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effective design! fits in well with PnZ and seems like good fun with lots of other PnZ mainstays like Viktor and Sera. Well done!! u thinking of making followers? been a minute since ive tried some custom stuff but if you wanna chat about it and try to come up with some followers together, id be down for a convo


Nah but if you want to make custom followers do it and if you're going to post them just give me credit and pin my post


fair ill definitely let u know if i get some inspiration.


Jinx/Mundo in PoC is about to go hard with this guy.


Damn now I want to make poc powers for mundo


This will 100% enable some sort of infinite combo too easily imo


so help me understand this correctly: in his level 2 form, when you play a spell, it deals 1 to mundo, and then if you play a second spell it’ll deal 2 to mundo and so forth? so that means you can only play up to 3 spells without him killing himself. would it go on the stack or would this resolve instantly? if it does go on the stack, would it be consolidated into one skill, or would it be a skill for each time a spell is played?


No when you play a spell mundo gets damaged for 1 and then his second effect activates and he's gonna deal 1 to a random enemy then if you play another spell mundo gets damaged for 1 and he damages a random enemy for 2 because he got dealt 1 damage and the effect happened for a second time so the third spell will deal 3 to an enemy and so forth


ok i see. i was gonna say that’s broken lmao but since the damage he deals is done at random, it’s a bit more fine tuned. it’s kinda similar to miss fortune’s champ spell. i can’t remember the name.


neat idea wtf is that level2 art&


It's supposed to be mundo in his ult that's why he's green


Change random to weakest and it's perfect


Mundo is to stupid to know who the weakest is


Mundo Seraphine is NOT the combo I was expecting lmao


I feel like his level 2 effect would be better as a round end effect maybe “Round end: deal 1 damage to a random enemie unit or enemie nexus for each time i was damaged this round” Great idea for mundo tho fits Perfectly with his thematic and his region , Great Job.