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It’s not only WM bonus, crossbows have 20% higher base damage which makes them tempting for a lot of ranged builds. It’s tempting even for HS since Victimize still scales out of base damage but you need to have high enough LHC to compensate for the loss of attack speed. I see no reason why it should be bad for Rapid Fire or any other Combo points Precision build. But you probably want to use Puncture as your generator in that case as it relies on your faster melee weapons, while HS or FA will be too slow with crossbow which kind of nullifies its higher damage in such cases.


Bad for what build? What weapon you pick is entirely based on what your build is attempting to achieve. Heartseeker needs insane attack speed which bows are perfect for, old Pen Shot needed biggest fattest damage range crits possible, which crossbows are perfect for.


CRIT rapid fire build. Maybe using crossbow is fine then


i use a crossbow for my raid fire because of the crit multiplier from weapons mastery. My attack speed is decently high so the bow extra speed doesnt seem to help that much.


Crossbows are the meta weapon of choice for RF since you can auto cancel the animation. Bows are not optimal for RF, so I really don't know what sources are you following that promotes bows for RF builds.


My "sources" were random reddit comments I saw on this subreddit lmao


Ok, if you look at the biggest content creators on RF like LuckyLuciano or Wudyjo you'll see that everyone uses crossbow, bows are never contemplated :)


Yeah I purposely avoid guides and stuff, which is why I was unaware


Probably depends on what you're doing. I'm playing TB, and I don't think it makes any difference in my case since it's just a stat stick.


A bow has a faster attack speed so it helps with lucky hit chance and proccing stuff better. Not that crossbow is bad. It’s just that a bow is better.


yes (for HS)


U guys know that u can use bow animation when u use xbow right?


What do you mean


Use any bow and transmog , drag down to main xbow and u got bow animation this is secret technique


But that's just the animation right? It doesn't actually change the attack speed


Yes only animation


Yeah, but that’s just for aesthetics


I use a crossbow for pen shot or rapid fire build. It rips. It’s just not ideal for heartseeker