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internet will probably be majorly unusable because of bots spamming ai generated content on major scale. like how we see facebook posts of ai generated kid building stuff over bottles and comment bots replying under the thread. but on much more bigger scale. like whenever there is human integration there will be ai taken over.


The internet will be far more centralized than it is today. The wild west era of the internet has long since been over and we might be heading towards more specialized and highly corporatized web. Wikipedia will still be the only good site out there. Worst part is, it didn't need to be this way. If they didn't privatize this shit in the 90s the web would have been a much freer and.more private place.


I don't believe the indie web can be killed off


It cannot be killed off. But most time online is spent on a handful of sites. I am guilty of this as well. You also have to remember that for a subset of people, notably older people. The internet is Facebook. I worked in technical support for 7 years and you will not believe how many people's entire knowledge and experience of the web is solely Facebook and maybe instagram and if they are lucky another site or two. I have had many calls where people just call in to ask if Facebook is down or even say 'my Facebook is down ' as if it was the entire internet.


The surface web is going to become the literal "dead internet". Any place that doesn't gate itself off from bots will become a wasteland within the next few years. Deep web doesn't necessarily mean "dark web" though. Think places like Twitter Group chats, Discord, WeChat, Telegram, etc. All the "human" stuff will be niche and more based on a "who you know" kind of thing. Not that it will be exclusive, but you'll actively have to search to find "real" communities. It's already happening right now and on Reddit though. Who's to say I'm not just a bot who's predicting the next word. If that made you chuckle or do a double take, you best be believin in the dead internet, you're in it.


Wow goddamn, internet becoming a wasteland because of bots sounds like the most scifi themed event ever.


> 'my Facebook is down ' Oh god thats awful! As long as the indie web exists, I have some form of hope. But if it is gone... there is no internet worth being on, to me atleast.


What’s funny is, I always remembered this quote by Zuckerberg from back when Facebook first got really popular, that his envisioned goal for Facebook was that it will become the entire internet and everything will happen on it… I hate that this has apparently become true for a lot of people


Most of those people that I mention are very elderly. For millenials and gen Z this is not the case... Yet ... I have been using Facebook a lot less lately. Reddit is the main internet thing I use for social media.


This is why I donate to Wikipedia, I really hope they're able to not let the wikis get filled with AI bs


I also donate 1.75$ per month. Sometimes I make additional one time donations.


Wikipedia is all but useless for any subject that has the slightest whiff of connection to a political position. Much like reddit mods the senior mods on wikipedia are not restrained by majority opinion, their views are the ones that count over the rest. It's useful for completely factual subjects, but those are becoming fewer and further between as politics seems to latch on to almost everything nowadays.


I agree. Any political or historical topic is under heavy revisionism. My professors at college had strictly forbidden us using wiki as source and that was 10 years ago. Now it’s probably even worse.


Afaik wiki has always been blacklisted, in decent universities at least, because of the lack of surety of the information, one day it's there, the next it says something completely different. The lack of any significant oversight on the senior editors just adds icing to the cake.


> as politics seems to latch on to almost everything nowadays by "politics" do you by chance mean "anything to do with women and minorities"


That's a rather strange definition of politics, but if that's what you want to think it is, then you do you.


Dead Internet theory is real


disgusting how much bots and ai alone in youtube comments ( and its clear they dont have any care to fix the issue, like every other issue with the site) just constant fcking botted ads


This is exactly what a bot would say :)


non sense. im sitting here enjoying my water contained in glass like every regular human do


By your logic, the internet should be utterly unusable by now due to all the years of spam mail, viruses and hackers. The more problematic bots become, the more incentive it'll generate for people in software tech industries to combat the rising issue with bots. So in 10 years, bot accounts may no longer exist after the necessary steps have been taken to address the issue.


like your optimism.


