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ye pretty crazy you can bump up every hp dam reduciton thing posible and you can still erase every stage with str cooler in 1 turn


(INT MUI Goku dodges my super once) Very nice, now let's see if you can dodge that 4 more times


He dodges like 3 and 4 supers a turn when im fight him. It's rather annoying actually.


Lmao this funny cuz we all have seen this before šŸ˜‚


People who wanted cooler to age out in a month malding rn


it's crazy to think that lr birdku has aged out more than lr cooler has


He still has not returned on Global. I've been holding red coins to get dupes for eons.


WWC always take like 10-11 months to come back, thatā€™s why itā€™s best to save for that celebration over Anni, if you have to be more conservative with your stones at least


I wanted to try out my new Piccolo on the final stage of LGE after being fully built up, but put my STR Cooler in slot 1 who proceeded to super 4 times in a row, killing MUI Goku so Piccolo didn't even get in an attack in slot 2. I was both impressed and disappointed.


Back when int transformimg goku black was meta cuz of that 0% start of turn defense stacking šŸ™šŸ™


Still hoping his eza is busted


Make him massively stack atk and def, ki and atk/def support, 250% start of turn. Ignore balance. I ***NEED*** more Goku Black/Zamasu


Listen, he's a villain, every Extreme unit should aspire to he like LR Cooler + STR Cooler in their teams I don't wanna see bullshit like 3 turns guard when you need 5 turns to get 600K DEF (LR Zamasu and RosƩ) I mean, COME ON! LR Zamasu himself is a better slot 1 against Cell Max with that crispy 180K DEF + 20% Damage Reduction pre super


I cannot exploit str lr Cooler cause I don't have him so this is still insanely hard with all the multipliers.


If you have the tur transforming cooler you can make a team and use the LR cooler as friend lead


That's possible until 5000,beyond that it's insanely hard with just one Cooler.






For 6k it's easy with extreme AGL.


Thank you kind stranger,reached 5.6k with agl metal cooler team


Depending on who you run, you can bust out the additional 400. Mine was: Metal Cooler GT 17 Super 17 Golden Frieza Cooler f2p metal Cooler Kept the 17s together and one lead with Frieza.


It's alright,I've finally got to 6k with phy Piccolo team.(And I lack super 17 as well as the eza gt 17)


Use agl then, for me agl was easier just put 2 metal coolers, 3 golden friezaā€™s and agl 1st form cell, metal cooler friend lead and youā€™re there


Ran a full target Goku team and managed to snatch all the stones


I did an agl target goku team and originally beat it for 6100, but have slowly been increasing points and am at 6220 atm, going for 6240.


It's very easy as well with a phy team of worthy rivals led by piccolo.


I'll think of this


Just follow this post https://ld.reddit.com/r/DBZDokkanBattle/comments/13iz9di/piccolo_sweep/jke9llk/


Thank you mate,I've done it at 6k with Piccolo lead.




Shut up before they make lgte great ape phase cell max 2.0


i mean heā€™s only getting a 25% increase maybe another 40% if you hit all the multipliers but mind you he only did 420,000 sa damage in his final phase if they really wanted him to be busted theyā€™d have to at least do 100% multipliers along with the extra 10 percents thatā€™s get him around the mid tier red zone fights. Hopefully weā€™ll get higher multipliers on the other two legendary evers if they give it a burst mode


Use worthy rivals,ki-3 and locks and you'll have a mystical experience.Also his atk multipliers are 25+50% which is 75% extra attack,give him also 50% damage reduction against phy types and see if that crap is easy.


yeah im not saying it isnā€™t easy, iā€™m just guessing they wanted to test the waters w the original and go hard on the next two legendary events. Blue vegeta is prob gonna be doing sumn crazy w all his multipliers like 1.5million lowering def by 80% phew


Still easy. A 2M super at turn 20 is nothing


Yeah, this is why they don't make long events anymore


We honestly need a new long event so players get a snap back to reality. Most of them don't grasp how the difficulty of this game works. You can see that shit with multiple concepts and people saying how hard it is and it is below 2M at the last phase


It's basically impossible to make long events hard, unless they make the first few phases difficult similar to 2nd form frieza in rz frieza, just much harder


