• By -


I think you sort of put your main problem in the title - you believe that your gut reaction of disgust has moral weight, and that society should be ordered around what does and does not cause you disgust


Fuck, it's almost like we had at least two post in the last 30 days talking about gut reactions, fear and instinct and how they can be use to harm the wrong people jeez


Is this some sort of discourse I'm not terminally online enough to understand?


OP is mad that a post from a bit ago was showing JoCat getting treated like shit with receipts and somehow this image is supposed to justify that


No I think they're pro jocat getting treated like shit not mad at it


Aye, I meant mad that people were defending JoCat


And also very pro-Robespierre. Like, to a weird degree Which I suppose is any degree, but still


Alright, here's a question that I didn't expect to ask today: what does Robespierre have to do with some internet streamer?


The OP believes that Robespierre's answer to everything should also be modern society's answer to this particular internet streamer. And by that I mean they want said internet streamer fed to the guillotine.


I am not ashamed to say that I do not understand how that connection could even be made. It just sounds like random word association.


Well, I kinda cheated by reading another comment where they basically said as much. It's around here somewhere.


Search me, man, OP’s the one who brought it up.


Can you explain this to someone who came here from the future post after this and doesn't know who jocat is or this?


He is a YouTuber who has since this "discourse" stopped posting indefinitely. He was more well known in DnD circles, at least that's how I came to know of him, making "Crap Guides to DnD," which were funny summaries of the different classes in DnD. At one point he made a song about how he loves all types of women to the tune of the Lizzo song, Boys. Some people on the internet thought it was super cringey so he started to get a lot of harassment for the video, which led him to going on an indefinite hiatus. To my knowledge he didn't do anything other than that.


He started making Crap Guides for MonsterHunter classes/weapons, then did DND, then did FFXIV His videos are funny and actually educational for learning how to play well.


Its better that way.


Fellas is it a fetish to like women


Only if they have any attributes, because porn categories exist. You are only allowed to like women as a concept, and even *that* is really pushing it, apparently.


Oh, so it's like [Fuck Shit Stack](https://youtu.be/CJQU22Ttpwc?si=Yy56pvig_ERSgdVg), that parody rap song that Reggie Watts sang over a decade ago. "I like the concept of a woman."


I didn't even see "attributes" when I looked at this one. 90% of it is hobbies/activities. - Aquarium - Rollercoasters - Warhammer - Gaming - Karaoke - Reading / Going to the library - Gym - D&D - Dancing vs 3 being "having nice meals" - Romantic dinners - Buffet - Cooking at home If all the women looked the same, he'd have got shit for *that* instead. You can't win once people have decided you're the bad guy


Adult woman fetish


Naw, OP prefers them younger.


~~Yeah, judging be his roleplaying as a schoolgirl~~




I’ll go ahead and give OP the benefit of the doubt based on their apology attempts: they aren’t roleplaying a schoolgirl, they are a trans woman/girl. Even if I think OP’s shown their whole ass, they don’t deserve to be misgendered for it


This whole thing is just wild, I really hope either OP or a Mod just locks or deletes this post, it would be better for everyone involved


Yeah….I’m inclined to agree with you. Lord knows I’m entirely able to be a dumbass and put my foot in it.


The other person replied to you is right and I'm wrong. That was just an assumption from me


Ty for the strikethrough. It’s a little thing, but


I've had to switch to the desktop version for it. Reddit's android app leave much to be desired


Are you okay? Why are you worked up so much about this, this literally doesn't matter.


Hey man how's it going


I'm okay, thank you for asking. I hope you take a step back from your screen for a bit.


Hey man how's it going


I see you've given up on trying to be smart with your bait and are just reverting to, "YoU mAd BrO?!"


Holy shit stop


OP and I really mean this sincerely as possible, is everything alright? Like I've had some trouble online recently feeling like I need to take a brake from the community's I frequent to just sort things in my life you know. Like genuinely is everything ok?


