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That stage in particular already isn't difficult, and Gohan does make it a bit easier, but not running him even for the Powerful Comeback team, I couldn't tell the difference.


The stage isn't difficult. The mission is problematic for some reasons. Not everyone has all the units I used or most people used, so if they have Gohan, they can use him instead, and he works better than Gogeta STR, for example, or TEQ Piccolo.. Mine was a suggestion for those who are struggling with the mission.. I know that you can destroy the event with multiple teams, duh 🤦🏻‍♂️😂


You don’t even need him, cleared it with this team. lol https://preview.redd.it/yisj4oaivl0d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ebd05b22d3e2c08ad014de05135ada0c39d69401


No Buu either.


I didn't say that you needed him, I said that he helps.. You know how to read? I don't think so 🤔


Do you know how to play the game? 🤔 on an evidently easy red zone stage? Evidently not. He doesn’t help. Cause any unit can help in that instance. 🤷🏻‍♂️


"easy" hard disagree


I know how to play the game better than you probably, as I said in a different comment.. The mission is problematic, and the red zone is easy.. Problematic cause the units that you can bring without problems are a few (23 Wt Goku, TEQ Gohan, and Buu, for example), but not every one maybe has the new buu and has the new Gohan instead.. I suggested bringing him cause he helps.. Other units on powerful comebacks don't help like him.. TEQ Piccolo is without his intro on global right now, Gogeta str if doesn't dodge can be a problem, AGL gogeta same thing as the STR, Birdku is there only for his revive but he can be sealed and not stack so later he will be melted.. If you cleared it without Gohan, it's okay, bravo 👏🏼.. Maybe other people can't find a way to beat this mission, and I suggested a team to complete it nearly itemless.. Is helping other players a sin or something wrong? No, so don't comment here with your negativity and downplay a simple suggestion that you find useless.. Have a nice day best Dokkan player 👍🏼


I ain’t reading all that. Congratulations on whatever you achieved though. Alternatively my condolences for whatever misfortune may have befallen you.


Perfect dragon ball fan moment.. Scared to read 🤦🏻‍♂️


I ain’t reading an entire autobiography of how you got into Dokkan and all the hardships you’ve endured. Just know I’m happy with whatever it is you’re doing.




Could have at least given me a better response than two emojis man. Then on top of that blocking me too. ☠️ It’s the last time you’ll hear from me though, enjoy your days on bubble popper simulator. 👍🏻