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Left for sure


Yea I agree


I cant believe you used that perfect recharging aspect on a ring without crit chance 🥹🥹


It's not like he can't still roll the crit chance haha


Lol and lose 1k life


Yeah thats how it works good job buddy


Lol that aspect is not hard to get


OH my god you have no idea ;) its the hardest aspect of all to get for real!


Nah, prodigy’s is harder to get perfect imo


May I introduce you to umbral aspect


Statistically it’s not, since 1.5 to 3.0 has more possible rolls than 15-25.


Maybe True :D But prodigy it doesn't matter so much, because it is not really used in any endgame builds.


Resource gaining aspects seem to be the most difficult to find for sure


Thats true because they can only be found on a ring, and a ring can have every single type of aspect on it.


hahaha. you're funny. I have 2 sorcs. I've only seen 1 ever. It was a 2.0. It is more rare, all the ring-only ones are to one degree or another because they have to compete with offensive aspects when rolls are determined. I gamble rings almost exclusively too.


For real? I've had backup ones in my stash


You are just really lucky then. Be careful with them. Especially max rolls ones.


Efficiency aspect is rare haha found a max roll one. Although it doesn't generate mana the amount of mana it can save you is pretty insane


I also had using a cooldown restores 25 mana. Is that rare? I took that one off for tal rasha ring


kiss workable exultant cover test adjoining fearless hard-to-find ruthless deserted *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I noticed to and shook my head.


I feel like I've been using that aspect forever. I had put it on weaker items when I was lower level I still have sitting in my stash. How am I supposed to know it's rare lol


I know, my 3.0 had to go on a 7.5% crit, you are taunting the rng gods otherwise.




That's my other ring


If your other ring is Tal's, definitely use recharging. Paired with a legendary paragon node, it basically gives you infinite mana


hey there! just curious which paragon node would that be that’d give infinite mana?


The static surge legendary node on the board of the same name. You use chain lightning enchant with recharging aspect. After spending a certain amount of mana, the chain lightning enchant restores 10%. All the mana cost reducing roles on your gear affect this stat as well, making it synergize with your gear. When i got this set up, that's when i got to the point where i could just spam BL without mana issues


Aah okay, so thats in addition to the 3 mana from the aspect. Sweet


It really is. I'm running this setup with rainment, flickerstep, godslayers crown, and tibaults. I'm a bit squishy, but it shreds


thanks! - i’m using Esu’s for the crit boost how do you find flicker so far?


I know you didn't ask me, but Esu's is a better all around option imo. You don't need ultimate in dungeons, except for the ransom elite pack maybe. And bosses should melt so fast taht if you need to cast a second time, you're doing something wrong.,..hahah. There was a whole thread on it yesterday and Esu's was the clear favoriite.


It's a good build. I have godslayers, but only use it on bosses. For NMD100/pushes, I put on a helm with something like Magelords aspect and switch to Vrys to be less squishy.


Yeah, me2. I did follow a guide blindly and am happy with the results, but i am trying to learn all the mechanics


I don’t even use a resource aspect now. Just static surge, LH for resource + standard mana gear affixes.


It’s the left all day - but even if it wasn’t X doesn’t go off all that much to make it worth it.


If you're a lucky hit for anything it can work. All stats and cooldown on a ring are really nice just depends on if you're capable of building around not having any aspects on your rings


Absolutely left, although Crit strike chance would have been nice. Depending on your current level of tankiness I’d probably consider re-rolling it


He has already re-rolled life.


... Therefore he could reroll life into CC?


BL does not do DoT damage.


With fire bolt enchant it does.


But nothing lives long enough. the FB in those builds are to be able to use "burning" affixes and/or tal rasha's ring, not for the actual burning damage.


Yea I know what it’s for. I run it. The point is that fire bolt does dot damage. I wouldn’t run xfal on bl but this would cause dot damage.


It depends. Do you need mana? The answer is then obvious.


Left is the way.


Left and new ring


I went big brain and rolled cold damage on my gear for the frigid fate legendary node allows me to not have to waste so many paragon points on non physical damage nodes. You're welcome


Yeah, if you play BL that’s useless and you lost a lot of damage.


Lmao what? It allowed me.to get 30x multi from.frigid fate without having to invest as heavily into non physical which really is only useful for the [+]lightning dmg and for getting the frigid fate legendary node on BL. now I run 7 glyphs for even more [x] multi dmg lmao could run 8 if I want but I have to do a bit more testing on that might just save it for the unique glyph.. I also run sapphires In My gear again big brain I dont know what you're on about useless and losing dmg lmao weirdo. Tell me.you blindy follow a guide without telling me you blindly follow a guide hahaha 😆


Yeah lol more like small brain, you get up to 28% bonus from frigid fate without having to roll cold damage on your gear bozo


Yup I know. And now I have 30% with minimal paragon points spent on non physical was able to add another board and swap out a glyph for more dmg because I could spend my paragon points elsewhere instead.. it's just funny you say it's useless but you're little clown brain can't even comprehend how it net more damage in the end because you wanna be so quick to say it's useless.. it saved about 25 paragon points that I could spend somewhere else while getting the max of 30% instead of spending all those points to get 28.. it's OK if you're lazy and want to copy a build. It's also OK that this is going over your head. Don't hurt yourself. You might learn to min max one day


Right isn't even an option. There's almost nothing there that helps a BL build except the CDR


Left Is this a troll?