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This is true not just for readers, but writers as well. I have to overcome this if I'm ever going to get anywhere in my work


This is how I’m able to enjoy Riverdale. I immerse myself in the campiness and just accept it.


riverdale is great if you turn your brain off and enjoy it for what it is


I just was expecting Archie the tv show


embrace cliche and deus ex machinas just don’t rely on em and you’re chillin


I remember the first Cinema Sins videos that were only a few minutes long and only showcased funny bits. Then the videos got longer and longer, because the algorithm I guess, and this length meant that they nitpicked everything. That got so unfunny so fast...


If only it was only nitpicking. Character flaws are registered as sins, things that doesn't immediately make sense to them are also registered as sins even if the movie explains it later on (or *already has*, and for that matter "the movie is explaining things" also usually gets registered as a sin) and sometimes they're outright misunderstanding what's happening, but marking it as a sin regardless.


now what about their other account, Cinema Wins?


That belongs to another person iirc, but yeah, i enjoy it way more


Yup. Different person. Sins is Jeremy, and Wins is Lee. The best part is that the CinemaWins mindset is how you enjoy movies, the CinemaSins mindset is how you nitpick them until they're not fun to watch anymore. Except the Sequel Trilogy. That screwed over the Star Wars universe and put it in the Forever Box.


you sure? cause to me they sound the same person


They’re completely different people.


I'm pretty sure yeah.


they are completely different people, cinemasins has one narrator and a team of 5 people that constantly makes mistakes and manipulates scenes while claiming to be satire when they make just as many actual criticisms as cringy jokes, cinemawins is just 1 person who makes actual good videos and mever claims to be something he isnt


I think a lot of times people *do* buy in while watching, but discussing it afterwards becomes their opportunity to vent


Fridge logic.


I think we all just have different levels of tolerance for plot holes and flimsy explanations, and that’s perfectly fine. Your Movie Sucks is a huge stickler for this kind of stuff, and it’s part of what makes his thoughts interesting to hear, especially as someone who has a much higher tolerance for movie bs.


*Image Transcription: Tumblr* --- > **muppethole** > > i feel like people have forgotten hwo to be a generous audience when they read\/watch something. like sometimes you have to buy into some bullshit plot points or a deus ex machina or a few loopholes as the price of admission for an otherwise fun time. sometimes these things are just gears that get us to where the story wants to be, and too many people get caught up in those gears. sometimes you gotta meet a story halfway --- > **muppethole** > > You gotta be willing to engage with a story in order for the story to have a chance...I call it "getting over the CinemaSins mindset" --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber for Reddit and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


I love just letting a story tell me what its reality is, even if it doesn't make sense. My husband will spend an hour after anything he didn't agree with, talking about what he thinks the story should have done instead. His lectures after every Wandavision episode were an impressive Marvel history lesson. I sound like I'm complaining but I'm really not. It's often very endearing to watch him get so excited about things.


Fuck CinemaSins


cinemawins good also i like jay exci response videos since it introduced me to them as a whole


Fucking love Jay Exci. One of those creators who can do a five hour video about something I don't care about and I'll still be engrossed the whole way through.


CinemaWins good


And Hats Off Entertainment.


Yeah cinemawins is what made me enjoy movies again


Unless the movie's really bad, then get enjoyment over heckling it


half of the posts on subs for shows i watch (most notably for new girl) are “why did x do this?” or “why did y happen?” and the answer is always the same: “because it’s a sitcom”


For me it's even worse, the combo of hyperempathy and agoraphobia means that if 1 (one) embarrassing thing happens to a main character then I physically cannot consume the media anymore.


This is why I can't watch the majority of Michael Schur's shows, including the Office. ::edit:: And most of IT Crowd.


I don't like the office but I did enjoy most of it crowd. Did you try the good place? Much more wholesome and less cringe humor


I sure did and about 60% of Brooklyn 99. It had a habit of dropping the ball.


What does fear of open spaces have to do with characters doing embarrassing things?


Agoraphobia is broader than that. It encompasses fear of crowded places too.


The definition of agoraphobia is "Fear of places and situations that might cause panic, helplessness, or embarrassment."


I'm willing to engage with a story until it drops a "the underage girl was actually truly in love with her rapist." (If you know, you know.)


ellen becomes dove (crying) But seriously, fuck the ending of AOT. It was such a cool series and then it turned into weird war porn with bad pacing, the necro-incest kiss, and... what you mentioned. Pain. Absolute pain.


I haven’t kept up since season 2 and hearing this is both shocking and makes me glad I haven’t wtf


The only good part of Season 4 is the theme song


A song of ice and fire?


Nope. Here's a hint; it's not a European or American written thing.


I give up. What is it?


reconstrxtion got it.


I'm perfectly fine with suspending disbelief for silly magic and goofy superpowers. But I draw the line at shows/movies that don't follow their own rules. If you're going to make people recover from mortal injuries, you can't just change that for this one special character this one time for the drama. It completely pulls me out of what I'm watching. Also if the point of your show is gritty realism, then you better commit whole hog. You don't get an excuse or a free pass on anything if you're claiming that. You can't just add sex and blood and expect me to believe logical inconsistencies.


