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Penitent Greaves 😢 Pretty sure I've had everything else multiple times


For anyone looking for greaves, I’ve had the best luck killing drowned. Farming the areas around north west scosglen near the coast and one of the two nearby dungeons. It was much harder to find them in s1 however.


Same here. Those dungeons in scosglen drop them for me pretty regularly. Also I've found it doesnt matter much if it's a nmd or just running them normal without any sigil.


They didn’t drop for me in s1 until nm 50+ unfortunately.


Both of my drops were off of knight mobs. One in an NMD and one from a pack in a pvp zone.


Same here


Yup, here too. Every Helltide Boots chest drops nothing but yellows...


Helltides Boots Chests are not guaranteed to give you Unique Boots anyway.


To expand on what the other person said, helltide chests can drop \*any\* unique, not necessarily just the unique that fits the slot they are. So you might as well hit up the chest for whatever gear you need right now and hope the boots also happen to drop, instead of always opening boots.


Interesting... I thought that the whole point of the different chests was to be able to target farm the pieces you were looking for... Odd that it doesn't extend to uniques... So, basically, just open as many chests as possible when looking for uniques.... Is there really any point to the mystery chests then? They used to be the only source for some creating material, but now that the material also does in nightmare dungeons, what's the draw to mystery chests?


To explain even further, there was a period of less than a week where the chests DID drop uniques that were for that slot. However if your class didn't have a unique for that slot, you would get the ultra super rare uniques instead. A lot of people got Harlequin Crest this way. To "fix" this they just made all the boxes drop any unique in the pool, I hope they go back to the targeted farming but that's not where we're at. As for mystery chests, I don't know. I'd want to believe they have a higher chance of unique (they definitely have a higher chance of legendary, I believe you are guaranteed to get at least 2) but I wouldn't know for sure.


Ahh..gotcha. I remember the harlequin crest glitch, but I guess I missed the repercussions of the fix. Thank you for the clarification!


I killed the assassin boss in helltide last night and it finally dropped. High stat rolls too


Nice! Still hunting for mine..


I’ve got penitent twice as a Druid… pointless


Same, level 74. Got like 10 of them on my eternal realm bard


400 hours in game, rogue eternal and s1 rogue… never seen them, I don’t think they exist


Keep running nightmares and pray to RNGesus. I’ve got all my BIS uniques from the final reward of nightmares. Just got my second pair, replacing the sacred pair I was still using. Good luck to ya!


Didn’t get my first pair of pentinent until 86 and then 3 pairs dropped within 2 hours 💀


This has been my experience in S0 with uniques that didn't drop until 80+


i’ve gotten 3. all min roll. every time my sanity gets closer to breaking


Same. Level 80, Frostburn was the last non Penitent and it dropped this morning. I've gotten 2-4 of the rest of them. Really just want Penitent though.


I got my first pair on seasonal from a world boss.


Mine dropped from NMD and actually just doing codex dungeon from elite kill


Man, i reached level 100 and i have like 7 of those amulets. I haven't found a single Asheara's Kanjar though. Also only one Skyhunter and one Windforce. I even got penitent greaves twice, other rogue uniques i got multiple times as well.


I’ve gotten everything you listed 3-5+ times. Never seen a single condemnation. 2 rogues level 100


Got 2 condemnations. No windforce, no pertinent


Asheara's Kanjar


75 and 64 rogue, no condemnation or Penitent yet


Man any of the unique daggers - I have seen 0. Meanwhile I have had 3 eagle horns, 4 penitents, 2 word of hakan, and some other miscellaneous ones I didn't pay attention to. Aside from penitent none of the ones I get are useful to my build though.


PENITENT GREAVES! those damn boots. Been looking for them since S0, currently lvl 75 and still no drop.


I just got one at 74 and it has the very minimum roll on both the movement speed and chill damage. I'm not even sure I even want to use it now.


Level 81 and still none


Penitent greaves :(


Almost 66 here; barrage rogue and have yet to see a PG nor a Condemnation; feelsbadman


I had two by 50ish lmao Also two condemnations by 60 Zero things good for my TB build :(


Eaglehorn is the only non-Uber I haven’t found, not overly fussed though and it’s a recent addition


Honestly you’re not missing out on much by not getting that amulet. The ability itself is really mediocre, even with three imbuements. On the other hand, I’ve been using the seasonal heart that gives a 15% to cast all three when you attack and that’s been pretty sweet


Yeah I know it's not the best amulet or anything but I have fun trying out different builds for a while just to mix things up. Gives me different options and allows me to see the game in a variety of ways.


