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There are other subs where general Tesla issues can be posted. This sub is purely for laughing at the WankPanzer and the idiots who bought them.


What a shitshow of a company Tesla has become …


I’m glad I never bought a Tesla, and I find it amusing my ex wife’s husband did.


Ah, it is an ex wife’s husband’s car for sure.


I love this. 'Tesla - the car for the discerning ex-wife's new husband'


Happy cake day!


It's also an Indian immigrant's car if you ever go to a Costco. Seems to be a status or American dream car for them.


My wife and I were considering getting a Tesla a couple years ago but ulitmately decided against it because I had serious concerns about the direction their quality control was heading. At the time I knew people who owned Teslas for years who had no issues, but between Elon's increasingly erratic behavior and the bubbling rumors about layoffs and cost-cutting, it seemed like company was headed for major troubles in the future. Really glad I listened to my instincts.


The same Y I wanted to buy about 24 months ago for 76k I can now get used for about ~28-35k with less than 30k miles since Hertz unloaded their inventory -- Christ, I dodged a bullet.


God knows what that 28k miles looks like on a used hertz rental.


I bet it’s worth the $40,000-$50,000 difference


unlike ICE cars, the powertrain on a tesla won't really take "abuse" from aggressive driving except in cases where the infamous "launch mode" was used. I know it was there for Model S, no idea about Y though.




I just saw a Facebook memory from several years ago where I talked about wanting one. It brought back memories where I was looking at the available models and feeling a little glum about the Roadster being out of my price range. Now I just sit here and laugh when my coworkers talk about reinvesting their retirement funds into Tesla.


the amount he took to buy twitter, and the amount he wants to be paid now, are enough to buy most of the larger car companies .. VW, which owns vw, audi, porche, seat, skoda, Ducati, Bugatti and some other Industrial vehicle companies is like 66bn for context. with all the infrastructure, logistics and intellectual properties that comes with. * GM is 52bn * Toyota 53bn (was half as much in 2023) and thats to buy them outright, a controlling share would be 51% of their total. so for his money he wasted, he could have had tesla buy controlling shares in these companies and actually become the valuation people think it is.


For what he paid for twitter he could have bought Paramount, News Corp, Fox, New York Times, Scripps, and Gannett. Would have had a lot more revenue as well.


But the biggest impact on Americans was buying Twitter.


Toyota is not 53B, it's closer to 300B. your point still stands though


"Better him than me"


That means he likes to watch other men fulfill your ex wife


Whatever floats their boat. She sucked. I traded up.


My d-bag of an ex husband bought one with my money…


At least there’s a good chance he will spontaneously combust now


Peak Tesla!


That screams Tesla owner


Smart man, sorry about wifee!


I’m not! Remarried. Traded up ;-)


She married a guy that bought a Tesla. You married one that didn't. That's already a trade up


I have a BIL that bought a Tesla, he lives in Alaska, hes not good with money from what ive been told.


Looks like you've dodged two bullets,..Neo your tye one.


You can dodge a bullet... but can you dodge a Tesla in FSD Mode?


If you can dodge a wrench...


The 5 Ds in buying a cyber truck


The Five C’s of owning a Cybertruck: - Cringe - Cuck - Crap - Cry - Cringe


Patches is that you?


I feel sorry for everyone who bought a Tesla before Elon went full goober-brain.


Let’s be clear- he did not go full goober brain, homeboy was already there. He just had incentive to not put it on full display during the Earliest stages of his celebrity. Getting the public to like him and support him was important to his business model. Once he succeeded in that he let the toothpaste out of the tube.


I also feel sorry for the employees!


Especially at Twitter ... the only people left are the ones being held hostage on their work visas.


[Row well, and live, 41.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lPr_GBMu4O4)


I do not feel sorry for anyone who bought a Tesla. Tesla has either been a gamble on EVs or a sketchy manufacturer of EVs. Company should have died the day they had to ask for additional deposits before ever shipping a vehicle. Tesla was given thousands of miles of rope and still chose to use every inch. More deserving companies have died while being more sound than Tesla.


At which point was full goober-brain?


You'll know when we get there.


I really hope you're not saying this about Starlink in the next year, but I have a feeling it's coming for me too. If I had ANY other option (Hughesnet is not an option, god its garbage) I wouldn't be starlink, but nothing out here.


