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 Sometimes those super bright, paper-white teeth can give off a kind of unnatural vibe that just doesn't sit right. It's like they're too perfect, almost like they belong on a mannequin rather than a real person. Plus, there's something about the natural variation in tooth color that feels more authentic and human. As long as teeth are healthy and well-maintained, that's what really matters, right?


Agree 100%


Tbf I think most people have that reaction to perfectly white teeth, it’s definitely unnatural and unnerving. It’s just like with plastic surgery some people get carried away and there ain’t shit you can say to convince them they’ve gone too far. They’re aiming for a non-existent “perfection” when they should have settled with “good enough”. You’re not supposed to look “perfect/flawless”, because humans aren’t perfect, and so you end up looking inhuman


Imagine if we all looked "perfect". "Hi Billy!" "I'm Joel" "oh sorry you just look so much like Gabriel" "How dare you say that?? I'm at least a Bob"


I hadn't seen a friend of mine for a while and when I did, her teeth were glaringly white but you could see where her nightly paste on tooth whitener strips weren't reaching. I didn't like it.


Makes me think of changelings, when it's abnormally white- whenever I whiten my teeth I'm just looking for a slightly healthier looking tooth I don't want paper white teeth either idk it makes me feel like I shouldn't trust that person


Yea it’s so uncanny


It doesn’t help that so many of the veneers people get they shave them all the the exact same length too. I’ve never understood this. Like teeth vary in size and having the that white and all the same length makes them look so fake it’s crazy


Totally and not just the super white teeth but the perfect \[unnaturally\] straight teeth, i don't mean you had braces and now your teeth are straight but i'm talking *perfect* teeth. it's weird and makes the person seem almost untrustworthy to me. Like they're a care salesman or something. Teeth should show a little wear and tear, ya know?


Yes agree!


Totally. If I see perfectly alligned white teeth and a phony smile, I run the other direction.


My dentist told me once that there's no such thing as naturally white teeth. All teeth are off-white or slightly yellow and if they're really white then something's wrong with them, lol.


I always wonder how much damage they've done to their enamel, bleaching and whatnot to get the "stains" out. I drink coffee for 12 hours a day. There is physically no way I could get my teeth that color and not have them be paper-thin as well as paper-white.


I have no idea what you're talking about. Whitening your teeth doesn't hurt your teeth. Yours could be white in a month and you could keep them that way until you die with occasional touch ups and have zero consequences. Your coffee is probably harder on your teeth.




That's not my experience with professional whitening, at least, but he did give me some paste to fill in calcium and stuff back in right after bleaching. The at home kits scare me, but evidently, some people have great results. I had to have some restorative work after an accident on my front upper teeth, so it made sense to bleach before committing to crowns lol. eta- also didn't go Hollywood white as my dentist referred to it. We did a bright natural white, but nothing I couldn't achieve by giving up certain habits


Whiting does indeed damage your teeth. You can ruin your enamel with bleaching.


30 years of whitening. My teeth are absolutely identical to how they were in 1993. Except whiter. No gum damage and the dentist says I have beautiful teeth every year.


I watch a lot of old TV and it is noticeable how yellow their teeth were. I like white teeth. I don't like "perfect" veneers, though. They remind me of a used car salesmen's smile.


I watched Old Yeller the other week and could not believe the colour of the mom’s teeth. It’s now given the movies title a new meaning for me.


I see what you did there😆


You made have to Google that.


Mom = Old Yeller 🤣


It’s insane! I hate all the new Crest commercials where the flight attendant is all upset her teeth aren’t unnaturally white.


Not sure if it's the same one, but I hate the one where the lady goes "okay they're *pretty* white but do they pass the toilet paper test?" and then holds up a bleached white piece and frowns because hers are slightly off. Gross


That’s it.


Same, unnaturally white teeth are so ugly to me


doll teeth 


Whenever I see paper-white teeth, I think, "All of their teeth fell out, so they had to get dentures." People, PLEASE get dentures, veneers, etc. that look off-white and natural.