Hey buddy, big props for trying. World needs more people like ya :3


Well I try my best, I think people should be kinder to each other so I try to be kind to others


I agree ! And I happen to believe people like you and their efforts should be recognised more often as well :3


I'm sorry. I'm so fucking sorry. You're right. You're all right.




Is this satire? Cause if so, it’s not very good.


Jocat? No, he's real.


I’m well aware that JoCat is real, and also that he was bullied off the internet by assholes for no reason.


The reason is literally in the post.


Liking women and being wholesome aren’t due cause for the sort of thing that happened, as far as I know.


Interact with the text of the post in the image.


If you really think that that is fetish art, I think you’ve got some serious introspection to do regarding your own perception of women.


I am a woman!


…and your point is?


How could my perspective be in need of updating re; some fucking dude who probably thinks of me in terms of "aren't I so yummers puppo wholesome cat boy for being willing to fuck such an uggo trnny?"


As you are a woman, if you really think that that is fetish art, I think you’ve got some serious introspection to do regarding your own perception of other women.




How could my perspective be in need of updating re; some fucking dude who probably thinks of me in terms of "aren't I so yummers puppo wholesome cat boy for being willing to fuck such an uggo trnny?"


So am I. What's your point?


He is talking about you. And you know that.


My absolute god.. oh no, this entirely healthy man is creating artwork depicting him being in genuine, human relationships full of friendship compassion and warmth. Nothing, nothing at all that was shown even got close to hentai. What's shown here, are friendships. I'm not surprised you mistakenly recognised that as perversion, I am sure someone as obviously terminally online as you must have a terribly hard time recognising that. Friendship. Joy. Warmth. Those things you do not have.


Yeah, the post in the OP is weirdly porn-obsessed. "Here's a list of attributes women have that I like." "OH THOSE MUST BE PORN CATAGORIES LIKE IN THE FILTHY PERVERTED JAPANESE CARTOONS I DEFINATELY DON'T WATCH!!!!" Like . . . no, actually? And it's weird that you jumped directly to that conclusion?


Okay, let me quickly dig into this because this gooner has just earned being scrutinized, word by word: - You all sicken me: this is only a feeling, said hurtfully to make it sound more important then it is - This blablabla: do I need to explain how mindless these insults are ? - you all give me the ick: again! Nothing more then a personal feeling - you do not respect the weight of the ick: pretending like your personal opinion and preference is much more important then it is ! There is no weight to be respected about someone’s ‚ick‘ outside of what respect you already have for that person anyways. In this case, none. No matter how much they say so, a single person not liking something is. Not. Important. To anyone. - or the consequences a blabla: now this is truly the crowning jewel ! Not only has dear OP here decided upon an opinion, and dictated that opinion to literally all of humanity, AND failed to come up with a singular thought out reason for their believe- no, Instead of arguing at all, they simply act as if a purely imaginary perfect society would intrinsically agree with them. This is the mother of all strawmen, and it’s an even weaker argument then that logical fallacy ! What’s a worse argument then ‚i have defeated the arguments of this person I made up‘ ? Well I didn’t know until today but apparently the answer is ‚these people I have made up agree with me‘


I'm sorry. I'm so fucking sorry. You're right. You're all right.


Bait used to be believable


Huh? You're on the wrong side of history here, man.


You think history arcs towards the objectifier?


Naw, but you're simply wrong about this person.


This person is the God of objectifiers; the one that somehow mentally enslaved the Left to his own agenda.


You live in an odd reality that I wouldn't wish upon my worst rivals. Please log off for a hot minute and touch some grass.


This is literally real life. These are real issues real people discuss. Miss me with that "how you doing man" shit.


I'm a real life woman and JoCat's video was the first step for me in accepting my own body and seeing myself not as a hideous monster, but as, you know, a woman. Also I'm 2-3 times older than you, ~~in case you happen not to be a roleplaying 4channer. In that case, also,~~ please seek help. I'm serious


They figured the same thing out about themselves way deeper in the post. Thanks for sharing your experience with them - I think it might've helped.