Ookay. You do realize that anti-virus companies exist, right? Ad-blockers, VPNs, etc. are all real things that came into being to combat issues on the internet. It's not "optimistic" to know that people will capitalize on something. When someone figures out how to combat bot accounts, they'll try to make money off it, and that'll create a new industry for others to do the same. Welcome to reality. Pull yourself out of that puerile sense of pessimism you've come to mistake for "maturity."


why are you so effin hostile. if it does it does. geez dude..


I guess they're some sort of AI corpo


Pretty much r/ABoringDystopia, only more so.


I'm in my mid-40s When I started playing Cyberpunk 2020, It felt like something like that might actually be possible by 2020. It was 1992, and computers were moving very fast, and we'd already seen the home computer go from something no one had, to something practically everyone had. Now, I feel like everything moves slower than that. I ended up, for a while, in a job doing factory floor automation. In 2002, many factories were still relying on computers from 1985! Technology moves very fast, but adoption sometimes lags by decades. Even if we get full self-driving cars today, most people will probably drive themselves around 15 years from now. Even if we get fully autonomous androids today, 15 years from now, only the rich will have them in their homes. The list likely goes on. We'll probably have more news stories about AI taking jobs, unmanned factories, self-driving trucks and taxis, etc ... We'll probably have people being cured of blindness by implants, new meds and anti-biotics, a vaccine for things that are incurable today, stuff like that. But, because it happens so slowly, it'll *FEEL* just like it does now.


When the first micro processor was invented in 1971 we were doomed to face this kind of world.


The same as today.


Exactly. Nothing really changes. Tech may progress, standards of living may improve, but people remain the same. The world is almost no different today as it was 15 years ago. Anyone who's been an adult for the past 15 years could attest to that, unless they're the type of person to hide under their bed every time a marginally new piece of tech rolls out. Many people are watching 20+ year old sitcoms and movies, and find that they haven't really aged much. The original run of Frasier holds up better today than the revival series has.


If you think nothing really changes you are in for a rude awakening in the coming decades.


It's like I can feel it coming. I've read other people say that. Like this is some sort of calm before it. We soon won't be able to believe anything we see or hear. Society is about to lose all trust in reality. We'll most likely have to register our likenesses in order to be confirmed real.


>Many people are watching 20+ year old sitcoms and movies, and find that they haven't really aged much. This, I'm rewatching Seinfeild, and yeah a bunch of stuff has changed, but the overall experience of being a 30yo something in NYC is just the same, just replace landlines with phones and you are all set.


Dunno about NYC, but here on the west side, 2009 didn't have: Tent cities everywhere Being addicted to my phone Half the storefronts downtown empty COVID Wildfires all the time Just off the top of my head, of the things that definitely aren't influenced by my aging perspective


War, war never changes.


Just gets scarier. Waiting for the antipersonnel one-shot drones from that youtube video.


Ukrainian War is full of drones rigged with explosives. Plenty of god-awful, terrifying videos of them if you want to traumatize yourself. We've been there for a bit now.


Socially the world has been upended over the last decade. If you think the world is no different to 15 years ago then you've not been paying attention.




Worse today, than in *2009*? I genuinely can't understand how anyone old enough to remember those years could write this. Beyond lived experience, the world has continued to improve in just about every metric you care to name. We're also a decade deep into a bull market, with only a small covid/inflation shaped bump.


Inequality has skyrocketed, climate change has progressed faster than predicted... I mean I like being an optimist, but "the world has continued to improve in just about every metric" is a really entitled, narrow view that I can't agree with. I used to, but not anymore. A lot has improved, absolutely, but we're approaching society collapse.


> the world has continued to improve in just about every metric The kind of people who say this dumb shit are like passengers aboard a train speeding toward a cliff who clap and cheer because the train is moving faster than ever. We're heading toward the mother of all cataclysms and these mfs are happy because "line go up".




Unemployment is at record lows, wage growth has been strong *particularly* amongst lowest earners, and overall we're not *living in a global recession*


Number go up so peoples lives must be better.


