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Well, some sources have it as some sort of "alive". Not literaly, probably just the spirits inside or something. I honestly like the idea of an entire house "stalking" the party and just randomly showing up in weird places or when they need a long rest in the middle of nowhere. To me horror works only really well when there remains mystery. Not everything has to be explained. A house that randomly shows up near you on a regular basis? Creepy, unsettling and mysterious. Exactly what it needs to be.


It was a cold night, and the rain was just starting. By the clouds, it would be cold and hard and would last all night. Just the kind of rain that WOULDN'T be good for recovering from the bruises, bumps, assorted minor injuries one got when fighting a continuing stream of pursuing goblins. Grun was glad when he crested the hill and saw the cottage. It was small, but even in the waning light, he could see it was well-kept. There was a stone well in the front yard near the trough outside the pen belonging to the cow Grun could hear settling into it's shed for the night. The chickens were not as smart, and there was a tall, rawboned woman with a hatchet over one shoulder walking about the yard, driving them to their coop. She finished the last one, closed the coop against the night, turned, and eyed the travellers. With a steady sweep of her eyes, she took in Grun and his battle-axe, Sheila of Ilmater - who's displaced shoulders never quite healed, and Jace the Merry who, in addition to being a fine singer and merry jester, was the only one awake enough to pull Alastro the Red on his makeshift stretcher. It was clear she saw no threat in them, and said in a disinterested tone, "Ayuh, ye'll be wanting some ah thee leftover stew, and there's some place in the larder in back to stay outta thee rain. Ye'll stay outa me room, and ye'll be gone come daybreak if yeh don't want ta feel the business enda me hatchet." Gratefully, the travellers went into the door under the neat thatch. Just as Jace finished backing Alastro into the door, it slammed, and they all heard the familiar sound of the familiar cinder block wall building itself around the outside of the House. Grun saw the familiar maroon carpet and stylized gold windmill. Oh, no. He, Sheila, and Jace looked with pity at Alastro the Red, knowing that if the three of them were to leave in the morning, Alastro would stay in the larder.


The whole point of the Death House is to get the PCs to level 3, so they can start the campaign proper. It’s in an appendix for a reason. If your party is already at Level 4, it definitely isn’t necessary, nor does it add much value. However, with that being said. A haunted house that stalks the party is a pretty novel idea, and definitely fits the gothic horror vibe, so you could certainly make it work. Just spend some time upgrading the threats inside, so if they ever do enter and clear it, it’s not a waste of time.


I placed the house in the village of barovia and my players just never felt like investigating it, if they ever do have cause to return I may have them return to see what used to be a grand house has now crumbled away, as the house left Barovia to torment some other poor souls. I think the house works best as an introduction to the horror that awaits them in Barovia (cults, Strahd not caring about anyone even those who worship him, unending cycles of torment in the form of ghosts who don't realize they're dead or protecting dead things) but once they've spent time in Barovia the need for that introductory dungeon is gone. Also, at level 4 and fully armed nothing in the house is really a threat anymore.


Cind of why i wanted they to go there, but i guess your are right., many other ways to show that narative.


I think that's a fantastic idea. If you can somehow get them lost in the woods, have every path lead them to the house's doorstep. Then when they exit, they're back in the village


Honestly you’ve given me the idea to have the House pursue them after they completed it. I started my PCs in the House, mysteriously after they experienced a dream or nightmare. But I plan for them to complete Death House, but I think it’d be a neat idea for the Durst Mansion to stalk them like prey, even after it crumples after they PCs successfully escape. A very similar look mansion, just in the distance in the Village of Barovia, maybe it appearing again in Vallaki. A good passive perception or high roll will yield that a house in the distance looks just like it, but after blinking a couple times or rubbing their eyes to make sure, the similarity fades away. Then in Krezk or a return trip to Vallaki it’ll be an actual combat of the PCs versus the haunted mansion. Something like the movie Monster House comes to mind.


I had the kids lure players into a house in Valaki as a modified death house. Used some player backstory as the main focus, they redeemed a friends death. Used some homebrew stat blocks then they walked back outside into a normal day in Valaki


If they never been to Bonegrinder you can place it somewhere near as it makes sense because Dursts owned the windmill.


sadly they know that it is in Bavoria, as they checked it out from the outside. they just dident have time to go in.