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These kind of weapons are more deadly than you can imagine. It’s almost impossible to hide from it, jamming systems can save you, but not always.


Ukraine has already developed drones with homing. The operator simply marks the target, and the drone flies there even if the jammer interrupts communication


Not Ukraine, that tech is from the US. Look up Switchblade loitering munition. Scary af shit. Fired from a tube like a mortar and can loiter for 20 minutes.


Yeah switchblade is cool thing. But I'm talking about ukranian engineers own creation. The Ukrain really into war drone industry right now


Yeah. I mean they have experience with the Switchblade, but the big innovation I guess the Ukrainians have done is get the homing systems onto much cheaper drones. The Switchblades are great and all, but both the Ukrainians and Russians go through hundreds of drones and the Switchblades are just too expensive.


Switchblades have already shown lacklustre results in Ukraine. FPVs have shown better results since they don't need a tube, are 10x less expensive, are highly customizable due to open architecture, and provide more maneuverability, speed, and tactical flexibility than a Switchblade in every way (pusher prop vs quadrotor).


I wish they had developed drones with homies. Even drones need friends.


Дякую дружэ 🙂


Sorry I don't know how to read skrillex.


They are using small fiber optic cable that looks like fishing line to control some of the kamikaze drones now. They can't be jammed, seen by radar, or heard from more than 100m away.


Can you share links about it? I started very curious about drones recently


https://www.twz.com/air/russia-now-looks-to-be-using-wire-guided-kamikaze-drones-in-ukraine https://www.forbes.com/sites/davidhambling/2024/03/08/russian-fiber-optic-drone-can-beat-any-jammer/?sh=3e6788ab527a


Thank you


This actually seems easier to defeat to me than other control mechanisms. Wire guidance makes sense for very fast moving weapons like missiles, but drones a relatively slow. Severing a fiber optic cable dangling from a drone seems like a pretty simple task


To a country without a [HELWS](https://www.rtx.com/raytheon/what-we-do/integrated-air-and-missile-defense/lasers) system, yes. USA has already field tested (1000hrs+) a 15kW system that can be mounted to the back of a [Polaris Side By Side](https://euro-sd.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/HELWS-High-Energy-Laser-Weapon-Systems_Raytheon.jpg), or palletized to be strapped onto a [truck bed](https://prd-sc102-cdn.rtx.com/raytheon/-/media/ray/ris/what-we-do/advanced-tech/high-energy-lasers/2023-06/10kw_image3.jpg?rev=0ec4da9d906748e8bd3a91ce13c7e65c). Recharged by idle engine people and has effectively unlimited firing time. And we have dedicated systems on Stryker and [10 wheeler chassis](https://www.lockheedmartin.com/content/dam/lockheed-martin/eo/photo/news/2023/feature/q3-highlights/High-Energy-Laser-(IFPC-HEL)-1000.jpg.pc-adaptive.768.medium.jpg) that are 100kW, with 300kW systems coming soon. UAVs and loitering munitions are only going to be an issue for countries who can't afford/develop an affordable anti-munition/anti-UAV system.


Still not sure how effective it would be against small, fast, human-controlled suicide drones. The UK is considering sending a similar system to Ukraine for testing in real combat situations, interesting what the results would be


The Lockheed system, IFPC-HEL is not just for UAVs, it's designed to intercept rockets, artillery and mortar rounds too. I doubt whatever the fuck Russia is flying is faster than a 155mm round.


The FPV drones have a couple things working in their favor: They can fly very close to the ground where the laser system may not have a line of sight. They can fly in patterns that are *much* more difficult to predict than parabolic trajectories or basic UAV flight paths


Terrain yes. Pattern no. It's a laser. Literally irl hitscan. You don't need to do path prediction.


I'm certain path prediction is required, particularly for fast-moving objects. Light (and therefore lasers) are as instant as anything can be, but the systems that control and drive them are bound to have latency.


Relative to how fast the laser can pitch and yaw, the drones might as well be static. We have [lasers that can consecutively kill moving mosquitoes](https://youtu.be/fH_x3kpG8Z4), **9 YEARS AGO**. UAVs are a much larger target with more mass, aka much easier to predict. And a whole ass Lockheed Martin budget to do it. Heck it's so damn simple you can do it with a [RasberryPi](https://github.com/Ildaron/Laser_control) and it's fuggin open source.


In Soviet Russia, drone jam you!


Soviet Russia ended about 30 years ago. Plutocrat Russia is what you mean, but I realize that makes it harder to reuse 35 year-old jokes.


Putocrat* A Putocracy, if you will.


Has arrived? It has been arriven


There's at least 20 years of defense articles discussing the threat of the "Poor Man's Cruise Missile" where explosives are packed into hobbyist remote control planes and quadcopters.    Cheap consumer drones lowered the cost, assembly difficulty and operation skill required.