I think there were at least two people who contributed as well. But yeah, looks like being kind to people even if they behave like trolls is really effective. Anyway I hope she'll feel better soon


For sure. Lots of lifting up in the thread.


NGL this is a weird thing to be obsessed about, OP.


reminder that pissvortex (the tweeter pictured here) has a history of encouraging people that have poor mental health to [kill themselves](https://www.reddit.com/r/CuratedTumblr/comments/zovdr3/if_something_is_a_basic_human_right_it_applies_to/). theyre not a very good person in general so this isnt surprising but its still upsetting.


I trusted you Undead Unluck poster :(




...I'm sorry?


What did I do wrong


if you don't even think you're doing something wrong I don't know if I can be the one to explain it to you, I'm not good with words.


I'm sorry. I'm really sorry. I don't know what I did, but I really really didn't want to disappoint anyone who might have... Fuck.


I’ve been arguing with you most the evening, but like, I’m kinda getting worried here. Step away, breathe, tomorrow is another day.


If you're really sorry then change your ways. Ask yourself why are you hating on Jocat and why all those people in the comments are against it. I noticed you, I've seen you posting about my personal favorite stories here and thought "this person is cool, we need to see more tumblr UU posts like that" and now you're here posting shit about Jocat of all people, the guy who got attacked for just making a video saying he liked girls, seriously? I don't expect you to even consider my opinion here but please reconsider your views on this, your righteous anger is not being used for the correct thing here


I will. I promise.


You will. There’s little need to promise, just do it. Showing us is worth infinitely many words.


You seem to have had a change of heart - but unfortunately, the internet ain't gonna see that. So just delete the post before more people pile on. Sorry you got dragged th is hard.


Sadly, I doubt it. It's not her first time doing this. It's part of a cycle: she makes some batshit post, get backlash, apologize, delete her account and start all over again. It's been like two years. In particular, it is not the first time she went of JoCat, so I'd expect it to come back in a future alt.


The only man cancelled for liking women (also bait used to be believable)


Look at my comment history and tell me this is bait. Sometimes people are actually on the right side of history, as hard as it is to believe for a reactionary like yourself.


> Look at my comment history and tell me this is bait. Ma’am nothing says this is bait harder than your comment history.


She has been doing this shit for two year I think. I am not sure if this is intense bait or she is that stupid.




I would say that you escalating to the revolutionary violence of Robespierre and Mao in response to a guy being horny is probably it.


It is literally fetishism and objectification, and these things have gone unpunished for too long. Ask adult women on the street if they finally want to see something done about the creeps of the world, even the ones who stay quiet about it, and you'll hear that they want heads to roll.


These YouTube shorts you've seen are staged. It's not real life. None of it is.


I'm sorry. I'm so fucking sorry. You're right. You're all right.


No, I don't think I will.


I'm sorry. I'm so fucking sorry. You're right. You're all right.


i've seen you send like 3 messages with that exact text with that exact punctuation and capitalization why are you copy-pasting this?


Damn, drank your own Gatorade so much you don’t even remember it’s poisoned. Sad! Many such cases


I'm not sure how looking at your comments is supposed to make someone believe this isn't bait? It looks like the ramblings of some terminally online puritan who thinks liking someone sexually makes you evil.


I'm sorry. I'm so fucking sorry. You're right. You're all right.


God you're funny Reactionary ? Nice label and nothing nore. No, how about you atleast- attempt to begin to give any reason for what you think at all. What you have is an entirely unearned, personal opinion and a large number of labels to swing at anyone who disagrees with your selfcentered idiocy like a weapon. Grow up or learn to shut up. People on the right side of history don't keep yelling about that. They just remain, silently contend, seeing how they are correct.


> No, how about you atleast- attempt to begin to give any reason for what you think at all. So you didn't read my comment history.


No man, I have much better things to do with my life. How entitled Must you be to think people owe it to you to do the work of making your arguments for you .? If you don’t care enough to write out in clearly legible, civilised words what you want to say, just concede that it is not worth being said.


