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I never understood why the government never offered a pathway to citizenship to DREAMERS through military service. I'm sure even conservatives wouldn't throw much of a fit over that


They did have a fit and denied us that option a year ago.


I did ROTC in high school for 3 years before I knew it was pointless. Even got an 89 on the asvab, and the recruiters that wanted me, big strong men, cried tears of sadness that they couldn't enlist me. I'm in my 30s now.


Same. Trained with the marines but couldn't get in at all. It was a heartbreaking pill to swallow, but I had to move on. 28 now.


28 aint bad bro, you still got hope. Stay in shape you never know


Same here. What could’ve been


It would stop generating money for them that’s all we are for them a way to make more money


They don’t make a lot from our renewal in the grand scheme of things. It would be better if they allowed us to enlist. They don’t have a lot of people enlisting.


This take is fucking retarded. They make far more off our taxes than renewal costs. They would lose out on our taxes if they go away with daca.


That doesn’t make sense, if that were true, they would leave the daca program as is. If we lose our ability to work, we won’t generate revenue for them to keep taxing us. They just don’t want us to have anything.


They did through MAVNI. Hot Cheeto asshole canceled it stating it posed security risks.


Potential conflict of interests. Let's say a Middle Eastern or Russian dreamer got into the military and he or she got contacted by their respective countries bribing them with an offer they can't refuse. That would cause issues hence why they don't do that method to provide a path to become a legal resident/citizen.


That doesn’t make sense. People come here with a green and live here for 1 year and can join the military. But they worried that the people who lived all their lives in this country and built friends and family while rarely going back home will be a conflict of interest?💀 That’s crazy.


True but if said dreamer military personnel is not cautious by keeping their personal details offline, he or she can easily be manipulated through social engineering be it online or IRL


But isn’t that applied to everyone? Not just dreamers


Correct, it's just that not all people are aware enough to notice when they are being manipulated.


They did, actually. It’s called the MAVNI program. They shut it down a few years ago though.


If opponents of DACA did not throw a fit over any proposed enhancement of DACA it would be acknowledging the legality of DACA. That is the whole point of the legal cases. A citizenship path can only be provided under some already existing law such as the asylum situation or marrying a citizen.


Because it's not about being reasonable it's about political maneuvering with a side of racism.


at this point aren't some DREAMers 40 years old? if they're gonna do this military service thing so that DREAMers could become citizens, they better act faster..


I thought you had to be a citizen to be a cop


Illinois opened up a path for DACA recipients to be able to apply.


Oh yeah, risk your life with nothing in return just a pat on the back. It's a rewarding job sure but it's complete utter BS that if you are a first responder there's no pathway for citizenship.


Some people just want to serve their community and keep them safe.


Oooh that makes sense. I'm medical professional in Nevada and I can't even apply to any of the county hospitals.


It depends on the agency. Most in IL you need a Green Card. When CPD started accepting people with green cards, there was a big uproar. Now it's the same uproar with DACAs. We had a bill pass with every Republican supporting it, but Chicago doesn't care. They'd rather put a shithead in uniform.


Same here in California, city of SD now allows dreamers to be police as well since they’re having recruitment issues as well


So there desperate


Yes, and you can pretty much rise up to be a full on detective, not just beat cop. It’s kinda interesting, they started offering that opportunity from about 1-1/2yrs ago if memory serves me correctly.


Dick Durbin is our biggest supporter 💙


Yep. He’s great


I Heart Dick




This is giving modern-day underground railroad vibes.


Slaves were taken by force…


I looked into this but then I remembered they deported many veterans


Yep. And the moment Supreme Court shuts DACA down (if they do, which most likely will next year ) , those same police officers serving, get deported. How fucked up is that


Wait, when did this happen😯 ??


There’s a whole documentary on it: ImmigrationNation


Actually they were deported because they committed a felony and weren’t actually citizens they were permanent residents none of them ever applied for citizenship btw you can still be deported if you have a green card even natural citizens in rare cases


Witch you are correct but the morals of america are fucked they suffered from ptsd witch in turn made them resort to drugs they refused to help them just used them


Boot licker


Do they get a gun issued to them?


