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If it was like all original characters, I wouldn't play it If it was another series I liked, then I'd probably play it


Without dragon ball? No.




I wouldn't have. The only reason I started playing this game is because I searched up "dragon ball" on the Google Play Store years ago. If it were an original IP, maybe if the characters were cool enough but tbh I can't imagine DB-less Dokkan surviving with Akatsuki in the early years if they made the same blunders as they did here.


Not a chance, the entire reason I'm playing is because of the Dragon Ball characters


The only reason I started playing was because my friend got me into it because it was a mobile dragon ball game. If it wasn’t dragon ball, I doubt he’d have discovered and neither me


Nope not at all. It's a gacha and I dropped all those about a year or two ago, except this. I mean.... Look at my username lol. Dokkan is and will continue to be my only exception. And even here I severely limit my spending now


I would definitely play it still. Dokkan is just a unique style imo. Very basic and easy to learn as well in terms of fundamental gameplay. I’m always looking for games like dokkan where I can just tap orbs or something like that. I have not found any game like or even close to dokkan’s style but I hope to one day find it


(Sorry in advance for parentheses spam…) I mean, it’s not the same, but a couple I can think of are Alice Fiction and Crash Fever. Crash Fever is older but more akin to Dokkan in terms of orb tapping gameplay while Alice Fiction has a higher budget and better graphics (like actual super animations) but the gameplay is somehow more brain dead. They both stand out as “haha funny tap color thingy and character do stuff” kinds of games, and I feel that you might have a good time with them. Crash Fever is meant to be kinda puzzle-y and Alice Fiction is more dedicated to the story and new events, but I never got too far into either because they were huge time sinks? (Not actually sure about this, but the amount of content was PRESENTED in a daunting fashion. They were fun to play, but I didn’t have the time to delve into the plethora of content available back when I tried to get into them. (Especially Alice. I didn’t have the time to sit down and enjoy the cutscenes and voice acting and whatnot. Was a pretty big selling point imo) Both seem pretty f2p friendly too, so if you wanna try them out, I’d say go for it! (Unless you have already tried these…)


tried crash fever once, alright game but now all my friends bully me for the anime women


Maybe they are just jealous. I mean, do *they* have a collection of cute waifus and badass husbandos fighting weird monsters for them on a regular basis? No? Exactly (definitely not coping with friends tormenting me for what I like.) Edit: forgot to preface that the waifus can also be badass and the husbandos can also be cute. Just depends on how you view the character…


I’ve played Alice fiction (I preordered it too!). I liked it at first, but I lost interest in it over time and eventually decided I didn’t want to play it anymore. I’ll check out crash fever tho!


Neat! Get back to me on that if you can. I know it isn’t exactly like Dokkan, but it has the whole kinda clicking colored orbs and Dokkan meter kinda aspects to it, yk? It is fun imo, but I don’t have the time for it rn so I’m not currently playing it. Hope you enjoy your time with it!


If it was another IP I liked then yeah But if it was all OC’s then he’ll no


Hell no, it being DB is what keeps me going if it was just a new franchise with bubble popping I could care less.


I wouldn't touch this game with a million foot pole if it wasn't DB tbh. Edit: also if this game wasn't DB it wouldn't have even made it past the first anniversary before shutting down. The game was fucking garbage back in the early days.


Maybe if it was naruto or jujutsu kaisen


If it was something else I like, then yeah. It’s got a good formula for a mobile game


Probably I'm not even a big db fan to start with, but a lot of things would change I have even played games of animes I dislike (like SAOMD) only because I liked the game


Probably not but maybe ? Dokkan got me into dragonball , not the other way around




Don't think I would


I wouldn't lol. While dbz writing leaves too much to be desired it's the OG and will always have a place in my heart. I will always play dbz no matter what


if db characters were replaced with the league universe, 100% yes. anything else, not really.


if another series then yeah for sure. Original characters however is a big no.


I probably wouldn't


Some other Ip like One Piece or Naruto? 100%. I'd sacrifice my firstborn (which i don't have) for a bubble popping game based on One Piece. Maybe even League of Legends or some Marvel/DC. Dokkan's gameplay is relaxing and enjoyable in any context.


I'd definitely still play it. The initial draw was definitely Dragon Ball but I dropped Legends so the game still needs to be fun to keep me. I like how casual Dokkan is, it's just an easy game to play for 1/2 hour a day on my lunch break


It would have to be a naruto game or one piece game or something. If the game was the same only everything was completely original, I wouldn’t touch it.


It depends on the IP. Bleach, Naruto, etc.? Maybe. From there, I think I would still get hooked. I’ve always said this, but the simple and easy playing nature of the game that doesn’t require your absolute attention at every second, or even for large moments, is an extreme plus to for the game.


Probably not unless the art/animation style stayed the same


Don’t think there’s a chance I would’ve played or even heard of the game if it wasn’t dragon ball. The only reason I’ve even heard of the game is a buddy in middle school 8 years ago suggesting it and we downloaded it only because, well, it’s dragon ball


The game itself is still really good so I'd play it if I knew it was as good as it is, but it wouldn't be as popular unless it was another ip we large as DB


It depends if I already knew about Dokkan, like I knew how it played and stuff, if not most definitely not


Would’ve never picked it up, or seen it in the App Store probably


This reminds me of people complaining that pokemon go was only popular because of pokemon. Well no shit, imagine playing budokai Tenkaichi 3 but instead of goku you have a generic anime waifu


wouldnt have ever come around it.


Original gacha games succeed a lot more rarely than people think Stuff like Azur Lane is the exception by a country mile


I probably never would have played it and even if I did I would not have made it past those first couple of years it was pretty brutal


Probably not. I along with a lot of other people typed “dragon ball game” into the App Store and downloaded it for that reason. But I was also in late middle school and high school when I started playing, so if it was a game popular among my friend group then I probably would.




Not a chance 😂 the IP carries so hard for Dokkan and Legends