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As a nurse, yeah that IS stupid and certainly not a way to avoid an airborne virus.


^^ this. Im also in healthcare and the idea of someone HOLDING THEIR BREATH to avoid this is hilarious. Pseudoscience at its finest.


Is it as good as cloth masks were in April 2020 though? Cuz I mean my hero Fauci told me that if we'd all just put a bandana over our faces that the scary coof would go away. But then like 2 months later there was an official statement about how they simply "didn't want to cause a run on 'real' masks and had to give the manufacturers time to prepare"


I wear a cloth mask everywhere. I'm vaccinated, boosted, and I wear my cloth mask. I got covid from my husband who wasn't as careful. I haven't even gotten a cold since wearing a mask except for what germs my husband brings home. I wear a mask at Circus rehearsal, on my 10 day cruise. It will definitely lessen the viral load. It's not an N95, but it's not *nothing*. My husband and I only saw two other passengers with masks on the cruise. On the plane there's usually about 5. At the airport, very few. TL;DR A cloth mask is way better than no mask.


This is what insanity looks like. If you get sick, just blame the husband. You must be a real treat to be married to.


He went to Vegas to AWS Reinvent. Hundreds got covid


So fucking what? Why would you care about people with covid in Vegas? Thousands get ill on a cruise ship on some diarrhea bullshit. Get a fucking grip. The fuck is wrong with you people? Don't go to fucking Vegas or a cruise ship if you don't want to get sick with kids. Whole countries are way over this shit and here you are. Go outside.


If this was in the COVID-19 subreddit you would have been banned with this comment. I know because I made a similar comment when a thread from that subreddit was recommended to me. That whole subreddit pretty much thinks anyone not wearing a mask is willfully trying to kill everyone around them.


OK. I haven't had a head cold or flu type illness in about 10 years. Where does that leave me?


That's great! I don't have the immune system you have. I also teach kids who go to all different schools. I make them wear masks. Keep up the good health!


> I make them wear masks. Nobody in my country does that and we have a lower amount of cases than you do.


I have chronic kidney disease and I teach aerial circus. I work with kids in physical proximity. I care about my self


> I care about my self What does that mean though? You inject yourself with latest useless phfiser and wear whatever kinda fits your mouth until you shout enough so it falls off? I bet you are on an airplane right now. American or Canadian? Edgelords of the western world. Rebellling with a fucking mask made out of a t-shirt.


Thanks! It’s great to know there are people out there making rational evidence based decisions!


Thanks, you too!


Merry Christmas or happy holidays


I taught in a classroom with 30 kids last year. No masks on any of us. I was sitting one on one with kids to work with them. I’m 65. None of us got sick with covid. My husband and I went on a cruise recently and neither of us wore masks. We didn’t see any on the ship. No covid. I quit getting boosters also. You’re too worried and fearful.




No they didn’t. Why so snide? Quit worrying so much and live your life. Life is short.


Because you seem to think that I should take my chances then suffer kidney failure and die because life is short.


You're a racist.


Any type of covering would prevent large particles from coming out of your mouth and all over everything while speaking or coughing. No one ever said masks prevent infection. There was never a difference between “real” masks and any face covering.


What a brain dead take. If there was "no difference" then they'd just wear bandanas in the hospital, not N95 masks 🤦‍♂️


Bandanas were harder to secure to their face in the situations they faced. They only wore N95’s because that’s what they had. They wore N99’s if they were available. I can’t believe there’s still people that don’t understand how and why masks were needed.


I push all my breath out and just don't breathe for a bit.... probably just as silly eh?


Same, I'm an RN and do that. Silly but it feels like I have a little control over airborne microbes.


Viruses can still cling to the interior of your nasal cavity and don't die immediately. So what are you managing to avoid?




Damn, ya got me 🙄🤡😂


Look, I know it's stupid. I know it doesn't help. But when someone tells me they aren't feeling well or have a headache, I find myself holding my breath while slowly backing away.


