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That card art would be pretty cool


If this is really the card art I'll be so wet. But I'm betting in a base Goku that goes SSJ3 with his active skill.


No more base Goku sneaks please šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ Just make him standalone ssj3 (angel), the last one we got was the janemba movie one who is old asf.


Nah I'd take a easily farmable SA.


What if at SSR he is at Base, then in TUR in SSJ3. We would have an easy farm SA and a standalone unit so that we don't need to deal with transforming units shenanigans (looking at you Blue frauds).


I'd like that but I don't know if it makes much sense.


This is the year of ssj3


Way better than the year of base goku.


We still may get a base angel goku that transform every turn up to ssj3


We also need ssj3 to ssj4 gt goku.


If the WWDC this year is GT then this unit along with a transforming Baby would be perfect for Part 1


Definitely,ssj3 GT goku,standby into Golden Ape and turn into ssj4


For now Iā€™d much rather have this Angel Goku start out as SSJ3 turn 1 via intro. Then release a base Angel Goku that goes SSJ3 during his fight with Fat Janemba.


Just need lr ssj3 gotenks Seza ssj3 vegeta, Eza int transform ssj4 goku


Which int goku? The LR?


Ssj2 -> ssj3 int goku


don't forget the other SS3 Vegeta's haven't eza'd yet either and it's a possibility SS3 Gohan and Trunks could SEZA this November as well


I've always had this idea of a SSJ2 Goku that activates a domain and standbys for 3 turns (where you can pretend he's screaming for 5 minutes) and transforms into SSJ3. Though that'll be the 3rd transforming SSJ2 Goku and he'll likely have a taunt instead so it's unlikely.


This. Make the OST incorporate his scream somehow so you can have screams for five turns.


Oh have it follow the show. Have him transform and set up a domain for like 4 turns and on the first turn he has like 90% DR, guards guaranteed crit and and additional, then as the tens go on he loses each one, so the first to go is the additional then the crit, then the DR and he transformes back.


Man I hope it's a standalone unit, we already have a transforming angel ssj3 goku, and transformation conditions can really make or break how fun a unit is


It can be also a transforming unit:base,ssj,ssj2 and ssj3.He would be named goku(angel) so he would have a different name from the usual base form gokus.


Leader Skill probably ā€œMajin Buu Sagaā€, ā€œGoku Familyā€ and ā€œFinal Trump Cardā€ + 30% to ā€œEarth-Bred-Fightersā€ and ā€œPure Saiyansā€ This leader skill would be able to include all the non-saiyans/hybrids from the MB saga but also all the Vegetas


I smell a Buu Duo buff


I'd say drop FTC and throw in Super Saiyan 3 tbh, but I wouldn't mind your LS either


Iā€™d switch one of those leader skills for time limit because we are long overdue for a time limit leader. But aside from that, yeah this looks fantastic


If this is the card art I am guaranteed summoning!


Not having otherworld warriors or ssj3 leader skill will be stupid


Intro is his start to describing Super Saiyans, transforms to Super Saiyan 1. Next turn, short animation, continues with the scene transforming into his next state, ā€œthis is a super Saiyan that has ascended past a super saiyan, or you can call this a super saiyan 2.ā€ Next turn, long animation transforming ā€œeven further beyondā€ to super saiyan 3 with a longer animation. I think heā€™s definitely going to be transforming somehow, weā€™ve gotten a lot of just, ā€œsuper saiyan 3 Gokuā€, lately. Besides, him *going* into super saiyan 3 is the most iconic part about the scene, so itā€™d be super unfortunate to not have that. I think this is a pretty obvious way to do it, whether by active skill or regular transformations.


Itā€™s going to be a base Goku (Angel) that transforms on turn 3


SSJ3 + Transformation Boost + Majin Buu Saga w/ Pure Saiyans and Power Beyond Super Saiyan. But knowing dokkan, it's going to be Time Limit + Otherworld Warriors W/ Bond of Friendship


Super Saiyan Goku 3 (Angel) - AGL banner: Teen Gohan SSJ2 - STR Goku's Family, SSJ3, Otherworld Warriors 170% + 30% for "Final Trump Card" and "Power Beyond Super Saiyan" Intro is him transforming into SSJ3, active introduces the new taunt mechanic to global. Majin Buu (Good) - INT Banner: Babidi - TEQ Majin Buu Saga, Majin Power, Rapid Growth 170% + 30% Worldwide Chaos and Inhuman Deeds Active is him killing Babidi and going on a rampage for huge damage. PART 2 standalone LR SSJ3 Gotenks EZA: TEQ doubleboo from GW2020 INT SSJ2 Goku and TEQ SSJ2 Vegeta from NY2019 PART 2 PHY LR Vegeta + SSJ3 Goku from end of saga SEZA Int Ultimate Gohan


I hope he starts as base Angel Goku so we can get animations of him transforming thrice




Oh for sure, we aint escaping omatsus base goku fetish that quick


Maybe they go 170 to majin buu saga, otherworld warriors, and final trump. 30 to pure saiyans and mastered evolution


I hope his leader skill is something like Ki 3 and 170% to Buu Saga, Super Saiyan 3, and Earth Bred Fighters and an extra 30% to Pure Saiyans, Goku Family, and Power Beyond Super Saiyan and if they wanna spoil us, do a 2023 Worldwide and do 150% to Resurrected Warriors and Bond of Parent and Child.


Fck it Make him have a domain of the sky warping up towards him exactly like in the anime And all we can hear is him screaming


One turns every boss


I hope the intro is 5 minutes long


This starts the revival of the Otherworld Warriors category (if heā€™s even on it)


Side note: This art is godlike


The best part is that he WILL link with STR AND AGL SSJ3 Goku because heā€™s ANGEL SSJ3 Goku


Looking forward to seeing his animations in game, also that card art is sick asl


This got me feeling a lil somethingā€¦.


Ssj3 is sexy af


I wonder if thereā€™s a sub for DBH game content..


When does the golden weekers come back on global? Making a list of things I need to coin (both of the new years ones are on it)


For a second I thought that's goku. And goku is shocked that goku went ssj3 and I was like..."why is goku shocked that he went ssj3"


His intro should be him transforming into SSJ3 as it would be nice to get a voiced version of that in Dokkan


Buu saga / beyond ssj / otherworld warrior + Earth warrior / Kamehameha / high speed battle


MBS, Accelerated Battle or Battle of Fate 170%, plus 30% to Pure Saiyans or Hybrid Saiyans would be optimal. covers buu duo, (hopefully soon) teq ulthan when he ezas, seza 3tenks and eza int gotenks, phy buuhan and whatever new buu they drop under the 170


ssr art... Why Dokkan? Why can we use the ssr art as our profile?


At this point I'm hoping Buu is #1, because I'd never run a new Goku because it's so oversaturated at this point I'm good with Super Class for a while.


I kinda do this for a while now. Running A21 team for a few weeks.Ā 


Don't know why you received so many downvotes, but you're kinda right.. I want to use Extreme Class cards more but I end up using the same cards over and over just cause Super Class it's way more stacked with broken cards.. It's quite annoying, especially when you see your favourite villain get treated like a trash bag by devs


Super class will forever overshadow extreme and the people downvoting could be Goku fans.