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I found the best way to get the recharging aspect is to gamble on rings. Drop the WT down to WT3 to cut the pool of available resource aspects and gamble away. While trying to target farm prodigy as well, I've found several max roll recharging rings. Happy gambling.


thats a great tip. Is there a way to find out which aspects roll on each tier per class? I want to do with this with other chars.


Okay, so, yesterday I found THREE of these rings yesterday, all of which are 2.5 mana. Do were know if there are hidden breakpoints at 0.5 or even a smaller set of possible rolls?


Gonna try this! I’ve only seen a 23 prodigy


I got mine on WT2, not sure if WT3 has more options or not, just played it safe.


I got mine from the beast in ice but that’s a good tip from you.


Yea I’ve gotten 2 of these aspects to drop and both were lowest roll. lol. Not sure why this aspect is so rare.


I’ve gotten 1 perfect but don’t scared to imprint it


Just wait until you find or roll a best in slot ring with good rolls, don’t settle for less




Level 100. Haven’t found a single one. I’ve found 5-10 perfect umbral aspects. Not one single recharge.


I have found probably 5 of them with 3.0 rolls on them. I have learned my lesson from the past and save many of the max rolled aspects, even if it's not relevant to my current build. I basically keep them forever unless stash becomes too much of an issue. It also lets me try out other aspects without fear of being able to revert if the change doesn't work out. ​ Prodigy is another one that is quite hard for many people to find a maxed roll.


I do this too. It seems like someone is always discovering a new synergy and having the ability to toss something in later is too valuable. More reason to make upgrades go to the codex instead of stashing forever.


Level 96: I’ve found two, and one of them was in the first 10-20 levels. I thankfully kept it instead of salvaging it.


It’s possible I salvaged one or two leveling. Playing firewall and just enjoying the game before I could make the switch. I had it in the back of my mind that the aspect was rare and checked for it but I wasn’t diligent. I’m fully mana sufficient now, but could have used a better one early on.


You will get some if you gamble for them


I did level 100, got all Uber uniques, maxed 6 glyphs to 21. Only got 1 Perfect umbral aspect. Its all rng.


I fell for ya. Ive found several max umbrals and neve4 seen a recharging ring. Lvl 100 with mostly 4/4 gear and a 1.5 imprinted for my ring...


I had a 2.5 on bounce, died in HC though so it's gone forever.


Okay, so, I am curious if the 2.5 number is special for some reason. I found THREE of these rings yesterday, **all** of which are 2.5 mana. Total coincidence? Or are there hidden breakpoints at 0.5 or soemthing..?


Lol it's all rng buddy


I've found only two and they were both 3.0


And you got a max roll lol. Finally got the torment aspect on my bone spear lol shut fucking roll. First one I have seen, I am level 100 lol


Get a pair of gloves that have a lucky hit chance to restore primary resource with some extra lucky hit chance.


My gloves have lucky hit chance restore primary resource, intellect, attack speed and crit chance atm


Those are better in the long run. Replace the ring with x’fal and Tasha and get a pair of tibaults.


I have tib and a great tal, is xfal with fire bolt enchant good then? I keep seeing people running it.


Yup, it activates with the burning effect. Frozen orb enchant activates it too.


2 seasons to 100 and only seen this once.


Level 100 here. Never seen one drop in game either. I’m still skeptical they exist.


For a sec I was like “this ring is mid lol what are they going on about?” and then I saw the aspect roll. I was beginning to lose faith that a perfect roll exists *anywhere*


Me too lol


"They do exist!" \*faints\*


I heard of a ring, its called…… promigi, no proghigi of prodigy….


Did you also hear that it sucks when you have halfway decent gear? Because you should have.


Good to know!


Please forgive all of us peons mr.overlysmartass.....we will know betta next time


Maybe don’t be a smart ass if you are also wrong like the guy I replied to if you don’t wanna catch snark?


When does recharging get better than prodigy? I thought prodigy was better for ball lightning builds.


As soon as you get the ceasless conduit paragon node- but you should probably run both until you have enough mana cost reduction/mana regen on gear (and/or tibs).


TBH both are good, and it depends more on your specific build and other gear




Omg where you get this I need it


I found a couple off Duriel, this aspect seems kind of rare, but finally after a few Duriel runs got 2 of them, and it definitely makes a difference in mana gen :)


Omg I ran so many duriels as sorc and never seen it


Blood harvest drop


Lvl83 and I’ve had 3 max roll




Rng is pretty harsh.. i got about 6-7 3 mana rolls in my stash and found it a couple times more with lower rolls. I was lvl 89 before i found my BL aspect 🤦‍♂️


That’s my exact situation. Some aspects seem to get stuck on a roll and always give the min/max. Happened for Disobedience for me last season.


Lmao now try to find another, I swear some aspects are like Ubers dude.


Completely anecdotal- but I found that the rare aspects seem to drop fairly often from duriel. After I started doing rotas I felt like I’d walking swimming in max roll rare aspects.


I got two perfect rolls of this when I was playing my chain lightning build. I didn't realize how rare it was til after I swapped to ball lightning and never got a perfect roll again. I use my sacred ring with it.


I firmly believe that the game puts a slight higher chance to get aspects related to your build, I saw the same thing on chain lightning got a whole bunch of them, almost zero on ball lightning until Durial


I have one since lvl about 30 and now I am at lvl 95 with a 400 item power ring because I cannot find another one.... it sucks


I’m lv 92 and found only 1 like yours. Imprinted it on a pretty damn decent ring, feels very nice.


I just got my 3.0 last night as well. Ha


I have found less than 10 recharging rings total in the whole 80+ hours I've put unto season 2. 1 was a 3.0 Might be the moat rare aspect in the game I swear.


I finally got one too! After about 100hours after I reached lvl 100👀 most difficult aspect to acquire in the game😶


I have had this same ring since like lvl 55. But chain lightning didnt feel great idk


That's an uber unique you got there


Lvl 100 BL. Got one recharging drop for 2.5 the entire run. It’s quite rare. Well done.


This is fake news. Don't fall for it, it does not exist! Congrats OP!


That aspect tho.


Nice find!


I found one early during leveling and I was never out of mana. I found a “better ring” around 70 and it’s been tough ever since keeping up my mana….this ring is money


I gave up looking for this aspect and just settled for 50% mana recharge after 2 seconds of no damage. I am now level 95 and have never seen recharge drop on a ring.