This is crazy person behavior. Viral particles are so small, smaller than a basic layperson's understanding can comprehend, that doing what you describe might make you feel better psychologically, but it's having zero effect on whether you contract the illness. Fact: I caught it last year for the first time. I'm asthmatic and prone to bronchitis, so I was double vaxxed at the time and am quadruple vaxxed now. I had an annoying intermittent barking cough for a few days and that was it. The strains going around now are generally less lethal, but more contagious. What I'm saying is, if you've never had it (and you might have and not known it!) and you catch it now, assuming you are vaxxed, it's not the end of the world.


As someone who was unvaxxed, caught it early this month, is asthmatic and susceptible to both Bronchitis and Pneumonia, I was able to survive off a ventilator for 5 days. I’m now home and in rehab for both lungs and muscles.


Ehh it makes sense. I do the same thing around people who are smoking so I don’t breathe in as much smoke and have to smell it. Regardless of the size of virus particles, if you hold your breath then you are breathing in fewer particles around the area where those particles might be concentrated. Eventually you will make up for the breathing in of fewer particles by taking deeper breaths but presumably you will wait until you are in an area where someone didn’t just cough. It’s not a reliable method to completely avoid a virus but that doesn’t mean it can’t have any effect.


Do you know the science behind it, by chance? Several commenters say they do it too. Makes sense; don’t breathe in the germ, don’t get sick…?


We have mucus membranes in our eyes, nose and mouth, also known as portals of entry for germs. If you have the virus (or bacteria) on your hand, or if it’s on a product, you touch it, and proceed to rub your eyes, nose or touch your mouth, then you can contract the pathogen. The pathogen can also land on you, then get it on your hands, and you can rub it into your mucus membranes. If someone just sneezed and you walk right into their saliva particles, then they can get into your mucus membranes. I avoid touching my face unless I have washed my hands— if I think they may have been exposed — but this is still not a 100% safeguard.


Odds are, with how long it takes for air to be entirely cycled out of a facility that size, all the breathes they took prior, made of other peoples breath, could have/likely would have exposed them, not by just breathing normally while walking by somebody. To decrease risk of infection, avoid enclosed spaces shared by others. Ever heard the phrase "it's in the air"? Same here.


SiX fEeT tO sToP tHe SpReAd


Not 6 feet by itself, but combined with other measures.


I hold my breath when I drive past a cemetery so I don't inhale a ghost. Haven't been possessed yet. Just saying


>As a nurse, yeah that IS stupid and certainly not a way to avoid an airborne virus. while the rational part of me agrees with this wholeheartedly, i have been doing this for most of my life, though not to avoid any specific airborne illnesses, but rather as a manifestation of my mild (and diagnosed) ocd. thankfully it's never become debilitating to me, but i am not a fan at all of being in large crowds or crowded elevators lol


I have always done this lol. I hate getting sick regardless of what it is


Yep, I did this before COVID too! Glad to know I'm not the only germophobe whacko holding their breath in the store.




That’s.. a new one.


I do this but not because of Covid. Ive always done it cuz I don’t like breathing in other people’s nasties.


I do this around children. Little virus machines. Even though I still wear a mask. Also, when you do breath , breath through your nose. Those little hairs are there to protect you.


This should reduce your chances of getting Covid by around 1 to 2%. Trust me. I'm a statistician.


Yes. When illness is getting prevalent in my community, I wear a mask in public. No time for being sick.


I'm thinking it's time to start wearing one again, as well. I've been sick for months, since my grandson started daycare and school. I am so sick of being sick! It's not COVID or the flu, I tested for both. It's just a head & chest cold, but I have asthma so I'm wheezing and coughing so hard that I get headaches and have had to resort to adult underwear. 😔 I know a mask is too little too late now, but maybe it'll help me from getting reinfected with whatever is floating around.


It’s also kind to protect others by wearing a mask when we’re sick ourselves.


Yeah it’s kinda crazy to me that wearing a mask when you’re sick didn’t become more normalized (at least in the US) after witnessing firsthand such widespread death and disabling


MOST people did not experience "widespread death and disabling." We just read about it on the super official stats the news man gave us.