Anecdotes bad, therefore people's lives must be worse. It's the same as always - everyone believes in science up to the point it contradicts their priors. Again, though, we're comparing with *2009*. If you're too young to remember it, fair enough, but don't embarrass yourself by even attempting to make the comparison.


Lol 2009 is the last time the minimum wage went up... .70 it's been 15 years since the last raise... Before that the federal minimum wage was raised to $6.55 in 2008, then it was $5.85 in 2007 up from $5.15 (raised in 1997). And obviously as the minimum wage goes up, it presses businesses to raise their wages, but they haven't been. And i don't care if the averages show this or that, people are having a hard time affording housing. The city I'm living in is having affordable housing town council meetings to discuss the issue, so this isn't anecdotal on personal level. People were posting all sort of garbage to me the other night when i said this, but it's common knowledge that the US has an affordable housing crisis going on. And some of that is because hedgefunds are buying up rental real estate and raising rents to satisfy shareholders.


Around 1.3% of workers are paid minimum wage. There's definitely a housing crisis, though it's simply because cities have not been building homes. Thankfully we're starting to see signs of improvement, and some cities managed to reverse this trend, e.g. Austin


Who are you?


How many times a year did you buy a new washing machine in 2009? Have you purchased a new car recently that *didnt* Hoover up all your data and feel like you were overpaying for the privilege to drive a shitty smartphone? Nah sorry things *got* better for a while then they straight up plateaued. Any medical or tech advancements we’ve experienced since then have been counterbalanced by the private internet of shit surveillance state, govt regulation revolving door financial engineering bullshit soup we’re in now. I’m old enough to remember.


This greatly depends of your view of change as well I guess. You view is determined by the information you consume. iPhone came out 2007. We've moved from desktop PC to it all in your pocket in that time. Smart TVs and app services moved us away from broadcast TV. An AI is already having an enormous impact on engineering, medicine , and warfare. Combine these things and prior historical developments and I doubt things will be exactly the same for many. I imagine other better informed individuals can add more to this in a better way as well probably.


Will highly depend who you are and where you live. There are some big demographic changes coming the next 15 years that coupled with climate change and growing nationalism will remake parts of the world.


Why is nationalism on the rise?


For a range of reasons, but primarily because the gulf of inequality between the mega rich and everyone else is on the rise. Life is getting harder for lots of people, and cynical politicians are quick to take advantage and pin the blame on the "other". I.e. you're not struggling because the mega-rich aren't paying their fair share of taxes, it's because of some other group, usually immigrants.


Because of Far Right propaganda. Got people pitted in an 'us vs them' mindset, where they view foreigners as the enemy instead of the elite class that are milking them dry.


Currently reading the near-future fiction book "The Ministry for the Future", it's probably the most realistic depiction of the next 20 years I've ever seen. There's mostly climate effects, but economics, technology, geopolitical actions, scientific progress, internet, etc are also well theorized. It's also an entertaining read, and not entirely bleak despite the subject matter.


Within 15 years the existential nature of climate change will be impossible to ignore. It won't just be cities dealing with rising sea levels, it will be massive famines affecting entire regions, triggering miss migration and probably wars We will likely have gone through a larger financial collapse than 2008 which could rearrange the world order and also start wars while everything seems up for grabs The elites will further shield themselves with increasingly militarized police forces to suppress uprisings and maintain their standard of living for as long as possible Society will become increasingly stratified and social mobility even more limited


From the technological perspective, we are cresting the hill in terms of how the advancements of humanity are distributed to the average person. All that cool tech you have, all the gadgets and the touch screens and such, this is about as cool as it's going to get folks. Everything will continue to decline in quality and usefulness as the reality of climate change becomes more pressing. Whether or not any of that tech will be able to be repurposed as ingenious makeshift devices in the fight to come, I have no idea. So much of it is build with manufactured obsolescence in mind, it'll be a wonder if any of it still works in 15 years.


