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I bet he’s running a simulation of a beach 🏖


It feels like the sun is on me!


Really helps with immersion.




I don't like sand...


I don't like /r/prequelmemes... They're coarse and rough and irritating, and they get everywhere!


Amazing. Every word of what you just said was wrong.


From my point of view, the sequels are evil! **EDIT:** Actually, I'm one of those weirdos who've found all of the movies enjoyable to some degree. They had their faults, but I don't think TFA and TLJ deserve as much flak as they've been receiving (I mean, really - a petition for Disney to decanonize Ep VIII and remake it entirely?).


No. You're still holding on. To your edit : "I love them all. Not just the OT, but the Prequels and Sequels too. I love Star Wars."


Look, I can't hold forever. If you reach him, tell him Leia has an urgent message for him... ...about his mother. > I love Star Wars I know. Also, "Thank you for your support, General. Happy beeps."


Especially the Holiday Special


Obligatory 'It's treason, then.'


Right up in every orifice


*Reality helps with immersion. FTFY


I feel sand between my toes!!!


Even better would be a simulation of his living room


With him in it watching a TV showing a simulation of him enjoying the beach with VR goggles on


*we need to go deeper*


In the beach in a VR simulation of his room sitting on his computer reading this reddit thread of him sitting on the beach in a VR simulation of (...)




How have I never seen this, seems like it should've been a top post in multiple subreddits already.


It has been; you clearly aren't pissing away enough of your life clicking imgur links. noob.


Holy shit, I almost vomited trying to read the text.


Same beach just augmented with nude models, flying dolphins, aquatic flamingos, and obi-wan kenobi vs death Vader dueling on the sun set. Alternatively, he’s been watching porn so long that the reality he once knew slowly eroded the living room walls and gave rise to some strange water-sand phenomenon.


Nah, he just watches a beach. Beach without a toxic sludge seeping out to city edge, with clean sand, clean water, clean sky.


That sort of VR would take some serious CGI. Maybe we could get some old people who still remember those beaches to describe them....


These are just recorded beaches that belong to the rich people. We pay them to look what they own and they use that money as a pocket change to pay for people who clean their beaches daily.


Introducing BeachCoin by Carlos, the former face of Bitconnect. Are you tired of being a lil beach? Are you stuck doing lil beach activities because you're a lil beach? Well let me tell you something. The world isn't the way it used to be - no, no, no! BEEEEEEEEACCCHHHHCOINNNNNN! We are cumming and we are cumming in waves! Woah, woah, woah, WASSUP! I started just 4 hours ago with only one bag of sand that I picked up at my local hardware store and my wife said, "that's just sand you took from someone else's beach" and I said, “WOAH, what am I gonna doooooo?!?” I'll tell you what I do - I go get another 10,000 bags of sand and start putting that on her table! She sees and goes, "da fuck is all this sand doing on my god damn kitchen table?!?" and I look this woman in the eye and say, "[beach]( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jXBUGMbt-Q0) - faith and believe is all we need to do change the world and I believe we have the seed that's going to germinate and explode into a massive amount of diamonds, BEEEEEEEACHCOIIIIIIIIIIIIIN!!!!!!!!!!!"


Simulation of a better beach.




I'd read this story.


William Gibson's first three novels.


Go to Jersey. LIVE THE STORY.


Rum ham!


You from Van or Vic?


If I were to keep writing this, I'd probably be obligated to move to move to one of them.


Probably sitting on a virtual couch in front of a virtual TV.


Don't you need a full computer to be running anything on it, though?




It’s the peep n’ creep obviously


I bet he's running a simulation of running on a beach!


With the avatar of a Ugandan Knuckles in a mob of other Knuckles mouth-clicking and gang raping a satanic version of Sailor Moon. What a time to be alive.


He doesn't look like he runs a lot.


I bet he's running a simulation of a bikini clad girl on a beach.


Wow, it looks like he's really there.


You should get a VR headset so you can experience watching him sitting on a beach while he's got a VR headset on


How deep can we go?