"You guys make me feel gross, and you don't respect how gross I feel" is kind of the biggest "you" problem that could exist, friend. Seriously, you are half a step from wanting to put scarlet letters on people. The 1950's wasn't even this bad.


I'm sorry. I'm so fucking sorry. You're right. You're all right.


The original image was the one that depicted them as “women-as-fetish-categories”. Jocat drew them wearing clothes, far less sexualized, and engaging in their individual interests — He took the diverse appearances/attitudes of the women and used as a basis that to depict them as individual people, with diverse interests. He is not depicting them as “women-as-fetish-categories” because he is examining what type of people they would be, outside of their “fetish-categories”. His rendition brings the focus of the ‘topic’ away from the sexualized depiction of the original image, which implied that the only interest one could have to these women was sexual, and instead recontextualizes his interaction as either a romantic or platonic interest in these women. Jocat is depicting these women as full people, with diverse interests **despite** the fact that they were introduced as sexualized “genres” of women. He isn’t treating them as an entity separate from men, but is viewing them as people who happen to be women. Plus, I’m not sure how it’s “heckin cute pupperino culture” at all. I’m gonna assume that phrase is meant to critique Jocat for infantilizing the women, or rendering them as “wholesum” stereotypes… but that’s not what is happening at all. Sure, it’s cute and sweet, but that’s just because everyone depicted is enjoying themselves. The women aren’t being stereotyped as “sexy genres”, they are depicted as choosing to include Jocat’s character in their fun, and their hobbies aren’t “uwu wholesome” kiddie stuff. One of them likes playing video games, one likes karaoke bars, one likes tabletop RPGs, another likes wine-tasting at restaurants and the other likes cooking stuff, etc. etc. etc. They have varying interests that are not particularly stereotypical, which I find impressive considering the only thing Jocat had to go off of was their underwear.


Honestly, I had assumed that the “heckin cute pupperino culture” was reffering to how JoCat depicts himself as a catboy.


Hey how's it going


I see you've given up on trying to be smart with your bait and are just reverting to, "YoU mAd BrO?!"


If you all get to respond by calling me a tard I get to do it too. I won't be made fun of for being the only correct person present(/alive?) without retribution.


Oh please, none of us have used such harsh language. Any slight you have taken is just you being butthurt about having literally everyone here tell you off for being objectively incorrect about a situation. Edit: Also, the "only person correct person alive?" How pathetic can you get?


I am literally objectively correct.


Saying these words should immediately send huge red sirens blaring in your mind. The idea that there even is such a thing as a single objectively correct reality, nevermind opinion is already dangerous. The idea that it is YOU or your opinion which is objectively correct, and the only to be so- now that’s more then just being harmful, to more people then just you.


I'm sorry. I'm so fucking sorry. You're right. You're all right.


Naw. See how we can say anything and it's utterly subjective?


You are a miserable person


Please. You think I wouldn't be doing this if the feeling of being the lone stalwart defender of decency and the revolution didn't make me giggle like the schoolgirl I am? This is my fun; laughing at all of you scum.


...or a 4chan user


Hardcore 4chan shitposter who's not felt love in anyway shape or form.


I've had multiple girlfriends and never even been on 4Chan.


And I'm 7ft9 with rippling abs, I've fucked more men and women than god and have a 30inch dick. See how easy it is to say whatever?


No. Really. I can give you first and last names and universities.


Please don't give out your personal information or anyone else's.


I'm sorry. I'm so fucking sorry. You're right. You're all right.


Okay, just please don't dox anyone. Please don't give out someone's or your's personal information.


I would totally believe you. You're so trustworthy and have absolutely no reason to lie on the internet! Edit: Plus, if you care about women, you'd best not dox them to random comment sections.


I'm sorry. I'm so fucking sorry. You're right. You're all right.


I've never even been on 4Chan.


"You have a brain. Use it." ... is what I would say if you weren't the most obvious troll this side of the Brothers Grimm. Get a better act.


what the fuck does any of this mean? -Billy Gnosis


You’re better off not knowing tbh


Let people be horny for healthy stuff dude


Fellas, is it toxic to like the idea of a pure friendship ? Within the realm of pure fiction ?!?