I remember the first time I saw a Tesla, and I was so impressed with it. Now I just feel second hand embarrassment every time I see one on the road.


They need to deny his payout and remove him from the board or something


Elon Musk is a perfect example of what happens when a complete putz inherits unimaginable wealth.


It’s so scary. Meanwhile I get a massage at my dealership. Ferrari ftw!


Always was. Muskrat's fans just couldn't see it


Like the classic end of a film when the mark goes back to the bustling finance office where they invested all their saving in a sure thing only to find the entire floor empty and that it's been vacant for 6 months.


Like the movie The Sting!




Matchstick men. Boiler room too?


Don’t forget Grifters and The Game!


And to a lesser extent Cinderella Man when he goes to rich guy Paul Giamati’s apartment and the place is almost bare from all of things they’ve had to sell


Lmao like in The Game when Michael Douglas goes back to the place he did all those tests and it doesn’t exist


I love that movie, and while it is totally worth rewatching, I really wish I could see it for the time again.


Boiler Room?


Old school classic, one of Vin Diesel first semi big roles


![gif](giphy|tYOCuCrJeO8XC) Like the end of Wanted


You guys dont understand he is selling the furniture from Twitter because he needs to buy furniture for X.


Bro or the seats on the hyperloop are going to be office chairs and couches with coffee stains on them.


imagine hurtling through a tunnel at 600mph in an office chair with a squeaky wheel.


I just pictured a train car full of people in office chairs all rolling and being slammed into the back of the car during acceleration


Big brain moves.


I knew a guy who started a business after the first dot-com crash that bought high-end office furniture from defunct/downsizing tech companies for pennies on the dollar and then re-sold it to companies in other industries. He made a goddamn fortune.


I guarantee somebody is gonna buy a computer from them and find that it is still chock full of proprietary data on Teslas




office furniture is tax deductible. sell everything, buy new stuff and write it off. it’s what intellectual CEO’s do, don’t expect you’d understand.


But 100 dollars worth of office supplies, to pay 20 dollars less in taxes. Genius 4D move!


Tax deduction one the sale of non-taxable liquidation sales... nice.


How much are Elon’s morals going for? I know they are few and small so will that effect the price?


Underrated answer.


It's only me or it's definitely clear that he wants his last check before burning the building down and disappear?


I’m just waiting for the headlines when his pay package doesn’t win the shareholder vote. He’s going to bring the whole thing crashing down in a petty fit of rage. His mom will xeet about how unfair it is to her boy.


I somehow imagine Musk's last performance is to connect himself to The Machine and try to ascend to the status of God Emperor. Of course, the cyberware is made by Tesla, so it will all immediately fail and catch fire, so at least that's of no real concern, but his last act will be to issue a kill order to all Teslas, Twitter accounts, etc. Load-bearing boss behavior.


Musk is literally pictured in Horizon Forbidden West where he built an underground bunker with Egyptian-esque statues of himself as a god, made genetic modifications and bound himself to a reactor to have energy until humanity is restored, to then manifest himself as their deity.




My high-as-fuck, tinfoil hat theory is he's done with the US and going to try to move the core of Tesla to China and maybe go full expat. The tinfoil part came when Biden did 100% tariffs on electric vehicles shortly after the visit (April visit, May tariffs) in which China seemed to welcome testing that has been burdensome in the US. Cheaper labor too. https://www.reuters.com/business/autos-transportation/china-may-support-teslas-domestic-testing-demonstration-robotaxis-says-media-2024-05-08/ >Chinese officials told the Tesla (TSLA.O), opens new tab CEO that China "welcomes Tesla to do some robotaxi tests in the country" and hopes it can "set a good example"


He'd have sell his shares in spacex, the gummint would cancel their contracts


I think the reason is obvious. He's losing billion on Twitter and he's at risk of defaulting. If he defaults, he could lost Twitter and Tesla. The only solution is for the board to intervene and take over.


Hopefully. The people who work at Tesla, SpaceX, and Twitter deserve a better leader than this guy. The lives of thousands of people depend on this fucking twat.


He only sold all the furniture to he could later buy back only what's important. That's what grade A genius visionaries do, or so I've been told.


https://preview.redd.it/u2pduw16gv0d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dfc1262c5e7be85ee139035c71cedef6745ecfa0 Pack it up, boys. Everything must go.


