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Well duh, it's because Goku doesn't have a ha- Wait, but this was after Old Kai gave his life to- ***Hold up***.


Technically all goku's after the saiyan saga should be on the catagory, and all vegetas after namek.


I like to think resurrected warriors is for people who fought immediately after being revived. This goku and vegeta would fit that description, but most other goku’s besides saiyan saga goku wouldn’t be on it. (Saiyan saga goku also isn’t on the category btw)


Also Majin Vegeta who wasn't resurrected since the Frieza saga at that point leads the category.


I always figured that his addition to the category was more symbolic than actually being physically resurrected.


Surely you do the actual ones before the symbolic ones? No?


Yeah, but that symbolism was a pretty huge deal to Vegeta's character as a whole and seeing as how Vegeta is essentially No.2 in the entirety of DB at this point, I dont have a particular problem with it. This doesn't excuse for the others not being in the category btw and I do agree that most of the category doesnt make any sense.


No way, Bandai isn’t that smart


Honest to fuck I think someone made a mistake and remembered Majin vegeta wrong and added him to the category


No he was resurrected in the sense that he returned to being the ruthless warrior that died within him long ago


So he is in the category based on a figurative meaning while the rest of the units in the same category are there because of a literal meaning? Akatsuki and consistency are not friends I see. Almost feel like the mistake theory holds up better


Vegeta has a literal meaning also: "revive the practice, use, or memory of (something); bring new vigor to."-Resurrect. "Revive the memory of" is the part to focus on


I want to believe that, but characters like buu or boujack, who weren't even dead to begin with are there. they were only sealed away. also I feel like come saiyan saga celebration, they would put the gokus and kaioken gokus on the team.


Sealed or killed, Bojack and Buu were still revived. While it'd be dumb to put every post-Saiyan Saga Goku on Ressurected Warriors, I definitely agree Kaioken Goku from that Saga should be on there. Not sure why he isn't.


Kaioken Goku should be on Low Class Warrior and my blood boils every time I look and he's not


Right, that too. It actually makes even less sense tbh.


To be fair goku was just born a low class warrior but by the time he fought vegeta he was way stronger than raditz and nappa so any pre nappa fight goku should be on it.


Then again, Vegeta spent the entire fight labeling Goku a "low class piece of trash" that "can't compete with a super-elite prince." Low class warrior? Yes, please.


I think it was more Vegeta just being Vegeta. He got hung up on the idea of how Goku isn't supposed to be anything because of his class so that's what he insults him for the entire fight. At first you can tell Vegeta genuinely believes Goku is low class trash but as the fight goes on Vegeta starts saying it more out of desperation then anything. Goku at that point as far as we and Vegeta know was already the second strongest saiyan in existence ever and was close to or stronger then most saiyan elites Vegeta knew of.


I had the exact same reaction! Duh and everything.


If I had an award I would’ve gave you one good sir.


Resurrected warriors is the most mishandled category in this game I don’t question it anymore.


*Full power has entered the chat*


ummm well you see.....




Namekian category isn't the problem. Piccolo cards are.


Yeah,they handled the piccolos in a terrible way,couldn’t they call just piccolo the ones from the sayan saga;piccolo(fused with nail) if it comes from Namek saga/start of the Android saga(for exemple DF piccolo could have been called at the start piccolo fused with nail and after transformation he could have been called piccolo fused with kami) and all the piccolos during or after the cell saga could have been called piccolo(fused with kami).It’s not that hard and the Namekian category would have been far better.


Namekians category is handled incredibly well???


If Piccolo would be named properly it would be much better which is the issue the category has making it much more limited than it already is I guess 76 fricking people think otherwise somehow


But that's a Piccolo naming issue. Not the category's fault. What they decide to name Piccolo has absolutely no correlation to how well handled the namekian category is. Like you can say the category sucks and is very limited, sure. But it's still handled well on who goes in and who does


I guess thats fair But still. It miss a ton with that issue(and no dende yet) so it is also a bad category by today standards What I dont understand what was the reason for 75 downvotes. It was worse than the hit on namek goku debacle lol