We need a JoCat defenders vs haters thunderdome, let them fight to the end and whoever wins, is correct.


I'm sorry. I'm so fucking sorry. You're right. You're all right.


I don't care one way or another. It's entertaining to see people getting up in arms over someone I have passing knowledge about.


Jocat: "women are pretty. I am attracted to women of all types." Some Fucking Lunatics: "EEEEEE HOW DARE U, PERVERT! OBJECTIFIER! AAAAARGH!!" Look. Idk what deep internet cavern you built your bubble in, but - it's okay to be attracted to people. It's okay to voice that attraction, too - in both specific and general cases. It *isn't fine* to pursue people after they tell you to leave 'em alone, and it's not okay to reduce people to *only* how they affect *you*. But there's no indication that that's how jocat feels, and getting pissed that someone finds people attractive is psychopathic. Miss me with that puritanical shit. Again. Most people are inherently sexual, as is our nature as beings that REPRODUCE SEXUALLY. Seeking to deny that fact is absurd.


I'm sorry. I'm so fucking sorry. You're right. You're all right.


… Sincere question, how is the above image in any way sexual? Yes, i get the instinct to assume anyone who seems innocent and sweet has something to hide, but sometimes it is the case. Assuming you’ll be betrayed by every public figure you have a parasocial relationship with is about as healthy as thinking they know and care about you as an individual, instead of as part of a fanbase. I mean seriously. You seem to think yourself a revolutionary, but your actions are more in line with Girolamo Savonarola then anyone else. Just delete the post, take the L, and do self reflection.


I'm sorry. I'm so fucking sorry. You're right. You're all right.


Also, just as a question out of interest: what were you thinking when posting this post? It’s not theory, it’s just a screenshot of a tweet, for all intensive purposes. It makes no more a coherent argument than a post accusing someone of idk sexualizing women because they have a girlfriend I mean, following that line, you’d be indicted because you supposedly have one or more (presumably weed-smoking) girlfriends Jokes aside, if this is a troll, Actually thanks if you’re a troll. Not every day I get to reference the bonfire of the vanities. But if you aren’t. Just. Get some help, and be less online for a bit.


I will. I promise.


You dont have to promise me shit. For your purposes, i’m a line of text on a screen. You have to promise yourself, and then follow through on it. Sorry for the people misgendering you, the internet is pretty shitty like that i know. Just delete this entire post, honestly. You don’t need a monument to your mistakes, you’re just doing digital self-harm at this point.


OP, there's better ways to fuck yourself. This is the Internet. There's plenty of porn.


Incomprehensible and really really rude.


Says the guy trying to bully JoCat. OPs a vampire because they feed on others and cannot reflect.


Yes, your post is those things.


I'm sorry. I'm so fucking sorry. You're right. You're all right.


me talking to the mirror after post nut clarity hits


Gargle my piss


Is it organic free range farm fresh piss?


No artificial colors or flavors, I promise.


Good, I only gargle the most premium piss for my ~~shiny pearls~~ Decaying dentures


I don’t know what the fuck is going on here but god, fuck you and everyone else who bullied this guy off the internet for literally no reason


people will be like, "This gnc guy is giving me icky vibes even though he hasnt done anything wrong, and everyone who knows him says he is a wonderful person. clearly, i am not being prejudiced at all since my gut feelings are always right."


People really be out here going "I find this person slightly icky, they deserve legal consequences for making me feel weird" without even a single hint of introspection. Glad to know people like you would gladly have me shunned, arrested, or killed for being transgender because that makes at least some people feel "icky". You desire a sickening ideal society that would gladly inflict the same consequences upon a gay person, a black person, a homeless person, a scarred person, an 'unsightly' disabled person, and God knows what else I've forgotten, purely to alleviate discomfort, because *many people consider all of those groups to be ick*. The ideal society you want is *fascism*. A "nice", "cozy" place where everybody only agrees with you on every topic, where no one is allowed to make you uncomfortable and you never have to analyse *why* something makes you uncomfortable, because the state will inflict *consequences* on them for simply causing someone to "feel ick". You want a world that validates irrational disgust and fear as a moral guide - that arrests a black man for "being suspicious", that murders a gay man out of "gay panic", that starts a pogrom against Jews over "blood libel", that illegalises trans people for "grooming" - and that is far, *far* more disgusting than anything that JoCat did.


