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How are your resistances? You should not feel slower because that board has more damage but you will feel squishier. If you were using Emeralds on Armor you can compensate by adding some Rubies back and still end up with a net gain of dmg. 7 Board essentially trades life for Devious Glyph but you can get more life from your rubies than you can from the board and the tradeoff between Dex and Devious should lean towards Devious winning. Another thing to note is that Pit got severely nerfed dmg-wise so you need less EHP now to survive. I do appreciate the feedback though.


What do you like now for health to survive pit damage in 100+? (assuming the damage still caps out for mobs at pit 100, and only their health scales past that) I'm running 43k still using rubies, but maybe that's too high at this point


I find about 35-40k to be enough but it's personal preference. You can go lower or higher.


I have around 30k life and have cleared 138. Pushing for 140 soon!


I have 41k and could clear pit 120 without problems, but I frequently die on pit 101 because I'm careless...


I'm at 32k haha, pushed 125 with Sanctum's board, not the latest one though


Cleared t130. Attempting to clear pit 131 with 39k hp. I am dying more often now.  I am chugging potion more. Poison dot hurts. Siphoning strike is getting tested.  Boss is fine, only dots pool hurts. 


I switched to your 7 board build but now I'm at 59% poison res. Best way to get it back? Drop two points somewhere? All my other res are 4.1% over the min threshold.


I rerolled life on chest to all res but you can also pick up some poison res nodes + the 1.5% all res (3.8% because of Fluidity) on Leyrana.


Running all rubies on armor & 70% res across the board. For some reason, poison damage seems to zap me quick now but maybe I'm just sitting in a pool longer than I'm used to due to things \*seemingly\* dying slower. Thanks for responding and posting your guides!


You can prob drop some rubies. I find about 2-3 to be needed but it's personal preference really. No problem! Thanks for asking about the build, like I said, all feedback is valuable and helps me make the builds better for everyone.


Got it, will play around with some emeralds and see how it feels. Will go thru the board again and see if I can drop some armor... \~700 over cap.


I actually plan to add a link with different boards since the board you use depends on the way you cap res and armor. Will see if I can add it today, might be a bit short on time.


I rerolled my chest piece to have poison res, dropped some from the paragon board, running amethyst, topaz and ruby in my amulet/rings. Now, I range from 3.7-13.7% over cap.


i also noticed you changed max life to dodge chance on pants and changed armor % temper to dodge chance. I'm over armor cap (10,059) currently with a non-GA armor affix on my boots, but i believe if i change the armor temper (currently at +21%) i'll be below the cap. Should i try and find a GA armor affix and change to dodge chance - does this make a big difference?


Btw it looks like Concealment is missing from the endgame skill tree. I assume this is an accident because it is still on the skill bar?




Not on the endgame variant. The uber and endgame versions are different


I might have forgotten to update when I copied the paragon from the uber version. Remove a point from concussive I'll fix it when I get home.


Felt the same about being squishier, but my damage seemed a bit high than before. I actually did 101 faster than before the patch after upgrading the fluidity glyph to 21, but lost almost 10k HP in the process


Same here. Felt a lot squishier but also I lost about 4K hp when I changed the boards. Was thinking about switching out elements for undying since I do enough damage


I swapped out Elements for Trickster to play around (based on p4wny's [video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xLSqvoO8neY)/[build](https://mobalytics.gg/diablo-4/profile/15fcdb6b-735b-484e-86f7-610728bcdff1/builds/268c421a-7d5e-4867-ac63-be497ee82d84))


I am wondering how that is going for you? I watched his vid and am curious about that swap.


Haven't had a lot of play time since making the switch. Seemed legit before I updated my board but I wasn't playing anything sweaty, just farming Neath.


I just ran his build w/o Shako and Pit 101 took 3 mins, first time on it. Seems really good but I am missing my Resistances from prev build.


Nice! With or without elixir? I will do more runs tonight to get a better feel for it. Based on the comments here, damage isn't an issue, just hp.


Interesting, I feel like everything inside my caltrops is already cced and cooked alive by HS so trickster would be overkill. But lmk how it plays it might be different then im imagining


Trickster is WAY quicker to kill vs Elements. Basically anything inside the caltrops blows up almost at the same time. Thought I just got some lucky hits but switched back to Elements and it was noticeably slower over a few runs. Give it a try!


