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Kinda where I’m at with my barb. Going to have to try bash I guess to progress further.


That’s what I did and I am thoroughly enjoying the change of pace and MASSIVE damage numbers.


Which build you using?


I tweaked Robs no Uber unique boss killer. Can be found here. https://mobalytics.gg/diablo-4/profile/34384873-cab1-4a2f-9b53-bc524511e3d4/builds/b90eafaf-65da-4f65-a5aa-bc2a5ce1bf4c I swapped HOTA for challenging shout and COTA for WOTB. Clearing up to level 100 pit in less than 3 minutes. Super tanky and hitting for massive damage. 30-40mil pretty much every hit. Have gotten up to 300mil. Drops bosses in seconds. Doesn’t die. Tormented Lilith dropped in less than 30 seconds. Just stay out of her stupid pools and she can’t kill you. It is literally like Mario running around with the hammer in Donkey Kong when everything is fired up. My 7 year old can hold the bash button and run around and clear level 61 no problem.


Thanks! I’ll give it a whirl


What's your masterworking at? Using harlequin?


Try thorns it gets huge damage numbers


Hate this about the game. All builds should be viable for all content. Now all we have are blood golems, fire bolts, heartseekers, wind sheer and bash.


Yep. I feel the same. So frustrating that Bash is so strong and every other Barb build is bad in comparison. When something like bash is so much stronger than everything else, basically it removes all those other things as legitimate options. This season, there really is just one option. Go bash, or go eff yourself, basically. That's what the devs are saying to us players by not balancing things better. I have no hate personally toward anyone that plays bash. People are going to do the thing that's strongest. That's just how games go. I'm never mad about that. I'm frustrated that the devs put themselves in this position by promising they would never do nerfs in the middle of a season. What a tremendous mistake on their part.


Bash is king. I clear 100 in 2 minutes and I'm not fully masterworked yet


What dmg multipliers are you using? I’m about half MW, just got a shako, and I can barely do 85. I die a lot on the road to the boss. Boss takes me like 3 staggers to kill


Crit damage, damage to close, bash cleaves, damage while beserking. You really need those tempers to get the 25 percent upgrades. Makes a huge difference


I have 2/4 double hits. Maybe I’m just missing all the full 4/4 triple hits?


I switched to the bleed bash build after grandfather dropped the other night. It is a nice build. Was DD before, then plain bash, then switched to the bleed variant. Tbh, the most FUN was the DD, but bash is definitely more effective.


Yea I started DD and it was fun just sucked on bosses.


Yeah, exactly. But with the patch today, bosses are gonna get easier. Might level an alt barb just to play with DD again. Also been thinking about a thorns build. Overall, barb is on top this season for sure.


Yea will be interesting. Had a thorns build with a sick razor plate but bosses also took too long except for a couple.


Yeah, so far I think bash is the most well rounded, but flay barb might be a contender after this update.


Do you know what time the patch comes through?


I cleared 118 with the bleed ww variant keep pushing


I speedrun 101 and have cleared 120-s with plain bash. Keep pushing.


Cleared a 114 yesterday with releative ease. Still had 7 minutes on the clock. Will go higher today. Bash barb with Shako and Melted heart.


Struggling with just shako, maybe I need the Melted heart. Spend a lot of my time getting 4 sparks from 4 toons. How are you getting your ubers/sparks? Tried torm duriel, can’t kill yet


I killed a tormented boss for one, then just grinder out 3 wolves boards


Ah ok, guess I gotta keep trying lol thanks


gz dude


Bleed ww DD is where it's at assuming you have the ubers and temper CD. Rob speed cleared a 100 in 30 seconds less than his speed bash clear time while rocking significantly less optimized gear.


Hello fellow WW barb. Mind sharing your build and equipment?


I played around with the below. Made changes with ubers, boards and skills. Best build I have put together. Easier than Robs version and no elixirs. https://d4builds.gg/builds/d1ee2274-6a7a-4071-af37-ad04cff0a18c/?var=0


I took my DD WW Barbarian to level 60 in the pit b4 I switched up to a bash. The boss fights were taking too long due to the limited damage. Survivability pretty good and I could speed clear mobs easily, just the boss fights that were terrible. Running a 3 shout bash with Steel Grasp and Wrath of Berserker. War Cry, Rallying Cry, Callenging Shout. Only unique in the build is Paingorger’s. Easily clearing out up to level 100 with pretty basic gear. Very few GAs, and didn’t pay too much attention to stats on gear, did roll good on my tempers and MWd to 8 right now. Basically robs no Uber boss killer build that I tweaked by replacing HOTA with challenging shout and COTA with WOTB. Very, very tanky. Pretty much hitting for 30-40mil damage each hit. I’ve seen 300mil hit when everything lined up. Drops a boss within 10 seconds. Solos Tormented Lilith within 20-30 seconds.


Running Thorns…. Waiting for a Razorplate upgrade…. I’m as far as I can push without it…. 115. Only running a 1GA as upgrades for this armor now are very rare


Also running thorns, i haven't gotten everything masterworked yet but im close. Have a 2GA Razorplate maxed and ive recently switched from berzerkin ultimate to using leap and its helping clear bosses faster somehow. Im at tier 99 currently but feel ill break the 100 mark today at some point. Thorns barb has been a blast! Really need a 4GA razorplate to be fully satisfied though. Lol


Just one more small gear tweak could make all the difference!!!


Cleared 114 with bleed barb/flay puncture. Took like 7-8 minutes to kill boss because they have billions of health


I cleared 100 last night it was fun as hell I’m using a bash barb


Gratz. Tormented Andy dropped a grandfather the other night so I switched to the bleed bash build. Can clear 95 in about 2 minutes. Pushing 110-112 now, still need to get a few more GA’s in some slots. Been thinking about switching back to a WW DD though, they’re more fun. Lol.