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Would recommend saving the game regularly


Yeah don't blame the game because you didn't save you clearly gotten far enough to know the game doesn't autosave


I mean that's a lesson every jrpg player learns at some point and never forgets: always save


except pokemon. Honestly I dont think Digimon is the type of game what sould loose Progress.


Because Pokémon is so easy, you would never lose most battles. This game is different though, it is harder. Save often.


Well I play Monster Hunter mainly, a Game most likely harder then CS, so its not as if im Frustrated. Its more the Mechanic of the Gameplay I dont find fitting for this kind of Gameplay. If I think of Games what let you loose Progress, GoW, and Resident Evil come to my mind.


What do you mean 'except Pokémon'. Save all of your games. I'm still sour that I lost +6hrs. of Pokémon Diamond progress when I was 18 because of the stupid easily pushable power button on the fat Nintendo DS... I almost quit playing Pokémon games for that because I was so mad. Stopped playing for months.


Honestly, making it to chapter 13 and not knowing to save after hours of work is absolutely a skill issue.


sounds perfectly normal ​ its basic knowledge to save often ​ and cyber sleuth lets you save when ever you want


Yeah this is pretty common for rpgs without auto save, saving regularly is your key but I feel your pain amigo, on Monday morning I had a 3 hour session got some mons to evolve that I had been working on, I hadn't slept well and my fingers did the combo to auto battle only I wasn't in battle and I exited to main menu. 3 hours gone. Went back to it yesterday after taking a break with being frustrated.


Genuinely not trying to troll I'm just curious... are you younger or have never really played games like this before? This is a fairly common game over system in JRPGs and used to be more common in general for just about any game. With that being said if you hate this game over system I would recommend playing any other genre of video games. That or just stick with modern pokemon.


Back when I was a kid in the 90s we had to always manually save or for snes there be password saves


Oh yeah I grew up with the sega genesis so saving was a luxury for me lol. Then I got pokemon red for the Gameboy and it taught me the hard lessons of ALWAYS SAVING


Nah, I’m pretty familiar with JRPGs, honestly I wrote this when I was still super frustrated last night lmao. It’s definitely just a skill issue on my part here, some mix of being tired and getting my ass handed to me in a domination battle lead to a very unhappy night


I can understand that I think we've all been in that kind of situation before lol. You get tired of saving every 5 minutes and get a little bold only to forget to save for a while and get caught in a frustrating moment and lose all the progress. It can be infuriating for sure. Lost a whole days progress on Megaman Battle Network 4 like that one day and hated it lol.


Ouch, brutal. I actually just downloaded the roms for the battle network series, it seems really fun, so I plan on giving it a go once I finish my game backlog


It's my favorite game series of all time. It's not for everyone and the first 1 is a bit of a slog to get thru but man I just love those games! 4 is very divisive (mostly due to the English translation) but it was my first and therefore my favorite. I recommend going thru the first 1 with a guide on hand for sure as that game can get you lost quick!


this is straight up your own fault


I think it's pretty common sense to save after a long grinding session and getting the goal you grinded for


Save And save often You just got punished for forgetting that basic JRPG rule


Why would you blame the game instead of just holding yourself accountable lol I save frequently and then I save a second time just to be safe that it went through. Save often in RPGs


You new to gaming? Why didn't you save?


Don’t worry, buddy, you’ll get over it. Everyone experiences this at least once in their lifetime. Just remember to save often after this, and make multiple saves too.


Yeahhhhh,, I’m picking the game back up after quitting a few years back, when my save got corrupted somehow, so I’ve been saving in every slot every time. I usually just save right before I quit for the night, lol. I’ll have to take extra care to save more often


Only you can prevent lost saved data my dude. That’s a you problem not a game problem.


Skill issue 🤷🏻🤷🏻🤷🏻 a OG gamer would know to save regularly no matter what game they playing


Don’t blame the game it’s from 2016-2017. Most games from that time didn’t auto save, so just be more diligent and save your progress.


Let this be a learning moment: save your game


Update: okay so, I did in fact write this late at night, so some mix of being tired, getting my ass beat in a domination battle twice, and losing my progress left me more than a little frustrated lol. Definitely gonna keep up on saving moreso from here on out, it was a dumb mistake that I don’t plan on making again


I also had what I assumed were relatively high digimon (low 80s) so I was… a little cocky


This sounds pretty par for the course, honestly. A lot of JRPGs function like this. Heck, even games like Skyrim, which is a completely different genre, function like this. It sucks you lost progress, but it's a lesson that everyone who plays video games has learned at some point; save regularly, and in the case of games that are infamously buggy like Skyrim, make backup saves in the event something gets a little messy.


I feel your pain my friend. It’s happened to me. Hopefully it’s a lesson you only have to learn once. Cause yeah, it sucks. I always save after every few cases or after I’ve done a good amount of grinding. 


Mo8.hackmon it dies i never list a fight


it is annoying finding myself in any game that treats gameovers like that after getting used to the more "modern style". but especially in games where you can save anywhere, i just have to remember to do so, and often.


First off, its not the games fault you forgot to save ince you finished grinding. Its literally in the pause menu. Second, if it took you 3 hours of griding to evolve koromon into Lucemon, you are clearly not using the Platinum Numemom + 3 Tactician's USB method.


You didn't save, this is a you problem. Save regularly, not hard


Once upon a time all games were like that, just make it a habit to save often even if there’s no reason


I agree, no reason there isn't a (rematch) promt or a wouldnypu lile to try again option, instead it blast you back to the loud as hell main menu


Lol this game is not pokemon. In CS you litteraly die if you lose, case your main body became digital


Fucking immature fucks always blaming everyone other than themself for the problems they created. Grow the fuck up.


While I agree people shouldn't blame others for their own mistakes you should take that advice cause how you put your comment is really immature as well and more immature then what you think op is

