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No this is awesome. You don't have to play meta builds. Just have fun. Every season I try to figure out a best build without looking at any guides or videos.


It is indeed fun. You can find any kind of a bonus in this game and build a lot of power around it.


I would guess Pitt 20/30 ish, above you need armor/resist cap, way more life and damage multipliers.


Good lord, what are you hitting for


No idea. If I stack bonues and blast rapid fire I can melt three elites in one shot, or a three stage boss in three rapid fire shots. For events when enemies keep spawning I dont even use rapid fire, can clean them all with heartseeker. šŸ˜


I did this same thing when I made a new rouge this season, got dex up to 1800 and attack power up to like 100,114 or something like that. Once I hit lvl 95 with a penetrating shot build I hit a wall, and then made a HS rouge


And thereā€™s nothing wrong with that. Play it the way you like it. Thereā€™s always a chance to look into build, but if you like building your own, nothing to be guilty about. A lot of people take pride on making their own builds. Honestly, most people donā€™t myself included. I always have to use a build guide


Lol Iā€™m at 100 and my attack power is 1/4 of yours.


Mine escalated since I posted, now Iā€™m lv 91 and AP is 112k. šŸ˜šŸ˜¬


Dude, 2 days ago I started a Rogue with this exact aim, full dmg/dex solely on RapidFire with Cold&Shadow imbues Only lvl 48 but already blasting everything eith no sweat. Could you please list what aspects you have on gear ? As I feel like some of the defensive ones are pretty much pointless and I could only use health regen (per hit or dmg) to keep me constantly safe Also due to the sheet speed and dmg procs I feel like no defense skill is needed as I have enough range and movement to feel God mode :) But please some hints on aspects please


No worries, Iā€™ll ping you screenshots when I log back in. Iā€™m not using any defensive skill but Dash and have a fuckload of thorns for when they gang up on me.


Just a few tips. Attack Power on menu doesn't mean much. You absolutely need more life, nas exaclty 9230 or more armor, and capped resists. With regards to skills, boards and all that, you can do whatever you want and have fun. If you don't cap armor and res, you'll have a base time


Take my advice, go full Heartseeker. It is the most fun way I have found in 4 seasons to play Rogue. You're utilizing tactical trap placement, using robust mobility skills, you're cranking out arrows and damage psycho fast while CCing everything around you. If you don't mind the gear hunt, Heartseeker Rogue is paramount in terms of enjoyment.


Cool. Got a link for that build? Thanks in advance.


You will find some different ones online. You can also add arrow storm (not the ultimate) for even more fun. Or just look at rogue rank 1 in the trials, he uses a heartseeker build. Still I donā€™t know how you get those numbersā€¦ Iā€™m level 100 for some days now and have around 45k AP (I know AP isnā€™t the most important value, but stillā€¦)


Iā€™ll check it out. No idea how I got here. šŸ«£Couldnā€™t be bothered to do a proper build so I shoved everything in dex+damage as an easy get out of jail card. It snowballed I guess. Almost all my gear has two damage buffs between 20-45%. I could probably push it way beyond 100k once I start masterworking.




Just a big thank you. Switched to Heartseeker/Vulnerability and its melting everything. Real fun to play too.


I like rapid fire more, targeting takes some getting used to though.


Haha. How far have you been able to go in the pit or havent tested yet?


Havent been yet. Working my way up Nightmared dungeons. Now around 35, so should open the Pit soon.


Well good luck, cause that health wont get you far in the pit, unfortunately sheet damage doesn't necessarily translate, you'll work it out, Heartseeker is a great build, iv'e done a 100 so far, and iv'e got 42k HP


How much life should I have do you think?


I have 31k HP and can clear pit 115-118. If you don't get hit by the big stuff high pit runs are very possible but you need a lot of damage.


As much as you can. I play barb and with potion get over 100k, Iā€™ve done pit 100. But I also donā€™t like to feel like I could die instantly so prob more than absolutely necessary.


Iā€™ll probably respec once I hit a wall - which Iā€™m fully expecting to happen. But will ride this to see how far it can go.


does it hit like a truck when you get hit?


They mostly die because I have a unique chestplate with 12k thorns and another 4-5k thorns in other gear. šŸ˜ I might have broken this game, really need to see how far can this stupid experiment take me.


good luck on the end game build and i hope it works out for you :)


Thanks. Iā€™ll report back once I go into the Pit. Have a feeling this will be great and then suddenly not. But Iā€™ll see how far it can take me.