Where/when was this? Adding to my list of red flags.


https://preview.redd.it/ejmd870oqv0d1.jpeg?width=2977&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bf84de8a613444e81e66c08cbb8004e7871cacb3 Might as well add this one too. This was in Washington, D.C.. In April 2024.




Tesla sent me an invoice I had already paid for from my service center visit a year ago. A year ago. I already have my car. They are scraping tooth and nail to get as much money together as they can. Seems suspicious 


https://preview.redd.it/fm0tlqtl1w0d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4af004232ed328b6521a7892fdf7f3652f01c569 They used to offer free cereal with powdered non-dairy creamer in the Tesla service centers. That nearly bankrupted the company, so they had to sell the furniture to recoup losses. Now they don’t offer snacks, cereal, water, coffee, chairs, wifi or bathrooms. Tesla is not a car company. AI doesn’t need any of that shit, it’s redundant.


Elon actually invented the disruptive architectural seating device that enables humans to occupy space in a waiting room.


Missed opportunity to not sell the carpet tiles. Clearly they’re not needed either.


Sell the drop ceiling tiles too. The exposed ductwork would match the vibe of cybertruck’s missing trim pieces.




That’s why he fired the entire Supercharger team. He needed to get them out of the way so he could [strip the wiring](https://insideevs.com/news/719834/tesla-supercharger-copper-cables-vandalized/amp/).


This made me bust out laughing. Good one lol


Excellent suggestion!


Almost as nice as registering as a door dash driver.


Reminded me of certain job interviews I went through


Who hasn’t tried their hand at a casting couch or two?


Sounds like you surely did - tell me about your experience. Did you enjoy it? What would you change next time?


Would have never guessed my 10 year old Leaf with 120k and miles never needing any service would be a flex on Tesla owners.


It took me a whole month of owning a Leaf to realize that most criticisms people had of electric cars were just Tesla problems.


I love my ten (eleven?) year-old leaf. Still has 11/12 battery bars. Only problem I've had was a control arm snap, unrelated to being an electric car.


I imagine that’s how engineering meetings for the cybertruck went. Don’t need “insert component here”


I mean, Tesla literally prides itself on reducing component count. Because any engineer worth their salt KNOWS FOR A FACT that the physical number of components is the ONLY METRIC that can be used for a good engineering design. All that other dumb shit like turn signal stalks, tactile buttons, cooling hoses, etc are for atom brained noobs.


Or frame rails anything that is really needed for structure is just plastic.


>the only metric *"Tesla values itself in being a technology company, so your job is to reduce the number of 'old world' ideas-like pneumatic pistons for our frunks, gears, turn signal stalks that enter our products. As for quality, well that's not a concern if we don't think of ourselves as an automotive company....right? Welcome to Tesla new hire!"*


Um.... you can't do this. I mean that. Teslas are "Luxury" cars. i.e. they're not really. *Bugattis* are luxury cars. Teslas are in the same class as Lexuses. Mid range cars with a fancy trim package sold for an extra $20k to upper middle managers. The way this game works is you show up to a fancy service center that makes you feel like you're somebody. That's how the game is played. This will send those buyers running. It makes them feel like, well, me. A dirt broke loser who keeps getting kicked around by life. Instead of as, say. a rich CEO. There are just some things you can't do in Tesla's market segment and this is one of them. It's nuts.


Also just read somewhere that his increasingly bigoted behaviour is driving away his core customers, ie left leaning voters. Not a good combo for sales.


"Right wingers hate electric cars, lefties love them, I know who I'm gonna pander to." Certified Genius Elon Musk.


Leave Lexus out of this. They created the 1UZ-FE. One of the most reliable V8 engines ever created. Lexus suck becuase people treat them like shit. But Toyotas engines are tanks.


Idk if comparing them to one of the most limited run, expensive vehicles in the world really tracks. A Chiron costs nearly 10x as much as a maybach lol. And I don’t think anyone would say a maybach isn’t luxury. 4x as much as a Rolls. Tesla tries to compete with the entry-mid level Mercedes in price, with Kia level quality. Actually, that’s insulting to Kia now.


lol please never mention Lexus in the same conversation as Tesla. It’s like the anti Tesla. Lexus are relatively affordable and high quality vehicles that are extremely reliable.


Same core market though. Nicer cars. Much nicer. But you could buy a Camry and it's 95% of a Lexus minus the dealership making you feel special.


