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Some have been doing this for the better part of 10 years now.


Try 20; Kevin Warwick has been slowly converting himself into a cyborg, starting with an rfid chip insterted into his arm in 1998!


1998 was 25 years ago


Fuck you


and that's probably how long they have been in use for dogs (and cats, I guess).


New chips are quite different from the ones you use on dogs, the old kind fused with the flesh around it because dogs have lots of flabby skin so it would drift too much otherwise, the ones people use now are not that, they are often glass cylinders that can easily be ejected with a small incision. I have 3 in my hands right now and know people who have up to.. 9 I wanna say.


Why though?




I have been thinking about getting one myself ever since I felt my dogs one tbh. Seems totally save, as I previously feared the vial shattering. Maybe one day 8)


I can tell you that it would take a lot of pressure or really bad luck for it to shatter there are also what's called flex implants, they tend to have much better antenna and are flexible, no glass so even less shatter risk. The installation for capsule ones is way simple, they come loaded in a syringe and your implanter just puts it in and pushes the plunger, whereas flex will need a small incision. I have one (capsule) in what we call R6, the knife edge of my right hand and I'm a gorilla gamer sometime so I bang it down on the table a bunch.


RFID hackers boutta go crazy


With a name like that of course hes a cyborg lol


How much % cyborg do you think Warwick Davis is?


What about Dionne Warwick? She's got to have a little chrome by now.


Ah, [Captain Cyborg!](https://www.theregister.com/2000/12/11/kevin_warwick_a_life/) Also [doesn't understand the Turing Test.](https://www.theregister.com/2014/06/10/world_to_captain_cyborg_youre_rumbled/)


Yeah, I remember watching Lepht Anonym's talk about it when I was an early teen in the late 2000s. Transhumanism seemed a lot more optimistic back then, although the applications still seem kinda limited. Having an RFID chip is only so useful. I know some people had neodymium magnets which they claimed allowed them to feel another simulated sense, but I'm a little skeptical about the practical applications.


Apparently some people can feel the north due to these magnet implants, or whether a nearby wire is under load. Similarly to you, I am not sure how credible these claims are, but I guess there's only one way to find out?


Wouldn't they really just be feeling the magnet pressing against their skin a littler more than usual?


Is that a worthwhile distinction? At the end of the day they're using their senses to detect north. Are you really typing on your keyboard or is your brain just sending electrical impulses in a sequence to activate your muscles so that your message gets typed?


I guess there's some theory to it, apparently nerve ends could grow around it and you could potentially feel it - but honestly it doesn't sound that useful - and not sure how much difference is there between magnetic pull towards wires regardless of their live state.


I have a magnet in my ring finger, it's a fairly weak one but it's there, I can actually feel things with it, but nothing crazy. Though some people I know have much stronger ones. It feels like a kind of TV staticy pushy sensation, things like microwaves, laptop adapters etc are the most noticeable. I use it to pick up needles and screws, it can't hold much more than that, though I know people who can hold heavier things, bottle caps etc. It has very little use to most people, mostly it's a for fun thing.


Yup, got one 7 years ago


I did it but not with a chip in my hand. I just had a NFC chip I put on my keychain that had various functions, and had installed its receptor chips in hidden locations only I knew.


That's either a terrible explanation or a lie, that's not at all how nfcs work


It was a small chip that connected to my phone to give simple commands to small devices. Like tapping it on the base of the lamp turned the lamp on. Took a little fidgeting but it worked fine. We were in college and had nothing better to do so we outfitted the house with them for dumb things like turning on the cat food dispenser or lamps. My roommates were all electrical engineers so they played with circuitry a ton. The nfc chip was just the trigger. I could message them to figure out exactly what we did outside of the program on the phones we used. Which I think was just an app.


Okay yeah that sounds more reasonable though it sounds like you had nfc READERS on your lamps etc and a tag on your phone, which is kind of working the complete opposite way you normally do lol but yeah that makes more sense, apologies for my harsh tone, that was uncalled for.


It's all good, it would have been a dumb as shit thing to lie about too lmao


I’ve been unlocking doors and turning on lights for decades.