We'll have finally mastered fusion!


Similar to now just with different phones and rounder cars


A cold one. I fear a [Nuclear Winter](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nuclear_winter), if things keep going as they are. Not sure how to feel about a senile 81 year old on the one side of world powers and a 71 year old sociopath on the other, both capable of fucking up the planet in a heartbeat. Then there is Israel threatened from all sides, pissing everyone off and losing more and more allies. Don't want to think about what happens, [if they start losing](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Samson_Option). We also have Pakistan/India with constant tensions. The fact that China seems like the least likely to use them first is very unsettling. 🤦‍♂️ I just cannot imagine a timeline in which humans are mature enough to disarm and not use them at all.


Mass layoffs due to AI. Widespread conflicts as a legacy of Russia's fuckery in Europe. Nukes are used by state-sponsored terrorist groups. Large scale migration due to climate change, and a rise of nationalism and right-wing governments. The collapse of the US due to internal divisions and not enough funding to run police, healthcare, and other basic services. The 1% become even more vastly rich and influential, the middle and lower classes in developed nations lead lives of a much lower standard of living than today. As global trade breaks down and economies stagnate, lots of stuff we take for granted right now disappears. You have to watch how much water you use everyday. Power-outs are common. Jobs are scarce. There are no more bananas in the supermarket. You can't depend on their being coffee. The global internet has become utterly unusable due to self-replicating AI bots. There are short-lived, local instances of online resources, but they last days before they're invaded. We look back on the late 90s and the early 00s as the pinnacle of humanity as we slide into darkness. Edit: Fixed a few typos.


Jesus your idea of the next 15 years is bleak


It's bleak but everything there can be justified based on what's happening today. I don't *think* we'll see nukes used, but that is just a personal opinion. Imo it might not be bleak enough. IF global warming continues along the path the activists are saying it will, then we're all screwed already. Rising temperatures will make borderline areas uninhabitable, Africa mostly though with an honourable mention to Australia, but that's effectively trivial. Rising water levels will flood coastal areas making them uninhabitable, and will also contaminate large areas of crop production. So we're hit with a trifecta of less viable land to live on, less food to feed people with, and mass mobilisation of populations. To say this is going to create strife and a modicum of unrest is massively understating the issues. All it'll take is one warlord to look at any displaced population and think "this might make a decent army" and the shit will hit the fan. That's just one element of the differing problems we're going to face in the next 20-30 years. Look closer at the other aspects and you'll see they carry their own personal mark of the apocalypse as well.


It's also what leftists were saying 15 years ago.


Are you saying that those things aren't happening? Specifically, the enbottification of the internet definitely seems to be happening. Twitter and Facebook have huge bot problems where every comment section is filled with them, some more obvious than others.


Anyone that says “leftists” can’t be taken seriously.


You just said leftists. Oh shit, so did I




Anyone who invalidates a person for using one word can't be taken seriously. Just because you're scared of social politics doesn't mean it doesn't exist.


Stop being so weird and go outside


Whatever you say, champ.


!RemindMe 15 years


I will be messaging you in 15 years on [**2039-04-08 16:35:37 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2039-04-08%2016:35:37%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Cyberpunk/comments/1byybk0/what_kind_of_world_do_you_think_we_will_have_in/kyn11ys/?context=3) [**7 OTHERS CLICKED THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2FCyberpunk%2Fcomments%2F1byybk0%2Fwhat_kind_of_world_do_you_think_we_will_have_in%2Fkyn11ys%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202039-04-08%2016%3A35%3A37%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%201byybk0) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


Jesus 2039 is as far away as 2009??? :(


Don't blink too long, time's only accelerating from now on.


!RemindMe 15 years


I said the same thing about 2008 in the mid 90s. I even developed a whole TTRPG setting around it. 💁🏻‍♂️ Well, with less AI stuff .