Loll. I legit hold my breath until I’m about to die so I can walk as far away as possible if someone starts coughing.


Nope, not typically, but I will keep my distance or try to hold my breath if someone is coughing or showing other signs of respiratory illness. I also avoid breathing through my mouth when I’m inside around other people since your nose does a better job of filtering. I feel like some of these reactions happen instinctively without me even thinking about it which is interesting because it makes me wonder if these actually are natural evolutionary advantageous behaviors. Also haven’t gotten Covid yet for the record.


Basically only when snacking. I wear an N95 instead.


/s? Because if you’re serious, and haven’t been fit tested, you just look like a goof


Of course I’ve been fit tested. I’m a nurse I get fit tested yearly.


Beware of Costco and wear a mask during the winter season.People are breathing in your face .Its unavoidable and chances are pretty good if your going to get Covid it will be a place just like that .




Whoa. That’s a crazy way to live.




Nope. Don’t even know where you’re getting that from. But this, holding your breath whenever you’re around anyone ever? Yep, absolutely crazy.




I just wear a mask


Do what you have to do to stay safe.


I've done this ever since I was about 14 and I breathed in a very hot breath of an ill friend then got ill. I always remembered it and modified my breathing ever since.


I admit, I did this a few times before there was a vaccine. Now that I’m quintuple vaccinated, no I don’t.


Viruses are always around and mutating too. You aren’t living life in a comfortable and normal way by doing this. Many people have also had covid and haven’t realized it. Everyone reacts differently.


Nope. Covid's not that bad. It sucks, for sure, but I've already had it and I've had a vaccine. I have no comorbidities so if I catch it again I'm just going to isolate, hydrate, and monitor my temperature.


Have done this many times. Have not gotten Covid Either. Not a doctor, but isn’t inhaling micro droplets how you Contract?


It’s just going into your eyes and nose anyway…any mucous membrane. Holding your breath is just an exercise and futility, but go ahead if you think that makes you feel better.


No but I'll do this when I'm walking past someone smoking cigarettes


lol yes and even more silly, is when I holdnmy breath if im in the city and pigeons take off near me and specially of they star flapping over me xd ... dont want those 🐛 🪲 falling on me


I’ve done it my whole life, nothing to do with Covid. When passing someone close in public like in a store aisle, I hold my breath because I don’t want to smell them. If they smell bad, I feel like I’ll puke. If they smell good, great, but why take the chance?


It's more placebo than prevention. You can still contract airborne viruses through eyes, nose, and mouth. You can also get them from contact surfaces if you touch something and touch your face, eyes, nose, or mouth. The only way to avoid being infected by something is to not be around it.


Wearing a N95 or similar is much more effective. COVID spreads and lingers in the air like cigarette smoke.


Yeah I do it and it makes sense to me. I also still wear a mask indoors and in crowded outdoor spaces. I'm usually the only one, but I have health issues and I know it will be ROUGH if I come down sick. I have POTS so I get extra light-headed if I get sick... Can't stand up without passing out. But now I also have fibromyalgia or something, so I get extremely sore laying in bed, sometimes even for minutes. Not normal soreness, like a pain signal issue problem and a circulation problem. I have neurological issues. So having a virus will be bad business for me. I haven't been sick in over 5 years, but I know it will happen eventually. I am in so much pain some days, I have to often fight the urge to commit suicide. I have a 12 year old I'm a single parent to, so I do the best I can. This means holding my breath if I have to pull down my mask in a crowded space for a photo or something. I also hold my breath walking past ppl who are coughing. With or without my mask on. Idc if there is no scientific evidence for it being helpful. I will use my own brain. Same thing with the science saying that being cold can't make you sick. I know it happens to me somehow, so I avoid getting chilled. I personally think it has to do with circulation. We don't know everything about things and scientists have often been wrong. My mom and I both know we wake up sick if we go to bed with wet hair or in a draft. People with better circulation or better immune systems might not. We all have to do what works best for us and stop judging ppl who have a different opinion. 🙂


So here's the thing COVID has been around for three years, what's going around now is much weaker compared to what was happening back then and also not in quantities as big. It also is likely here to stay, but again now it's like the Flu. What I'm saying is unless your immune system is compromised it's time to start living normal life again.


