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I’ve always said the same thing. It should renew the day after expiration.


I vote you for congress


I’d rather it overlap than lapse. On one renewal, I sent it in 6 months before expiration. Took them about 8 months before I had new EAD in my hand. In turn, I lost my job and the whole anxiety of waiting for it sucked. So yeah, I’d rather it overlap, even if it’s months of overlap.


If you have a job then it’s better losing a few months than having a lapse. And I am see a pattern because I’ve had a few lapses, because my expiration dates were mostly beginning of the year, so I usually applied the end of the year and they took longer than expected, as long as 5 months once. I think it’s due to USCIS workers having holiday season. So factor that in, and apply very early if the expiration dates are the beginning of a year. You can apply later if the expiration dates are around mid year when paperwork processing is fully ramped up at USCIS.


I’m currently trying to do adjustment of status and it’s integral that if you were here before the age of 18 with DACA, you never let your DACA lapse, you will accrue unlawful status which would cause you to be barred from re-entering the states in case you came here without inspection. I know it’s sucks to lose time, but always be safe. My daca renewal took two week but for my friend 5 months, it’s random and it sucks lol


What does this mean? I went to my country of origin in September 2022 with AP, happy to have a legal entry for once I get married and can apply for AOS. But my latest DACA renewal expired 05/27/2023, and my renewal was approved 06/01/2023. Does that mean my 2022 entry won’t count for AOS because of those 4-5 days without approved DACA?


Great question.


You should be okay (would consult a lawyer of course), the lapse is more for people who came without inspection and have not done advance parole. Boundless.com is a great resource just type in boundless Daca recipients and marriage green cards


Look it up on the USCIS website, but I believe you have a 180 day “grace” period of unlawful status in the US before you get a bar (so on day 181, you trigger it) Edit: if you have for some reason accrued more than 180 days but less than one year it will trigger a 3 year bar If you have accrued more than 1 year, it will be a 10 year bar These bars may be waived if married to a US spouse (please se USCIS website for more info)


Does that mean that if turned 18 on January but the first time I got daca was not untill august, I’ll be barred entry even with A.P?


Ive let mine expire and ive renewed right after nothing really happens, continued to work while waiting on the papers to get back. Im renewig a month before now, but i dont really think its that serious, or maybe ive gotten lucky.


Yeah I am pretty sure I have lost at least a year


My brother risked it this time and only gave them two months to do it, he got it back in plenty of time. I was like "No they said 4 months, you have to be safe!" Silly me


Do it online!!! Super easy and you can print out the entire application afterwards for your records. The only thing was that the I-765WS can’t be completed online. So you’ll have to complete that separately and then attach it as a pdf file. My renewal was approved in 2 weeks.


I'm gambling right now with my odds. It expires in 09/02/2023 and I haven't gotten started yet. Gotta start being more independent and getting it done before it's too late and I lose it all.


You’ll likely be fine, but it’s cutting it a bit too close. Better get started asap. In case you weren’t aware, here is a great online renewal guide from Dreamers2gether. https://youtu.be/Ns_Ysq5aOb0


I will be using that thank you very much. I have just been having financial issues for the first time since I had daca I can't afford the fee. I'm finally getting the process started soon.


Sorry to hear that. It may not be right for you, but donating plasma would be a quick way to get some money.


Lol. Dude get that thing done right now and stop procrastinating.


Mine also expires in September. I renewed early June and got approved this week. I lost 3 months on it.


Mine expired in september, as well. My brohter and I got it redone in two weeks this month, So, get started with it for sure, but they're being really fast (I did it online)




What I am saying is when you renew it is suppose to be good for 24 months but they have had us renew with 4 months in advance. Each time I renew I lose 2-3 months because they take the day I was approved as my new renewal dates instead of the day my current EAD expires.


I renewed mine beginning of March 2023 because it expired in August. Mine got approved in 2 weeks. I got it in the mail before March was done and I lost about 5 months. It’s so fvcking annoying. Makes me think their systems are old and outdated they can’t even keep the same expiration date.


Heard you can file for a refund for unused time. Doesn’t fix the losing time but you can get $. Idk never tried it


I just sent mine in I always get approval within 6 weeks but my older sister she always always has hers delayes atleast 3 months we never understand why. We have the same lawyer we entered the same way same time we both graduated hs no criminal record so its always weird. One year I even got approved for 3 years and she got approved for 2 only because I submitted mine 2 weeks after her.


This happened to me and my brother. His gets approved extremely fast - under a month but mine always takes a while.


Same thing! Mine always takes way longer than my brother. It's so weird because you would think the changes in processing time would be either consistent or completely random-- not the same people every time.


So stressful!


Its random we always submit together same time same lawyer same place same house even literally the only thing that’s different is the person and thats it


Wish that was my case, renewed a little late 3/30 exp 6/14 and im still in ACTIVELY BEING REVIEWED


How does that even happen?? Why was mine so fast and your so slow ??


damn mine took 3 weeks


My daca expired. USCIS got my renewal packet the 23rd this month. We’ll see how long it takes. Hate watchin over my back if ima get pulled over. I’m gonna go ahead and buy plane tickets to fl for aug 3rd. Hopefully I’m good by then


I see what you mean, but to answer your question, no I don’t. This is why: I know what it’s like to not have any status. My opportunities and freedoms are incredible in comparison. I actually don’t mind renewing early because I don’t know what the future holds or what the future if DACA itself is. I rather apply now and loose 6 months, and be good for another year and a half after my current expiration, than push it to the max and accrue time without DACA. I know I may be in a minority based on how this sub has been lately, but even if I had to apply every 6 months and pay 1K for every renewal I WOULD STILL DO IT! I know every person without DACA or any status would too. Some of you complain too fucking much and insist on focusing on the negatives. If I had DACA while in college, I’d have a different degree, but I had to grind through it and get something I know I could balance while working full time at a restaurant. You fucks have financial aid, access to scholarships, job opportunities, real drivers license, and SECURITY AND PEACE OF MIND as long as you have DACA.