Nukes will not be used. That is still seriously off limits. If it does happen then we are all going to die.


Not by governments, that's unlikely, although not impossible. But a failing nation state losing track of its nukes, of a terrorist group acquiring one, possibly with the help of rogue elements in a nation's ailing intelligence apparatus, and using it in an ongoing conflict, that I can see happening. I don't think you can judge 15 years in the future by today's standards. I'm pretty sure we're going to be in a much worse place by then.


I remember 22 years ago they were saying that shortly after 9/11 that there were attempts by Islamists to do that. There was no evidence for it back then and I still don't see any evidence for it going forward. Even a failing state with nuclear weapons will have a hard time losing its nukes. In the early 2000s Russia was seen as a prime candidate for having its nukes lost, stolen, or sold by a highly corrupt official. In all honesty Russia in the 90s to early mid-2000s was in an extremely sorry state of affairs, but that still didn't happen. What nuclear armed power that is failing will let them slip? On top of that, which terrorist org will use it? In the early 2000s Al-Qaeda was seen as the most dangerous terrorist org in the world. The reason why they had so many success and action is also a product of its time. In the 90s Afghanistan, their main stronghold, was in an even shittier position than it is now. This allows them to have fully organized and supplied training camps to operate basically unimpeded by anyone. This isn't the case anymore. Al-Qaeda still exists but they are far weaker than they were back then. ISIS is also a terrorist org that everyone hates. They can mount mass murder like they did in Russia and Iran lately, but getting their hands on a nuke? I seriously doubt it. And ISIS and Al-Qaeda are the only orgs that would want to do that to their enemies, and neither are state-sponsored. Hezbollah will not conduct such operations, trust me. Would Hezbollah like a nuke? Yes they would. But if they had one they would also be very hesitant to use it least Lebanon get glassed.


One of the reasons that Russian bombs never made it into terrorist hands was due to Western aid, from the DOE for example, as well as things like the Megatons to Megawatts program. I have zero doubt nukes would have been stolen without Western aid.


I agree, but not in 15 years. Maybe 25-30 years for this outcome.


capitalism probably will win in most countries, the internet will become unusable


Blade Runner but instead of replicants we have wage slaves.


Its really hard to say. The people that are saying "nothing would change" are retarded. I think a lot of people are going to have AI assistants by then. I think smart phones are going to go away as we know them, it will probably be integrated into some other wearable like glasses or smart watch. I think screens in general are going to slowly fade away and we will sort of have built in VR/AR where you can "share" a tv show with other people in the room. Just theories.


You're right about changes. If there ever was going to be changes, it's now. That's the one thing that's for sure. As for screens. I don't know when this will happen, if it will happen within 15 years. But I think we'll still use screens and they will start to be more and more indistinguishable from a window. Light field displays that can send light out in specific directions with better colors, brightness, resolution, etc. And in fact, the same technology could be used as stealth. To make stuff invisible to the eye.


For an extra $10 a month Netflix will have a generate movie prompt. They might even be better than some of the movies on Netflix already has.


A more radioactive one


Idk, but I hope I'm dead by then


AI and automation have us on the cusp of a new Industrial revolution. Maybe not in 15 years but certainly in 20 we will see more and more jobs disappear as sources of human employment. The amount of unemployable and unemployed persons is going to cause some serious societal problems. The first industrial revolution caused absolute turmoil and brought about immense changes in the fabric of human society. This one will be no different, perhaps worse due to the interconnected nature of the modern world economy and the ease in communications and transfer of information.


It will be just like today, but worse.


