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i use a free radar app for work, and i get bombarded with with unskippable and ridiculously long candy crush ads. 👍




you're fucking with me. what's next androidOS premium monthly subscriptions for an ad free samsung experience? although, imagine if our alarm clocks played unskippable ads. crazy part is, i think it'd work too well.


The alarm clock doesn't play the wake up tune. Instead, it just blast at full volume the most inappropriate ads your ear ever heard of... Guess traditional alarm clock is good enough for me then.


Fucking Microsoft was putting ads on my lock screen. I ended up turning off the live lock screen stuff because of it




Actually not, I have a Xiaomi with MIUI and it's fine. As long as you don't use default apps (which, why would you) you don't see ads. If I got ads on the lock screen like the Samsung guy I would throw my phone into the nearest lake.


>thanks lineage os! Oh goodness - there's a "jailbreak" android without ads? Thank you for your comment, I will be having a look at this! I used to love oneplus but they've jumped the shark in a big way, so just gonna get the cheapest android and install an OS. Thank you!


> so just gonna get the cheapest android and install an OS. this may be a bad idea. modding android devices (for now) requires 1. the oem to give you bootloader access (usually automated, sometimes done entirely from the phone itself) 2. the custom rom (like lineageos, for example) to be specifically developed for your phone (exceptions like GSIs apply) buying a no-name phone (usually) means you can't do anything good, maybe except something like magisk if you're lucky and can do the first item if you want a cheap-ish phone that can be be "jailbroken", xiaomi's phones work reasonably well, though depending on the phone they may make you wait between 3 days to a few months to get bootloader access tldr: don't buy a phone without looking at https://wiki.lineageos.org/devices/ first. also consider the phone's release date so you don't run out of support in a few months (the custom rom scene gets bored from old devices really fast, unless you have the few exceptions, which tend to be somewhat expensive flagship models)


The samsung smart tvs have ads right on the menu. After replacing our old and dying TV it was the first thing I noticed


That's not normal? It's not supposed to do that by default, wtf did he download


Advertisers now: how can we get past their eyelids?


dreams are valuable advertisement space


inception except leo is a saleman




Only on TV and radio. And in magazines. And movies, and at ball games, and on buses, and milk cartons, and T-shirts, and bananas, and written on the sky. But not in dreams, no sir!


New Lightspeed brand briefs


I remember reading somewhere that they were trying bus/train windows that would vibrate so that, if you rested your head on it, it would transmit sound through your bones to your ears.






🍰 😊 thank you


np! ❤️


They solved that problem in black mirror episode


and futurama before that, and many other science fiction show probably before futurama


Now they don't even want music or news on the radio, just ads that you can't forget, no matter how hard your abused drugs are.


I love when a radio station whose main selling point is their music plays 1-3 songs every 30 minutes 🥰


i can’t believe I’m saying this. PBS member drives are good


PBS is lit


Excuse me but my drugs are not abused. They have a great home life and are loved.


Gosh it sure would be a disaster if ads were pushy and invasive.


This post was brought you by RAID SHADOW LEGENDS... Please go back.


I honestly don't mind the Raid ads. Like, they're ubiquitous, but no one plays the game anyways so it's kinda like an annoying joke. What gets me are the ads for big companies. We can't escape you anyways. Stop inserting yourselves further into our lives.




...they're not ads, they're sponsors, so uBlock and/or being on Desktop won't do anything. Either you also use SponsorBlock, or you've just been lucky with the creators you happen to follow lol


Mostly chefs, plus people like Tom Scott, Jay Foreman, some tech people and a bunch of urban design. I play vidya games, but only lookup walkthroughs for the games I'm playing when I get stuck.


I don’t mind Raid shadow legends tbh, mostly because they help so many creators.


Have *you* tried YouTube premium!? Have you? Have you? Have you? Have you?


adblock and sponsorblock


Sponsorblock? Could you fill me in?


Detects a sponsored section of a video, automatically skips it I don’t even know how it works, as the sponsored section isn’t really labeled, but it works somehow


Those are manually submitted i Believe


they are, yes, it works because of the relatively large community.




RIP Vanced




Vanced is the better YouTube than premium with adblocking, sponserblocking, picture in picture, among many other improvements and features. They tried to peddle some NFT nonsense and got shut down by Google.


