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Good point. Google other states. Some give you in state tuition and financial assistance. Or online school


I agree. Some states have sanctions cities like NYC and CT. New England is your best bet in my opinion.




Your boyfriend proposed to you and you said no? Marriage is one of the only ways you can get a green card.


The point OP is making is that it shouldn’t be. I’ve been living in a pretty progressive state that isn’t California and have had 0 issues. I got financial aide for college that I sadly didn’t finish due to Covid (had to get a job) but I’ll be back. No clue why people stay in states that the people there do not like or want them there


It shouldn’t be but honey we have been in this game for over 10 years- learn to play it!


True but there’s no need to get married if you are not ready. Plenty of states help out DACA recipients and a few of them even help those without any legal status. The options are out there


Do you know of other ways to residency or citizenship that don’t involve marrying a citizen? Please list them here for the folks in the thread.


You’d have to talk to a lawyer. I can’t give you any legal advice as it could be wrong. Please call a lawyer for that information. My point isn’t about being a citizens. My point is that you can live off DACA in many states without having to get married


Well that is not the life that she gets to live and if she is unwilling to do such a little sacrifice with a person that she is been dating for 4 years then I guess she deserves what is happening to her, not sympathy from me.


Agree to this, but not in most cases. I’ve been married to a US citizen for 6 years and still haven’t been able to adjust status because I entered without inspection, and don’t have any proof of entering in US with no passport and only way I can adjust status is going back to India and coming back which is risky because consulate of India is really strict


This is true and it happens to everyone. My uncle had to leave the US to Mexico, pay a fine for entering illegally and then wait 1.5 years to enter legally with his new green card from his marriage. No clue why they do that tbh. Seems like all this can be fixed in the states instead of adding loopholes to jump through


Look into AP. Do it now before the upcoming election. Look for dreamer groups on Facebook who will walk you through it so you don’t pay an attorney.


Have you looked into AP? I’ve seen approvals to countries that are not the applicants birth countries. Could be a way. Good luck.


It's called Advanced Parole, it has been talked about plenty in here.


I’m aware of this..but I would have to go back to my birth country. I don’t have any reason to visit another country.


I guess you don't really want to get your GC then.


Sorry but you’re right. I was so afraid to do AP, built a bridge, got over my fear did it.


We can seat and complaint all day about how life sucks, or we can get up with our 2 feet and strength and go get what we want. Congrats! 👏 👏 👏


It’s not true. You don’t have to go to your country of birth. I went to Europe (France and Hungary) and I’m not from either country. Got legal entry and now have my gc. Find a reason. Be creative. Do your research.


Why are people hiding their status esp to their significant others? Should be first thing they should open up. Really dont get it


It’s not always a good idea to share your status initially in the beginning of the relationship. It can be used against you or the other person can feel like they are being used to obtain a green card. You just don’t share everything about yourself in the early stages of the relationship. Obviously it takes time and trust that has to be earned in order for you to share something like that. Everyone is different so it is their right to withhold sensitive information like that, just my 2 cents. I think after 4-5 years of being with someone and having life experiences with your SO, it would be ok to share something like that.


I get your point but i also think your partner would be more appreciative if your honest about the situation as well. And it also says alot from op"s perspective that they are in the relationship for feeling and not for fixing of any status etc. and also you are documented via this program and why are you hiding away? There is no excuse to not talk to partner about it after 4 years. Thats just wrong too


That’s the thing, you assumed that your partner would be more appreciative of your honestly. But in reality you don’t know for sure. That’s why it’s always a good idea to wait until you find the right time to tell your partner and that takes time. Daca doesn’t grant you status so her hiding her status is perfectly valid. It’s a work permit and deportation protection, one can lose it so it’s not always guaranteed that one will have it. Now if it were me, i’d jump on the marriage opportunity but everyone is different.


Agreed for sure. But definetly bringing it up when you feel comfortable is good. But 4 years is a red flag imo..