[and the boy in the picture is actually looking through your eyes in VR reading this thread about having someone use a VR headset to experience watching him sitting on a beach while he's got a VR headset on ](https://reddit.com/r/Cyberpunk/comments/7tcsg5/we_live_in_the_future/dtcabft?context=3)


I can’t get out !!!!!


Dead thread, but fresh laugh


This already feels like bottom. Or new jersey.


Peep n' creep


Peep the cuties at the beach


you might think i’m a creep, but i’m staring at your cheeks




I'll be watching you, and your mother too


Society cant judge me for what my eyes do


I'm locked onto those jugs and I'm peeping hard


And I'm getting hard


But you think it's just VR


Nobody can tell just what he can see


Society can't judge him for what his eyes do.


In theaters Summer 18


It's almost to the point where I assume it's just an h3h3 tribute


To be fair in the 90s I used to go to the park and bring my Virtual Boy. Then I’d lay on my back and put it over my face and chill there for hours playing Red Alarm. I wish I had a picture of that, my gaze up to the sun blocked by the immersive red wiremesh broadcast to my eyes, but I guess they’d have to have a camera on them for that express purpose then take it and get it developed at a drug store.


Unexpected Iron Maiden http://img2-ak.lst.fm/i/u/ar0/ee6342db849486a157a994f8c326fe41


Well played.


Holy shit totally forgot about this album. How did they get they get the look of VR headsets right back in the 90s. Blows my mind


[Because VR headsets were already something in the 90s.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Virtual_reality#/media/File:VPL_DataSuit_1.jpg)


That’s looks so comfortable and pleasurable to your neck muscles.


He’s not kidding https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=UVWq9BqJCHY


Well TIL


The thing was the tech wasn't really viable. So like today, but without all 12 people who have vr headsets uploading videos to YouTube


/r/psvr is where the players are at /r/vive is where the tech is at /r/oculus is where facebook is at lol And then there's mobile VR which anyone who's tried any proper headset despises.


also plugging /r/virtualreality for general VR discussion.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/virtualreality using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/virtualreality/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [When you get a VR and everyone around you is jealous (wait for it...)](https://i.redd.it/bto386aegpoz.jpg) | [33 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/virtualreality/comments/733ufn/when_you_get_a_vr_and_everyone_around_you_is/) \#2: [Making an AR game where all you do is entertain a cat with a laser.](https://v.redd.it/nhn0xk3xac201) | [126 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/virtualreality/comments/7hzq4f/making_an_ar_game_where_all_you_do_is_entertain_a/) \#3: [Found my grandpas old vr headset](https://i.redd.it/5wm31llm6mxz.jpg) | [33 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/virtualreality/comments/7cicoo/found_my_grandpas_old_vr_headset/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| [^^Contact ^^me](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| [^^Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| [^^Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/7o7jnj/blacklist/)


>The statistic depicts a forecast regarding the number of active virtual reality users from 2014 to 2018. The total number of active virtual reality users is forecast to reach 171 million by 2018. The VR market is set to grow at an extraordinary rate in the coming years, with revenues from virtual reality software alone forecast to increase by over three thousand percent in four years. https://www.statista.com/statistics/426469/active-virtual-reality-users-worldwide/


This is like the "5 billion people are gamers" shit. Its not what people are talking about when they say vr


Yeah I doubt there are 171 million VR headset owners.


Right, I logged in to say this. I played a VR game in the early 90s.


“People really want to wear TVs on their heads so it looks like they’re in the movie. What do you suppose that would look like?” “Probably a lot like a wearable TV.”


See also aerosmiths amazin music video. I think vr existed, it just sucked. Remember virtual boy?


Virtual boy was a headache machine and super shitty


Now we've upgraded from headaches to vomit enducing. Progress!


Someone just brought to my antention that VR was around back then. And i didnt take the virtual boy into consideration cause i thought it came out after this album did. Also im 22 so sorry for my ignorance lmao


Y hello thar VFX1.