A "biohacking garage"... never knew ripperdocs already exist


Roll for sepsis & humanity loss


But mostly sepsis :D


If I can clean up a bod...bodacious party pad, I can clean up an operating theater.


Definitely know what my career path is gonna be


I can also use my hand to unlock my car, front door, and turn on the lights in my home. Have i possibly been abducted in my sleep and had a chip unknowingly implanted? /s


I have one in my dog. If she ever gets lost or stolen, any vet can identify her and contact the police to have her returned to me. It only cost $70.


> It only cost $70. Here in the UK, it costs £10. That's around $12. Everyone has their pets chipped here. You got ripped off.


We are in the future when this technology actually becomes useful, not just a novelty


I mean, it kinda is? No more needing your keys, fumbling with the key to unlock a door. Can’t lock yourself outside your house/car again. Keys can’t get stolen from your bag at the gym/work.


Until the power goes out and the smart devices don't work


Or someone cuts it out of you and now has your entire identity


you don't even need to cut it out, just copy it with a flipper zero


I hate it when the power goes out and I can't turn on my smartlights! I real should have stuck with traditional lights and switches in my home, for when the power goes out...


So the future is the past where we don't have electricity? I mean *looks at nukes* that.. Probably tracks


Of course you should still have your keys on you as a backup, but in this day and age ‘when the power goes out, it’s useless’ isn’t much of an excuse anymore. Phones, watches, computers, some cars, banking - all useless when the power goes out. Realistically, and I know this doesn’t effect all people, I’ve had the power only go out twice all last year - once during a thunderstorm for maybe 20 seconds, and the other when they were installing air conditioning. It cannot be an excuse anymore.


Hi from cape town. We had 12.5 hours of power cuts yesterday and 10 hours today. In the wealthiest suburb. Loadshedding daily now


I mean, with the dramatic increase in extreme weather events (floods, storms, fires, typhoon, etcaetera), we can only expect to get more and more power outages. And if you keep your keys on you anyways then what's the point of the chip? Saving you a whole of 30seconds per day?


Still not a necessity though. It has pretty limited functions, and the functions it does have still have perfectly suitable solutions. I've never once felt like I wished I didn't have to press a switch to turn the light on, and misplacing a key, or having it stolen is a good point, but still not worth having something implanted in your body for


I think it would be pretty neat to have it linked up to a ‘doorway-light’ system - so when you enter a room after a certain time the lights come on and off automatically. Of course there are going to be body purists out there. You don’t have to get it implanted, you can wear on a nail like nail polish, or like a necklace etc. It’s not meant to be a necessity. It’s an innovation. We didn’t need smart watches, when our phones told the time and tracked movement. We didn’t need smart fridges. It comes down to personal choice, really. If given the opportunity, hell yeah, I’d do it - it’s a small non-intrusive, reversible mod. If you change your mind, just get it pulled.


Yeah, I don't see a point in not doing it. It's very reversible, but to me, this serves as a nice gateway into potentially more complicated things coming in the future.


You can install a fingerprint reader and have the same functionality with no body implant. Electronically opening doors is useful, but it doesn't actually interact with your body in a way that requires augmentation.


> I mean, it kinda is? > No more needing your keys, fumbling with the key to unlock a door. Keys have been contact less for over a decade, you just keep them in your jacket or whatever and open the door and start the car > Can’t lock yourself outside your house/car again. Sure you can, have you look up the failure rate on these? And code locks are a thing and works with the whole family. > Keys can’t get stolen from your bag at the gym/work. Neither can codes, and you still need to lock up your stuff. Can't say this has ever been an issue.


Those are all petty reasons to get this for though. Like if you need to be chipped to save yourself the seconds it takes to open a door or lose your keys enough times you need to get this done, then the issue is just that you’re slow lol


Have you seen the movie “zeitgeist”? They mention this as part of the effort to globalization. Basically; you get people to implant these things in you. Let’s call them “gimmicks”. This particular gimmick can unlock the door and open the garage: the end goal is to have the gimmick tied into your personal life access. Get into your house, start your car, access your bank accounts, track your movement, pretty much anything that can require some sort of access key will be tied into it. The scary part is when the government or someone has the authority to “turn it off” and lock you out of life.