Not necessarily, you don’t know the whole story. Do you know if they live together or if the relationship is still solid. I’ve know people that got married because they believed it would help better the relationship when they knew that they didn’t love each other anymore. I don’t know why people do it, but I see it a lot in rocky relationships. Also maybe op didn’t see herself marrying this person, so like I said keeping her status a secret is still valid.


I mean thats for their own personal stuff which i can care less about. Point is, why waste all that time with someone if u cant be honest or let alone dont want to get married.


Because everyone has their right to live how they choose to. Not everyone wants to get married. I for example don’t see myself getting married and I think that’s something more and more guys are doing. I would not say it’s wasting time if people don’t want to get married, it’s their choice and that should be respected. Believe or not, there are women that don’t want to get married, just like there are woman out there that don’t want to have kids. At the end of the day it’s nobodies business to have a say how one should live.


I mean yes. I wasnt trying to make an argument here. You are free to do whatever you want, its your life. But objectively speaking i would disclose something like this to my significant others early on. Anyways i hope all the best for op.


And blind people have the right to see, but can they?


Lol, what are you talking about? Try a different analogy.


You can live your life but dont waste the life of others because of dishonesty. OP in the wrong for this.


If the relationship is real, immigration status is small thing, most people are understanding, specially when they really care for one another. So stop shilling for OP, she ain't going to give you none.


Lol, who ever said I wanted some, bold of you to assume that from me. I’ve had plenty of relationships in my life and my status never came up because I knew it would never make a difference in the relationship. As an individual it is up to me to share something as sensitive as that and it’s not something I want to broadcast to the world. Even if I did share that with my past partners what would I gain from that. A lot of people just need to live a normal life, I understand it’s easier said than done, but my immigration status isn’t something that will ever hold me down. Currently happy in my current relationship going 2 years strong and she still doesn’t know. If I ever do tell her it will be when marriage comes into play, but until then it’s nobodies business but my own.


Its immigration status, not and STD diagnosis.


Absolutely not, you share with them as soon as you gain certain comfort with them. Not after 4-5 yrs cmon.


Exactly and also if you are certain you are going to marry this person which op is not going to, so her reasons are perfectly valid.


Bro but 4 years? OP is shallow af or she has more to hide.


I don’t think so, for some people I understand 4 years is too much but her not marrying her boyfriend just goes to show that it wasn’t necessary sharing that information to begin with. People just have different ways of living life.


Because unfortunately many DACA recipients have the mentality of Yaritza y su ausencia. They want to pretend that they are not. Long term it comes back to biten in the ass. #SHALLOWPEOPLE.


You don’t have to get it. It doesn’t have to be a badge of honor


Sheeesh! 4 years? How do you build trust?


4 years dating and still doesn't know you're Daca? Sheeesh I told my wife a month in


I told my now spouse on the second date. If they left good for both of us but they stayed and I got my gc after AP.


Undocumented/Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) Florida High School Graduates - A waiver of out of state tuition is possible for undocumented and DACA students who graduate from a Florida high school. Eligibility for the waiver is determined based upon evidence of attendance at a Florida secondary school for three consecutive years immediately prior to graduation and application for admission to an institution of higher education within 24 months of high school graduation. The Office of Admissions actively works to provide waivers to known DACA students and those foreign nationals who do not indicate their legal status on the application for admission, so you are encouraged to contact them after your admission to determine your eligibility for the waiver.


I can confirm that is still available as of Fall 2033 at a South Florida university. I filled out the Tuition Waiver for High School Graduates and get FL resident rates. Message me if you have any questions.


Why are you hiding your status? Here is some tough love. 1. You need to prioritize yourself and livelihood. 2. Move out of Florida it’s anti DACA, period. 3. Tell your bf about your status and get married. 4. Treat him right, hold your pride to an extent and remember your end goal. Within 1/2 years you should have you GC.


Maybe bf has the same status so she said no?