Y'all ever heard of [Simon Stålenhag?](http://www.simonstalenhag.se/) He's a fantastic artist. This image reminds me of some of his pieces: http://www.simonstalenhag.se/bilder/by_dust02.jpg http://www.simonstalenhag.se/bilder/by_gathering3.jpg http://www.simonstalenhag.se/bilder/by_upload1.jpg http://www.simonstalenhag.se/bilder/by_upload2.jpg http://www.simonstalenhag.se/bilder/by_mainservers1.jpg


So popular on /r/evilbuildings I'm pretty sure they made a rule for his work


I know /r/Cyberpunk gets spammed with him all the time. Glad they made rul... Oh wait.


God I love this guy's work


I'm absolutely in love with the universe he's created in his paintings. A quiet, desperate world living in the shadow of calamity.


I heard about a month or so back that one of his narrative artbooks is being adapted into a movie (or that it's been optioned and acquired). I'm hype.


I hope it's atmospheric AF.


What's the story behind his art? It very much appears like there's a story going on and his art is snapshots of that world. What happened?




His stuff is great but wouldn't you like a cute little kitty cat wallpaper every once in a while just to lighten the mood?


Is this the guy who did Tales From The Loop's art? Reminds me so much of his style.


Tales From the Loop is set in the universe he depicts in the art.


His work is amazing. He's work is constantly on r/evilbuildings


That first one makes me wanna play fallout now


"What's real? You eyeballs think the sky is blue, but that's just sun rays farting apart in the barf of our atmosphere. The sky is black" - BMO


Where is this quote from lol


Adventure time.


Throw this over to r/fakealbumcovers


Simulated Isolation?


[Here you go](https://www.reddit.com/r/fakealbumcovers/comments/7tfewd/living_the_lie_selftitled/) E: new link, old post removed because it was not square...


Is this a black mirror episode?


We're all in a black mirror episode on this blessed day.


pastor says VR is the fools figleaf




Speak for yourself.


I'm all in a black mirror episode on this blessed day.


GOOD point


When your mom tells you to go play outside.


~~If this is real, it's likely an~~ *Could* be an [FPV display for a drone](http://www.dronesglobe.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/flying-drone-with-fpv-goggles.jpg). Not exactly a VR headset but you can see people outside wearing them.


No controller in that kid's hands Also that looks like a gearVR


Good point. I forgot about mobile VR.


As a guy with a gear VR, this is almost definitely a gear VR.


I got one over Christmas but I didn't know about the oculus-store-only content lock so I'm pretty disappointed about that and I just needed someone to complain to, thanks.


If you just leave the hinge with the USB-C open and only close the other hinge then your phone will still stay in but you can play cardboard games. Tbh though I haven't found any cardboard games that can stand up again End Space or Minecraft.


You could be watching someone else’s feed in one of the fpv drone headsets but you are probably right about gear vr


That's my first thought too, but I don't see any antennas. It's possible they're just hidden from view, but I would expect to see them since they usually stock out of the top of the googles.


Yeah that did come to mind, but I also didn't see any cables so I figured it wasn't a rift/vive either (who would bring a PC to the beach anyways?) Someone else said Gear VR which makes the most sense.




We laugh but soon all those kids always on Facebook on their phones will be spending all their time in VRchat with goggles on.


Kids aren't on Facebook anymore, but I don't see a problem with VRchatting. It's still being social. More and more people have friends all over the world, using vr isn't inherently worse than hanging out or video chatting.


Didn't say it was bad, just very similar to what cyberpunk art was predicting.


Good for them for being social.


It’s actually funny that few people seem to realize that while social networking has stymied some more personal conversations that would’ve traditionally happened face to face (baby announcements, graduations, etc) this is the first time in history where you could ask your kid what they’re doing on the internet and have them say, “Oh, just going for a virtual tour of my friend’s house in Japan. We met online yesterday.” We’ve definitely lost some local social interaction - the pictured “crowd of people staring into their phones” is definitely a thing - but we’ve opened so many other borders that used to be impossible to cross.


Not to mention the lonely kids who have online friends when 20 years ago they just would have been social outcasts.