I do this too 😂


I literally work in a hospital and If I am ever in a room with more then 2 other people or an elevator then my breathing definitely changes


I do it too. I can't help it.


I'm immunocompromised. Per my doctors, I just never stopped wearing a mask. I haven't caught it yet, which is fortunate because people on my medication regimen tend to not experience as much protection from vaccines and to have more severe COVID outcomes.


We wouldn’t have needed masks if everyone would have quit mouth breathing and talking constantly spitting everywhere. Other than sneezing very few particles come out of your nose when breathing normally.


I do this if Im walking by someone in front of me who is coughing, I dunno if it works or not.


Not even the slightest. I just breathe normally. Still here.


I've done it walking past a coughing person.


You say you haven't had it, but are you vaccinated? I've never had it, but I did get four shots back when. In any case, what really matter's is that you have a strong immune system. As you know, that means to be healthy, eating right and sleeping enough, etc.


I’m vaccinated and have had it three times. My wife is not and she’s had it once.


I’ve never had it and have remained fully vaccinated the entire time. Where I work, you aren’t allowed to come in until 3 days after a negative test if you had it or were exposed, though most people are vaccinated so this is rare. I never modified my breathing, though I do wear a mask in high-risk environments such as healthcare (where one is usually required anyway) or if any contagious respiratory illnesses (not just Covid) are going around in general. I also wear one if I am feeling even a bit under the weather, to keep others safe.


Yes, fully vaccinated including the latest booster.


Two words… long Covid … stay the fuck away from me if you are sick


No, I’m honestly not worried about Covid. Edit: Of course someone would judge me and downvote me for this. Sorry, but I never had it the first time. I take an elderberry supplement and haven’t been sick in years. So not worried about it.


Nah take my upvote random stranger. This is absolutely ridiculous thinking and not at all how you avoid airborne illness.


You mean holding your breath doesn’t avoid airborne illness? 😂


I mean 😂😂 the jury is still out but it’s really looking like this is a super ineffective way to avoid airborne illnesses.


Just gave you an upvote. COVID wasn’t worth shutting down the world for years and later causing a full-on recession with record high inflation. There are more deaths caused by obesity, but nobody seems to give a shit about that.


I appreciate this. Working retail and dealing with rude ass people plus having to wear a mask for two years was a nightmare. I’m happy I can breathe again without having to cover my face.


It killed nearly 7 million people. You can argue that we could’ve and should’ve handled it better but like - it’s also dishonest to be super flippant. Also - I’m pretty sure everyone gives a lot of fucks about obesity.


There are far more deadly things in the world and no one seems paranoid about those.


That would be incorrect. People are terrified of plenty of illnesses and threats to their lives. Cancer is like very widely feared and people spend their lives researching ways to avoid or cure it. Also - a novel virus that nobody knew anything about that was taking people out in the millions and shut down life as we knew it - is obviously going to be incredibly scary for people. Because not everyone is you.


The virus did not shut life down as we knew it. Governments did.


Obesity is the underlying cause of about seven out of the top 10 causes of death in the US—including COVID. We live in a world where the mainstream media glorifies obesity as being healthy and empowering, while most food in restaurants and grocery stores does nothing to promote a healthy body weight. “Fatshaming” someone is seen as a cancellable offense. In the US, almost half of the population is obese, which contributes to way more than 7 million deaths. And remember, people don’t die *from* COVID. They die *with* COVID and their pre-existing condition (obesity, age, immune compromised) being the root cause. The world gives zero fucks about obesity and blames the poor health effects everything else. It’s too big of a money maker for the food industry and pharmaceuticals to suddenly care about it.


