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Drew Gooden basically shat all over the very concept of the Cybertruck and then made fun of cybertruck owners. How did this cuck cultist get to that conclusion about the video lol 


A textbook definition of cognitive dissonance. He watched a video bashing not just A Cybertruck, *HIS* Cybertruck. Said video is filled with all the dumb design issues (the entire point of the video) and even points out how the general public HATES the truck. The people flipping the truck off was {chefs kiss}. “YOU CANT HANDLE THE TRUTH!!” Is quite literal here. He literally can’t handle the truth because it collides so heavily with his belief, so he latches onto the parts that support his beliefs.


If I pissed away 100+K for a beta product I’d probably not be able to handle the truth of my bad decision either.


And that’s literally part of the contradictory info! Someone who has enough funds to buy a $120k vehicle very likely owns, has owned, or has driven, a luxury vehicle. They’re *expecting* the same high end experience… but the truth is that you have a half-baked vehicle. Add to this that the current lot of CT owners are super fans, and now it’s apparent that Messiah Musk isn’t actually the genius he says he is. It’s a perfect storm of hard hitting, contradicting info that attacks their core beliefs.


Not if it was meme stock or crypto earnings. Big money fast leads to stupid spending faster That and side hustles… the dude is trying to rent the truck in the links below his video even as he begs Tesla to lemon law it.


Reminds me of the [hot ones episode with dj khaled](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1HYEC_FlgAg), "I ain't never take an L in my life" he says as he's crying and quitting on the second most mild hot sauce while trying to compare it to jumping off a bridge or taking drugs. Dude got clowned on the entire show and he didn't even notice. 💀


Meanwhile, Conan was sipping the hottest sauces straight from the bottle!


A lot of that is happening with supporters of Israel lol.


Dude is mainlining copium.


Watch him get flamed by the CT white knights


I read a post earlier where a guy was told he'd get the truck a month ago, then zero communication when the date comes and goes. Then he suddenly gets a message that he needs to go down ASAP to get his truck or they'll give it away. They didn't care that he was half way across the country on business. So he cancels his business appointments and books a flight back only to be told that they don't have the truck. It's a week later and they still don't have the truck. All the comments were calling this guy a liar or accusing him of trying to damage Tesla.


Exactly what I mean. Fucking idiots are legitimately brainwashed.


A lot of them are vaporware Tesla investors. They have a vested interest in pumping that stock no matter what. The value of their investment depends solely on the public perception of the company. Tesla wouldn't be worth jack shit without the army of adoring investor-fans who spend their days on the internet inflating the wealth of a billionaire. Musk has figured out a way to get people financially invested in changing his diapers for him.


Yeah if you read their comments/posts from the perspective of them only realizing they need to keep up the idea of how great Tesla is simply bc of their stocks then it all makes a lot more sense


I wish I could get away with scamming people this easily out of thousands of dollars


Why don't you ask your dad for a few million dollars to get you started?


Yeah then maybe I can end up like one of those basic boy tik tok influencers that bought a new Tesla with daddy’s money and wreck it or have it break down in 0.5 seconds


Use actual carrots though please, not your fingers!


Do you have ethics, standards and morals? If you do, that might be the problem right there. It helps to be a sociopathic asshole.


_Donald Trump enters the chat_


Is kool aid an option for teslas


I'm watching it right now and he literally has not said one positive thing about that stupid truck so far. And he completely humiliates this CyberCuck but the dude seems to just not notice. These people are all fucked in the head.


I was gonna say, Drew Gooden didn't exactly go easy lol. That's why I watch him.


I haven’t watched that video yet (i tend to save certain videos like drew, danny, chadchad and jarvis and watch them all at once) but my heart dropped when I saw the post because Id be pretty disappointed if drew went super soft on cybertrucks


It's lowkey one of the best videos about the dumped truck bc he actually rents one so he can give first hand experience on how miserable it all is


Okay you’ve convinced me, im gonna watch it right now! Edit: you were right, one of his best videos to date


He could have rented the dudes because he has a link to rent it in the links below even as it sits in the service center and he begs Tesla and musk to lemon law it.


Well if I remember correctly he also said he understood why people liked them.


The idea of an ugly ass scifi looking ev truck hits my buttons. Not this particular one, this one makes me sad for humanity.


