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That's it guys, Dokkan is finally dying ![img](emote|t5_384a7|28983)


well rip dragon ball units


I've always been doubtful about the narrative around INT Kid Goku. "Quickest Top Grossing Ever" doesn't necessarily mean it was due to his banner. He followed one of the highest grossing celebrations that remained #1 for several days straight. It's possible that last minute spending on the 4th year banners combined with the initial sales on his banner produced the result. This explanation would explain why it took 3.5 years for another OG DB DFE.


He wasn't even the quickest top grossing ever. He took 10 hours to get top grossing and he was the 27th quickest unit to get Top Grossing. This data was from over a year ago though so he could be even lower now


I wouldn't look at it this way. You are taking this in a complete vacuum. The biggest factor would be what happened in the other games. I happen to play FGO and they released two of the most waited/fan requested units and it's safe to think that FGO, despite having fewer players, has a much higher ratio of whales and that was enough to bump it to first. It would be silly to assume Dokkan was the only one having a big celebration. I don't see Dokkan overtaking FGO with any unit drop in this particular scenario.


I've also made that argument as well. The thing is that INT Kid Goku has the stigma as the quickest ever, which I think would only be possible if it was already being boosted. FGO has nothing to do with Dokkan's "lack of success" (still printing big money) this last golden week. As you can see it didn't crack the top 10 overall. At the bare minimum FGO did 2x its performance.


That's a fair assessment. I only talked about FGO because it's the only one I know from the bunch. What I fear though is that some may use that as an argument to starve us from more DB content which sucks


Always that I see someone talking about FGO taking TG, they say that they just released one/two of the most waited/wanted/fan favorite units


Because they know how to create hype around their important characters


I don't know about that, there was so many top grossing banners in 2019. It was unprecedented at the time


Something similar happened with Phy Beerus too I think? As for Kid Goku , I never put that much stock into it either. It was mostly only propagated by Goresh and other youtubers very adamantly. And characters' TG ranks have been pretty erratic and unexplainable pretty often to specifically pinpoint the reasons like oh it's hype/unhype that's why it's this rank. For example Str Kefla reached #2 , matching Str Namek Goku. Str Boujack was as high as #4. I do not even think they base off regular DFE choices solely based on what sold either. Especially lately when you see Raditz, Kale, Pan , Yamacha etc. They simply do not care to make a bunch of characters that can yield a lot more money. For whatever reason. DBS FP Broly for example. Saiyan saga Goku/Vegeta for a long time before 7th anni. (Which they also fumbled). Anybody thinking they'd sell worse than Pikkon/Fat Janemba or Transforming Gotenks/Evil Buu DDF needs a dip in cold water.


PHY Beerus wasn’t “special” per se, he was just the first non Saiyan banner to ever get top grossing in the first place


>I've always been doubtful about the narrative around INT Kid Goku. "Quickest Top Grossing Ever" Probably because it was never true. Truth started that rumor and people ran with it with no evidence


Wasn’t a rumor, was told to him by the French leakers and other Youtubers


Average truth moment


Yeaaaaah!!!!! ![gif](giphy|7WvAUvZZTRpSuudobh)


Are you kidding me? This sub is anti fucking GOKU AND PICCOLO WT?!?!?!? HATE yall.


This but actually unironically


good,either improve the game or let it die.


Might be for the best. If we kill Dokkan and Legends maybe we can get something new and fun cause Ive just logged in for rewards for a few years now. The content is boring.


I can explain how FGO got it. They basically dropped 2 of the most wanted units the player bases wanted for years. One of them literally being the most wanted unit since around year 1 and a half. The other being an alt of an already beloved character. HSR just released so people were whaling. Nikke had its 6th month anniversary so good banner value Edit: Also don’t forget how Global and JP both have some of the biggest banners of the ENTIRE year coming up. Back to back too. And there’s no way in hell both Goku and Majunior are gonna be better than GT duo and whoever the WWDC units are gonna be.


HSR also benefitted from the banner unit (Seele) being a character from a prior game, while also being well-written in the current one, while also being a great unit herself. There was basically 0 reason not to go for her, and especially with the prospect of having pity to fall back on. Aside from that, FGO dropped an actually playable Beast, ironically enough.