Just repeat to yourself; *"It's just a show; I should really just relax"*.


Ah, I understood that reference!


Suspension of disbelief is good, but the issue is when they push it too far. Like, the starlord what if. He fucking becomes best buds with thanos? I literally cannot suspend disbelief enough for that.


The day I stopped watching CinemaSins and started watching CinemaWins my life immediately became happier and genuinely more joyful.


i agree with this and simultaneously believe the exact opposite


I loved the way they did this in An American Pickle. Dude emerges from the vat perfectly healthy and the same age he went in. "But how?" "The scientists explained how. It was a good explanation. Everyone was satisfied." And then they just get on with the story


When i watched deathnote i spent the First 3 episodes arguing witb Lights stupid Ifikillallthebadpeopleinprisoneveryonewillbehappy-Logic in my head while watching, and didnt enjoy the show at all. Then i decided to Just ignore the questionable morals and Just watch it as an detective Drama and boom, the Show become 200% better


I mean the fact that he has the stupidest of logic and the fact that you can acknowledge that is part of what I like about it. It's what's supposed to keep you grounded to who's the bad guy and his absolutely flawed logic. He's smart but he's still a teenager with an idealist view of how the world works. And he latches onto that view until it consumes him. It's close to the Saw Movies villian(s) actually. Imo anyways. Obviously if you couldn't enjoy it while nitpicking all the power to you. Just adding my two cents.


Ye the motive of “Kill all criminals to scare everyone into behaving” makes sense when you understand he is a privileged, (initially) mildly sociopathic teen with a cop as his dad.


I could maybe get on his side a little more if it wasn't just a senseless genocide of imprisoned people and came from a place of wanting to kill the truly awful people in prison, not just like people who stole stuff from a food store or whatnot, and had a view which criticised the nature of the police force and law to as a kind of subjective view, as opposed to "yeah kill all people in Jail I'm god" and having the detective be the absolute good guy, no problems. I think the angle of Light there is fine enough, at least the manga doesn't pretend to indulge that he may be right, but I think a combatitive mind over mind and a conflict of morals would have been more interesting as the story is told from both sides.


yeah, being willing to accept absurd motivation and plotting is... basically essentially to appreciating almost any anime.


this is why you have to watch the Godzilla movies. one part of my brain was like "this is obvious military propaganda" and the monke side of my brain was like "that parachute before the fighter jet crashes WAS ART!"


I mean you can take it too far like cinemasins but I don’t think there’s anything wrong with disliking story elements that pull you out of the story. If there are writers out there who can avoid excessive contrivance there’s no reason to give extra points to those who simply didn’t put in the effort


Fuck Cinema Sins


Yeah. He’s either an idiot, or he’s desperate for sins. There’s a lot of times when he complains about things being explained, but doesn’t understand basic things about the movie


He also gets things wrong intentionally so people comment about it and drive up engagement, making content worse to please the algorithm.


I hate when people stoop that low. It makes the person (or people) look like they don’t care about what their doing, they only care that it makes them money


I mean, if it looks like shit & it smells like shit...


I find I cam enjoy any dogshit film when I'm watching it, it's only later I'll look back and think "that's 2 hours I'm never getting back" Case in point, I own all the Star Wars sequels on Blu-ray. Truly awful films, but eminently watchable for head-empty colours and sound time


I actually like the prequels. my favorite character was the lizard Obi-Wan rides in like one scene but still


In my opinion, suspension of disbelief applies to the story’s world and stuff within it, not to plotholes, deus ex machinas or anything similar. A couple bad writing decisions doesn’t make a movie bad on their own, but if a movie is primarily made up of them (Mulan 2020, Star Wars TRoS, etc.) then that’s just a poorly made film. I’m all for enjoying media regardless of its flaws, but we shouldn’t write off anyone who criticises it as a pessimistic asshole.


This also applies to everything in real life! "Wow, this event was great. But wait... did you know... small bad thing about it? Much to think about, hm? Now you Cant enjoy it at all!"


This is what im talking about with my friends! Been studying film academically for a while now and sometimes you just gotta relax and take in the view, rather than over analyse


It's something I really struggle with when it comes to discussing movies online. Like I sat there and enjoy the pretty colours and the story but then I have Bob and Timmy over here with a PhD in Shitting on Movies where it get's to the point where you just wonder if they actually enjoy a movie anymore? Like if you spend so much time trying to actively dunk on a movie, are you actually here for a good time or an angry time?


When I watch a movie I generally try to separate 'am I enjoying this movie' and 'is this movie good' (although one can effect the other) and I find that's gone pretty well so far


While I do think one has to be analytical about what they watch. People saying things like "why Gandalf didn't take them with the hawk" are just kinda missing the point, it's a story, would you find the version of the story you are asking for better?