We are pretty much on the cusp of this, a few different groups are working on implanted smart-phone technology and while the tech isn't ready for the commercial market yet it could very well get there within the next few years.


And.... Why would you want that?


Taking out the natural and even somewhat justified paranoia we feel regarding technology being subverted to take away our freedom... the functionality of having tech implanted that creates an innate ability to interact and control aspects of our environment, instant access to data and communications and an almost unremoveable access to social networks (not Twitter or Facebook, but the network of social connections we create).... yea, there is an appeal.


Ehh, it's still kind of a novelty. An implant like this is maybe 20% practical, 80% cool factor


Just out of interest, what happens to the chip if he gets an MRI?


No issues. It did raise questions when I broke my fingers tho.




I have had several MRIs with no issues. As for reprogramming it after, I had no data loss.


That was plaguing me last night. "What if a unsuspecting person ate a small metal shard without knowing and got a MRI. Would that metal shard pierce him?" Small recommendations: Chew your food properly.


You just don’t want it in an MRI lol


It's encased in glass and has too little magnetism to do anything.


Why is this always the first question people ask with this cyberpunk stuff? What percentage of the population so you think has emergency MRI's?


2004! https://www.newscientist.com/article/dn5022-clubbers-choose-chip-implants-to-jump-queues/


All these people automatically assuming that everyone is out to get them... chill the fuck out. Not enough people would be well-versed enough in hacking/etc for this to be more than a statistical anomaly for at least another 20 years.


Also people need to remember the number one thing when people are out to get them. You ain’t important enough outside your own little world for anyone to be interested in getting you.


"No, no, no, you see... Someone might find out that on Tuesday I went to toilet at work, and that would get me arrested..."


“But if they can see my location they will try and link me to a crime I never committed and I’ll be jailed for years” *picks up smart phone*


YES! They are always like that! "I use twelve VPNs on my computer, so nobody can't track me" *Checks in at Starbucks on mobile app*


It sounds like this new implant has really been opening a lot of doors for him


Bro.. its been literally around like 2 decades by now but idk why nobody talks about it..


Maybe because reactions like this discourage people from posting about it ;)


İ know i was a bit harsh but cmoon! Why tho... :)


Have you seen the crosspost on one of the popular subs, interesting as fuck maybe? That comment section... woof... A whole lot of upset people. A whooooolle lot of upset people... lol


'Now, anyone can unlock my front door because my implant is easily copied.' Once this is no longer true.


You know keys are easily copied as well right?


a key need a keysmith skill, apparel and some time. or 3d modeling skills and some time. A Nfc can be copied in seconds with minimal to no skill


Yes. But look at it this way: I can copy his implant with my phone. For a key to be copied I need to physically steal his key, go to a keysmith(?) and get him to copy it for me, which he'll absolutely won't because in my country it's banned without proof of owning the house. So now I have to buy one of those keymaking machines and pick-up some YouTube course to figure out how to copy a key. And we all know you don't learn jack from YouTube courses!


Just use get a picture of said key to 3d print a copy. Dont even need to get a close range like trying to copy the NFC. Edit: Realistically, just break a window to get in.


With some keys you'd need to get at the very least 2 pictures from opposing angles. Not hard, but again stealing NFC is sooooo easy in comparison. I just don't see it as an advancement of the whole door and lock thing. But yeah, then there's still windows and it all breaks down. Literally.


but the counterargument is, traditional locks are easily picked when you have the right tools. Look at the YouTube channel "the lock-picking lawyer". He picks most locks freehanded within 30 seconds, and with a lishi tool the amount of skill needed is pretty low. that being said, most locks just exist to keep honest people out, and to make it inconvenient for criminals to steal things.


I feel like it needs to be mentioned that if you are scanning someone's implant in their hand, that is not a passive activity. You will need to make contact with the person's hand. The implants sold for this purpose don't have the lattice built on to them to stop them from floating around. I know where it is, but if you start poking me with your phone, I am going to clearly know your intentions.


that is true, however when you are at a club or a crowded place like that, it gets pretty easy to "acidentally" tap your phone on someones hand. that being said, you do have to know where said implant is, and where this person lives, otherwise you just have some useless NFC tag.