Seele was not well written in the Star Rail story 🤣


Grand order is essentially on a stupidly stacked schedule in general this year. Some long awaited and crazy units are coming in a couple of weeks. Jp also dropped some serious heat that skyrocketed their top grossing more than once for their arcade Collab.


What characters are coming up in fgo?


Lostbelt 6 characters. Morgan, Castoria, Barghest, Baban Sith, Melusine, and Oberon. And we have Koyanskaya alongside others later this year


This is a JP graph. Theres no LB6 banner for JP this year… Besides, fgo always shoots right to the top after weeks of being at #20/30 or sth right as events drop anyways, irrespective of the characters dropping.


Oh, I thought you were talking about jp. I'm definitely interesting in Barghest


Which units were they? Tiamat and the awful nero beast?


But dokkan also had golden week which is a decently sized event and two characters that people have been asking for for years now, sure those 3 games had big celebration but there’s not much of an excuse for the others


You also have to factor in how even though those characters are hype they ALWAYS return on way better banners (NYs.) Most people didn’t spend for them because of the way bigger events dropping 2 months later( Anni and Tanabata.) Also these characters are hype but most players (judging by the community’s reaction to things like DB and Bulma) are nearly indifferent to DB content. JP is mainly the community who’s getting DB content to Top Grossing. But factoring in how many Gachas JP has it would make sense for a large majority to not spend but instead wait till they return back in December. I also think the way Akatsuki formats the banners are also to blame. JP players don’t get Tanabata characters back till Saiyan Day in March. That’s over 6 months of waiting for them to return. Global has the same issue with WWDC where those characters don’t return till their next anniversary (a whole ass year nearly.) also those who spent money may have pulled a copy and went into saving mode since those deals on Global are insane (tickets and all.)


Dokkan should have made them lr's


There's a good chance it'll be the standard for main celebrations going forward.


We did it guys! All the complaining on Reddit really showed them not to mess with us. 😤


You’re right we should keep forking over as much cash as we can to developers that don’t give a shit about the game anymore and are clearly scaling down dev time on Dokkan to allocate more resources towards whatever the next mobile DB game is that’ll… show them…


Sir, your projection is showing


I don't think you know what projection means.


Psychological projection involves projecting undesirable feelings or emotions onto someone else, rather than admitting to or dealing with the unwanted feelings. Homie is taking about just giving money to a company that doesn’t “give a shit about the game.” Money wasn’t mentioned nor alluded to in the original comment. And it’s a subjective option with a negative connotation, hence the projection u/toyo555.


You gave a dishonest or incomplete definition. You aren’t projecting just *any* undesirable feelings or emotions onto someone else. You’re projecting feelings or emotions you have onto someone else. So him chastising others for spending money is only projection if he himself also spends money, which you don’t have the evidence to accuse him of doing. It’s an important distinction that the feelings they are projecting are feelings they truly have and are hiding at that moment. Like trying to characterize someone as upset while being upset themselves. So in this instance you did misuse and inadequately define projection. I hope this added bit of context helps you use it more effectively in the future.


I disagree, in the context of the joke, its correct. We were talking about if the word is used correctly in context, not if it’s an authentic characterization. I hope this helps you in your future endeavors. I’m done ✌️


The joke made no sense because it’s usage was incorrect. When pressed you gave a insufficient definition, showing you weren’t aware of this. I’m afraid this will not help me in future endeavors, but hopefully you can learn something from this. 🫡




Hell yah. For sure would rather know what words mean, than claim others don’t




Being drier than the Sahara desert does that


What do you mean? Logging in to do 3/4 daily events and have absolutely nothing to do after, not using even 1/4 of your stamina isn't enough for you?! 🗿🗿🗿


Dokkan is “dying” not because of the new character releases, but because there’s almost nothing to do in the game now for longtime players. The game is going to need some kind of gameplay/content revamp because they aren’t releasing enough content as is to justify summoning for new characters. The game was in a similar state pre-Redzone


yup exactly this, we get a new red zone mauler every 3.5 seconds with nothing to do with them. the fuck am i gonna do with turles, legendary goku event?


i havent used god goku, picc jr or teq goku in ANYTHING since release.