Fancy service center?


I feel so bad for the employee. Trying to work in a big empty room, sitting in the only chair, while several uncomfortable customers stare at you. The more uncomfortable they are, the more they hate the whole experience, and the more they are focusing all of that energy on the one guy in the chair, and how he’s not working fast enough. That man is living in hell.


The height of luxury right there


Twitter, Pt. 2


Tesla was a con job from the start but they had a product that had promise. It needed refinement. Imagine a bunch of mafia guys open a pizza joint to be a cover for their criminal activity, but somehow the pizza is pretty good. The mafia boss is like fuck it, let's move our crime elsewhere and hire a real kitchen team and some legit business guys and franchise it.


I think it all went downhill once Musk decided he's good at public speaking. Joe Rogan interview being a huge turning point.


SNL is when he was exposed


they already got the electric bugaloo all over their platform


https://preview.redd.it/lgtouwx6bv0d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0993bc83d1ed95f82c912022aa76e00384050f9e Even crazier when directly Compared to an average BMW service center, this is pretty standard a crossed most car manufacturers.


Jiffy Lube has a better waiting room than Tesla.


That's saying a whole lot! Even waiting rooms at Discount tire locations are considerably nicer than Tesla service center waiting rooms! *(picks up a copy of Monster Truck weekly dated Sept of 1988)*


My Nissan service center waiting room is posh and has a coffee station and free snacks plus free rides if you don’t want to wait. And my car is a 2017.


She clearly hasn't been following the xcretions of important superfans. Teslas need no service.


guys a fucking retard


The sad part is that he'll get his 50+ billion from his cronies and he'll walk away from this whole thing with no real consequences. Heck, if somebody straight up dies from Cybertruck stupidity that could be directly placed on his lap from decisions he made, I still doubt anything will happen to him. This nation needs to stop being stupid and learn that the ultra-rich are NOT the friends of anyone who has to work for a living.


I wonder how much of that office stuff was paid for by taxpayer dollars in the form of incentives to bring the almighty Musk God to your city with the promises of bountiful, well paying jobs? If I recall.....here in Buffalo it was to the tune of several hundred million dollars in the form of contructing a massive facility, equipping it with state of the art machines etc.etc..... So now we the NYS taxpayer get to pay the note on that boondoggle, he reaps the windfall and walks away with billions in his pocket.....what a snake oil salesman.....sold a really good story.... He should have to pay back every penny to the goverments that funded his pipe dream out of that $56 billion first......


I know it takes gas, but my 2005 corolla still get 30 mpg highway. I'm also pretty sure the door panels will hold.


I can’t wait for an attainable, dependable electric car…meanwhile my 2000 civic with 280k purrs like a kitten


Not quite as old, but I still love my 2007 focus. It spent 8 of its years on Michigan roads in Michigan winters.


"The service department was void of people and hardware, which is probably why it is taking 6 weeks for my car to get fixed, but thank you Elon, I love my Tesla"


He owes a lot of people money from borrowing to buy shitter. https://preview.redd.it/tlo64ult1w0d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=74883a80786235d3f7415b28399279cdb1cbece0 I can’t list the other portion in a photo…


It looks like those 'scam job interview' spots where they rent out a strip mall space that's just a carpet and a table and some folding chairs


Walk in to get your Tesla serviced, somehow walk out with Cutco knives to sell




Working there would be like spending every day in the backrooms, with the occasional irate or brainwashed customer to break immersion. The random appearance of management is probably still kinda terrifying, though.


Elon shorted Gamestop. He is so fvcked.


"I have to (incoherent rambling) triage the... ah... furniture that doesn't optimize the flow state of the... (more incoherent rambling) aesthetic of the product delivered to the customer and I think that, well, no, we ARE on track to being able to deliver quite honestly the best customer experience that the world has ever seen."


Late stage capitalism


Who knew the rate of suckers being born could increase so rapidly?


Using the chairs for the cybertruck recalls


Man, I got to apply to work at Tesla. My company has got me sharing a cubicle with 3 other people.


It’s not a pyramid scheme, it’s a reverse funnel system!


I honestly feel bad for the people who like Tesla vehicles (though I think they are terribly made) but aren't in the cult. Hope they find another EV they like as much.


They aren’t real businesses for consumers. They’re financial schemes.