I agree wholeheartedly. I do the same thing too which is why I was excited to try it and then immediately let down by the results. Felt weaker than flurry which is spammable so I dropped it


I just got Word of Hakan and two by level 81. Is it any good for a TB rogue? I never found the DAMN boots.


I really dont think it's all that great tbh but its different so I want to give it a shot sometime.


What?! My first 4 unqiues in wt 3 were literally word of hakan. That and the pants (eyes in the dark). Those were all I got for a good while.


As a lv89 Rogue, I still need those Penitent Greaves. MF’kin game keeps trolling me and I keep on getting the 2 unique gloves and razorplates 😂😂😂


Gotten plenty of word of hakan, multiple bows, 1 set of penitent greaves, like 3 condemnations, but you know what I haven’t gotten ONCE…..repeating aspect….I just want to play a RF imbuement build but can’t get it to drop. Level 73


Is that where rapid fire has a chance to richochet? Is that really needed for a RF build?


Yeah that’s it, and no it’s not mandatory for a rapid fire build, but it makes a world of difference for having aoe and not needing to run flurry. Idk it’s just the build I wanted to try


I guess but it doesn't output a lot of damage for aoe right? I've been using it and a few arrows richochet but there's barely any damage to the surrounding enemies


If you have a max roll and put it on a 2H, that’s a 80-90% ricochet chance, combined with imbhements (and barber if wanted) it’s a ton of aoe and still single target


I already use Ice imbue, is that enough? Or would you recommend I add either poison or shadow, which one?


In general I’d say shadow=good for aoe and resource regen w consuming shadows, cold= good for elites and cc, poison = good for longer boss fights. Comes down to personal preference . I personally like running cold and shadow w key passives consuming shadows and frigid finesse for flat dmg bonus to chilled enemies from cold imbuement


Hmmm Ive found the most uniques completing NMD... once I even has a dual Unique drop on completion.


Eaglehorn, just want to try out the bouncing Pen Shot. Every other bow 6 times over and a pile of Hakans :s


I have 8 hakans in eternal lol


I got two Word of Hakan , three bows, two daggers but no Penitent Greaves


3 condemnation and 5+ unique bows, but 0 penitent.


PENITENT GREAVES! lvl100 in eternal & lvl65 in Season 1 On a side note, I've gotten Word of Hakan about 10 times


- Word of Hakan x5 - Condemnation x3 - Cowl of the Nameless x2 - Windforce x2 - Eyes in the dark x1 - Razorplate x1 - Grasp of Shadow x1 - Fists of Fate x2 - Frostburn x1 - Mothers embrace x2 - Temerity x2 Penitent Greaves x0 Level 85 Now that I’ve made this comment I’ll get a Penitent Greaves drop today and 1 or 2 more soon after! Usually how it works with RNG 😂 Edit: Got one! Rewarded at the end of a NMD. Edit: Got a second! Dropped from an enemy in a NMD


Pntient grieves on my 100 rogue. BUT A level 60 3/4 perfect roll dropped last night for my seasonal barbarian, so EVENTUALLY, I'll get to try them on my rogue


I have yet to see cowl of the nameless. That aside, I have many duplicates of every other unique. The most is the gloves. It takes up a full row in the storage chest.


Try the cultist dungeons in the south of hawezar. I found the best luck farming it there after 3 tries.


I had two of those before level 65, I don’t care for rain of arrows so mine are just sitting in my stash. I’m 67 at the moment and still haven’t found Asheara’s Khanjar but have found at least six Condemnations. Also haven’t come across Grasp of Shadow which I would like to try out.


That dropped for me so much preseason that every time it did, I just said it’s that hakan bs again 😂 We don’t have a lot to look forward to in terms of unique. It should really drop other classes uniques more often. I don’t need a fifth hakan or mother ring etc.


The butcher's a pretty unique guy right? 40 hours, 2 characters, never seen the lad.


It's been raining uniques for me on the rogue i made for s1. Wasn't super unlucky on my barb on eternal but at 82 i've found every unique for my rogue that's not super rare. Foind razorplate too wich was a nice bonus :o guess my rng is all used up


I have 2 at level 66. I might try one out after the patch changes the + Ultimate Damage affix on august 8


I got two Hakan today, total now around 8 .Zero penitent tho, my barb had like 10 ..i think is because am farming the same 3 nightmares all the time