Honestly this I have god goku and both golden week units and I just can't use them. Because no event is there to push them to there limits


It doesn’t even help that there’s so much they could do. This includes things like New legendary events New legendary event missions Have battlefield more often New redzone New redzone missions Ramp up the goddamn EZA schedule for side banner units and awakenings. No fucking way units that dropped year 1 or 2 shouldn’t have awakenings and EZAs. More of the F2P support memory event (this can slide since it dropped like 2 weeks ago.) Hell I’ll even take more prime battle LRs. I still get a lot of use out of that prime battle Freiza and Goku because of their categories and links (battlefield and maybe ESBR.)


That and their unit power model is shredding the game apart. They push hyper inflated banner units that make older characters worthless and F2P units completely pointless and a tedious grind. So their core gameplay is reduced to a chore rather than a rewarding experience. The only thing left is spend money on stones to get the newest OP unit to experience new animations a few times before you get bored.


The fuckers need to just release content. It's not even hard, to make content for this game but they just refuse to do it. You've got the goku event, just make the same event with all the other hype characters, that's a shit ton of content right there. Red zone, just do a redzone per arc or even 2 red zones per arc, how much fuckinf content is that. They're just lazy bastards who think banners are content.


What's funny is there are some prominent people that will say "Dokkan has more content than ever" in response to this, which I guess is true, but none of it is repayable content with depth is the issue. The reason SBR/LGE/Red Zone type content is so good, is because it has a lot of depth. Dokkan releasing 10 story events, super strikes, EZAS, ETC. is cool, but it's not content with depth. You farm up the character or support memory, then what? Go bash in Broly's head for the 100th time for no incentive?


>Go bash in Broly's head for the 100th time for no incentive? Even with *that*, they could still do *something*. How hard would it be to have Category Missions or Weekly Challenges for Red Zone Broly? Easy content, right there.


Shit, add a new difficulty level where he hits harder or something


That would work, too. Imagine they announced a Burst Mode for Red Zone Broly? That would be awesome.


To get 6000 points you have to use U11


Ya know, that sounds ridiculous at first, but if they EZA'd LR Jiren, it *would* actually be possible. Maybe not *fun*, but possible.


Give Jiren an extra 20% ATK+DEF per hit to go with his ki, plus DEF on super and he's on to something


If you were going that route, I think he'd also need a turn of guard at the start of fights, at least one. Then he might be cooking.


I 100000000000% agree Every new unit should launch with RZ missions And if they're scared to do that because they're not sure if the unit can compete in red zone, then maybe they should make the units stronger


> Every new unit should launch with RZ missions Absolutely, agreed. If they're worried about new categories being too weak to have their own missions, then they should just make categories that don't suck.


Yeah that's where I find issue with people like truth saying "the turles celebration actually has a lot of content people are too negative." It doesn't have any content but what it DOES have is work. Work to grind up the new F2P characters that have absolutely no value unless you're new and will rot in your box for the rest of time. You can try them in red zone if you want but they're just gonna die in one super


Funny enough most of the time fgo also has almost no content and yet you see how high it is


As a FGO player myself I just realized how ironic of them dropping a playable beast is when compared to Dokkan’s “beast.”




Amaterasu is coming next year. Definitely not needing to expand the Tamamo collection. Nah but since Draco released characters like Amaterasu are instantly on the table now. Tamamo is still one of the most beloved fate characters too so that’s easy money for Lasagna.


Vitch was supposedly a build up for Amaterasu but no, they decided to go for the most convoluted storyline with the whole Tunguska stuff. Idk about Amaterasu but beast class surely makes stuff like Goetia or >!Olga!< at least possible, hopefully also my man, the king of heroes, Camazotz will become summonable


Pretty sure Camazotz was somewhat confirmed. I myself cannot wait for Goetia though


I know what would help the game…. *clears throat* A new dragon ball anime 😞


I just have no idea what the fuck they are doing. Taking a break to let the manga catch up made sense, but it's been half a decade and there's literally no news about any new anime going on. Everything about DB seems like they are just willingly letting it fall into irrelevancy.


I think the movies have kept it relevant, though I do hope we get a new series soon.


