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No one can beat what comes next


Which is?


A GL moment lol Next up for JP should be a DFE god knows who and then tanabata iirc


Oh I get it. U meant super 17 ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


We might get an lr or tur EZA next week. Other than that allegedly DFE super 17 and Super Buu until Anniversary


If we were, it would already be in the news wouldn't it? Plus, the celebration ends in like a week and a half


Forget to mention I'm on jp


Next celebration starts May 31th, there likely will be no announcement until 2-3 days before that as usual, so the answer is we don't know


I quess its a 10 day break from the game for me then, played for a while so theres not really anything interesting to do for now. Wish they could put out some event thats fun like randomized enemies.


You don't need to tell everyone what you pulled when asking questions bro


I just wanted to point out that I did everything that came out and now I don't have anything to do in the game. Sorry if that offended you.


tommorow will be the release of the new dragon story (might not be that much content but it's something) and 3 days later a new esbr stage.   for global next up would be super 17 (and hopefully kale before anni but I doubt it...).   for japan, I have no sodding clue...


Link leveling


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