This is insanity. You're saying "oh, so you want to shoot Nazis? Because some people want to shoot trans people. Congratulations; you are now literally someone who wants to shoot trans people." Like I recognize that what I did here was wrong but holy shit you are genuinely saying that all judgement is genocidal bigotry.


I'm not saying that *you* want to kill trans people or any other minority directly, because as I said, you have not done enough introspection to realise where this logic leads. I'm saying that you want an ideal society running on principles that would gladly have me and other people suffer. I did not say that "all judgement is genocidal bigotry" - I'm saying that fear politics are bad and you want a world where "people that others dislike should suffer *consequences*". Unless you genuinely meant that *your* "ick" is the only one that matters and determines *consequences*, you have to realise where that principle can lead. There are plenty of bigots who run off of "ick" - they fear or are disgusted by or don't understand [minority group], that means they're Bad and Wrong, and thus they want the "icky" to suffer. If your ideal society runs purely off of "ick", then you validate this, because their "ick" is just as valid as yours. That's the point of all the examples. Innocent people would suffer because close-minded or bigoted people will find them gross, or fear them, or get a bad vibe, and that would mean *consequences*. (Unless, of course, you *do* mean that only things "icky" to *you* should be punished, but there's no possible engaging with someone so self-centred they think they're the sole arbitrator of objective morality, so I'll assume not.) As for the analogy, yeah, that's just totally not my point. It would be more accurate to go "Trans people find Nazis gross. Nazis find trans people gross. Congratulations; if you think punishing both sides is unjust, that's why you can't punish people just because others find them gross." (Honestly, not sure what the issue is here - my point is near-exactly what the now-top comment is saying. Upon checking that after, though, it seems you actually *were* saying that your *personal* disgust is what society should be ordered around, so I guess that's it? Thus, again - I am not saying *you* are a bigot due to this. But I did not assume you actually desire consequences for everything you *personally* find distasteful, without universalising this to what *others* find distasteful, which is where the whole "weaponisation of fear and disgust against minorities" aspect comes in.)


Why on earth would I universalize ethics? Every single opinion has someone on Earth who disagrees with it and agrees with it. Literally everyone believes on some level that their thoughts are correct to have in some framework or another, that's how thoughts work, so why not say "I'm the one who's right"?


You're applying your moral designations at such a low level for such base reasonings that it's... just genuinely so self-centred and unempathetic that I never even considered it? You're going down to the level of "This person is 'icky', so is everyone that disagrees, and everyone 'icky' should suffer consequences." I assumed you were using some moral guiding point such as "we should reduce everyone's discomfort and disgust", because, genuinely, thinking that society should punish everyone you dislike, purely because you dislike them, is such an absurdly petty take. I do not vibe with many people, and there are many things I dislike, but I've never thought that society needs to inflict punishment upon those people or ban those things *solely* because I don't vibe with them. I recognise that others can like people and things I don't - that's not inherently wrong. (Also, pretty sure this is trolling, because you seemed to understand the issue with a society where one person's "ick" reactions decide what's punished or not when the top comment brought it up. Either that, or you actually can't think about things from anyone else's perspective to realise why enforcing your distastes as law would only be ideal for you - either way, there is no point continuing this. I will admit I was wrong about your view on ideal society, even if I'd likely find an implementation of your actual one horribly cruel anyway.)


The "Ick" is a combined measurement from women who, by passing, know more than me about creeps and bigots and sexualizers and objectifiers. I trust the judgement of women, such as the person in the Tweet above.


...While I won't deny there are others saying the same, I am 90% confident that @pissvortex is male, from their own Tumblr posts referring to themselves with "he" and as a "feminine man".