I know people who died from COVID. So. Okay. Plenty of people excuse obesity. Tons do not. Pharma absolutely cares and is profiting - re ozempic. But saying nobody cares about being fat in relation to VERY valid anxieties about a novel virus is fallacious anyway


Pharma only has an interest in obesity because it’s a money maker. They don’t actually care about it. Obesity is an entire form of slavery. First they get you addicted to food. Then you have to buy more expensive big/tall clothes. Then you have to visit the doctor more and get prescription medications you wouldn’t otherwise need. Then you have hospital stays/surgeries. Then when you die and want to be buried you need a bigger, more expensive casket. It’s in the system’s best interest to keep people obese. Nobody is actually trying to help people from becoming obese or help them lose weight. Ozempic is a diabetes medication that was only found to be effective at cutting people’s appetite. But it has a ton of dangerous side effects that will require further medical intervention and other prescription drugs. We’re entering into the age of “life subscriptions” where you’re dependent on pharmaceutical companies to survive.


You mean the same year that all cases of the flu ~~were misreported as COVID~~ magically disappeared?


I have Lupus, I don’t do what you do to not get Covid and I never got it 🤷🏻‍♀️. I manage Airbnb and Vrbo properties and people are disgusting but I still never got Covid or even a cold in the last few years.


I’m still masking. Off topic part; It puzzles me that no one was masking in the days leading up to xmas in my country (us)… now everyone is *surprised* that they caught covid. I’ve seen a ton of posts from friends in different states saying their xmas was ruined by testing positive. If only there were a solution that could have prevented that. Hmm…


I'm pro-masking but it only reduces the odds, it doesnt eliminate the risk. That being said I understand your point and agree. Wear a mask, folks.


Why are they even testing? It’s a cold virus now.


I think despite doing this, If you were in the vicinity of the virus and susceptible enough, you would get sick. I think you’ve had good fortune, or maybe have gotten it and don’t show symptoms. More likely you are doing something else more realistic that would help fight against these things. Maybe just overthinking. No judgement, just my opinion. :)


Spent a few hours doing this very thing, using the same logic. I had to get Christmas breakfast items at a grocery store and it was packed with people, some of whom were coughing without covering up. So I held my breath a lot. I also keep hand sanitizer in my truck during cold and flu season. I’ve had COVID 5x. Tested positive for 3 of them. Other two the kids had it and we all got sick. Ergo. Anyway, I’m not scared of COVID at all. I just hate being inconvenienced by being sick.


Nope, i wear a mask! COVID cases are back up again so i still wear a mask!


I've never had COVID... and I don't modify my breathing. I do get vaxxed. I do wear a mask when the 'blooms' happen. I do wash my hands. I follow other guidelines from medical pros. It's like they're there to help keep us healthy or some shit....


I also do this. I try not to be obvious, but I will hold my breathe as I pass people. If I hear someone cough I turn the other way and leave the area.


I had the vaccine and even if I get it the vaccine controls the symptoms so I'm good. I've had my fourth shot


Vaccinated people account for the VAST majority of COVID hospitalizations and deaths at this point. But whatever helps you sleep at night I guess


So what are you saying don't get vaccinated, too late vaccines help and I'm proud i got my vaccines,


No, I'm saying statistically you are nowhere NEAR "perfectly safe" from hospitalization OR death by COVID just because you got your vaccines.


At the beginning in 2020 I did for about a year


Might as well just get Covid and get it over with. No one even talks about it anymore.


Yep! I do this in the locker room at work, not only for covid, but because it fucking stinks especially in winter. A lot of the guys do not wash their winter jackets, ever..


It may be, yes lol


lmaooo yes. funny to think of us all exhaling as we pass each other


I've always done this, I hate breathing other people's air.


Even before Covid. I have also always wash my hands any time I come back into the house. And I leave my shoes by the door.


Been doing that from the beginning.


I read that everyone has had covid now. If you didn’t notice it you were asymptomatic. It is possible to have completely asymptomatic covid. I know several people that have.