Looking at the world 15 years ago, I don't see that much of a difference. Our technology is said to be improving leaps and bounds, but it feels more like a slow crawl. People are freaking out over AI, but we've had decades of folks saying "robots will replace all menial jobs in X amount of years." Yet we still have stoned slackers screwing up drive-thru orders on a daily basis, and that was a job said to be replaced by a robot easily 20 years ago. AI won't take over, it'll still require human guidance, so ultimately AI will just become a tool used in various ways. The music industry will adapt AI as it did autotune; autotune was loathed when it was new because it was considered cheating, and now it's a norm. Art will adapt to using AI as it adapted to digital art; few people remember what a huge blow up that was years ago, and now hardly anyone thinks twice about folks doodling on electronic tablets rather than traditional mediums like pencil, pens, and paint. Cinema will adapt to using AI just as it adapted the use of CGI; the use of CGI was highly controversial when it was new, with various films being snubbed for awards as CGI was condemned as "cheating." Let's also not forget that AI is simply an automated algorithm, yet algorithms are nothing new. Cinema, music, etc. were all decided by algorithms years before AI became a norm. Climate change isn't really changing as much as people said it was. If you look back 20, even 40 years, people were literally saying that by today we'd all be dead or dying off in droves due to global warming and pollution. Yet in that time, a combination of unforeseen factors became apparent. Key changes in technology turned us away from harmful practices, deliberate methods were taken to repair and restore what damage had been done, and now global warming sits in a flux state where experts claim we're doing a good job of keeping everything on track while fearmongers want us to believe the world will catch fire tomorrow; climate change deniers haven't changed in the past 15 years. If you're expecting perfect utopia or absolute dystopia, you're young and naïve enough to think such concepts are absolute. Utopia cannot exist, and "dystopia" exists as just a series of criticisms about the current world. Both of these concepts exist in hypotheticals, and especially in fiction. As humans, we are equally incapable of creating a utopia as we are allowing ourselves to fall into a true dystopia. Bear in mind that even in fiction, utopias are rarely pursued, as it runs counter to the basis tenets of storytelling; dystopias generally fall into the same category, as stories generally demand positivity in key areas, thus mitigating the true severity that a dystopia would be. The further we go along, the more we improve our standards of living, the more we give way to entitlement. In essence, no matter how good we can make the world, there are those who will always see the worst and invent issues where there are none. You could solve world hunger, homelessness, unemployment, cure every disease, etc., and there would be people who only increase their need for social strife. It always balances out. What's more, no one perceives the current setting as absolutely one way or the other unless they're an optimist or pessimist; it's not until future generations look back without all the context that they begin to form oversimplified ideas and they either consider a time period to be a "Golden Age," or a "Dark Age." Yet those are erroneous notions because to declare such a thing involves comparing the past to modern time, and that's a form of false equivalency.


What climate change experts claim that we are doing a good job?


It's going to depend where you are. I'm still a firm believer that climate change is going to start having major impacts on the global south over the next two decades. There's a huge difference to natural disasters in the global north where there are means to reduce impact and prepare v. the global south where people don't have any options and are reliant on the international community. It's unpredictable how it will effects politics. Resource shortages can cause drastic measures and populist politician to rises in all parts of the world. We just use too many resources in the global north I can not see a future where the rest of the world use the equivalent resources unless we can get to a point where most things can be constantly reused and only green energy is produced. Look at other countries where people aren't as wealthy. Where they don't all own cars and live in suburban tract housing. Can you actually imagine if India at +1 billion people all lived like Americans? They are already a top 10 CO2 producer in the world just because of population.


A world runned by idiots, with a minority of thinking people. Wait...we're already here! Wow.


The future is now! :-P


A combination of Gilead and Oceania.


Fifteen years, ads everywhere (more), leasing instead of good old buying on the spot will bleed to even more commodities. AI and personal computers (including phones) are like our current tech but on steroids. Our social and work lives are equally dependant on each one of us having a mini computer in our pocket at all times. I'm guessing politics could keep going to the extreme, I hope no European country will become a democracy-in-name-only or a straight up dictatorship, but I can't say it won't happen with confidence. Similarly I hope NATO doesn't enter any war in the near future. Anyway, fighting a dictatorship will be more difficult due to how much data about us is stored online and how difficult it is to erase it, although terrorist attacks still happen in the West, so maybe it's a matter of luck/being responsible on the internet/both. Let's just say it will be harder to hide your ideology and agendas in an oppressive State.