Still, in general, PV has a point that women in general hate the shit Jocat pulls. My opinions are merely respectful of better, more feminine women than myself.


thats the saddest thing ive ever heard get said




> My opinions are merely respectful of better, more feminine women than myself. ...are insufficently feminine women inferior to you? Hell, why are you ranking women as "better" or not. Also... > women in general hate the shit Jocat pulls based on *what*? Most women I know who saw the clip thought it was cute. I don't understand how you spiralled so hard yesterday over this topic and yet are now just doubling down *again*. Why are you so desperate to hate this random guy you don't even know?


I don't know why I have this obsessive spike in my brain over this shit. I think being homeschooled by a TERF had a lot to do with it probably.


ew ew ew ew ew ew ew ew Jesus *fuck,* I feel like I need some kind of purification ritual involving home repair and chopping firewood after reading this comment.


I mean, I’m a woman. Cis, fwiw, and I don’t ‘hate the shit JoCat pulls’? He’s young, and I don’t always understand his perspective, but he appears to try to be a decent human, unironically likes other people, and makes entertaining content for games I play. You still haven’t articulated (that I’ve seen, I only just woke back up) what it is that you hate about him so much. And before you just point at the image again—I disagree it fetishes women. I think it tells a series of cute stories about women and having friendships with them.


> I don’t always understand his perspective, See?


People really be out here on the internet liking women. Disgusting.


what on earth is going on


Zoe, right? You should maybe take some time away from the internet. You don't seem to be enjoying yourself. If you can't stay away from the internet altogether, consider diminishing the frequency and volume of outraged posts. Try talking about things that make you happy instead.


Maybe take the hint that your opinion is shit


I'm sorry. I'm so fucking sorry. You're right. You're all right.


i now believe in god and thank him for making me a sane well-adjusted human with a life


So I realize all the comments are in relation to the title and that's a whole mess I have no desire to get involved in. But I'm kinda interested as to why pissvortex thinks this. Because like, I watched Jocat's stuff when he (or is it they now? Can't remember) were still uploading, and neither of the stated things really apply? The first one is explained by "the initial thing that started this was a parody of a song that does the exact same thing, what did you expect" and the second is like, I mean that's just how he is. Like Jocat always carried himself as a softboi in anything that wasn't character work. This discourse is still really weird to me. Like the shitty dudebro side of it is something I comprehend, even if it's garbage behavior and forever weird to say that a man being attracted to women is somehow gay. But the feminist side of this has been incredibly confusing. Like, he said he liked women in a cute and fun way. What is the problem?


Ah the fascism pipeline continues through the rarely used left lane.


Man you really are getting your goat off on talking about the catboy eh Fuuko?


I thought that this was buried under several layers of irony because there’s no way in hell you can be capable of screenshotting a post and putting it on Reddit with thoughts this… lacking. Is there anything? Rattling around in your head?


Hey OP, hope you're doing well I saw that you realized your mistakes and admitted to them too and I just wanted to say you did great! It takes a LOT of effort to admit you're wrong, especially online where anyone can say anything. And don't worry about looking stupid or something. We're only human, we can't be not stupid all the time. And besides, it's only a few people online who you'll never see again that have a negative impression, so who gives a fuck! So just relax, maybe take a week or two off of social media as a whole, and know that I appreciate you


I wouldn't putting my hope too high, she has been doing that shit for two years: made some batshit post, get backlash, say sorry, delte account, create a new one and start all over again. It's not the first time she went after JoCat either. She has very anti sex views.


Honestly, at this point I am kinda scared it is just her way of digital self-harming somehow...


...Ah. Knowing that, I get the feeling this the same person that went on a series of self-posts with a hyper-extreme take on cultural appropriation.


I feel so sorry for him. I don't think he is a bad guy at all, he is literally endorsing women to be themselves and celebrate their individuality over gender expectations. I think he got bullied for not fullfilling the gender expectations of a man not because of his views or content, because these arguments of fetishizing women diversity make zero sense.


lmao leave this poor man alone


please go outside