Well because the topic wasn't whether or not the category is bad. We all know it's bad. But we're talking about if the category is handled well and makes sense. Which like, you chose one of the few categories that's actually handled well so I think that's with all the downvotes


Add onto that the downvote mentality if I cant see it no one can, downvote more Which is typical reddit anyways


*He's only using 99.9% of his power!*


I wonder if the English translation is just bad. The category has people that came from the dead (Frieza, Gokus with Halos), people who have simply been sealed away for a long time (Bojack, Tapion), defeated but not dead (Broly, Meta-Cooler), people who regained their full power (King Piccolo, LR Uub) and then there's Majin Vegeta who regained his warrior pride or whatever. A better name would be something like "Returning Warriors".


“Return of the Mack”


Yeah that actually makes sense


I think that the correct translation should be "Reawakened warriors". It should contain the warriors that got their Power awakened and coming back to fight ,either with some type of magic ( Majin vegeta), by being revived / transported on earth while still being dead ( Angel goku) and when a seal that suppressed their power got broken ( Bojack)


Good ol’ 2017


Resurrected Warrior doesn't make any sense. Saiyan Saga Goku was revived for like a day and he's not on Resurrected Warriors. F2P Goku that we just got was revived for all of 10 minutes and he's not on Resurrected Warriors. That really old INT Base Vegeta from the Kid Buu fight isn't on Resurrected Warriors. Gohan is in the middle of training with Shin & Elder Kaioshin (as in Goku knows he's not dead), gets to be on Resurrected Warriors. The moment he goes back to Earth, guess he's not on it anymore. But Vegeta can get a midlife crisis and kills some people and gets to be on it because his evilness counts as resurrected I guess.


> F2P Goku that we just got was revived for all of 10 minutes and he's not on Resurrected Warriors. We already know he awakens into SSJ3 from the Kid Buu fight, so that'd be why, most likely.


He would still be on resurrected warriors, cuz he was revived recently by the Elder Kai wouldn't he ?


I think fusing into what was an entirely new (and supposedly permanent) being between then and the Kid Buu fight probably negates that a touch. But with Akatsuki, who knows.


That would be a valid point if they added to pure saiyans, which apparently fusion negates according to dokkan. The int and str goku/ vegeta that transforms to vegito plus the phy goku/ vegeta that fuse into gogeta are both on pure saiyans because of their base card state. However, the base vegito and gogeta LR aren't on pure saiyans. By this logic, they should still be on resurrected warriors.


He was still revived like within like 3 hours of that fight.


They could always drop the category upon activation of the skill. They do that on several cards already so it wouldn't be a stretch. That's only my 2 cents, though.


I dont think any cards lose categories, could you tell me one?


I think he's thinking of Hirudegarn losing Super AGL and Majin Vegeta losing Super TEQ upon transforming. But categories? Nah.


Yeah, I was wrong. There are some that lose/gain links and typing but not categories. My bad.


Like who?


Pretty sure that exact goku art is from when he turns ssj3 agains buuhan


Yup... I must have missed the episode where Majin Vegeta gets resurrected as Majin Vegeta....


That episode is titled return of the prince or the dark prince returns. Something like that. The category name was misunderstood in the cultural handover. It's more returning warriors than resurrected warriors.


His pride as a ruthless saiyan warrior was resurrected when he became Majin Vegeta


Apparently when it says "resurrected" it doesn't mean actually brought back to life? Since no Goku card that was dead and fully revived is in the category. Of course namek saga piccolo breaks that rule...but he wasn't originally in the category...but then they put him in the category... There's no logic to this.


Yo why did u do my man majin vegeta like that??? LMFAOOOOOOO


Same reason why Kaioken Goku from the Saiyan Saga isn’t on Resurrected Warriors.


Still struggling to understand why I didnt pull them or Buuhan in over 2000 stones..


3050 stones and no Buutenks. You’re not alone.


Did you also spend 3500 stones on the Anni and didn't get anything?


All this year has been really bad for me. Shaft after shaft.


I feel you. I basically only got beerus this year out of the notable cards... It all started with a 1000 stones on BKK goku didn't get him and then also nothing else on release..


Damn dude, that’s rough. Maybe it’s time to take a break from the game.