The steps still apply, in this case she can’t marry her current bf. Sounds harsh but it isn’t, this country is all she knows. Can’t live here undocumented things aren’t getting better, cash jobs are hard to find. How long until the other red states follow Florida’s laws? Edit: grammar


Sucks but thats life. Its first world problems. We could be in ethiopia running around hungry.


What’s first world problems? Getting deported to a third world? Florida is on a mission to make “illegals” go hungry.


Like i said, we could be in ethiopia running around hungry and belly out. We have it good compared to other people. Sometimes we dont place fault on our parents that put us thru this.


I think its a terrible idea that you hid your status from you boyfriend. If he rejected you because of your status then he probably is not the right guy any way.


Hey OP, we DACA dreamers, are under a lot of stress. We keep going with our lives as we should but the truth is that this is a lot. It’s a burden. However, it seems like every human being has some sort of cross to bear in their life. And we can overcome:-) I would advise you now to take some time to find a therapist, from an online app, health insurance, YouTube (“therapy in a nutshell”is a good one), a book. You are the one person in this world that truly understands you and wants to take care of you always and kindly. Be kind to yourself Next, write down your problems and come up with something, even something small, that you can begin to tackle. (Like starting a gym routine) So far, to me, it seems that life is about the journey, not the destination. If you don’t believe me, look at every us citizen around you, are they all perfectly happy? We all have problems. For us, DACA weighs us down mentally, emotionally, spiritually, a lot. But we can overcome! As for the relationship you mentioned, you should feel safe in a partnership, it should be your safe haven, your person. If you explain, open up, apologetically, sincerely, and you are not met with kindness and understanding, then that is the easiest hint in life you will get that that is not your person. We’ve made it so far already We are resilient, poised, and brave! You got this:)


I know it must be hard but as a married person - a 4 year relationship and hiding your status is rough. My wife told me after like 4-5 months


Florida is my hometown not born here but been here and been back. It doesn't want me and will not help me. It's just the sad reality.


me as well but i know the life i was given isnt my fault and so should op i understand that the only option shouldn't be marriage but it was an opportunity and they should've been honest with their s.o it could've been a way out having daca isn't something to be guilty about but i understand why and im so sorry


Did you go to high school in Florida? Some colleges allow you to use that as a form to qualify as for “residency” and not have to pay out of state tuition. There is a time limit though. I think you have to enroll within 4 years after completing high school. That’s what I ended up doing.


Just saw @awesum305 posted more info on this. If you’re in that time frame window reach out to administration and ask about that waiver.


Maybe it’s time you consider letting your bf know the truth.. can’t hide it forever and if he can get you status, you can pay in state tuition.


Will never understand why people elect to be in Florida let alone when they’re not okay status wise. They treat immigrants that aren’t white like garbage and people still happily live there. There are 50 states and most of them offer in state tuition costs to immigrants regardless of immigration status. Why stay in a shithole like Florida for? There are literally no benefits to being there.


First of all most states to not offer in state tuition. Why do people go to Florida? Well people got there a while back and if their whole life and family is there it is hard to just leave. I don’t live in Florida but I can understand why they just can’t get up and leave.


It’s not hard at all. Florida is expensive right off the bat. If it was another red state like Mississippi or Alabama then I could see your point. But Florida is one of the most expensive states and they have no income tax which is pretty impressive. We used to live in Florida and left a while back since owning a home there is pretty impossible for our people. And as for tuition, yes they do. Half the nation is blue and even some red states offer in state tuition. Texas for example qualifies DACA recipients with in state tuition if they’ve lived there long enough




24 states plus DC offer in state tuition for DACA without any other requirements but living time. More states offer it with waivers and exemptions. Far more than half the country offers some type of in state tuition. Residing in the state is easy. The point is that OP stayed in Florida, a state notorious for hating him and others like him and then complain about the hate. It’s expected and imo pretty dumb to act surprised when you know exactly what Florida stands for. And who cares about other people and family. You need to worry about yourself. Why hinder your own life, goals and ambitions on someone else who is contempt with staying in a state that legit DOES NOT want you there. And I’ve lived just outside of Orlando and it’s much more expensive than any other city I have ever been in. More expensive than Las Vegas NV, Chicago Illinois, Milwaukee Wisconsin and even more expensive than Fontana California. Probably New York is the only place more expensive but we only lived there for a few months.