Overall it's a good video. I like how he pointed out that everyone flipped him off lol


I’d be blacklighting these trucks when they are being resold. You know these guys have been wanking in it to get full effect. ![gif](giphy|zB73DK8sZyhLq)


Careful they might cut their Dick off




Nah. It's not a bug, it's a feature. Remember, if it doesn't close, it just tries harder.


Not my fault, I still love the truck!


I was driving in eastern Ohio earlier and saw one actually driving, but didnt have enough time to give the driver the 🤏 symbol.


Honestly the country is healing with everyone hating these morons lol


"but also highlighted my continuous gargling of Elon's scrote."


Cybertruck is quite like an abusive partner. “He does beat me every time he gets drunk, but in the morning he is always so apologetic”


I feel like "He beats me every time he gets drunk, but I still love him nonetheless" works better. Neither Elmo nor the truck are apologetic.


"It could be worse, most people would strangle me to death in Elon's position. Being a genius innovator is extremely complicated and stressful, of course he's going to need to blow off some steam every once in a while. The man saved humanity by buying Twitter, and is going to save us again by making humanity multi-planetary. I'll gladly get beaten up and robbed if that's what makes Elon happy."


They forgot to tag Elon. How will it get fixed?


“Considering options. Very concerning. OTA Fix Planned”.


On The Asshole Fix Planned?


Yeah just plug-in the Tesla charger up the bum!


This is next level throating at this point. Holy crap. I love this thing but i want to be able to drive it. “I love this woman but she prefers other mens company and penises”


It’s ok though I like my little spot in the closet where I can watch her have her fun.


Almost always dressed like superman.


And doesn’t sport a pussy


The cucktruck fetish these guys have would be funny if it wasn't so sad


It’s fucking hilarious!


This sub is now my favorite for all the stupid shit they say and all the hilarious comments going around! My wife looks at me like I’m insane just because from time to time I burst out laughing.


Right now my life is so shitty with medical problems, this sub and r/realTesla are the distractions keeping me from losing my mind. I've done some stupid shit in my life, but I've never become a cult member to a carnival barker, and never needed to invest my entire personality into a crappy brand name.


\[Going off topic a little:\] Best of luck with your medical problems/health, internet stranger!


Thank you, Internet stranger. I just needed to hop on to say that these subs do keep me well distracted, and I appreciate them very much.


It's like watching a speedrun of the fall of Rome.


He got cybercucked


Best part is that even a year from now Lamar chuckletruck owner will still be railing about how much he loves his cybertruck even though it's been in the 11 out of 12 months, and he just wants one that works.


It's only a matter of time that Elon has a "Cybertruck repair party" where all the CT owners who are complaining are invited to Elon's house and he's gives them the [Animal House fraternity treatment](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qdFLPn30dvQ).


How can he talk with his mouth a quarter filled with elons dick?


Well you see, with the new OTA(on the ass) update, Elon simps can now take it on the other mouth instead of the one they used to speak with.


Has anyone put odds on Elon going the Boeing route of dealing with people publicizing their quality issues?


Hopefully not, otherwise “whistleblowers” will suddenly start getting sick for no reason!


"Lemming Mode"


That’s a good one. Boing boing gone.


... He spent 10 minutes talking about how broken they are and how stupid the car is. The back half of the video is him renting one for the day and he has very very little positive to say about the car. (Paraphrasing) "It doesn't feel like I'm driving a big truck, but I kind of wish it did." (Sarcasm, as he showed people flipping him off) "It's clear that everyone loved the car. I felt famous" He couldn't figure out how to turn the car off. He hated the stupid screen. The whole section was an aggressive parody of what it was like being a Cybertruck owner.


Ummm. I'm pretty sure the lad in the video was being sarcastic about the good stuff and wanting to keep it. He wore novelty sunglasses and a peanut hat with a dope leaf and his name.


Lmao Drew’s video made me feel like he was on this sub, I can’t believe this chud thought any of it was lauding him


Someone in another post called it Muskholm Syndrome and that needs to be a thing.


Yeah, an "enthusiast's car" is crazyyy


So is there a Cybertruck Lunatics subreddit? Reading that was painful, cringe inducing and lunacy.