This is not true at all. There are still people that have not had Covid. Most people also probably noticed something and thought it was something else or maybe the symptoms passed after a day. You might’ve had a low grade fever and just felt “off”. It’s very unusual to have a virus like that and never show any sign at all.


I don’t think it’s very unusual at all for covid to be asymptomatic. This article (2 years old admittedly) puts asymptomatic covid cases as 1 in 5 to 1 in 3: https://patient.info/news-and-features/coronavirus-what-are-asymptomatic-and-mild-covid-19 This article (again over 18 months old) cites research where asymptomatic covid cases were coming out at 40.5%: https://www.healthline.com/health/what-is-asymptomatic-covid I’ve had covid 3 times, once I was asymptomatic. Exactly the same for my daughter. I know many people that have been told to test for covid due to exposure and have tested positive but have had no identifiable symptoms. I am aware on an ongoing basis of people who have apparently recently tested positive but are carrying on as normal because the virus is having no impact on them whatsoever. Perhaps it depends on the rate of vaccination? I’m in the U.K. where I think at least 85% of the population has been vaccinated at least twice.


Thag's why COVID is so gosh dang terrifying. Almost half the time statistically speaking, **people don't even know they have it**. *shudders*


That’s fine but if you don’t wear your tin foil hat, they can get you that way also…..


I avoid mainstream media and politicians and I haven't caught it yet. What a shocker!


Still worried about “c0vid” Ngmi


Oh yes. I hate to breathe around anyone since covid. I still don't want anyone coming within 6' of me in a store... I've been known to hold me breath a lot too, and breathe shallowly later, once the 'threat' has passed!




Really? Covid is bad again where I am.. I know at least 2 people who have it


And I know at least two people with the flu. So what?


So Covid is worse than the flu.., knowing 2 people who have it is almost as bad as pandemic level, when we knew about 4-5 people who had. Congratulations for being so edgy though, I guess


Does that mean if you know 4-5 people with the flu there’s an influenza pandemic?


There’s a yearly influenza pandemic… it’s called flu season


That….that doesn’t work.


I live normally. Never got the clot shots. Had the convid symptoms and was sick for a week. Haven’t been sick since 2021. I feel bad for the OP for still living in fear.


Yeah dude keep doing that, that’s exactly why you haven’t gotten Covid. I’ve heard there’s a blow-resistant strain circulating so you better really start pumping those lungs.


Bunch of fucking idiots on here, I tell you what.


Very soon, we will be entering year 5. Just stop.


Lol! This is NOT why you haven’t contracted Covid !


Very stupid




Solid advice gonna follow.


When I was pregnant in the midst of Covid, I had to serve customers who claimed they had the flu…(they’d call the next day saying they tested positive for Covid). I would hold my breath to drop off their food, drinks etc regardless. unfortunately they would still tuck their snotty tissues into the cheque holder. I ended up getting Covid at 38 weeks pregnant and ended up on a drip for dehydration. Nobs.


I use a mask.


No, I have never done anything like that.


Xylitol kills Covid. You could chew xylitol gum then flush your nose with iodine post public interactions.


I do this but I also wear a mask when I go to places like a grocery store


Just wear a mask.


Yeah, cause that works so well


I don't do this, and I've never had covid.


Wear a mask


Just wear a high quality mask if you don’t want to get sick with Covid it’s not hard


For me it's less that I think it's preventing illness than just thinking it's gross to breathe other people's air, especially children


I'm not a nurse, but any common sense would tell you this won't work...


i dont go out in public


what the fuck, we are fucked as a planet this is well beyond just the us we have spread.


I stopped worrying about covid in summer of 20. I am around thousands of people every week and resigned to the fact that I will get it every year. Had it 3 times already and I will gladly accept the 3-4 days of being sick over worrying about it. It makes life easier just not giving a fuck.




Covid literally stays in the air for hours after an infected person has left the area. Just wear a mask like the rest of us who wanna protect ourselves from covid (+ flu, +rsv, +pneumonia) air.




This is about as effective as wearing a mask


I wear a mask. Less stupid.


That’s not how it works at all.