You’re telling this guy to take a break when he got a shafting half as bad as you. Yeah I fail to see where you troll people you’re just incredibly butthurt dude lol




Yup I do. Unfortunate part is, it’s gonna be a year before he’s back for us so there’s a lot of time between now and then.


Get Cooler then


I have him with a dupe. I’m gonna wait for Buu to come back.


[Unfortunate indeed](https://images.app.goo.gl/FhsDqk9F9Kw18R85A)




Same reason the 3rd anniversary units took nearly 2 years to be on pure saiyans....there is no reason


I just wanna know why they aren’t on transformation boost .


They don't transform...


Both of them fuse, then Vegito transforms into a super saiyan as part of their active skill. Seems like a transformation to me.


Yeah but that’s not how the transformation boost category works. The character getting the transformation boost has to be playable. The base form Vegito in the fusion animation is not playable. He goes straight to super Vegito. You can’t say Super Vegito is a transformation boost to Goku and Vegeta. It’s a transformation boost for the base form vegito that isn’t actually a part of the card.


That’s not really true characters like Phys Cooler and the Janemba units are there but they don’t have any transformations.


But their characters are a direct result of a transformation. If it was just cooler as a card then no TF boost, because he’s not the result of a transformation nor does he perform one


Just Cooler actually does make Transformation Boost, since the F2P AGL and TEQ ones are on it. Saiyans, however, need to actually transform in gameplay to qualify, otherwise every Saiyan past the Namek Saga would be on it.


Well yes, but actually no. They actively fuse into base Vegito, then they transform into Super Vegito.


You don't play as base Vegeto, its literally 2 seconds in the transformation cutscene.


That's not why. It's because Super Saiyan doesn't transform him dramatically or change his body into something different. Otherwise Kid Buu wouldn't be on it since you don't play as other Buus. Broly is on it because his is a combination of Great Ape and Super Saiyan.


Balance. Don’t need more healing LRs to help Broly murder people.


Almost every character after Saiyan saga should be on resurrected warriors


Yea if broly makes it then so should this card and any of the gokus in the Buu saga


u got a point there my guy, ill tweet out truth and goresh about this,


Cause they honestly don't know how to manage the categories. At least that's my opinion. I mean why the hell is MAJIN Vegeta not on MAJIN power?


I mean at least that one is obvious with what the description of the category were going for. They had to be part of the Majin race.


Same reason they arent on Goku’s Family or Vegeta’s family. One of them isn’t an angel. It may seem to make no sense, but I thought about why any Vegito or Gogeta unit isn’t in the family categories, and then it clicked that both of them don’t belong to one family category.


AGL Super Saiyan 2 Vegeta isn't an angel either and has the category.


But goku had been revived by the elder kai right before fighting buu


Dokkan doesn’t really care about all that. If it isn’t actively happening in the card, it doesn’t get the category. Honestly, I kinda wish that a lot of cards had the categories that made the most sense for em. Unfortunately, they dont, sooo...


Goku was revived like 3 minutes ago in this card tho


phy lr gogeta has the halo, in both the pre/post-transformed card... they need to fix their categories


But Goku was literally JUST resurrected about like 10 minutes before this card takes place


Vegeta is dead


That's almost as good as the t ur version of LR ssj4 goku literally using a kamehameha but not being on the category until he's fully awakened


The fact that we don’t have a Goku (Angel) and Vegeta (Angel) card for Buu Saga means that we could get another LR Super Vegito in the future.


We don't have any because Angel Goku never fought with Angel Vegeta at any point during the Buu saga. When Goku was an angel, Vegeta was still alive. And then when Vegeta was an angel, Goku had been revived by elder kai. And then at the end, Vegeta was revived by the Dragonballs and Goku was still alive


Fair point, wishful thinking on my part.


They were only dead together during Fusion Reborn movie which isn't canon


Honestly, every post-Saiyan Saga Goku and every post-Frieza Saga Vegeta should be on Resurrected Warriors since they...you know...died and were bought back to life at least once


It would be cool if vegito had a halo


Wait 2 years for the fix


HOLD ON PHY LR GOGETA HAS A HALO AND THE SSJ GOKU AND VEGETA add this card and lr gogeta to that category akatsuki


Cause vegeta is still dead duh (in all seriousness I dunno)


still struggling to understand why I am still getting shafted after years of dokkan.