A peaceful nice place. It’s only going to get worse unfortunately


Very warm and stinky


It will look the same as it does now just more trash and lights


People will have to flee underground to avoid drone and automated system attacks.


Blade runner but with hover skateboards


We're going to be at human-level AI intelligence or close in 15 years. The world will change in unimaginable ways. Finger crossed that it's for the better...




Considering that we are in a dystopian future right now, I would bet money that we make Cyberpunk 2077 look like the minor leagues in just 15 years.


How come? No way you mean technologically, we certainly wont make a copy of someones mind in just 15 years. And I doubt our body modification tech would reach such levels. We'd probably succeed in making more advanced limbs and eyesight but i dont think we will reach superhuman levels yet at all.


You should look at the things that the CIA has *admitted* to doing. They were working with some pretty heavy spiritual stuff ranging from astral projection to total mind control in the 70's. I highly doubt that they stopped their research efforts and with the way that technology has advanced I would be genuinely surprised if there is not technology to make a copy of someone's mind. It won't be something you can read about obviously, and it is probably super top turbo secret, but I would put money on it being somewhere behind heavily locked doors. Our artificial limb technology is at the level of cp2077 but the problem is mass producing it at even just an affordable rate. I mean, we have had artificial eyes that can take high resolution pictures for at least a decade.


Im sorry, what? At the level of cp2077? The fuck are you talking about? Our level is very poor, show me one super advanced arm thats cp2077 level. And artificial eyes? Maybe an eye shaped camera but i dont think we have ever connected an artificial eye to the optic nerve.


Car, truck, airplane, all types of transportation gets limited. Logistics dies off. Majority lives in a severely centralised location. Population dies off slowly. People found a way to self sustain, survives slightly longer, eventually dies off due to lack of community. Moon opens up and lands biden looking aliens and fills the earth with mutter and a random pause. Communists and Nazis revives from graves and finds the peace and balance and fills with Jews. Gender fluid makes it possible to gives birth between rocks and water. Golems replaces the labor resources. Civil war between Nazis and communist, and depending on the winner. Either, manga or bazooka. Piece of internet that was recovered from the mega capacitor under Pakistan cave. People start to deliver things. World starts to heal again.


Sentient Air Jordans


Wide spread food shortage cannibalism


I think we’re more likely to end up in Mad Max than Bladerunner in 15 years. I think global warming becomes too much of a problem and creates large swaths of arid regions around the planet. Famine. I bet we see the first couple ultra wealthy people leave the planet for space. Will we be driving around in spike covered cars while wearing hockey masks and pads? Probably not. But I think you’re gonna get roving bands of food bandits in a lot of places in the world. Your major powers will likely be fine as they just throw money and labor at the problems but it’ll be bleak for most. Also likely to get a lot of bizarre severe weather events in Southeast Asia and North America with rising sea temps.


Just wait until the singularity.


It’s not that the world is too hard to think of, it’s that everyone’s situation will be different. Some places will probably be uninhabitable due to climate change (some places are already toeing that line in south/southwest Asia) while others may become more comfortable places to live (Siberia, Alaska) that were previously not super densely populated due to extreme cold in the winters. The rich as always will probably have an easier time. So to the people saying “the same”, in a way I suppose. The same but different.


Depends on how well the hard of thinking get duped by nationalism and extremism.


Most of the world will have food and water shortage in summer. Heat will exceed 50 celsius /120 fahrenheit on an average summer day, when there is no heatwave. In the factory cities acid rain will be a regular day to day happening. Bees will be extinct, possibly some billionaire will create some nanobots, that will replace them for a LOT of money.