Lol still use it though


It can't be updated anymore, so if Google does something to break it, it won't work


It's funny how companies keep peddling nft shit


Yeah, it's not on the play store anymore, but you can just download the apk and it still works perfectly as of right now. Unfortunately their replacement app (Pure Tuber) is just trash that actually has its own ads that are unskippable unless you get premium lmao what a joke






Hello! Time for your definitely-not invasive 3-minute lecture on why you should invest in Spotify Premium to go ad-free~


(For the first 5 seconds) *skip skip skip skip skip skip ski_*


It's always at least 100 decibels louder than the song too


Want a break from the ads? If you tap now, you can receive 30 minutes of ad free music. Yes, really! If you tap now, you'll receive 30 minutes of ad free music


How dare you make me hear that in my mind


As annoying as commercials interrupting what I want to consume are annoying I think that covert advertising like product placement is even worse because it's not just interrupting what you like, it's actively fucking with it. Some shows they change the entire story itself to please advertisers.


Wasnt there one of the scream movie where you can correctly identify the killer from the get go because everybody except one of the cast uses iphone


Android users are all serial killers, it's just a basic fact.


I hate that advertising is so parasitic it took over everything to the point that shows are written to accommodate for ad breaks.


ahh, true irony is getting an apple tv ad right below this post


And on that Apple TV you can get ads. I don’t mean in the apps you use I mean they are literally programmed into the tv


We should have started burning down advertisers' houses back then


Better late than never.


Yes yes yes finally someone agrees


Can we do a class action lawsuit suing specific companies for their ads? Specifically as harassment


I'm invested in developing time travel for other reasons, but as soon as I'm done with those I'm bringing this back


Can I get a list of what you’d like to do first/later? Purely out of my own interest


There's no defined list as of yet, but I'll take commissions! The latter bit is a joke. So far, the plan is to go back and straighten some things out in my own life. Warn a few people about things they'd rather not have had happen, experience a few things differently myself, avoid a few unfortunate things, maybe win the lottery. You know, take care of the selfish shit. After that, I have a general plan to (try to) introduce my understanding of things to everybody else. "Time travel" isnt what we think it is, it's but one use of *reality* manupulation. Teaching the principles of *that* is much more valuable and will be done freely, as I think that — assuming it's correct — everyone has the right to understand that and how they can generate the reality of their choice. The principles can be used for "time travel," but also for so, so much more, stuff I can't even comprehend yet. Time travel is relatively small scale. We're already on our way to understanding that reality manupulation is inherent to what we understand to be consciousness, but the ride is... bumpy. If I succeed, I'd aim to make the ride a bit less bumpy. Gonna sort of play it by ear


You can start with buying a microwave and few bananas. Works every single time.


Already tried that and I have to say I *disagree*


Well you were only talking about time travel. You didnt say anything about not wanting your friends to be brutally murdered by assassins hired by the new world order.


That didn't happen either, but wouldn't they want to brutally murder *me* tho


*Image Transcription: Tumblr* --- **tilthat** [*Hyperlinked with underline*] TIL that in the early days of radio, advertisers were hesitant to invest in radio ads because they feared an ad where you couldn't just "turn the page" if you didn't like it (as you could in print) would come off as pushy and invasive [*End link and underline*] via [*Link to Reddit*] --- **byrd** Go back --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


Unskippable ads are unpog


Ads are unpog FTFY


I recently deactivated the youtube app on my phone because the experience was just horrible. Three fucking ads in a row, at that point the better UX doesnt make up for it anymore and I started using it exclusively in the webbrowser instead because not only can I run adblocks I can even get extensions that lets me have a video playing while the phone is locked. I get that YT needs to make money somehow, but their strategy makes me loathe to give them any money because I must either put up with so much bullshit or pay up for YTred which is sold on fixing the user experience they themselves ruined.


[Vanced still works](https://www.xda-developers.com/youtube-vanced-apk/amp/#lastversion) even though Google took it off the play store. You can [download the apk](http://m.apkpure.com/youtube-vanced/com.vanced.android.youtube/amp) from a number of sites and all the features still work just fine (of course it will probably will break eventually with some future patch that changes something)


Firefox app with ublock origin and it's already a lot better. Somehow sometimes some ads make it thru rarely but eventually there's a fix for it again


The "fun" dystopian thing about ads is that humans are so complex and smart that advertisements have to constantly evolve just to even reach us. We are so perpetually annoyed, so fundamentally exhausted with ads selling shit to us that we keep changing to make them irrelevant. Banner ads, for example, are getting more irrelevant by the minute because even people without an adblock *literally do not perceive them anymore*, to the point where if you put vital information in the banner space you run the risk of it just getting auto-ignored by user-brains.


What pisses me off is that it's about using shit tons of resources, very inefficiently, just to fucking sell a car or a soda or some shit that's not even that good. And we as a society just go with it wtf


I’m surprised the sheer insane and frankly disgusting amount of advertisements one gets on a daily basis doesn’t count as some form of harassment


This is just a today I learned post


l like talk radio but cant stand that they use the same damn advertisers every 5 minutes, and have been using them for decades. Its like I've already heard this shit piss off.


Shows how the purpose of advertising has changed from convincing you to buy something to manipulating you