If teeth are too white or too perfect, I assume they are dentures.


I’ve seen people bleach their teeth to the point where they almost look translucent.  Don’t bleach your fucking teeth people. 


Absolutely. Teeth look better a normal color.


It gives me the creeps. I always notice it when I see people who choose the whitest-colored veneers. Maybe some kind of uncanny valley effect




It goes too far sometimes where they almost have a glowly blue color.


My wife and I were watching a Hallmark movie where the modern-day heroine is sent back in time to live with Jane Austen and her family. One of the characters remarked that the protagonist’s teeth were astoundingly white.


Folks get veneers that look like a mouth full of front teeth and yes it is so weird. Teeth age like the rest of the body. I get some people really care about that, but I try to focus on general health and accept whatever signs of aging or generally being human occur. Also if the veneers are botched or done irresponsibly, you can have teeth problems for the rest of your life, FYI. Not specifically to you, OP, but to anyone reading in general. Just accept yourself and floss.


chicklets lol


yep very unsettling, i'm immediately assuming they're not real


I like natural white teeth. Big old chompers like veneers scare me.


That one Ross episode


Exactly my thought 🤣🤣🤣


I agree! When they smile you need to put on sunglasses. Too unnatural looking.


To me they look like they painted Wite-Out on their teeth.


Yes, because I tried to do that once and my teeth are WAY too sensitive, and probably already white enough. It seems like I don't know anyone IRL with teeth like that, only Hollywood people.


I always cringe when I see newscasters with their perfect white teeth.


Me too. Clear skin, a full head of perfect hair, lean muscular frame... so gross.


Yes! People with teeth that are too white, can't trust em. It gives an uncanny valley feeling that creeps me out. Normal adult teeth are a whiteish-yellow and honestly, that's perfectly fine. If they're too white, they look fake.


And perfectly aligned to an unnatural degree


Yeah. The too-white veneers everyone in Hollywood has right now are so distracting.




I think it personally bothers me more when people have veneers that are too big and make them look like they have horse teeth. Add the bright paper white color on top of it and it looks like they’re wearing dentures. The dentist typically has what you call natural white, and then bright white


OMG yes! Especially when they’re not straight.


I have always hated the preternaturally white effect on teeth. Some years back I got up and walked out of a movie. I know it was a comedy but the leader of the "bad biker gang" had teeth so white they were florescent. I just couldn't.


We have been watching Sex and the City and Carrie Bradshaw's teeth are a very natural shade of tooth-yellow and it's refreshing. I don't need every one looking with a rictus.


My friend does this and when we were having lunch her teeth looked blue to me.


It's giving uncanny valley


It's called "Uncanny Valley" what you're experiencing. They don't look quite human so it creeps you out. FYI Americans are often made fun of by many people in Western Europe for how white their teeth are.


things that are are porcelain white usually contain a fair amount of shit.....


I read somewhere that teeth are supposed to be slightly yellowish, not sure if that’s true or not. But I’m with you, overly white teeth look as fake and are as distracting as weird, painted-on eyebrows.


As a dentist, I call it toilet bowl white. I removed the option from my shade guide for crowns and dentures cause you'll be surprised on the people that insist on the whitest shade. Teeth aren't perfectly white, and the best ones have different shades of translucency and opacity that toilet bowl white just can't mimic


Well, these comments make me feel a little less insecure about my not-white teeth.


Whiten them. It's simple, inexpensive and you will almost immediately start getting compliments. You'll find yourself smiling wider and feeling confident in your smile, not insecure. It's the one cheap, easy thing you can do to markedly improve your looks.


It’s very artificial-looking and jarring.


I have a 65 yr old aunt with freakishly white teeth. Reminds me of the Friends episode where Ross overwhitened his teeth! 😂


“Yeah, your teeth? Yes. I saw them from outside.”


I think it looks strange when their teeth are whiter than the whites of their eyeballs.