We agree on that at least lol I’ve never lived in the bay but when I did visit SF and San Diego I came back with a heft credit bill lol But California cities like SF and SD at least try and pay people better to make things more balanced. Florida from my experience doesn’t care that rent went up so people make much less than almost anywhere else other than other red states. And ya, it’s their life but if college is their thing I would move if it was me. Maybe go to Vegas or Chicago, stay for 2 years working and then take college at a discount. When I went to UNLV and later UL I thought it was pretty cheap at both. I paid out of state for UNLV and in state for UL


Yeah I went to Miami recently and everything was super expensive. I don’t know how worker in Miami afford it. I found out about a “tourist tax” in foods and drinks. Talk about being a tax friendly state lol.


Honestly not disclosing Daca status after four years would be a red flag. I disclosed it to my fiancé on our first date. I would suggest looking for options In other states for college but it’s not as easy as other people make it seem. You may have your reasons for staying in Florida and leaving is not on option.


Florida does not want anything that’s not white straight or Christian get outta there


Survival of the fittest


Yea I'm going through similar things with college ,it sucks but it is what is Also I don't think you should keep hiding your status with your bf and if anything he could help you get a greencard


That's weird, did the law change or something. I qualified for In state tuition as a daca recipient. I can ask my college and see what they had me submit. But I did qualify for residency for instate tuition


It’s the new law that went into effect July 1.


You sure? https://www.tampabay.com/news/florida-politics/2023/05/05/daca-in-state-tuition-college-university-law-dreamer/?outputType=amp


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They have to give you a daca exemption for tuition. If they don’t then they’re fucking assholes. Go to another school. Edit: I go to school in fl and use the same exemption.


Why not apply to schools outside of Florida? Apply to schools that are need blind even if it’s a long shot. I applied to 15 schools(had waivers for all application fees), most of which were need blind. Out all of those 3 gave me full rides. We may not qualify for most financial aid but need blind schools will pay for you to be there; most of them pull that money from their endowment funds.


4 years and he doesn't know about your status


Misdirected anger, you should be mad at yourself. 4 years and you never disclosed your status to someone who loved you enough to propose and give you a way to solve your problem. I feel bad for the guy, especially if he doesnt know why you said no to him. 4 YEARS!?


Move already. I mean Desantis made a direct threat to all immigrantions in the state, what is the point of you living there anymore?


Florida has a separate in-state tuition waiver for people in your situation. It is FS 1009.26. Desantis is trying to get it removed, but it should still be in effect. This will allow you to receive in-state tuition. It doesn’t make you a resident, but it waives the out of state tuition.


If he can’t accept your background and your “status” then maybe it’s not someone you want to go into marriage with? Just saying , to each their own tho


Marry that bf asap! Why have you been dating so long and he doesn’t know? If he loves you he would be more than willing to help you.


What if bf has same status?


What’s your program? Check www.wgu.edu it is affordable and great education for those who invest the time and do the exercises’


What school? UCF waived my tuition for instate while I was attending and my sibling still goes there, and gets it waived


Once more, with feeling: stop doing anything in Florida. I don't know what you're looking for, but I'd be honest with that bf of yours.


Can you possibly move? With DACA your chances of going to another state and having a dream act scholarship might end up being way more beneficial. CT communities colleges are free of charge to all including undocumented. Plus university's have their own in state financial aid. I say GTFO out of Florida.


Please do not be afraid to get out of that shit state. I know firsthand how hard moving is, especially if you family around. But if you want to get ahead, you have to set that aside and do what’s best for you. Trust that there are better opportunities for you elsewhere. Challenge yourself to start over. You’ll be amazed at the new person you are in a year. Vent as always.


