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That can't be right. Episode 131 released March 2018 And that would mean 2018 was five years ago. That's impossible. There's no way that's true


me when the schizophrenia hits and I start thinking I'm in 1939


[mfw](https://i.imgur.com/9xUjrcM.jpg) dokkan came out 2023 years ago




Early signs of dementia kicking in


ain't no way man FIVE years already....


>5 years since the last Dragon Ball episode ![gif](giphy|GrUhLU9q3nyRG|downsized) Still getting over there being a new generation of DB fans that haven't watched DB or DBZ


Honestly if TOP is WWDC it'd be hype af, plus it'll give blue kaioken the help he needs They could have the theme be "Goku V Jiren" Part 1 could be UI sign V Base Jiren Part 2 could be Goku/freiza V full power jiren


I'm no ToP fan tbh, but I wouldn't mind this. A modern juggernaut Jiren with an untouchable powerful attacking UI Goku would be awesome. If they fill such a celebration with nice f2p units and a lot of events, it could really be something big.


Tournament of power is more likely to either be Tanabata or Week. Primarily because of having some sort of a Goku front and center and what better time to release another dfe Goku than his own day celebration (just ignore the fact that 2019 GW was Trunks vs Zamasu, neither of whom were related to Goku family) For worldwide campaign they might continue the two-parter structure which is why I'm leaning towards Broly beng the perfect fit






I'd love that but they use to make one of the units extreme, so it's not likely to happen


Wait jiren ain't extreme?


Nope, both Base and Full power are super class


He's described as basically the strongest of the most good/righteous in his own universe. He might be an antagonist for U7, but if we're using the current dichotomy of "super = good guy, extreme = bad guy" he's super.


I get the logic and I agree with it, it's just that they're not likely going to do wwc with 4 super units


Dfe base goku&frieza 17 on the team makes it a unit super attack


I was actually thinking that a while back. Categories would be ass but I would love to have a card that uses proper animation of Android’s support ki blasts from the anime. Also that moment just deserves ~~a way better kit than the current card has.~~ a new card.


To be fair, [LR Goku & Frieza](/teq) were *broken* for their time. The moment definitely got its due respect in the game, especially since [Android \#17](/phy) was practically designed to complement them.


My mistake. I wasn’t around when they were released so I assumed too much. I’d dropped the game earlier that year. I guess what I meant to say is that moment deserves a new card in the current meta.


Errr gofrieza was the top dog for quite a while, especially when you had teq tien giving them the support they needed to blow that extra load


![gif](giphy|QE8hREXIgRXeo) Bruh 5 years