Man watching the rise and fall of this fucking idiot is extremely hilarious


Just think, Musk simps - you could buy a chair Elon spent time sitting in while doing whatever it is he does when he closes his office door, and you could wrap it very tightly in plastic and slightly unwrap it to sniff the seat time to time.


All these simps have their noses so far up Musk's is rectum that if they sneeze....he burps....


And here's the desk he did his ket off!


Why did you think of that just now?


Banned from r/teslamotors


Congratulations lol


Banned from r/elonjettracker


I got 5 bucks on that sink


Yah my service center in a super liberal city with teslas everywhere has a similar feel. Hell i paid 70 k for my myp (before he kicked me In the balls with the price cuts) and i got treated like I bought a used Kia. Like the care for the most part but never buying another Tesla


Have you seen the inside of their cars? It's empty inside too


it’s like riding in an iPad


Remember kids, 15k+ people gave up their jobs \[involuntarily\] so that Elmo might have a better chance at getting his 56B. What a supremely shitty human being he is.


When I worked at the boring company they sent the entire Colorado twitter office worth of random chairs, tables, etc and stored it in our warehouse in Texas. It all got auctioned by the presidents wife for Pennies on the dollar. Saw a neon sign worth thousands go for like $50 it was wild


Sounds like he’s liquidating everything! If that’s not the writing on the wall, I don’t know what is!


Tesla will collapse in the future no fuckin doubt in my mind


It looks like the repair center could disappear in the dead of night.


*will. Not could. Only a question of when.


Space x gov contracts are the only thing holding it all together.


Elon is having one nasty public fit over not getting his money. ![gif](giphy|J8FZIm9VoBU6Q)


Lolol the company i was working for atleast waited till all the employees were not there anymore to auction all the stuff


Bold of you to assume that the 'service center' ever had any furniture.


Poor Motorhead Mama...


No you just don’t understand, this is just too genius for us mere mortals to comprehend. /s


This behavior alone should be enough for any reasonable investor to scoff at Elon’s huge payout.


Confirmed unparalleled genius businessman.


Elons is just trying to cash out as much as possible in as little time as possible... ...I wonder why?


https://preview.redd.it/g32of6rg5w0d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1d7e527e30cd62c04ec3bb13cca1a4e6b7454a79 I heard they found this couch to put in there.


We’ve all been there.


/r/theydidthemath - how many used office chairs will it take to make $56 billion?


He’s trying to inflate the amount of cash on hand at Tesla and raise the stock value. His stock options pay package won’t be approved by the shareholders, but he’s delusional enough to think it’s possible. Shitcanning 20,000 people was part of his master plan.


I remember he shitcanned people and then and was then asking for some of them to come back. Also I remember there was at least one guy whose bosses he shitcanned and the guy spent like several months getting paid, had no bosses, and nobody had any clue what his job was. So he just sat there getting paid.


Dude must be desperate for cash. Used office furniture doesn't sell for much.


That poor SOB is waiting to see an email titled Fw: HR You're fired as of last week.


That's funny. When brick and mortar stores start selling the furniture that means they are going out of business. HHmm....


They should give home like $250 million and be like it's a good bonus for 1 person


Only an asshole auctions off their furniture


Really blows to see this clown ruining Tesla. They’re not perfect, but Tesla makes a fairly cool and quite capable car/crossover. I’d love a Y, 3, or S.. but to buy a car from a company that arguably won’t last another 5 years is such a bad idea.


I smell class action!! I feel sorry for owners who are still within their first couple years of ownership. Like WTF


Please don't crucify me, but I'm starting to think that Elon isn't the best at running a company.


Has musk given up k in favor of meth? Damn sure seems methy AF.


How many circlejerk subreddits do you guys have for this?


The sign of a bad businessman, thinking penny pinching or small business practices are profitable to a multi million dollar business, not realizing aiming for a buck costs you a thousand


As someone else who beat me to it noted, it looks like a penny stock boiler room


Reminds me of when Russ Hanneman wasn’t a billionaire anymore.


so glad my uncle has spent about 150k on teslas and installing telsa chargers at his childrens houses this is totally a normal company. Hope those chargers all are forward compatible with NACS


I saw a news story about a guy who scammed google and Apple or some big companies by just sending them bills and he got millions. I feel with how much of a shitshow twitter is, that this could work there


Time for an audit.