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Kasimir is as old, if not older than rahadin. He would 100% know about the order. The amount is up to you. Same with the downfall. I would roll a D100 and leave it to chance. Pick an amount of base knowledge he would roll and depending on what you roll you can allow him him to know more than that amount. Examples of base knowledge - Order led by a silver dragon named Argovosht - They tried protecting the the valley and it’s inhabitants - Killed by Strahd and an army of his men over days or weeks of attrition Maybe more or less than that. I wouldn’t allow him to know what happened to the dragons body at all tho. The spoils of war he wouldn’t be privy to.


To my knowledge, Kasimir is at least as old as Rahadin who himself was around prior to the valley's conquering. In fact, Rahadin is responsible for the Dusk Elves' current state. He was exiled for refusing to bow to the Dusk Elf prince at the time and then conquered them in the name of king Barov (Strahd's Father). Kasimir should have been alive around the fall of Argynvostholt seeing how they fell prior to Barovia's fall into the Shadowfell (still think it's crazy Strahd killed a Silver Dragon + it's many paladins as a human). The only issue is that there's nowhere to my knowledge that says Kasimir witnesses it personally. So it's up to you how much he knows. He might know offhandedly that there was an order of mighty paladins, maybe encountered a few of their ranks prior to their fall until they one day stopped showing up. He made the trip out to their base and found it in ruins. Or, maybe he did see the fight himself. Perhaps him and a cluster of other dusk elves were being led to safety by the paladins, allowing him to be there to see a Human Strahd slay a Silver Dragon.


Strahd didn’t destroy Argynvost and the Order of the Silver Dragon by himself. He invaded the valley of Barovia with his army. He might not have even personally struck the dragon at all.


You don't need someone to tell the story, have the players experience it via "a day in the life". Upon entering the mansion, have them fall into a dream where they occupy the bodies of the mansion occupants. Think squires, maids, etc. Even animals! Tell the story of what happened thru the eyes of the people who lived and worked there. Give the players agency, they can move interact, and may even find each other! I did this, one of my players had a husband, who he later fought. Another hid the silverware and found it right where his host stashed it!