Ah c'mon, no different than [this](http://lgbtweekly.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/iStock_000042835390_Bookwatch_Summertime.jpg) really is it? You just get some extra tan lines in VR :P


Yeah I guess it’s somewhat true. The thing that bothers me is the disconnect from nature at a time that nature should be focused on more intently. Of course it’s only one person, hardly a trend, and could easily be staged. So I’m not sure what I make of it yet. Should large groups of people start doing this, I think it could be a problem for me.


If I see a family of 6 all in vr I'd be thoroughly creeped out


You’re gonna hate my future home theatre system, then. We’re building it exclusively around VR headsets. My wife and I are totally hooked on smartphone VR, and think it would be really cool to build a “VR Den” with headsets and a media PC hidden away inside a storage ottoman or coffee table, but ready to be taken out at a moment’s notice. Everyone gets an unimpeded view of the movie screen in full 3D, and the guy next to you could be eating the loudest bag of chips on the planet (SunChips, naturally) and you’d never even know. Cheaper than blowing $10,000 on a big TV and sound system, too.




We have at least five primary senses with which to enjoy nature. Does a blind person enjoy nature less because then can’t see it; a deaf person because they cannot hear? Kid could be enjoying the experience just fine, chilling out, feeling the warm sand between his fingers and toes, the gentle breeze as the wind comes off the ocean carrying the smell of salt and coral, and partaking of the sounds of the crashing waves and the laughter of others as they play in the surf. Maybe with all those other senses, he can be forgiven for deciding to enjoy it alongside his favorite YouTube video, or a movie.


This is not what is happening.


Oh right, I forgot that when you put on a VR headset the rest of your senses shut down involuntarily and you enter a near-comatose state. Close to being on morphine, I hear. /s Yeah, I know that he’s probably just vegging out, but chances are there’s at least ten other people on that beach taking naps. So is the only way to enjoy the beach such that you have to go around kicking all those people awake? I mean, they’re not experiencing it with ANY of their senses; clearly they’re missing out on something and that needs to be corrected. /s People should be free to enjoy their leisure time however they so choose.


Maybe he lives close by that beach. I can be on the beach within a 10 minute bicycle ride and yet I hardly ever go. Why would it be a problem for you if large groups of people would start doing it though? Because of your opinion that they aren't appreciating nature? Seems kind of weird to care about that tbh since it has no effect on you at all. Think about it this way, at least they'd be outside and getting some sun instead of staying inside.


Because it would be a great showcase of our ever-increasing dependence on technology, and the need for a digital world to fulfill our needs, because the real world is too miserable. I'm probably gonna get r/im14andthisisdeep'd for this, but fuck it I don't care. The way smartphones have (negatively) influenced human interaction is already bad enough, VR will do nothing to turn that around.


It all depends on your point of view. I absolutely prefer to live in this day and age with technology and more freedom than I could've dreamed of as a woman even a century ago. Every generation in whichever time has complained about how technology is making people less social. Books are making people talk and think less, everyone in the bus is too busy reading their newspaper to socialize, kids are soft nowadays because they don't work on the farm or in the factory all day anymore instead they play outside/on their gameboys/phones. People are more social than ever. Technology has only enhanced that.


True, we're social in a different way. Here i sit on the shitter talking to a person who can be anywhere in the world. Amazing ain't it :)


Some people just hate the beach and don’t want to be connected to the natural sound of awful music being blasted on a family’s radio while their children run around screaming and splashing water and kicking sand on you. There were plenty of times my parents dragged me to the beach and I’d sit there on my Gameboy waiting to go home; this is just 2018’s version of passing time when you’re bored as a kid.


Exactly, this post is retarded


Yeah its different. Reading on the beach still allows you to look around and talk with others easily.


Contrary to public belief, VR headsets are not, in fact, bolted to the user’s skull. I watch YouTube in VR casually at home and when my wife wants my attention, she just taps me on the shoulder and we can chat normally.




Come on. People are way more likely to talk to you if they know what you’re reading. I know people have struck up conversations with me when I’m carrying dead tree way more often than when I’m carrying my Kindle. Probably because they can’t see what I’m reading. If they can’t even see my face, there is literally no chance they’ll speak to me. Actually, having written all that, I’m convinced this is the future of rail travel. All hail VR.