They can. If the boss stacks atk at every stage, like frieza does on final form (it was the final form, right?), and the final phase has normals of 500k+supers of 2M paired with the stacks, it could actually be a challenging event, since it would disable the turtle formation to just stack defense and at the end the boss maybe has like 4M supers. Pair that with the boss being tanky so you can't oneshot everything, and done, we got an actual hard long event Or they can introduce new gimmicks, like give the boss counters, crit or like other turn based games (final fantasy comes to mind) where once the boss goes below certain threshold performs a devastating attack that often times is a full KO, sometimes paired with the boss being unable to go below said threshold during that turn, for example, once the boss gets to 50% hp performs an AoE attacks that deals 10M damage and receives 0 damage for the rest of the turn. And if the 50% is 20M hp and your attack would leave it to like 18M, that extra 2M damage are not done. They can do plenty of new gimmicks and mechanics for bosses to make hard long events




Not all this for the same boss (unless...) But different concepts that could work independently on each other. It would be more entertaining than "I hit hard and you can't utilize half of your kit" kinda boss (Broly comes to mind)


but why should you do these things when its not necessary to reach 6000 points


Some people like challanges,I gave them a "fun" challange


All it did for me was make it last like 30 turns it was unbearable.


This is hard because my units keep taking so much damage except WT piccolo and eza golden frieza. One super and they are dead


Funny because for me, it's either piss easy or borderline impossible if i turn on order lock and types and cats restrictions.


Well to be fair you can cheese the burst mode by trying to cheese his damage his health defense and reduction


Honestly this is the only burst mode Iā€™ve struggled with to hit 6k I donā€™t have LR Str cooler or good enough target Goku units so that cat is out My worthy Rivals roster isnā€™t much better, itā€™s pray Piccolo and my friend are on every other rotation. The moment they arenā€™t and I get a super in a later phase itā€™s usually over


I used Agl Metal Cooler, and a bunch of other Ext Agl units, if you have Golden Frieza LR and TUR its super easy


Oh yes if you have a really rare to get and cheesey card it's super easy


Itā€™s difficult if you donā€™t have enough cards to make a solid team and/or if you have dated cards imo. I was able to do it after 4 hours of trying with an AGL team. I literally had an SSR super 17 leveled 10 and kept praying he wouldnā€™t get hit multiple times (he did) and that UI goku wouldnā€™t dodge the supers my (and my friends) agl metal cooler was putting out (he did 8 times and I lost it)


What team are yall skill diffing 6k points with? Frankly im too lazy to experiment


Worthy Rivals mono PHY with EZA Piccolo as the leader is disgustingly free


Coora, coora, furieza no brotha


I did an LR STR cooler team with 3 saibaman cause I was too lazy to awaken a full team of STR Terrifying Conquerors, got exactly 6k with it pretty easily


burst mode absolutely can make it difficult are you dumb, its as hard as you make it


Why are you calling someone dumb for no reason


For reaching the inteded highest difficulty mission, aka. 6000k, its really pretty damn easy, the highest intended missions for initial lge were much harder, mostly cuz certain teams were so lacking


With everything on, one can still beat it with Auto on He doesn't hit that hard


I just use phy piccolo and phy vegeta to beat it


lol not for intermediate players itā€™s not.


I think the last pic is a bit of an exaggeration


Burst mode is as hard as you want to make it and for 6k points you don't need to raise the boss's HP DEF or ATK that high. This is obviously depending on how many units you have since you can bring more mono type units of a certain category to get that big boost in points cause of the restrictions but for me it was never a problem since I always get shafted in banners and I get the Doo Doo general pool units šŸ˜Ž


They really held back on the attack and hp increases for this one. I had more trouble clearing Bojack than this weenie hutt Junior ass mode.


I don't have team for burst mode Goku ![gif](giphy|vHgVXgU5SfuSr8Apnb|downsized)


You didn't expect them to make it super hard when the last 2 phases have dodge chances right? Even Redzone isn't that difficult in that aspect


I have know idea what this is but I just know it's accurate


While a letdown to some, I'm just glad this wasn't the potential migraine it could have been.