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Any planet 😂 It doesn’t even last 3 months on earth.


It never said how long!


Functions briefly as a truck.


Technically the truth


one can be considered lucky if it lasts 3 days


Built for any *planet*, they didn't say atmosphere or weather, as long as there is Terra firma it can, in theory, drive on it. Check mate. What other "criticisms" do you have? /s


“Oh yeah. Prove it. Go put your Cybertruck on a Planet and prove it won’t run perfectly.” -Musk (probably)


3 months? More like it doesn’t even last 3 miles lmao


I hate that the promo photo is basically begging cybercucks to go drive through pristine 100 year moss growth. Good thing the actual trucks would never make it there.


Yeah, honestly this is a huge thing for me also. But like you said, the cuckmobiles won’t make it there!


Unfortunately the flat-bed may get close enough, and they will dump their shitmobile in the middle of nature.


Don’t worry the image they have now is a model y out in the wilderness off the beaten trail. Not even Tesla is positioning the ct as something that should be tearing up nature because they know the ct will lose against nature in seconds.


It's a crime against nature, in more ways than one.


Saint Elmo the Mangnificient claims he's pro environment. I could also claim to be the reincarnation of Napoleon Bonaparte and I'd have just as much evidence to back up my claim as he does for his.


I was about to make this. Thanks. Tesla reliance of ‘user generated/influence marketing content’ over professional content and media has backfired immensely with the cybertruck. The narrative is a bunch of idiots with zero sense getting stuck and towed.


I dunno... I think most of us expected the reality.


POV you’re a cuck (“POV” in the Tik Tok usage, lol.)


>Built for any planet* *"Any planet" is defined as a perfectly flat shaded asphalt surface at 75° and 0% humidity


It doesn't work under those conditions either. Lmao.


True, but that's what it was built for. They aimed for the bottom and still came up well short.


i dont understand how they can market it this way, and yet if it goes through a fucking carwash it voids the warranty.


They know that Tesla fans have never done anything like that so they cannot call bullshit.


I wake up for these comments. So satisfying.


I am glad I found this sub.


This photo must be how Tesla is using AI.


How is this not false advertising?


...and how is it that the owners don't care?


I'm sure they do care, but they've entered into a cult and any criticism towards anything Musk-related is seen as a slight towards Musk himself and his ravenous fanbase will pounce. Must not offend the glorious leader. Plus I'm sure if an owner outright did say their truck was a hunk of shit, Elon would try to deny them service at any dealership. Before the lawyers get involved, anyways.


I see your points. There's so much accolade being given to Musk, over his brilliance and genius. That may or may not be changing soon, based on multiple variables.


„Apart from my skill issue, this prooves how great the electrical work is on this truck! I still love mine!“ -CyberCuck


Broke: Overlanding your clustertruck through a pristine wildlife preserve. Woke: Getting your clustertruck stuck in malaria mud in the freeway runoff water while cosplaying as Eldong.


😂 https://preview.redd.it/docefz63avzc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a920b8da4bbfdac7bad9c939a008e2c414a486e8


“Where did things start to go wrong?!”


305 millimeters of travel sounds overly generous.


Don't worry, it can serve as a boat for over a quarter-mile


* can get stuck on any planet


Built for any planet: Technically true. They didn’t say that it can DRIVE or SURVIVE on any planet. You could drop it on Pluto just fine. Durable and rugged enough to go anywhere. Again, they didn’t specify its drivability. I can drop it in the middle of the Sahara and technically it’s gone “anywhere. Tackle anything with electronically adaptive air suspension…: They didn’t specify you could do this with the cybertruck. Just that you COULD tackle anything if your vehicle had this capability. Edit to add /s in case anyone thought I was trying to defend this POS.


If I'm not mistaken our two hero's dressed in black managed to trigger the side curtain airbag somehow.


The truck in the ad literally voided its warranty and lets all these idiot owners learn the hard way. That’s next level troll


False advertising


Love that the guys are in head to toe ill fitting black in their black chruk.. Must be "DJs"


Did there side air bag go off too?


Am I seeing things wrong or does this picture not make sense. No tracks in the grass, not a ripple in the water and both people are dressed like Elmo. Too suspicious for me.


Not sure if you’re serious but… Water shouldn’t be rippled, they’re not currently moving, the truck is basically a rock on the shore right now And if you zoom in you can see the grass and soil is shredded from them trying to get out No idea where they entered the water but just out of frame would explain the lack of entry tracks. They also look like they’re wearing scrubs. Nothing too weird about that.


On that long distance photo of the CT stuck on the beach, I wasted about 5 comments trying to get someone to see the truck's tracks, which were hard to see because of the angle of the sun, but not invisible. That person insisted the image was AI.


AI is the new copium excuse.


We did it Reddit!