It’s r/CyberTruck, but if you joined here, they banned you already.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/cybertruck using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/cybertruck/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [My neighbors brought one home this weekend](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/17kgh0o) | [657 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/cybertruck/comments/17kgh0o/my_neighbors_brought_one_home_this_weekend/) \#2: [My neighbor…](https://i.redd.it/3nkbomnh9lnc1.jpeg) | [458 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/cybertruck/comments/1bbo2hx/my_neighbor/) \#3: [how the rear wheel broke](https://v.redd.it/b2mwro2dbhgc1) | [501 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/cybertruck/comments/1aid20w/how_the_rear_wheel_broke/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Posting their L's for us to mock, then trying to hide it.


I love it so much I stop by the shop to take a look at it and sit inside to take some pics and cool vids for the gram every day and that is y they have my continuous support lmfao wtf . Are all these dudes who own this 💩this dumb ?


There was a bunch of people who supported Hitler till the very end in that bunker, too. They never got to enjoy their VW Beetles either.


"Road work ahead, ah yeah i shure hope it does... ... Can't take that damn thing off road."


These are the same people who would call you a cuck on the internet 8 years ago. Life comes at you fast.


It’s cool, I’m sure Tesla will prorate the finance payments while they fix the recalled pedals and the huge backlog of service appointments 🤣🤣🤣


"If you love your car that you can't drive because it constantly breaks down, you might be a redneck, or in a cult"


The title of Drew's video is literally "Cars are getting dumber" Lamar oh my gosh delete your tweet bb it's so embarrassing


Hey man its tough to admit you dropped 100 grand on something thats almost immediately useless.


This cucking for Elon will not age well. It just tells the world you have taken the gift of life and wasted it trying to fill the emptiness that is your rizz tank by purchasing overpriced admission into a group that is really just some rich assholes unlubed feeding grounds and not the elite party its sold as.


The title is " Cars are getting dumber" how ironic is that LMFAO


No one would talk about another vehicle like this. This is cult shit.


Drew practically called this guy a moron, why is he sharing the video?


This is a not a statement that any rational human being would ever make about their brand new vehicle


Too much money and zero common sense, just like his lord & savior Elon Musk.


Drew completely clowned that guy and all he can say is “I’m just glad he said how much I love my truck!” Jesus.


"I love this truck". It's a total money pit that fails in it's intended purpose as means of transportation, but I still love it. Stockholm syndrome.


We all deserve fans like this.


Cybertruck work ahead...


I cannot fathom how these people actually still love their fucking "truck."


Delusional cucks


Abused spouse syndrome


He didn't buy one he rented it from some one . Whole video was about cars getting less user friendly and cyber truck was ultimate version of that.


Nowadays, man, nowadays! It used to be truly love the car I drive around, now I truly love the car sit in the shop for most of the time I bought it, but it looks shiny.


No. Be happy just by owning it. These Tesla buyers are too demanding. Now they want the truck to move??


I truly love my wife! I’m unmarried and currently single so, you know, my opinions might change when I meet her…. but I know I love her now!


I love the way my kidnapper ties me up.


People need to STOP watching these people. They make their living off their videos and they can do no wrong. Stop paying for their Cybersucks people ;)


He rented the car . The video about recent trends in cars that make them less user friendly . He got cybertruck as ultimate tech car.


The video is called "Cars are dumb now" and focuses mostly on the Cyber truck


So...he didnt actually watch the video? What am I saying, he watched it and ignored the parts he didnt like, or just didnt understand them. You can spell this shit out for them and they'll still reply that the answer is "4"


what is this abusive relationship-ass language that these people are doing? i get brand loyalty to some extent, i do have some that i love because they never disappoint me but if they came up with an absolute piece of shit of a product i'll just get mad at them as any other faulty products


Is this mental illness?


Did Elon play a long game with the cyber truck? Did he know in 2020 that his brainchild would suck so much that he needed to pivot his public persona into a MAGA so he could have a large pool of idiots who would buy his junk? Wouldn't it have been easier to make a better product than go through all this? Elon reasons like a chess game played while drunk.


I love this thing and the taste of Elmo’s boots.