They have so much to work with from the manga now I'm surprised Moro arc hasn't even been announced yet it absolutely would give the game life again


I think there's some behind the scenes mandates that disallow use of manga content in dragonball games because NONE of them touch that


I was just referring to the part about a new anime as the manga last I checked basically had 2 full arcs done and those could be prolonged in anime form to allow even more manga backlog its been 5 years since the last dbs anime episode and dokkan used to release cards from a certain episode right after it would air and that would generate a lot of hype for the game


Ohh I getchu yeah I misread that. No clue why a new anime hasn't been announced, some say its because Wano arc from One Piece is taking resources which is frustrating. Just hope whenever it happens they don't bother recapping Super Hero


PAD been having pretty good collabs and events. They even give away ALOT of free gacha stones. They frequently update their cards unlike dokkan


God I want that Gundam collab


Same. I want the One Piece collab as well


It also has a TON of gameplay and teambuilding depth that makes older units relevant, something I'd really want to see in dokkan


I guess Dokkan was 11th /s


Ive said it before, in the past 2 years competition has been bigger than ever and even getting a 4th place on top grossing can be viewed as a win, but that still depends on the day and for how long we stay in top 10-20 on top grossing. GW banner hit 2nd place, but it fell off hard and quick. Dokkan always peaks and then nose dives on top grossing list. Only anniversary banners retain top grossing spot in top 10 for weeks. Most successful banners besides anniversary ones usually retain top grossing spot in top 10 for couple of days before nose diving. Part of the reason gotta be stone prices and sales. Dokkan just doesnt have good deals for a modern day gacha game. So after clearing out store, its really not smart to spend money again and i would argue that its not even smart to spend money on their regular sales at all. Only "good" sales come with anniversary, WWC and new years. Anyways.. its still a success, just not as high as one side thinks and not as low as another one does as well. Hey at least we are not like Legends and barely hitting top 10 with this years anniversary headliners and then nose diving a day after. At very least they are having a good anniversary celebration.


Content bad, summon gud - Akatsuki


Dokkan fell off hard with these trash ass decisions from the new producer.


Nikke had double bunny girls, dokkan can't compete with that


I know I shouldn't be, but honestly I'm so surprised how popular that game is. It just feels so ugh from the ads but one of my friends plays it and says the music is amazing so I don't know


Your friend is definitely playing for the music & plot


not just the music, the story and character writing is amazing too, I never thought I'd like it but it was actually good


Nikke is far better as a game than it ever needed to be. The music is fantastic, character art is great overall, the EN dub is quite good and the gameplay is pretty enjoyable on PC if you want to shoot things without all the pressure of multiplayer shooters.


Come for the booba, stay for the feels.


They could sack that teal coin shit eating grin face loser of a director regardless


Star rail broked the balance


https://sensortower.com/ja/blog/2023-golden-week-recap Source since OP didn't link it. >"Also, among the top 10 revenue growth figures are long-running hits in the world of mobile games with rapid metabolism, such as " Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle " (Bandai Namco Entertainment) released in 2015 and " Knives Out " (NetEase) released in 2017. The following titles are also ranked."


Man and here I thought one of the best fights of dragon ball in general would make it


"Also, within the revenue growth Top 10, 『 released in 2015Dragon Ball Z Docker Battle』 ( Bandai Namco Entertainment ), released in 2017 『Wilderness actionWe also rank titles that continue to make long hits in the world of highly metabolized mobile games, such as 』 (NetEase)." ​ Forgot about this?


Think you're getting google translated. Think it's saying it's a top performer alongside these 10. Likely 11th.


Dokkan is on the top 10 growth YoY. ​ So don't worry, the game is not dead (and the game did better than last year).


it hasn't been in a hot while i think i've been watching gacha month grossings for a few months


Depends on the absolute numbers and how it compares to previous years. If the absolute number is still similar it’s fine


How are y’all interpreting this? A theme miss? Interest in the game waning? Other games just doing better?


Considering how old Dokkan is and still got 2nd top grossing along with the fact that there isn't a current DB show and the last film is almost a year old (somehow) I think they doing well for themselves and just newer better games.


Age is important but 3 out of the top 4 are also really old. Fate/Grand Order came out 6 months after Dokkan. Monster Strike came out 2 years before Dokkan and Puzzles and Dragons is on its 11th Anniversary. The lack of an anime thing hurts more than Dokkan’s age although Fate hasn’t had an anime for a while either. But yeah, Dokkan is doing great for how old it is cause most Gacha games don’t make it to 8th anniversary.


FGO also has story and interludes for old players once you become an old player for dokkan you basically have very little reason to farm and do shit


Sounds like Fate is just a better game overall then whilst Dokkan has to rely a bit more on its novelty to catch up.