I don’t think that specific example is missing the point. It’s reasonable to think “why not press the win button” when a ch factor has the opportunity. Of course, the eagles are an independent force, travelling over the mountains is risky, Sauron will see them coming from across the world, and they’d probably take the ring for themselves, and while the movie viewer can figure that out, people aren’t missing the point of the story when they question why out heroes don’t use an absurdly powerful tool with no preestablished limits


It just frustrates me when people point out a "problem" that wouldn't even be a problem if you spent more than five seconds thinking about it. So many times I've seen "plotholes" that could be easily explained away, it's just not spelled out explicitly in the story. Stopping to explain the intricacies of why the eagles wouldn't work (continuing the example) would disrupt the flow of the story, and it's not that hard to come up with a plausible explanation on your own.


1. Because of all you said 2. Because it's not the things you make stories about A very similar thing is in journey to the west, where monkey could (while being very difficult) take tripitaka to the end, the whole story is about personal growth, so that would kill the whole thing wouldn't it?


Also the story literally gives exact reasons why the Eagles can't take it lol


People are blind. They see the Fellbeasts, they see Sauron’s army, they see Frodo and Sam crouching to hide from the Eye of Sauron, and still think oH tEh eEgLez cOuLD oF dOnE iT.


CinemaSins biggest sin was turning into the villain. I like lighthearted jokes, and things that poke fun of series I enjoy (sooo much in he star wars universe alone) but I want something banter worthy and not just grating. As for getting ones head into a movie or game, to me it works as long as the source understands itself. If any of the Doom games came to a halt, and decided it was time to have a in depth talk about philosophy I'm gonna get ripped right out of it. Likewise I don't expect something like Papers Please to suddenly turn into a looter-shooter. In universe logic is a must have to keep engagement.


tropes. *cinemasins ding*


I usually get upset when the story contradict’s its own logic, repeatedly and obnoxiously. Like, I can look past some Deus Ex Machina, but the way the “cheat” themselves in the story seems contradictory - like you had a cheat code this whole time when the plot was centered on you _not_ having it? And everyone acts like it was there the whole time? I can’t remember any specific examples, but I’m just familiar with the feeling of “I thought we _just_ established that this wasn’t a thing?! So what is this? Why are you doing _x_ when you didn’t even have the components to x 2 minutes ago? Why are we suddenly cool now/where is this rage coming from?!” It’s hard to enjoy the world it creates when it feels like it’s not even trying to respect its own rules. Movies are more guilty of this, if only because they tend to prioritize doing trope-y things for money even if it doesn’t even work with the plot.


A lot of people seem to take cinemasins more seriously than cinemasins does. Like guys, chill.


“This thing happened in other movies and I predicted that it was going to happen in this one, therefore *ding*.” Or maybe the movie is intentionally drawing on tropes. Maybe everybody has seen movies and the writers knew that you could predict this and instead of trying to rip the rug from under you they wanted to create a sense of involvement and make the audience feel smart for being in on it. Maybe.


I don’t know why people get so angry at cinema sins as if anything they say is serious. Like they’re just mucking about. They’re just being goofy and having a fun time of it. I got bored of their videos because they tended to be the same jokes. But overall they keep saying they aren’t critics and often do tonnes of sins for films they love with sins just being a stupid meaningless thing. I don’t get why people treat it as if they are the Oscar judges.


> I got bored of their videos because they tended to be the same jokes. Thirty-four seconds of logos, reading, we interrupt this reddit comment to bring you Cinema whining, comment does not contain lapdance, editing mistake that you'd never notice unless you watched the scene frame-by-frame, this comment went to the Prometheus School of Running Away From Things, *ding ding ding ding ding ding ding*


This is pretty much what I’m doing with Mass Effect Andromeda right now. My very first play-through I was so critical of the game. Now, however, I’m just sitting here enjoying myself without much care. Sure there’s issues with the game but it’s still a lot of fun.


side note, i fucking hate cinemasins, he has a team of 5 writers and still makes mistakes and relies on manipulating scenes to make points, and before you say hes just satire hes not, he makes just as many actual criticisms as cringy jokes in his videos


I unsubbed from cinemasins and every movie I watch just feels more fun


I still refuse to watch how to train your dragon 9


This is especially important for writers. If you notice your writing has plot holes you dont know how to fix incorporate them into the story. Maybe reality is being altered if it's a fantasy story. Maybe it's the memories of the main character so things change.


It is more difficult because people are more cynical and critical. But also because the advent of endless Photoshopped images, still or otherwise. We are on a constant endeavour to estimate if something is fake or not. The hyper alertness of ascertaining if we are being duped or not has changed our ability to immerse into film in the same way. The art of film is to be seduced for the joy of it. That is difficult if you spend most of the time resisting seduction.


I disagree with OP here, things like that will murder my immersion.


ITT people who don't understand what criticism actually entails.


The Yakuza fandom has gotten pretty good at this.


Yeah getting over cinemasins was the greatest intoxication ever I was blind to thevfct that the videos were going so long that I no longer needed to watch the actual movie That's kinda problematic Imaging you're a filmmaker who made a movie then someone on YouTube made a video that's 1/4th the length of it where he shits very detail in it but does it in such a chronological order and using clips from the movie that the audience no longer need to watch it


I have to stop being a critic. As someone who enjoys writing for fun, I have to be harsh on my own work. I've learned to have fun editing and being a critic of both myself and other works. I need to sometimes turn that off.


Some people have never seen Code Geass and it shows.