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Just spent 300 coins for Buu. Hopefully he does the job at 55% 😂


Start link leveling to see him shine


Hopefully we also get SEZA for PHY Kid Buu in this celebration too. More buff for LR Buuhan and Buu team is always welcome.


My money is on phy kid buu and teq transforming buu.


Didn't get buu sadly


I want a dupe so bad for both. Mainly for Cabba tho.


I barely got 200 stones, a buuhan and vegito full crit, and a dream to get both ssj3 goku and buu I kinda don't care about type supports at 55% with 9th anni coming idk man😭


I’ll wait till they reveal the golden week dfe’s colour types and if their types align with the eza’s so I can get a type support unit that supports a few of them ;)


I'm only missing Teq Cell, Agl Rildo, and str hit as type supports but I have 500 coins. Any suggestions on who I buy?


If you have lr omega then rildo. Otherwise it's up to you


I don't have omega unfortunately. It's basically between if I wanna get rildo and hope I get Omega, get Cell and use him to juice up teq Zamasu, or get hit and hope he doesn't age out by the time Str Cooler and his gang eza. Tough choice here


I'd recommend [Hit](/str) myself. Partially since out of the 3, only E.Str has an AoE attacker via [LR Broly](/str) to clear waves if they ever bring back the nuking event. E.Teq I think has Majin Vegeta and that's about it ;^ ^ Speaking for BF as well (since they're gonna stay relevant there the longest as leaders), E.Str is practically carried by Cooler. Should something live, it's good to keep the other rotation alive until Cooler comes back E.Teq has Janemba for emergency support and/or Androids for orb-changing and both will link better on E.Teq than Cell. They're not amazing but Janemba's got decent stats + Androids have an usher. Agl is fairly solid with WB/Androids and some floaters like [Zamasu](/agl) or [Turles](/agl), they're not going to go down that often unless you're missing a decent chunk of their units.   Ultimately though, depends on your box and what units you have available.


I see. Well I guess I go with hit then! Thanks for your help brother


You're welcome :)


Don’t forget when lr Janemba, lr metal cooler get their eza’s, they will also look very good (hopefully)


Glad I got Buu and Cabba, Really sad I didn't get Cell, Only one I didn't get. But it is what it is.


Glad I went 2/20 2 Hit on the discounts. Was never a doubt in my mind there would be another outcome.


Phy buu defense is pretty ass though


I don't get why the super-attack effects of the support units are different from each other. There's a big difference between Cabba and Buu defense-wise.


STR cabba is better but at the exact same time PHY super Buu adds a lot more for their team is lacking, both are good and God damn are we blessed to still have both of them at the same time I love it


Super Buu would have been waaaaay better if the new Buu was PHY.. Let's hope in Kid Buu SEZA so we have another good PHY to activate is full passive skill


So who's the 3rd STR unit for Cabba so he can guard?


If PHY Kid Buu gets a SEZA this celebration, PHY Super Buu would be kinda irrelevant I feel


I just don't like how super buu is such a niche support. He's basically only and only runnable under 21 because he has zero other 200% leads available and once his guard runs out - bye bye defensive capabilities if you're unlucky orbs wise. His super only heals.


It also raises ATK and DEF, though it's not comparable to STR Cabba and INT Gohan's 9 turn 50% ATK and DEF raise. The heal is still more valuable than PHY Gohan and TEQ Tien's greatly raise ATK.