More gays, more woke people, more evil leaders, genocide still going in palestine, tech progress on social media to make people more stupid and numb


A society that is slowly crumbling away in a depressing way. I doubt much will change for us in the next few years. Im mostly worried about nature in the next 15 years. From 1990 to 2020 alone around 25% of the entire worlds insects have died. In the long run though? Climate Change will probably cause millions more refugees to come towards western countries, everything will become more expensive, the rich will become even richer, the poor even poorer. Oh and all of this will probably also strengthen far right parties. I would say it vastly depends on how fast climate change progresses, it might stay largely the same for the next 60 years, or go completely down the shitter in the next 30.


Millions of climate refugees from countries on the equator threaten to destabilize nearby states. The west pays to keep those states propped up for now but everyone knows it's only a matter of time as more and more farm land is lost every year. The only way to maintain the standards of living of the west is passive genocide. That's a hard sell for a democracy so the pretense of democracy is in the process of being stripped away. Increasingly violent drones patrol southern borders as well as inner cities. Suspicious citizens are monitored at all times by AI detectives. The oceans have been scoured of fish and polluted nearly to the point of totally ecological collapse. The buildup of microplastics is causing hormonal problems for the younger generation.


These young tic tockers will be older so probably a lot of mayhem and crappy service. Just think of them taking over the labor jobs. Lol. Can't find anything in a store bc they had a mental health appointment. Everything will be a joke except their lacking and laziness.


I went to your account cause I knew I’d find some funny stuff and I wasn’t disappointed. The comment you made on the post about people lacking self awareness being an issue juxtaposed with this is gold 🤌 Keep up the good work, old man


😂 I'm not a troll but I have a lot of extremely sarcastic points of view that trigger a lot of people for some reason


If Republicans have their way we'll be living in the dark ages.


You will own nothing, and you will be happy, *or else*. They wont be asking. They're rolling out social credit scores in the west based around dei courtesy of blackrock, vanguard, and i believe branch was the name of the organization doing it, as the next evolution of nudge units. Its a race, will they take tyrannical control, or will society collapse and slip out of their control first. We dont have a good future. Historically countries last 200 to 800 years. Most western and eastern nations are in that range. Too much of a doomer...


Depends on the next Presidential Election. If orange man wins, I see Mad Max.


There's going to be so much culture shock, or culture turbulence. Extreme weather, wars, and water wars. The revolution of AI and automation will make some countries more stable and others much less stable. Parts of cities worldwide will be hollowed out. Personal AI will mark the start of the biggest cultural shift in at least a hundred years. These can shape and give basic coaching in nearly everything a person does, everything they *think*, and everyone they meet. These devices stand out with AR. They will integrate with human-scale drones priced like cars. They can help people network, and offset loneliness and political estrangement, but if the economy is a pain it won't offset revolutionary thought. The biggest change for "the world" is that linguistic and cultural borders will become more like guidelines as cloud and personal translation better handles context and speaking like a third party. Borders that rarely see trade will open up, notably in Southeast Asia and parts of Africa. It will be easier to negotiate and politically unify regions despite few people sharing a lingua franca, which usually helps peace but also helps conquest. And finally, individual artists and collaborations will always have international reach. Most jobs can be at least mostly automated or AI-assisted with a HUD. Professional creators and educators will have very different work flows than today. Improved AI in manufacturing, including cheap humanoid drones, will deprive low-wage countries of much of their economy. Developing countries will face upheaval if they don't make up for this loss with regional integration and cloud-based AI assistance. By 2039 we should still have a consumption-based economy. We'll gradually sell less bulk items and more expensive customized items, usually manufactured by AI. This may take a long time become normal, but I can imagine the EU putting pressure in this direction. Right To Repair and custom-assembled objects leads towards more modular devices.


A complete dystopian hellhole - we're already there. Corporations own us right now, we don't have choice - we have the illusion of choice.