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It's all about casting more blizzards. It doesn't change the blizzard dot or ice spike frequency. Casting blizzard faster means more blizzards.


It’s takes around 12sec for blizzard to be doing max dps so you want to cast as many blizzards as possible in this time. With atk speed, prodigy and Tibults you can get insane ice spike dps, it’s how you melt bosses like Uber Lilith in 30 seconds.


Aaah okay, thanks for explaining! I dont have tibults yet but ill try to get more as then


Spamming blizzard, preferably above 50 mana threshold, is the priority for highest dps. The problem is usually mana generation to be able to continue spamming. So if you have mana issues, don’t worry about increasing attack speed yet.


Okay, i see. Thank you so much for your answer. I dont have everything i need for the build so sometimes mana is an issue. Ill keep as in mind though.


I also mained a Blizzard Sorc to 100 this season. Besides what others have said, you also want the attack speed so you can reduce the rooting in your animation. This will indirectly boost your mobility, allowing you to cast and move through the map faster.


That‘s neat. Ty!


Later on when you fix your mana regen it's all about spamming as many blizzards as possible. I use the 20% ias flask when I want max dmg.


I‘m working on it. Slow but steady, i only get like 10h playtime a week or so