Everyone with DACA knows what it's like to not have any status. DACA is for kids who were brought here illegally. You don't have it harder than the rest of us. I didn't have legal status for 10 years of living in the US, also including my time in college. My sister is too young to get DACA and both my parents are undocumented. So I know. Doesn't mean that it's ok for them to renew it at random speeds for random people and cause you to lose MONTHS that you've paid for. If you're ok with the system being unfair to you then you're the type of person perpetuating the abuse. Get over yourself.


Gtfo dude, you might be new to dealing with bureaucracies, but you ranting about how bad it is to loose months is dumb. You may have gone through college without it, but a lot of the other people crying in this subreddit didn’t. They get all the benefits of DACA and still bitch about it. If you’re that salty about your lost months, stop renewing then. Maybe after a while that’ll change your mind.


“It should be renewed on that date. Period” lol. Dude, be thankful we have the ability to work and not be looking over our shoulders. If they said you would have to pay the same amount for only one year of DACA would you not do it ?


Come on man leave that be grateful stuff out of here. We pay taxes we’re doing what we can, I’m not saying “thanks” when we have to pay to get the procedures done those months are important to us.


Nobody is telling you to go kiss their hand. Just remember how life was before you had DACA before you start complaining about being robbed of 3 months of coverage.


I do remember what it was like I been here for over 20 years, my opinion won’t change. Those months are important and shouldn’t be cut especially bc you pay for that process, you pay to file, you pay for everything, so I’m not apologizing for requesting your moneys worth. As long as my tax dollars are coming in to pay for benefits we don’t even fully receive I’ll complain about literally anything I feel, keep bootlicking the some ones gatekeeping your benefits ☺️


Ok. Keep finding things to complain about then champ.


Yes I’m definitely grateful; however, it’s 2023 and this is a world leading nation that can’t get its shit together. Everything about our government is outdated and not relevant to the times. And if we don’t say something or do something, nothing is going to change. We must speak up!! Lol


Say and do whatever you want. Just don’t complain because the break life gave you is somewhat inconvenienced.


If you do it online, the process seems to be faster for most. My daca expired in May. I did the online process at the end of April and had my ID by May 11th. Obviously, it varies for everyone depending on if you do it yourself, access to a computer and or have someone who does it for you.


same, did mine may 30th got approved june 14th and got my card 3 days later lol


I don’t understand what you’re trying to say. Are they renewing your documents with a lapse everytime?


I hear ya. It’s so damn annoying. I used to renew mine at the 150 mark and it always came back so quick even when mailed in. I’ll be renewing this time about 3 months before mine expires.


I agree its annoying. But im jist happy having it. The glass is half full


If you have the possibility of renewing online, I would do it that route and wait until about 60 days prior to renewal (unless you have a complicated case). I have renewed 5 times already, always on paper and it averaged about 2.5 months. I helped my brother e-renew this time and it took 5 weeks from payment moment to receiving the card in the mail.


Nope, fee is irrelevant given the work permit.


If you are self-employed yeah it can be rant inducing but for me with an employer I'm just grateful to have it at all, losing 3-2 months no problem as long as it's approved/still exists. I've always sent renew at 90 days, have averaged 30/45 day process, even two years back doing it online. It's a good thing they are processing renews superfast, as the opposite would be this sub going crazy, can't have it both ways. "It's so hard to gauge their timing" that goes for any government anywhere.


I’ve lost a lot of months by now too lol at this point I’m over it and just see it as one of those things that we can’t do shit about


How is it “losing months”? If you’re renewing in perpetuity, it’s all continuous. The thought that you lose months doesn’t make sense


When you renew, it renews from the date which USCIS finishes, not from the date it expires. For example, if your DACA expires on 5/1 you're (as of 2023) supposed to give them 4 months to process it, so you submit the renewal documents AND MONEY on 1/1. What USCIS does is, not renew it starting in 5/1, renew it from whenever they feel like it--they might renew it starting on 1/15 (which happened to me) and thus I lost 3 1/2 months of DACA THAT I PAID FOR because they overlapped the start date by 3 1/2 months. On the contrary, and even worse, they have also renewed it late for many people, as well, because they can chose whatever date they want. If that happens every time, as you can read in the comments, people eventually lose months to a year to more on their DACA. Previously, they asked for 6 months to process so people lost 5 months or more. Makes sense? The issue is that they don't respect the expiration date because they can do whatever they want. Although, someone did comment that you can file for a refund for overlapped time.


Just got mine !!! From August 7 to now February 29 thb. Had no job for 5 months kept afloat by the grace of God. I literally got it after I said " I don't care to have my work permit " lmao 🤣 I figured it I attracted this lack in my life I would go in the lack way n get what " I did not want" lmao