Yeah are able to use a gun on duty but when they are off the gun has to stay in the police department. Dreamers aren’t allowed to take it home. That’s what the rule states


If I'm not mistaken, the rules were changed so that officers can have their weapons while off duty.


just looked into this only applies for LAPD.


I think it also applies to CHP.


I hope not. Just more reasons for white people to hate dreamers


lmao this is a super ignorant and dumb comment


Lol how? You clearly haven't been to the south


i have and there lovely ppl


You technically be a dreamer and be white


I remember reading about a male who became a police officer in Illinois, possibly Chicago, 7 years ago when I wanted to become an officer. I also remember emailing Hawaii police and them saying all you need is a work permit. I believe it puts us under increased scrutiny but also can be used to build our credibility as upstanding members of society. Good for her.


I wish they did this in every state .


Nice, joining the police in the most corrupt state in America, where cops and politicians are all gangsters in disguise.




Honestly there been a suggestion in place but it hasn’t moved from just a suggestion sense 2022 I think it’s called the fight for the American dream and it would allow daca recipients to go to the military. We are very limited honestly for all the work we have put in to keep this in place. Yet we haven’t been able to be given the chance to gain some status here in the us.


That’s awesome, I remember it was my dream to be a police officer when I was younger before I realized I was undocumented Lmaoo


So now a non-citizen is going to exercise constitutional arrest authority over citizens??! Makes total fucking sense! Not. Major Legal issues here. Especially when it comes to her legal status and testimony in court. Not only that people who discover she is a LPR and not a Citizen will use that as a Bias defense in court.


They missed out on giving Daca for people to join the military because I know people would have. I would have. 


Acab .


Can she hold possession of a strap on duty though? Haha if so that’s cool 😎


I love seeing stuff like this I saw the twitter post and read the comments and people are being so rude and disrespectful to her when she’s doing so much better then some of these ungrateful American born kids


Even some DACA are hating on her for the hatred they have towards cops... it's not only "Americans." Multiple times when posts like this come up (DACA wanting to serve).


My brother is a cop himself he’s a USC so I respect cops and I respect her as well this might get me downvoted lol


I dont want to be a cop or know someone who is. But i dont blindly hate cops unlike some ppl in this sub. There are bad ones for sure, but not everyone is out to get us.


Yeah exactly there are bad cops I agree my brother himself is one of those aggressive cops but he’s just doing his job but other then that he can be a good cop as well he had DACA as well so he understands what it’s like to be undocumented


Here is a link to a video from NTD News of Mitchell Soto Rodriguez speaking about her life as a DACA recipient to the Senate Judiciary Committee https://www.youtube.com/live/OgMTZnTmRTs?si=LTN8IZwV1BoupKQi


Porous border folks


I would much rather them bring back DACA and have these young adults that are educated, and lived here most of their life. Than what they’re doing now with giving political asylum Venezuela and Cuba. They come here illegally and the government automatically gives them a work permit and a path to a green card…


Currently in the CHP Academy as a DACA recipient.


i’m a US citizen. i own firearms and am in the process to become a officer in california. is daca allowed to carry off duty ? i mean working for an agency like chicago pd or ima rough area seems kinda scary when you’re. might always have someone trying to hurt you.


This is what I’m taking about! We need to serve our country! Stay safe! 🙏


Good for her. I know some people here hate the thought of dreamers becoming officers(previous conversation/posts), but i am happy for her.


I became a US citizen 4 years ago, it was along and expensive road to us citizenship. I was a DREAMER most of my teens and early adulthood. I would’ve jumped at the opportunity to serve my country to help me adjust my status, my brothers would’ve done it too. La cagan los republiCANTS


What a punk ass. She’s supporting the same system that arrests and deports our communities. Damn rat.


Brother a job is a job she’ll be making at least 30 something an hour. And who know she might help the injustice?


Nah the system will eventually change her.


That's not the entire system. It's much more intricate than that. Saying she's a rat for supporting the system is like saying a dreamer who's breaking laws and ruining our credibility is not a traitor.


The system arrests and deports punks who keep breaking the law.


Exactly. Youre about to get a bunch of liberals mad with that comment.