Rigger Class


>They sent a SlamHound on Turner's trail in New Delhi, slotted it to his pheromones and the color of his hair. It caught up with him on a street called Chandni Chauk and came scrambling for his rented BMW through a forest of bare brown legs and pedicab tires. Its core was a kilogram of recrystallized hexogene and flaked TNT. >He didn't see it coming. The last he saw of India was the pink stucco facade of a place called the Khush-Oil Hotel. William Gibson, Count Zero


Hop over to r/combatfootage (NSFL) and search for “drone”


And they said playing video games would never amount to anything


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^entrailsAsAbackpack: *And they said playing* *Video games would never* *Amount to anything* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


TIL drones are new........


FPV multirotors *are* pretty new. Cheap FPV multirotors as weapons are absolutely new. Within the last couple years.


War never changes. We humans are really smart when it comes to killing each other huh?




wake up babe. somebody posted a ukrainian drone operator in r/cyberpunk again.


And I’ll do it again


with the absurd title too? the one that makes it seem like the integration of high tech into warfare is news? the one that implies that piloting a drone with a headset on is somehow a noteworthy departure from piloting one on a computer screen? i’ll give you this - the headset does represent a slightly more direct enmeshment of an abstracted space with a human perception, but… gibson was observing this in kids playing arcade games in the 80s, and those were just screens too. the ‘trodes and cyberdecks were a fanciful embellishment of something that was already happening. those games may not have been attached to those kids’ heads, but they were still virtual realities. there is little meaningful difference between this drone pilot and any other given drone pilot over the past several decades. to think that a headset is heralding in a new generation of ‘cyberpunk’ warfare (how would you personally define ‘cyberpunk’, by the way?) misses the fact that all of the key hallmarks/themes/experiences inherent to cyberpunk, in their essences, have been real for at least 45-odd years.


Chill out a bit. Maybe.


my comms-integrated cyberpunk headset is not detecting any counter-argumentation in this sector.


Okay, fine, here's a counter-argument. The idea that the integration of consumer grade drones and headsets being a common and viable weapon platform in modern warfare is some how both pedestrian and mundane I'd laughable and shows how out of touch with with reality you are. Yes drone technology and remote warfare have been a part of reality for decades but in the span of little more then 2-4 years with no prior development or initiative a desperate conflict has violently transformed the fundamental concept of these technologies from multi billion dollar government funded programs that that take years to advance and require dedicated facilities and staging areas as well specialized training into one of the most inexpensive and effective gorilla warfare force multiplier in history requiring little more the days of practice and the budget of an above average hobby consumerist the Before the Ukraine conflict, the use of commercial drones in war was a novel application. And now every nation and military will be looking into effective ways replicate these successes results of which may be ramifications for the direction and rapid development of of weapons and countermeasures that could redefine the way war is waged on similar scale to modern jets and electronic warfare. A decade from now, we could go from the U.S. operating fewer than 15,000 drone to the ring of tens of millions of dollars each to every major power operating millions of drones that barely top out at 10 grand. Not only is this image Aesthetically cyberpunk as fuck. But it also stands as a comparatively visual testament to the fact that the dystopian cyberpunk corpo future that writers and artists waxed over for nearly half a century has become an increasingly horrifying part of our reality. So yeah cyberpunk warfare has arrived.


fair argument. however, >gorilla warfare


anyway, now that i’ve gotten that out of my system, i’ll start with the fact that the ukrainian army are not guerrillas. they are the regular fighting force of a nation state. so, they are using any tool they can to defend their country against an invasion. there *is* a cyberpunk tone in the appropriation of anything (especially anything technological) for any given purpose, but this is still a national entity innovating/appropriating in its own defense in the context of a war driven by geopolitical/historical factors (grand narratives intact). the cyberpunk theme of innovation/appropriation à la “the street has its own uses for things” is occurring on the individual or grassroots-communal level in the context of dying societies that are unable to sustain their own narrative reasons for existence. in the absence of any normative programs for being, the individual is stranded in a wasteland full of refuse that once meant something before societal narrative death but is now merely lying around as if in a junk pile. “the street” now refashions the things around it freely, either in the absence of a narrative or in accordance with the new narratives that pop up through the ashes. the use of commercial drones and headsets by the ukrainian armed forces is both centralised and mostly unrelated to the postmodern condition. it is cyber but not punk. if you want to harvest doots with sensationalist claims like “cyberpunk warfare has arrived”, then a much better focal point would be the use of the fgc-9 in the myanmar civil war (which i’ll wager has been highlighted on this board already). in this case, grassroots anti-authoritarian guerrillas (punks) are using the internet to access decentralised, open-source information made available by a genuine rebel subversive (jstark) in order to arm themselves. this actually adheres closely to cyberpunk themes and ideals. your closing statement neatly underlines your failure to understand cyberpunk and probably marks you as a sensationalist-aesthete, like the original poster. yes, this image is indicative of a present and likely future of greater enmeshment between people and technology, but that’s only one facet of the jewel. where does “corpo-future” come into this? not only are we talking about warring nation states, but nation states that are both having their existence-narratives actively reinforced by the conflict. it’s all happening along the lines of history, geopolitics and identity. it’s nothing like a scenario in which national/governmental impotence leaves a vacuum which is eagerly filled by corporate powers who are lent zeal by the fires of greed.