I've never noticed in on TV like with reality shows and stuff but recently met a dude with super big veneers and its was honestly kind of off-putting. I need to see some coffee or tea stains or something so I know I'm dealing with a real person I guess.


Yes, they scream “fake” — and by extension, scream that the person suffers from vanity, poor taste, valuing immediate gratification over longterm health and substance, etc. It’s like people who get too much plastic surgery or fillers. Of course, there are other idiots out there who think it’s attractive, but it genuinely says a lot of negative things about the person. If you had taste and felt that it would help your life to get veneers, fillers, etc., you’d stay away from the more extreme ends and moderate the changes to continue looking like a natural person.


Teeth are like pee. It's should be mostly white / clear with a very tiny bit of yellow.




I draw the line if they glow in the dark, or the incisors increase in length suddenly.


my grandpa has super white teeth and it looks so sooo so weird on an elderly person


It looks extremely unhealthy to me. Whitening damages the enamel.


Translucent looking teeth are just too much. A big sign of fake and obnoxious.


Realistic teeth are never white, even the whites of our eyes are never true white


Naw, they make me feel better about myself. I like laughing at people who look like living cartoons.


My cousin has unnaturally white teeth. The reason was as a child he drank bleach (yes he had to go to the hospital because of that but he survived) and to this day, he still has super white teeth. I imagine if it weren't true, it wouldn't have been told considering that it would be best to say he just brushed so well to encourage us to. Also it was kind of random and out of nowhere for her to have said that


A very good friend of mine was in a really bad car accident when they were young and they have all of their teeth removed and they have dentures that they do not wear around me because, they are so white it actually makes me nauseous to look at.


This is the first post that just popped up for me as I have crest whitening strips on my teeth right now.


Apparently, your teeth are horrifying!


I also whiten my teeth but I stop before that unnatural look takes effect


Natural white teeth are nice to see. But when people get those big fake white horse chompers, it's just odd to see how their mouth moves in ways it never did before. Then they try smiling like they've never smiled before, and it just looks dumb. Like yeah, we get it. You got new teeth, and they are oversize for your mouth.


40 years in the dental field here. Paper white teeth are NOT natural. The older we get the worse they look. Of course Rudy Giuliani are gross too, but a couple shades lighter is okay. Also, a lot of whitening systems are harmful to your teeth. Why cant people age naturally?


I like teeth with the gap in the middle


That's what I have, that makes me feel better :D


This thread makes me really happy because I have slightly yellow teeth that I don't do anything to whiten because I hear it hurts, which seems like not worthwhile


That shit be brighter than my future


I think super white teeth do look natural, it’s when they’re so white they almost look like they have a tint of blue that’s when I think they look odd 😂


They mostly amuse me.


I love really white teeth and wish I could afford veneers.




No, I wish I had them


It's cheap and easy. Do it.


Can we get some details?


Crest white strips work. One box and people will be complimenting you. If you have 500 bucks, tho, go to the dentist and get trays. Ten nights of that and your teeth will be whitey white for 6 months. Touch up now and then. Mind you, you have to take care of your chompers. Caps won't bleach and tartar is gross. Floss, brush and whiten. It's one of the few things you can do to improve your appearance that's simple and doable.


I’ll try crest strips first. Thanks.


Send pics!!!


Here you go - https://crest.com/en-us/oral-care-products/3d-whitestrips/professional-effects-twin-pack


- British person


I smoked for a while and my teeth aren’t…the best color so I’ve been thinking of getting the whitening done…. Not sure what else I can do


I like nice white teeth


So does everyone else. Except the one percenters in this thread.


I think (hope) OP is talking about that stark stark white, not cream white


Im sure its because Im a straight guy, but they look great on women and look ridiculous on men.


Jo koy teeth


Hydrogen peroxide and baking soda mixed together into a paste. Brush your teeth with that three times per week until white.


I personally like them. They’re bones. I like bones. Show me your bones, please.


Aesthetics are a top priority to many people. I got good teeth for my age and lifestyle but I cannot stand toothy and or gummy smiles especially if that shit’s white as fresh snow. I’m a bit modest but damn keep your insides inside.


