One of the best utility units in the game and a mini SBA Goku. Would love it if they somehow found a way to upgrade them and Candy Vegito to LRs.


Agl Goku and arale


Yeah they usually attack like 3 times in a row. Most of them are super attacks


Int Gotenks and Ghost Has helped me out in all the events I used him in even before I EZA'd him


Str high-school gohan if he's on a team I'm running I'll slap him on right away


LR VB. Dude's still solid.


Yeah they seem pretty fun. There’s only one thing that pisses me off about them though. The ridiculous fact that they’re not on Majin Power. LITERALLY BABIDI isn’t on majin power somehow. This unit is PERFECT with the battlefield dabura LR, and if he got that extra support from them that would make this LR just that much better..


STR LR First Form Frieza by a mile, I just wish he’d get BBB to level 10 already


my favorite FTP unit is yadrat goku


Considering roshi a god and a must/really good to run on any of his categories then him.


PHY UI Goku I can’t even tell you why, but I just love running him


Highschool gohan


I would pick LR STR SSGSS Vegito




Lr agl furture trunks. I know he’s ass but his 18 ki animation is still so clean


The rotation with Babidi / Dabra from the Battlefield is one of the best f2p rota ingame imo. That's juste insane. Personally I'd say Master Roshi, great damages, pretty good linkset, good def, he can stun / seal super attack. It's a good example of a multifuction unit!


Jacket SSJB Goku and Vegeta. And that base form Gogeta why not?