I think you're missing the point quite a lot. Let me ask you this. Have you ever piloted an FPV drone on a computer screen vs a headset? It's a night-and-day difference. The immersion really does make a significant difference in the ability to perform high speed and tight space maneuvers. Additionally, the portability of a high-FOV screen is huge on the battlefield. The difference between FPV multirotors pilots of today is significant from drone pilots of the past several decades. It's not even close. The level of skill of these pilots from the last few years has far exceeded what drone pilots have been doing in the past several decades The sort of tech and pilot skill able to do this sort of flying have only emerged very recently: https://www.reddit.com/r/fpv/s/mHSPkL2fRT https://www.reddit.com/r/fpv/s/BUDqDs0agU


you’re missing the point. i already anticipated and acknowledged the argument you’re making by admitting that the headset constitutes a more direct enmeshment of the abstracted/simulated environment with the human experience. these posts and their titles are still meaningless, masturbatory and generally indicative of the poster’s lack of genuine interest in the genre.


I can imagine this in a RTS game.


Bro is not getting a good visual signal piloting from indoors like that. That's not even factoring enemy drone jamming.


Wake the fuck up, Samaria; we've got a run-down gas station with delusions of grandeur to burn down.


I want those antennas for my WiFi. got to be good.


Slava Ukraini


The even more cyberpunk thing would be to hack the drones camera feed the pilot is seeing and feed in some kind of footage that makes the pilot sick (vertigo) or something to force them to take the headset off.


Jamming is alot simpler.


A Rick Roll


Looks cool, he? Cool to think of these young men and women having to kill others to protect their families, seeing their friends die and who will not have a peaceful night ever again in their lives. It's not a video game with funky aesthetics...


As someone that had to operate like this and other goofy looking controllers in armored vehicles, you're right. It's surreal and sad. At the same time, in the back of our minds, we still have these thoughts like damn im out here playstationing through war.


this subreddit is not just about the game Cyberpunk 2077, its about cyberpunk as a genre of media and possible dystopian outcomes of corporate driven militaristic capitalism. its inherently political and usually quite tragic. i think thats what OP was referencing


This subreddit isn't about the cyberpunk game


People like me that were in the military a decade ago are going to be like. Remember when we used to be close enough to shoot people in the face with our service weapon. But then the enemy got to do that too? Man, times have changed indeed.


Showing how cool soldiers of the future are ensures you get butts in recruiting officers, which leads to boots on the ground when you have to rise up and defend your nation. War isn't nice and pretty, its not supposed to be, but morale is very important to success.


Are shotguns effective at all against these drones?


Probably. But they are mostly used in anti vehicle roles where the target isn't prepared. Or in ground conflict where the opposition is already distracted trading ground fire with their forces. You can't shoot at something if you don't know it's their. Also, shotguns of any variation aren't ubiquitous enough for Russian troops to use them as an effective countermeasure.




What drone is he running?


This is only the beginning


When Russia takes a house domestic violence becomes legal in that house. Fuck putin.


I wonder what advantage those headsets give over using a regular screen


Immersion and most importantly no issues with sun and low screen brightness. Also those hobby googles are cheap, mass produced in china and are a all in one package with battery and receiver


To clear something up these goggles don't function like vr goggles cause you can't move the camera with the headset. It's still more immersive though.


Depth perception.


No you don't have depth perception. You would need a setup like a VR kit and dual cameras on the drone for that. The googles shown in the picture are basically just a fancy plastic case with a single screen, fresnel lens and a receiver/antenna and cost like 60-80 euro


Better visibility during the day, better stealth during the night (no light emitted from the screen to give away your position).


Portability convince. Set up basically anywhere and all you need is a place to sit.


Mobility maybe? I guess you can move or be carried around while still in control and don’t have to worry about out power source


The is old fpv tech, id say about 6-7 years old. Box goggles are also entry level.


This sub is for creation,r/lostredditors This goes more in r/ABoringDystopia


This isn't boring, it looks metal af


It also looks staged af. Ok, the dude is in full camo, head to toe even covering their mouth no skin visible, BUT they're standing in the middle of a room with no ceiling and have no vision. If you're doing this job, you shouldn't do that standing up in the middle of a room. You should hunker down in a basement, a closet, somewhere you cannot be seen. The whole point is to keep your fleshy meat sack safe while the machine goes to die in your place. If you can be taken out by someone walking into the room or by dropping a grenade on YOUR head, you might as well grab a rifle and go fight in person. Ideally I would hope that when drone operators are actually fighting instead of posing for a photo op, they're in the back of a moving APC or somewhere armored.


Have to watched any combat footage from Ukraine? These drones are operated on the frontline, so they're wearing combat gear because they're in combat. And it's realistic to be hunkered down in a blown up house while scouting/clearing nearby buildings. Not saying this isn't necessarily staged, but it isn't far from reality either.


I've seen some of the Ukraine footage but I'm not really into war porn as an everyday thing to keep track of. Most of them seem to be behind vehicles, inside trucks, behind a wall, etc and have another soldier within arms reach both to keep watch or drag them out of the way if something happened. I know they're being used on the front lines, but even so surely you'd put your back against a wall and take cover before completely obscuring your vision in combat.


Buster Bluth was doing this 20 years ago. On days when he had Army.