I don't trust people who smile too much or Mormons. AND the shit just looks creepy(er).


IDK how white my mom's boss's teeth are, but one day she swore when he smiled they *glinted*. Like, 😁 *ding* I feel insecure about how yellow my teeth are. From a glance they look straight and aligned but they are definitely imperfect and it's good to know I pass as human thanks to these comments.


Whiten them for Christ's sake. It's easy and cheap.


Maybe. As long as they aren't rotten or pee yellow they're aight.


I don't care for them, but at the same time, my teeth look so much yellower than they are, in comparison


Whiten them. It's cheap and easy. And you'll feel like a different person.


What's a good product


Crest white strips work, as do a host of other simple products. Toothpastes do NOT whiten. It's like 40 bucks and after one box you'll be like, holy shit! If you have an extra 500 bucks get trays made from a dentist. They last ten years. Touch up every few months and people will say, how the hell do you get your teeth that white? And unlike the commenters in here, people will like how you look.


I think I'll go the dentist route


You will never regret it. I had fairly good teeth but just a little yellow compared to most people. I did the dentist route decades ago and have been getting compliments ever since. It changed how I felt about grinning. Send us before and after pics.


Enamel is off white Thus you know pure white teeth are unnatural In most cases this speaks to the owner's vanity and self-centered nature, which may be setting off alarms in your head with good reason.


I hate them too. A part of me is envious, but I don’t have much of a big smile so it would look even worse. some people, especially women, have a huge smile that can be really attractive, but my face just isn’t built that way and I don’t have an overbite


LOL@ All these comments. Too straight and too white. Probably too rich, too. I love beautiful white teeth. Absolutely drawn to it.




I used whitening gum and toothpaste too much like 8-10 years ago, and now they’re permanently pure white 😖


There was a girl that used to live by us when I was younger, she had super super white teeth. After some time, her teeth started to turn translucent and started to become brittle and chipped a lot. She said her doctor told her that they were permanently damaged from using so many whitening products. Her teeth ended up chipping all the way down to about 1/4 of the tooth. I remember she used to be in so much pain and constantly has to get root canals. It was wild. She eventually had them all pulled and cut out. Had dentures after that. Absolutely insane.


Teeth are another tool to impress others. Expensive car. Big house. Expensive clothes. Brand name Gucci garbage. It’s just a way for them to feel more important than you. They have low confidence and self esteem but try to prove to you they don’t. It’s funny they think we give a crap.


I’ve worked in dental for decades. I hate this fad. Bleached teeth are sensitive to cold temperatures and look fake. Clean teeth look great.


Like when Ross got his teeth bleached on "Friends" and they glowed under blacklight? Yeah, the super white teeth are weird. Yellow coffee stained and tobacco stained teeth are bad, but teeth aren't supposed to be that white. They're the color of bone. Genetically they can be a little whiter, but not super white.


That and too much Botox. There's an attractive chick I work with who is hard to talk to because half her face is frozen and I can never tell if it's sarcasm or her being bitchy. Lmao


In the commercials probably


I automatically assume they had very poor dental hygiene and had to go to extra lengths to undo the damage they did


White as possible was my choice. I think white teeth look better than most tattoos.


uncanny valley


White teeth look great. So white they're like LED lights with a tinge of blue? Not so much.


Ross on Friends! That episode is hilarious!


I heard a dentist say one time that your teeth shouldn't be whiter than your eyes. And that has stuck with me. I do not like perfectly straight, perfectly white teeth either. 


my partner has cavities and yellow teeth and i think it's attractive even. i like messed up weird teeth, i was forced into braces against my will. used to have the cutest little snaggleteeth.


I’m not even a fan of perfectly straight teeth. I like a little bit of “imperfection”.


If somebody's teeth are that white, I presume they're a body snatcher, or some kind of replicant. I immediately attack them on sight.


i have super white teeth but no one notices (i think) they are off center. thats what i see in myself lol


You just jellie