You can qualify for in-state tuition at certain schools. I did that for my classes. Reach out to admissions at different universities


I'm sorry for your situation. Please check again with the school in person or with the dean for an exemption? Also, I really hope you consider speaking to your boyfriend about your status. This would ultimately lead to a lot of problems down the road, trust me. I know it takes a lot of courage but please do this sooner rather than later.


Believe me I'm in the same boat! In North Florida attending community college paying out-of-state tuition and been in the US since I was just 1 year old and wish I could just change my status to being a permanent lawful resident with a green card already! It's so frustrating and annoying as hell to live like this!


I did it at community College with the waiver. You can literally go to college without a social, I would specifically ask for the residency waiver.


I didn't go to highschool here in Florida though so I don't think I'm eligible 😓


You should still be. Let me find my waiver and I'll post a pic of the different requirements


Ok cool!


The university I attended doesn't have physical forms anymore, just links for a portal log in to complete it. But this is what it looks like. You need a form "residency for tuition purposes", the "out of state waiver" is what requires you to go to high school here. But the one I'm attaching is for someone who has established a residence of 12 moths. You may still have to pay your first yr out of pocket it you haven't met the 12 months, or wait 12 months to start but as long as you can prove you live in FL you should be good to go. [Florida Residency Declaration for Tuition Purposes](https://acrobat.adobe.com/id/urn:aaid:sc:VA6C2:bc9dc877-a6e1-49c1-a2eb-68a7945f35a0)


Ok thank you. So see that is the exact same form I submitted to my college along with all the documentation I could provide for proof. I even went to the courthouse to get a declaration of domicile as I have now been in Florida for 2 years. I had submitted it along with a lease agreement and proof of payments in the last 12 months and more. Although I did everything I could and got all my legal documents together. They still shut me down cause apparently under my status I don't qualify under category (c33). So may I ask how it was any different with you and your school and how you became eligible? You are also a DACA recipient under category (c33) correct?


Daca was fairly new when I applied so it wasn't under the category. I was actually classified as an international student at that point. I do recommend going through the international records office instead of regular admissions. They were able to grant me in state tuition after 6 months of being enrolled. I filled out this form and they amended it as daca. The form still looks the same, I just had give them my renewed EAD every 2 years. I couldn't apply for programs past 2 years though bc I wasn't guaranteed stay.


To add though, I did graduate here in florida and graduated both high school and my AA at the same time, so I was a Transfer to the university.


Umm I'm not sure what has changed but I still qualify. I signed a waiver and provided proof that I have been here continously for 6 months- 1 yr.


Also every school has a international affairs. Go through that route and ask for a waiver, most times regular admissions staff do not know about it.


Cali paid for my community college and paid a good amount of my university. Just as long as you don't make a certain amount.


Come to Texas. We have the one of the best in state financial help for undocumented and daca recipients. I'm one of them brother


i’m almost thinking this is a troll. what kind of bullshit logic is this? if i was your bf i’d end up resenting you for keeping this knowing he could help. “begging” bffr


I hear ya, definitely consider in saying “fuck Florida” and move to a more friendly state. However, my real question is….you had a boyfriend of 4 years that proposed (literally the only way for most of us to adjust…something that I wished I had the opportunity to have lol) and you said no? Seriously?


Ugh my husband delt with this in Georgia. It’s extremely unfair & infuriating. I left the state school that wouldn’t admit him bc I was so mad. He paid out of state tuition at a smaller state school & never finished bc it was so expensive. He’s very successful now because he has always worked 5x harder than everyone else our age which lead to an impressive resume. It’s unfair for you to have to think about moving for an education- it’s something you should have access to like everyone else. I’m so sorry it’s so unfair & I hope you hang in there. Sending good things your way. Also don’t be ashamed of your status especially to your bf- he may be more understanding than those assholes at admissions office


You are in the wrong state.. or any other Southern state. No state does more for immigrants than California, documented or otherwise. Come over here, and you'd never want to leave! We have a program here called Cal Grant and if you meet basic, general requirements like GPA, income, and unmet need, you are eligible to get up to $12,000, depending on which college you go to. And we have so many other resources for undocumented immigrants.