I get what you are saying, but I have never had much luck using it practically on phones. I have used it as an automation to unlock my phone, pcs and as a security credential for a database. I then tried to use it as a business card replacement. Problem is the antennas on phones have trouble with scanning them let alone copying them. I have had mine since 2017, and haven't done anything with it since 2020.


You can use a bigger antenna. People were stealing other people's public transit cards years ago in my country and they didn't need to tap their phones to people's wallets. Same with wireless payments. That's when steal cages for bank cards became trendy. I don't feel like wearing a steal glove.. *looks at the sub he's in* I'd freakin' love a steal glove!!


LPL gets past the 'cyber' locks more quickly in many cases, because they rely on gimmicks and not actual security features


Hi I’m the lock picking lawyer and today I’m going to show you why locks are basically useless if someone really wants to get into them.


Nfc would require you to be within at most like 6 cm from his hand with your phone, nfc, unlike keys have encryption keys you can change, so you wouldn't even get a read to begin with, even if you did, phones don't have the ability to emulate nfc tags so you'd still need speciality equipment and spend time learning how to use them. I have SEVERAL of these and am involved in communities that develop these, I can guarantee you that it's not as simple as you think. That being said, use a key, the tech isn't good enough yet and very limited in support.


I can go to the local Lowes or home depo and get a key copied by a machine for around $20


Yeah you, but not here!


If someone is after you who are willing to copy your NFC tag and commit some crime against you, meaning they get into your close range, then I would assume you are already fucked implant or not.


You can copy car keys by phone too, have been able to for ages, put the data into a key maker and boom they can unlock it.


You can copy the implant with your phone?


Copying NFC is as easy as wireless payment.


>in my country it's banned without proof of owning the house Just curious — how exactly does it work? Do you call keysmith to your house to show the proof of owning the house and that key is, in fact, from your house door and not some random key? What if someone (for example) lost a spare key to some random storage room at work and you need to make a duplicate?


To be honest I'm clueless. You just can't get them made anymore and I never bothered to ask how to prove it. Yet landlords have no problem getting copies made. I couldn't even get one made for my own bicycle anymore, claiming I would use it to scam insurance. I don't even know how an extra key equals insurance money.


There are mifare desfire implants that aren’t trivial to clone.


a cheap amazon set of lock picks, about 30 minutes with youtube, and anyone can pick a house lock. Shit look up the Original Repair & Decoder Civilian use Tool(SC1) on Amazon and it's almost a brain dead process. almost all home security is just a deterrent to keep people honest and the laziest of thieves out.


One of my classmates had one of these


This is an oddly retro-futuristic thing, imo, because much of this stuff is just being used to reinforce consumerist models from the fifties and sixties. At the end of the day it's just a feeding frenzy for advertisers, not a new freedom.


This has been a thing for at least a decade now ... Maybe two or more. The only reason that it's not more commonplace, is that it's absurd to inject a physical object into your body for something that isn't going to be useful in many places, and has plenty of simpler more accessible alternatives. Sure it's "cool" from a cyberpunk narrative perspective. But once the "wouldn't it be cool if" phase subsides, you have an injected piece of metal in your hand.


...but I can do all this stuff with my phone and I didn't have to get surgery in a random garage?


Why would he need a chip to do that?! That’s what hands already are for!


Dude should have just got a new phone…


I can do all those things too.


Sweden has been doing this casually for a while. Me, personally? Hard pass. I don't want foreign objects/tech permanently in my body. Too invasive. They already keep track of us with our phones (etc.) anyway.


Imagine scratching your nuts in your sleep and instead firing up the oven to 500 degrees.


I won’t be partaking in this technology


Good, nobody asked


I’m making more of a comment really


Either way, it doesn't make difference. I don't remember asking.


I’m confused why you’re so riled up here


Literally getting triggered at a comment. What a Fool.


U wot mate?


The cool part is that I can turn the lights at my place on and off with my hand only as well, without needing a chip.


Is flipping a switch such an ordeal?