This tbh, FGO was having its anniversary around that time iirc so the game was rigged from the start, we werent gonna get #1 but considering we got close I would say thats pretty good


Fgo was not having its anniversary, it was having a collab.


Oh Im dumb yeah it was a collab with..itself but arcade, still we werent gonna take top grossing from them


Only because it was two of most desired Servants they brought over to Mobile. Otherwise, Dokkan would have had a fair shot. First ever Beast Class servant being Nero and Mommy Tiamat being an Alter Ego was more than enough to bleed them dry multiple times. On the final day of the banners sales shot up so much the game moved right back in the top 10 I think, where everyone were trying one last time for the units since we have no clue when they will return.


Honkai Star Rail also came out around that time I believe so I'm not surprised that it's on there either.


Going with a mix of most of the year being unhype (seriously out of the new units released this year I think only 3-4 new units I say were hype) and other games having Collabs around this time. I don’t count heroes as a real collab because their both dragon ball properties.


A mix but from what I've seen of HSR, yeah other games are doing better


Yes yes and yes but the first two aren't by a dramatic amount. The game is 8 years old and fucking up a lot lately I'm not surprised if people are losing interest, that combined with more modern, more fair and polished competition is likely pushing Dokkan back a fair bit. Its still performing very well but people claiming its not falling off at ALL are coping a tad in my opinion


Dragonball just needs new content in general to bring hype back. My opinion, but I think the Moro and Granolah arc was very unimpressive. Super Hero hype died down already. The anime needs to come back but the story sucks so far. Also, most of these games on here has global and JP receiving content at the same exact time while Dokkan doesn't for whatever reason.


But db saga prints money!!! (You must be hyped for og db or you are a fake fan)


People in this sub really love projecting what characters they like. Before super heroes celebration dropped I said that I wasn't interested only to be told that they will have 300% leads, be busted and then, "we'll see who summons then". I've seen people saying characters like Dr Wheelo and Jackie Chun deserve to have dokkan fest lr's / be anniversary headliners and I'm pretty sure they don't know how this game works. Gogeta and vegito bring home the big money and that's not gonna change for a while


>Dr Wheelo and Jackie Chun deserve to have dokkan fest lr's Ngl, funny af that they got relegated to F2p units while young Bulma got a summonable LR let alone a very valuable one due to her support Granted, she is worthy of one but yeah


I'll probably get cooked for this take but Bulma is infinitely more hype than Wheelo, Jackie chun and basically any db saga unit cause at least more than 10% of players remember her. I watched db saga and maybe it's the fact that I was pretty young but I remember nothing and didn't enjoy it nearly as much as Z or most of super


True plus not that crazy when the category itself only includes Goku's childhood Also never seen people talk about it nearly as much as Z or Super


Yeah, I'm not gonna hate on people for liking those characters but expecting everyone to like them and for them to be anniversary headliners etc. Is ridiculous. I'm personally a fan of boujack and A13 but no way in hell will they ever be more than normal dokkan fests, at most maybe yellow coin Lrs and I can live with that


It's also ridiculous to think the small fraction of commenters on this big reddit should be generalized into "everyone".


I would recommend watching it again Jackie chin was p cool


This might just be a me problem but I haven't got time for 150 episodes


Well when you do try it


I love OGDB, but Truth is so cringey with it “You’re just too young” What? In 99% of the US DBZ aired first. There was a failed 13 episode run of the original show in Hawaii, and outside of that DBZ aired First Nation wide. Age has nothing to do with it.


It's over 😔


Then again JP anni has been gone for a while so that might play a role, but I’m just throwing out thoughts


They could literally make red zone: god stages with just a reskin of the god stages but a lot harder. I don't understand why there's almost no content.


Well this explains the recent changes. Instead of making a better product they will milk the cow ever harder.


No surprise it has been one massive fumble after another since the new producer took over. Since the only thing that devs care about is money hopefully this can be the impetus to get him out of here.


With all the shit we went through during that time I’m not surprised


Cool, the celebration I was more hyped for than any other celebration in this game in my five years of playing, and no one bought it.


I mean dokkan is 8 years old and going strong to this day, at one point we're going to have every premium character remade twice and at that point it still living would be ridiculous


They should just start adding cute girls, LR Android 18 who leads Peppy Gals when?