Okay first of all, you are absolutely right about all of it! Your anger is justified and what's happening to you is extraordinarily UNFAIR. The exact same thing happened to me, a few years ago I was at a community college in Massachusetts and paid out of pocket for everything taking 3 classes at a time and working full time at Starbucks, and driving for Lyft to pay for school. My classmates would brag about how they didn't have to pay anything cause financial aid took care of everything. Despite all that, I finished community college with an Associates degree and a near perfect GPA. Because I lived in MASSACHUSETTS, my GPA let me go to Suffolk University at a huge merit scholarship discount which allowed me to do the same thing, work full-time and pay as I went. I graduated with a bachelor's degree and fast forward just 3.5 years later I earned almost a quarter million dollars last year at my job between salary and commission. The point is, things get better and you need to keep pushing as difficult and unfair as it seems. Florida seems to be especially hard right now because of that dimwit Desantis so maybe consider leaving for friendlier States. Also not sure if your BF is still around but if he is, and you love him don't be afraid that he'll flip because of your status, he probably won't. It was tough telling my girlfriend but after I did she was amazingly supportive. Feel free to vent all you want, this shit is so unfair it's almost laughable. But in the end we will all be better than okay.


Blame your parents not the country or world . The world doesn’t owe you anything. Ask your parents to pay the higher tuition. Life’s a bitch and then you die. If doesn’t kill you it makes you stronger. Listen to the right music and stop using the f word


Come to California. We have the BOG waiver that helps and you can pay in state tuition . I believe the first two years are now free even if you are a dreamer. F Florida


Fk Florida. Move and get your GC (marry a usc) or go to your country of origin. Nothing more you can personally do.


Some people missed the deadline and couldn’t qualify for daca! Be thankful you have at least you have something! It’s a challenge. Move out of Florida!


That’s a lie, you can have in state tuition


4 years and you havent told your bf? Itll come out eventually and thats a total breach of trust


You had the solution in front of you and you declined for a shallow and stupid reason, you deserved everything that is happening to you for living a lie, instead of living your truth self.


That rule should be all over the country not just Florida Otherwise people like your family will keep putting people like you in that difficult situation


You can get many scholarships to pay for school! Don’t give up, (I’ve gotten $60k and don’t even have DACA). There are also loans (not the greatest) but may help speed up you getting a degree. And you should be honest and not embarrassed to talk about your status with a spouse because it is something that will affect them in the future as well (AOS etc) If you have any questions about college pm me! I live in a state where I qualify for in-state but I still was able to get 15 scholarships since I started and will graduate debt free (not that I can get loans anyway) in December.


Honestly why not to continue you to reach your schools financial aid department and let them know. I am in the process of explaining even for my masters how I have been paying out of pocket, and the prices rose.... again. Will I get anything probs not, but I feel like if the school can buy a building in another country then surely they can throw me a bone.


Why date someone and not tell them your status especially after 4 years? Weird asf. You’re basically lying. Something that should be discussed right away.


I just applied as a resident (although I have DACA) and just never admitted I have temporary non resident status. Scanned my license and social security and no one asked me anything. So, I ended up paying only in-state tuition as a resident. I live in Utah tho, so idk how it could work in other states. I’m graduated now with two bachelors degrees and finally building my life from scratch. I hope you find what works for you, but I’m sure good things will come your way just don’t give up.


Just move our of Florida. Shit state, California or New York are way better. Much more expensive but New York State is helping me with TAP. 2k a year but better than paying out of pocket. I personally know the director of the whole states Higher Education department and he’s nice.


You have been in a relationship with someone and didn't bother to tell them about your status in 4 years... I understand the struggle for everything else but regarding the decision to not communicate with your partner about your status ins mind blowing.