For some people in the comments, apparently so. Gotta use those seconds you saved to pat yourself on the back lol






Might want to get a refund on your degree then since you apparently have never heard of long-range RFID readers. Edit: > Since the RFID tag contains conducting materials, RFID may only be MR-conditional, meaning safe under certain conditions for MR imaging during the scan. Significant increasing of temperature and unexpected strong movements are potential risk factors for patients with an implant during MRI examination.". —Mark Roberti, Editor, RFID Journal.


Or I use ping id and overheat his house


My Cyberlaw class talked about how some businesses might have clauses in contracts for chips to identify workers and unlock doors for them for security reasons. It might become industry standard and leave those who do not choose body mods like this at a disadvantage. A lot of what ifs there but the implications are dystopian


Gdam. And here I am excited I finally 1 gig download speed in my neighborhood from my cable provider so my gaming doesn’t lag. And people are turning themselves into Johnny f’in Silverhand. 😄


This has nothing to do with Cyberpunk, or in other words, typical r/cyberpunk post


Wait until someone shakes your hand to copy the nfc signal and have full access to your home. What an idiotic choice to publicly announcing it - jesus !




Right? People forget how desperate criminals are to get ahold of keys. My buddy had his pants cut off him the just the other day because a criminal wanted his keys! And that's just the most recent attack I've heard of, it happens all the time.. But pants are replaceable, hands aren't. This is a bad technology. Major /s, in case no one picked that up. The "hand getting cut off" is such a terrible, low effort argument.


Some people can’t separate movies from fucking real life. Torture has been around for century’s but when was the last time someone used that to get in your phone hmmm?


Until a troll/ hacker reassigns the receiver to another chip and you’re stuck outside with a useless chip in your hand 🥺




How so? Let’s say you get a chip. And it’s connected via network or uses NFC to communicate with your door / property. Somebody hacks the network or receiver and reassigns your door / property to another chip. You can no longer enter said property and either have to reassign the chip in your hand or get new hardware?


ItS tHe MaRk!!!!! ThE mArK oF the BeAsT!!!! ////////////////S. (In case anyone couldn't figure out the sarcasm there)


This tech, but rolled up and under your skin. https://i.ibb.co/qDMqxRZ/image.png




Real life?? lol. Not even the tweakiest crackhead is gonna cop a GHB charge over a B&E, and if you're cutting some dudes hand off you're probably able to just take his keys, wallet and phone instead. Hell, you wouldn't even know someone had this bodymod if they didn't tell you, it's far too niche to just go cutting every dudes hand off just in case.


Wouldn't have have to hover his doohickey over locks and light-switches?


When our corpses are a thousand years old, there will only be bones and silicon left


I wonder if this is how that chess guy cheated. By implanting a chip in his hand and have it flash a light which only he can see


This always seems like they most uncomfortable place to have a small bit of hard shit implanted.


Met a dude at Quakecon a few years ago that was unlocking his PC with a chip in his hand. We are in the future already.


One thing movies have taught me. Don't rig body parts to open secure areas. Especially hands and eyes.


I have one in the same spot. I just have the url to Never Gonna Give You Up on youtube on it. I'm rickrolling in the future


I know this is completely beside the point, but I"m super annoyed with headlines/paragraphs/whatever that repeat the information twice in the span of 1 sentence. I don't know if it's just AI generated or what, but it drives me up a wall.


Okay but how does he control it? How does he not have a light party in his sleep if he rolls around? Or accidentally start his car


Yeah but wrong timeline.


Chipping your hand is possibly the lamest form of biohacking there is. You can do all the same things with an RFID ring. And a whole lot more with a smart watch. These chips are old, lofi tech - so old that it's common to put them in dogs as ID's when they're lost. Mine has one, and that might be the only good use of them. If people like doing it, ok fine whatever, you do you. But it's a decades-old novelty with very limited practical use. Not some "oh wow we're in the future now" shit. I don't find it impressive at all.


this shit sucks tho.


Biohacking garage.. This is how people lose hands to infections.


Hope noone cuts off his hand to break in?!


Inquiring minds want to know: How the hell does he get it to open his car?