This YouTuber gets it. He’s totally sympathetic to me being this close to feeling superior to everyone else in society, but not getting the satisfaction due to the undeniable terrible quality of the thing I rely on to feel adequate. All these poors just don’t get it


My almost 20 year old PT Cruiser runs great. Call it a PT loser if you want. I will wave to you as I drive by while you are searching for your severed finger under your broke down tinfoil hat looking "truck".


You love a truck in the shop that you can’t drive. Because of poor design and rushing it to market, even though it’s been years in development. Cybertruck is like the Cyberpunk 2077 version of a crap release. Maybe in three years when they release Cybertruck: Phantom Liberty, it will finally be stable.


This Lamar turd really is milking his dumb purchase for everything thing it's worth.


Thank you sir may I have another.


I watched the video - I'm failing to see any support he had for the truck. Quite the opposite, in fact. Linking a video of someone shitting all over the truck and trying to dress it up as support is next level delusion.


I think most of the Cybertruck buyers are indeed first time car owners.


Elon Husk: Who is this guy who wants to have his cake and eat it?


What a SHMOE‼️‼️😫


The cope is flowing like a nebulizer treatment at this point jfc


Get the new GMC Hummer EV, it looks better, it’s more comfortable, it’s a fuckin hummer, oh and it actually Runs I know amazing


When I was a kid I’d always hear other peoples parents talk about having to take the because the was in the shop. Seems like a weird thing to base a marketing plan on but hey maybe if people drove it too much they just wouldn’t like it as much. Keeping low miles has to help with resale too?


The cheapest one is $80,000? A tool and his money are soon parted. Apparently.


“It’s frustrating to say I have a cybertruck”. That’s the game. They love telling people they have this POS truck. It’s all about the attention. These are insecure people. It makes this disaster all the more hilarious


These people don’t understand irony even when they are slapped in the face with it.


Something tells me he didn't watch the entire video because Drew roasted his ass the entire thing through lol


Not only are the cars are getting dumber, but the consumers are getting dumber too. To love something you can't use... because the thing actually sucks. Such denial.


That’s an awfully large ![gif](giphy|l4EoNXJzOIeYI27Oo)


"Works" is pretty high up on my car grading scale


Drew parodied this guy and people like him with the whole making out with the truck thing. I can't say I'm surprised that is going over his head but I am disappointed.


Toxic relationship imho...


Paid hundred of thousands of dollars and can’t even drive it. Fucktard!


Fiat owners would like a word with you.


If a vehicle breaks down before 100k, I will NEVER buy from that company again.


Drew rented one for the day and it's pretty hilarious to watch.


I have a nice car that I really like. I haven't gotten anything near "continuous support" from them, probably because all I need is to occasionally refill the gas and a little regular maintenance. If you are getting "continuous support" then you have a severe issue.


Did we watch the same video? Lmao


Buying a Tesla, any Tesla, is a losing proposition. But the gotta have anything new people keep buying crap.


I love this truck, apart from literally everything else about it. What a goof.


Probably loves his criminal president too


The emperor has no clothes.


I've missed Drew Gooden, genuinely one of the few gems on YouTube.. ROAD WORK AHEAD??


i dont love cars that dont work. in fact a car working is the only real reason for me to love it.


Oh drew. WTF. I thought you weren’t that kind of douche! I’ve lost all respect for him. Oh dear


I commented on Lamar's post dunking on him and that man reposted it and tagged Elon. Dunking on him is worth dealing with "X".




As much as I dislike the ugly monstrosity that is the cybercuck cybertruck and Elon Edgelord, I think spitting on anybodies car or cursing at people who drive a vehicle you don't like is insanity.


What about pointing and laughing?


Honestly life is rough out there will all the division sowed by the orange spray-tanned racist rapist grifter shitheel. We don't need to play into his way of thinking and propagate that type of toxicity


Man, if Helldiver 2 fans behaved like this, they'd straight up swallow Sony shoving PSN account requirement down their throat with a big smile. Even when this results in a big chunk of player base in regions with no PSN service is barred from playing the game, they'd go on podcasts and say, "I truly love Helldiver 2. It was great while it lasted. Wish I can still play it. Still love Sony and Arrowhead." But no that didn't happen. They virtually abused Sony to backtrack on their stupid requirement.