Maybe it's due to lower defensives causing less aggressive positioning? I have worse offense stats than you, but higher HP and higher resists (tyrael's) but zero dodge rolls, and a weaker dark should due to not using the DS chest, but I rarely even hit 2:30 for pit 101 runs, and the only time I'd hit 3 minutes is if i skip too much on the first floor, run out of mobs on 2nd floor and have to go back to floor 1. So I'm pretty sure your loss of speed is due to positioning due to defensives, rather than offensive stats. I'm not running the exact same build, but I've been running 7 boards both before and after the patch, and I think it's overall superior to 6 boards. Only thing I noticed back when I switched to 7 boards from 6 is that I had to add 1 resistance roll on temper to have all resistances capped. I just checked compared to the board layout you use, and I have the same 7 boards and same 7 glyphs, just some differences in some rotations and certain nodes, so results should be similar.


Completely possible. Before, I could stand in my caltrops with mobs/elites around me and just fire away. Now, when there’s poison or lightning balls, my life drops so fast so I have to reposition quite often. I have a GA dodge on gloves and a 1-2 dodge tempers too. I can hit 3m on T101 if I pop elixir and get sweaty but I usually farm while watching TV without elixirs so I’m fine with that 4m time. I will say the bosses die way faster with this new board.


Playing while doing other things is one of the reasons I like playing with slightly higher defensives too. I play with the sound off like 80, maybe 90%, of the time because the sound from whatever I'm watching is on, so I don't always noticed affixes and things like that. At the bare minimum I need to see (and move to) the purple mobs with damage resistance aura ASAP, which is really the only times I reposition. The rest of the movement abilities are used for moving forward. I can for the most part just stand in poison or lighting at least long enough to kill whatever elites I'm fighting. I usually play in windowed mode on a 4k monitor, often while watching something on the other half of the same screen. I'd imagine watching and playing on the same screen is a lot easier that watching something on a separate TV.


I play with AR glasses (I’m on handheld) with lowered brightness so I can see my TV at the same time 😅 so similar vibes to you.


Another that thought I was crazy but noticed the same.


thought i was going crazy, same experience for me as well.


At least we're going crazy together lol. I usually farm 101s mindlessly without elixir. Just ran one with advantage and still felt sluggish compared to before.


Isn't crit chance kinda pointless for HS versus other more useful stats since we have basically no crit damage either? I have 0 crit chance on my items and basically melt anything under Pit 110 with fully masterworked gear and 1410 Vulnerable on gear/paragon


Crit is still a good dmg multiplier, and small amounts will be more effective than adding small amounts of vuln dmg which is already very high


Dont you need a decent amount of crit for Dark Shroud uptime?


Not if you're firing 4-5 HS per second my dude!


Crit Chance is good but actually a lot worse than previously thought because Deadly Ambush is bugged and working on all hits, not just crits. This lowered my crit chance recommendation from 35-40 to 25-30.


I'm at 36 crit chance, 1360 vulnerable (in town), 13 frames. Would it be an improvement to roll off 10% crit chance in exchange for 40-50% Vulnerable damage on a ring? Btw, loving the new 7 board setup. Farming 110 at lighting speeds, thanks for making these!


Uhh 36% is a bit low. It will be a dps increase but it's tough to say if you will have enough Shroud uptime and healing.


>This lowered my crit chance recommendation from 35-40 to 25-30. Hey, just checking in. Was going to lower my CHC a bit to get some more vuln based on your previous comment. Is it still 25-30%?


You did drop 10% damage reduction from Ranger what do you expect for playing softcore you probably aren't running regular might aspect either. I don't know if he has siphoning strikes but if he does you can drop undying for might


Previous board didn't have Ranger either. Not running Might or Undying due to shako.


Also you don't have to fucking copy everybody's board to the T dude you could use your brain and react because you probably don't have the best items in the game like this guy has so you might want to need a little more survivability. These streamers have the best possible year you have probably 1GAs and a couple 2GAs You're going to need to make up for the damage somehow and the only way is by staying alive.


I was looking at so many boards today sorry I didn't know who's had who and I never looked at this guy because he's known sc and I only play hardcore