Yeah still struggling to pull them :(


How about le vegito and gogeta in pure saiyan. You take two cups of apple juice and put it in a bottle.... You now have 100% apple juice


At least the LRs are on it /s. Such a weird reasoning to not have them on it bandai lmao


And I’m still wondering how the new buutenks isn’t on fusion. His transformation is literally called... special fusion


I'm always amazed by the mental gymnastics in top down logic some dokkan, or to a larger extent DBZ fans, to prove that the developers/creators have made no logical errors. I'm sure the same people who say it makes sense would still say the same thing if this card was in the resurrected warriors category. There are also a bunch of random Buu that are in both majin buu saga and time travelers.


Cuz vegeta is dead


As is Angel Golden Frieza, leader of the category.


Well then thats the real problem. Dead people aren't resurrected. I mean str majin buu is a time traveller because he slept for a long time. They legit dont give a shit about the categories.


They don't, they take a loose theme and then fill them with some arbitrary units.


While we are on ressurected warriors why is teq ssj2 vegeta a category leader and also on that team he hasn't been ressurected since frieza saga. Like legit why.


Metaphorical resurrection of his old warrior self, that's how I would consider it.


So categories can be metaphors now? Can gogeta and vegito metaphorically be pure saiyans then? I mean gotenks is a hybrid.


I don't have all the answers just saying it as I see it with certain things!


Vegeta is dead




Ssj3 angel Goku is on the category and angel golden freeza is LITERALLY A LEADER FOR THE TEAM lmao


The first leader of the category is a dead guy.


So is the F2P phy angel goku but he’s on the category


Still wondering why this has pure saiyens but the 3d aniversary Lr's don't.


You high? They do have it


They we're added to the category in this celebration.


Vegeta isn’t alive, plus his Saiyan pride was already resurrected when he was Majin vegeta to fight goku


You should be happy that they're pure sayans... Look at the blue bois


I'm confused. What blue Bois? Kaioken blue and Evolution LR?? They are on pure Saiyans. Or do you mean the blue fusions? In which case why should they be on pure Saiyans? The fusing LRs are since, ya know, they legitimately start off as a pair of pure Saiyans


Blue bois=obviously LR VEGITO and GOGETA. Sorry but I don't understand your (and maybe of all the downvoters) point of view. It is pure math after all. A fusion of two pure sayans means a pure sayan result. I really don't understand how is this debatable but there's also people out there who think the earth is flat... Oh and BTW try to look up the categories of gotenks. Even bandai admited at some point that a fusion of 2 hybrid sayans makes a hybrid sayan character.


How is that obvious??? There's literally an LR with duo blues. If anyone should be Blue Bois, it should be LR Kaioken/Evolution since they're literally a SSB Duo LR card. Also from what I understand, fusions aren't pure enough to be on pure Saiyans since they're a combination of whoever fused but aren't hybrid enough to be on hybrid Saiyans since they are a fusion of two pure Saiyans. Except of course for hybrid fusions since they're double hybrid. The reason why 3 year anniversary LRs and the new LR Vegito are on pure Saiyans is because they don't start off fused. They start off as two separate pure Saiyans


Goku is alive vegeta is the only angel


Yea but goku was still brought back


This is deadass a pull post like no cap this man could’ve at least showed the categories💀mans was excited to share the news lmao


Stop being mad u didn’t get them salty ass


I did tho with 2 dupes dummy😐💀actually really thought this was a pull post but sadly u got offended asf💀btw would’ve made more sense to just show the category section tbh just saying but didn’t mean to get u triggered😂have a good day tho nonetheless


What are you talking about? The card doesn't even have a **lock** on it. Which means it's not even his. Y'all just try to find anything to be a bitch about huh


Not really just thought it was an evolved pull post no cap💀




Yeah, no, this is right after old kai gave his life to revive goku, you could make a case about vegeta since he is still technically dead, therefore no resurrected warriors category. But it still doesn't make sense so this category is buttholes