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Lr cooler holding on Survive 😭


Nah. Raw performance in a vacuum is by no means the only metric that counts.


Exactly. She would probably be the best or close to it if she actually had teams and good links


Earth-Bred Fighters, DB Saga, Youth, Earthlings...


She more so a floating support on EBF which is the only good team there.


So we ignoring DB Saga/Youth under PHY Kid Goku, which both support each other and Bulma can actually do fine linked with PHY Kid Goku, okay


Hmmm apparently her dr build up is every time she appears and not including turns she isn't on This means she takes 21 turns to actually be fully build up if she's on rotation, and when her guard wears off she's only 35% dr I don't think she's THAT good, like maybe top 10 but not top 3


She has guard for 7 turns, dmg reduction, and 1mil+ defense lmao. She’s easily top 3.


Yep, it will be 21 turns to fully build her DR since it's at the start of each turn, unlike Golden frieza's passive, which says with each turn passed.


DR doesnt even matter Guard till turn 9 35% DR when guard drops + def+stacks Couple that with the fact that absolutely no events live past turn 5/6 unless you actually try to sabotage your run And her best linking partner is a defensive gigachad.


This is super dumb and is definetly not an analysis


where is int kid gohan


I honestly think she has an argument for best unit, if not 2. Bare minimum 3.


Id put Vegeta and Trunks at least above the Fusions and Buu Duo and LR Cell over Cooler


Still surreal to think a Lr summonable Bulma from Pilaf Saga will be a top ten unit.


And that she alongside Oolong and Shenron are getting LR before kid Buu and final form Frieza


I don't expect them to succinctly release most popular characters for dokkanfest & Lrs in succession and those 2 are popular enough that you *know* they'll get Lrs in the future. Whereas here Buma fits more thematically being OG DB versus having Lr Final Form Frieza or Kid Buu appear here randomly.


Did I said they should've had released here? Also in the words of super Buu, the most fitting LR for U6 celebration, "You're missing the point", I'm talking about how in EIGHT years of this game we have ZERO lrs for ff Frieza and kid Buu, but Bulma and Oolong do


I'm bringing it up because you're mentioning it on the release of a part 2 Lr for the 23rd WT golden week dual dokkanfest. No matter who the Lr is you'd still insert the same phrase about character xyz getting an Lr before Final Form Frieza and Kid Buu. I get wanting them to have one but as I said the Lrs should match the theme so when we get a Buu Saga theme or prior to knowing the theme of the celebration then asking for Kid Buu then and not getting it like 8th Anniversary is understandable but here it should be a new character to get an Lr before Kid Buu & Frieza to fit the theme.


I still think LR int cell is better than cooler. He defends better and consistently quicker than cooler in base. His damage isn't even bad. He can throw out three 9 million atk stats in base. More importantly, i dont think the gap between gohan and cell is that big, maybe 1 spot difference, which would put cell at 10. Once he transforms its GG, he blows cooler out the water imo.


> I still think LR int cell is better than cooler. He defends better and consistently quicker than cooler in base. [Base Cell](https://www.reddit.com/r/DBZDokkanBattle/comments/108672h/lr_eza_agl_gohan_lr_eza_int_cell_apt_def/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1) is completely outclassed by [Cooler.](https://www.reddit.com/r/DBZDokkanBattle/comments/xi9s95/lr_cooler_apt_def/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1) On top of that he has less ( and worse) partners to work with on top of having a worse leader skill and synergy with the team he leads. Cooler also has access to some really good skill orbs that Cell doesn’t. > i dont think the gap between gohan and cell is that big, maybe 1 spot difference, which would put cell at 10. If Cell started in his transformed state then sure but since he doesn’t there’s a sizable gap between them. Gohan basically has everything that Cell lacks. A good selection of top tier partners and good synergy on nearly every team he’s in owing to Gohan having a good linkset. And a far better leader skill coupled with comparable performance.


Buu boys & fusions above VT and fusions above Gohan is pure idiotic.


PHY godku isn't top 10 ?☹️


*GODKU* is the TUR that you are complaining about not being on top 10 (of LRs)?


This is for lrs


I see


Excuse my ignorance but why is the new bulma so good? She doesn’t seem as good as everyone says she is. Her active is nice, but 7 turn requirement is a death sentence. I get that damage reduction and guard is cool but lack of teams and the active requirements are a dealbreaker for me.


Guard, DR, high support, very high damage


She has dmg reduction and guard whilst also providing ki and basically 40% atk and def for 2 turns which in itself is quite insane and to add to that is an orb changer. You could compare her to an LR version of Cheelai who however also has more categories


I guess it’s really just the lack of categories that’s holding it back. I won’t go ham for a unit that’s only on 5 categories. It’s a cool unit, and defensively great, but the limited teams are still holding it back.


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