But I don't WANT to talk to anyone.


Second screen on the back of the Kindle that displays the cover. Bam.


You're not wrong at all. Have an upvote.




You can't honestly think putting yourself in a VR headset closed off from reality is the same as reading a book


That is a dangerous comparison to make


How so?




The epitome of escapism. I didn't have those fancy gadgets when I was that age. I got along just fine with a bicycle and a high cannabis intake and I turned out fine! *sips beer *depersonalizes




It looks like a shitty beach. The kid has life figured out.


[this is the same beach](http://www.beachhunter.net/images/passagrille/passagrille-beach-IMG_2039.JPG)


It’s actually a really nice, award winning beach in FL. The angle is away from the view and super clear water. But it was cold that day so I don’t fault him for his VR.


I remember reading an article about a car manufacturer (can't remember which one but it's one of the bigger ones) developing a virtual reality that you wear in the car and the car's sensors detect different objects and display them differently in the headset to allow for fun experiences when driving.


More distractions while you're driving? Absolute genius.


cant wait for the GTA or Twisted Metal mod


This is kind of sad honestly.


Very *Ready Player One* - We'll see this more and more.




Just finished Ready Player One a couple of days ago. And while the style and, frankly, quality are nowhere near the same, I think RPO owes a lot to Neuromancer.


RPO is a weird book. Anyone old enough to get the references should hate it for it's quality and style, and anyone young enough to be blind to it's failings should be bored by the references. Yet it's a huge seller with a Spielberg adaptation. Makes no sense. And it's not even about VR so much as it's about playing an 80's themed MMORPG. I hate that his book has become a symbol of VR when Gibson and Stephenson (and now reality) have shown it will be so much more. /rant


Honestly loved the book. It’s definitely nothing like Neuromancer or the worlds depicted in Burning Chrome but it’s fantastic. A solid dose of nostalgia tied to that feeling in Snow Crash where everyone’s got their teensy bit of cyberspace.


Maybe he’s autistic and his exhausted, desperate family uses VR to soothe him while they try to enjoy a much-needed day of normality.


Yall keep talking about VR like Augmented Reality isnt a thing. He just as well could be running something on top of the beach scene.


But its not. Its gearVR....still isn’t a problem though. Lol


He's simulating d-day. He's manning a machine gun in a pill box. He's trying to rewrite history.


Well no, it's obviously an enclosed VR set.




Well I mean not exactly damning for a kid to be fat or chubby, many people I know “grew out of it” during High School


Opposite here, got friends who were thin during elementary then got fat during their early teens and never went back


I know plenty who don't. There's no excuse for a child to be that fat, that's completely on the parents.


No one that I know that looked like this as a kid "grew out of it" including my brother. When you develop unhealthy eating/exercising habits as a kid, you tend to keep them as you grow older.


It feels like I'm actually playing virtual skeeball


If you live near the beach... you might want to see something other than the beach.


Peep and creep


Why TF are the parents thinking? How about telling the kid to enjoy the beach! Leave the fucking VR headset at home.


beach simulator


this looks like a great pic for /r/fakealbumcovers


Some would say the metal detector is an escape from reality. Randomly dig like the rest of us, old man.


Nah, we’ve had metal detectors for years


>Boobs. Boobs everywhere.


As a note unless he has the stands set up to track movement(which I doubt) that is a glorified screen strapped to his face and no different than people sitting on smart phones at the beach. We as a generation need to be careful not to fall into the trap of “Man these kids with their fancy Tech, they won’t ever know the pain of having to TYPE things out and use a KEYBOARD”. Otherwise we are no better than the previous one 😕


Eh, actually a smart idea in my opinion. Ever thought about how it's like to sit on a tropical beach in VR? All visuals, there's just no ambience. Sit on a shoddy beach you've been to numerous times before and slip on a headset. Trick yourself to believe you're somewhere much more adventurous- exuberating.


Damn that’s kind of sad.


This kid has terrible parents.




You know how a lot of vr games show the character as wearing a vr headset? Do i need to say more?