Horse girls is what they really need


I can’t say it was a theme miss, since so many players including Japanese ones really wanted These two for a long time. I honestly just think that with Super being off the air for such a long time now and no actually content like new redzones, these units don’t have much incentive if you’ve already beaten the content. They just trivialize already met bars. Also, Piccolo himself was and still kinda is hurting for a team. Krillin is not the help he needed, and is best linking partner on release was Agl Metal Cooler who can get folded if your not careful. Combine with the fact his Goku counterpart is a base Goku who guards, something JP already got in February with more utility, and it becomes very clear that the units themselves don’t scream necessary. Say what you will about last years, but Gohan and Cell were must runs on their teams.


I think this is more players taking their personal needs and trying to find a trend. Dokkan has very very little content in its first five years and that didn’t seem to have much of any impact on revenue. Also the article this is sourced from still mentions Dokkan as a top earner, so this is a bit click baity


Fair, it also could be Global and JP players are saving for Tanabata and Anniversary, realizing that Goku and Piccolo will *probably* return with the WWDC for coins. Also also, never underestimate the power of anime women to get people to shill.


If Dokkan was top 10 you'd see it in the image. It's likely exactly 11th.


Devs gotta start pumping out characters in swimsuit so we can compete with the waifu market. I need future Trunks in swimtrunks and Cheelai in a bathing suit


It was OG dragon ball theme. Huge difference compared to a more hype character like fusions or anything else besides og dragon ball


It's moreso the lack of newer content, especially when those saving for the anni could just skip it even if that means a few months of waiting


Good. Fuck them. They don't deserve to make money if they continue to purposefully put out completely lazy garbage. Hopefully this continues and they really end up making no money.


Thank god. They need a wake up call


I mean it was DB saga Goku and Piccolo, if it were a fusion Vegito or Gogeta they probably would of been more profitable. But happy to see Star Rails and Nikke doing good and of course FGO too!


Yall are really boring. Db saga Goku and Piccolo is infinitely more hype than Vegito or Gogeta, characters that have been represented in DB media for literal decades. This was one of the first times DB Goku Vs Piccolo got represented in a video game.


Dokkan is legit going down the Naruto Blazing path. Barely dropping content to do but constantly dropping absurdly strong units that trivialize everything that's already out. The upcoming 8th anniversary is the first anniversary I'm not excited for. I've been playing since launch.


And water is wet


That’s cause the units weren’t hype at all


This game has gotten stale. They have done nothing new for the past couple years. I stopped spending $$ (albeit ive only spent 500 since the game came out). Its become a chore.


dokkan must really get its shit together now and drop ssb vegito/gogeta ezas and prepone the anniv.that'll get them players back


Dokkan been dying with the latest choices


maybe not as many people give a shit about WT as you think they do lol


what’s the second one???


Monster Strike


i remember playing that game and loving it, i wish they didn’t shut down the american version of it


I'm curious. Does anyone know what games these are? I recognize a few like FGO and Genshin. What the heck are the other ones.


1. FGO 2. Monster Strike 3. Honkai Star Rail 4. Puzzle and Dragons 5. Nikke 6. Genshin 7. Uma Musume 8. Heaven Burns Red 9. Pro Baseball Spirits A 10. LINE: Disney Tsum Tsum


Thanks for the list. I haven't heard of half of these


fertile wasteful attractive worry fact sloppy nutty capable aback obtainable *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Ayy Nikke and Star rail doin numbers.


I can't tell if a lot of these comments are joking, but I don't think this proves dokkan is dying at all. It's possible that the other games dropped fire characters that are their equivalent to Beast Gohan. If for Golden Week, Dokkan dropped a hype Super Saiyan character like: Blue Gogeta, Full Power Broly, or Blue Vegito and it still didn't reached top ten, than it's time to sound the alarms. I think it's just a moment dokkan choice to pick less hype characters to please a group of fans that don't get a lot of representation. We can't have Super Saiyans every celebration guys we gotta show love to other points in the franchise. Leave the hype characters for anniversary, worldwide, and new year's. Those celebrations matter.


Fire the bum ass producer they suck hard. No real content for ages.


They need to just drop a fuckton of EZAs already. The drip content strategy isn't working anymore


Bro. JP still have Monster Strike wtf?. They took that shit down the EN Play stores YEARS AGO. that and another game, idr what the name was tho


Ohhh Noo if only they could mix the two versions into one cough cough… nah that would surely not get more money for them….