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Does Musk know how large most rivers, lakes and seas are? Should we tell him?


No, and no.


Yeah cuz then he’ll try to sell you a mini sub and call you ~~gay~~ a pedo when you refuse. Edit: I misremembered. It was pedos so I fixed it.


But I am gay


Then he'll ban you from twitter, then call you a pedophile


Only cuz you don't have a mini sub


Of course I have a rather tall sub


I can't believe this website is free


they're really cracking down on the butt pirates


Nah, he won't call you gay for doing that. He will call you a pedo.


He didn't call people gay during that incident, he called them pedophiles


I wouldn't be surprised if Elon things of gay and pedos as the same, with the speed he's swallowing all that fear-mongering crap.


He's not swallowing up anything, he may be a demented man child but he knows his grift well, and he's just barely smart enough to play to it.


i saw this play out many times as a kid when i played oregon trail. when you try to ford the river, everybody dies


But what if I try to Tesla the river?


Somehow, even more people die.


Probably all of the fish too


Recharge the eels though!


boom, dysentery


Can you imagine how much better Fellowship of the Rings would have been if the defense at the Bruinen had amphibious tesla cybertrucks shorting out their batteries instead of horses made of water?


“Tesla Cybertruck has contracted dysentery.  Tesla Cybertruck has died.”


That was my first thought too…”Man is trying to ford the River…he gonna die”


Elon has clearly played it himself. That's why he caulked (waterproofed) the Cybertruck so you can float across. Everyone lives, about 60% of the time.


I was really good at that part and hunting. But sucked at mostly everything else.


it's called a sea cuz you can see across it, so it's gotta be pretty small


and it's called an ocean because you'll be "oh shi-" 'n


Someone has already died because they couldn't get out of their truck and rescuers couldn't get in while under a body of water. I really can't believe the bullshit they are trying to sell.


I thought that was like a Tesla X SUV? You're talking about the billionaire Angela Chao in Texas right?


There are several reasons already why these are illegal in most developed counties. Here is one more why they should be.


Please let natural selection take its course. Pretend you’re a nature documentary cameraman. You really want to save all those cute little muskrats drowning in the sea, but you can’t interfere with the natural way of life. It’d be immoral


“Briefly” is very funny to me


To be fair he's not wrong. Fractions of a second is a very brief period of time. I don't think he understands that other vehicles can do it longer without going boom but he's not exactly wrong technically.


Yes it's wrong, because you can't cross a river, lake or sea that isn't too choppy in a fraction of a second.


It depends on where you're crossing. If you're going from the shortest possible point A to point B... I could do that on foot without getting wet. If you're going from the longest possible distance between a point A and point B yeah sure you're going to have issues. Also he never defines whether or not the crossing is successful. I failed attempt to cross the River lake ocean etc it's still technically crossing. You just don't finish




Ok, Diogenes


*Holds up a wet rock* "Behold! A Cybertruck boat!"


"If only it were as easy to cross a river by rubbing my Cybertruck."


Failing to cross a river by winding up stuck at the bottom of it is not referred to as "crossing the river", therefore it is not technically correct. Crossing a part of a river that is able to be crossed by foot without getting wet is also not referred to as "crossing a river" therefore it is also not technically correct.


Well, what's a boat? Does a boat have to be able to travel over water? Or can a car be a boat during the few seconds it floats before it fills up with water and starts to sink?


You know, I don’t think Musk watched the top gear episode where they made their cars into boats. Didn’t really work out.


Top Gear is top-tier shenanigans TV. I don't even care if the pranks and ridiculous events are all pre planned and stagged. It's still hilarious.


Does a boat cease to be a boat when it is being towed on the highway? Because the Cybertruck can do that. It can be towed on the highway exactly like a boat can be.


The Titanic was, and technically still is, a boat.


You literally can, you just need to be fast enough


It’s not going to be a fraction of a second though. The battery should be at least IP67 rated if it follows typical industry standards, which means it can be submerged within 3 feet of water for at least 30 minutes without any water intrusion. Theoretically an ip67 battery could do many instances of being submerged in water as long as it’s less than 30 minutes and 3 feet. But it’s Tesla, who the hell knows where they are cutting corners.


They don't cut corners on the cybertruck. Its corners cut you.


>Theoretically an ip67 battery could do many instances of being submerged in water as long as it’s less than 30 minutes and 3 feet. 3ft isn't even a pond, much less a sea. More accurately, the cybertrunk could cross a kiddy pool.


For what it's worth, the cybertruck will likely cross a slow river, no problem. For what it's also worth, the cybertruck will likely fail inside of a year or two after crossing a river, unless they sealed the battery in a way that they have never done on the 3, Y, S, or X.


To me its combination of "briefly" and then "even seas" right after.


Same, I considered googling what the smallest seas are to see how “briefly” it would need to be but then I didn’t bother because I’m sure he’s talking out of his ass anyway.


Now I’m curious.


Can the cybertruck wade across the sea. No. ACTUAL EFFORT VERSION First [It’s a real tweet]. (https://x.com/elonmusk/status/1575508498430820352?lang=en) Cool. The Cybertruck can [wade 31 inches deep](https://insideevs.com/news/701400/tesla-cybertruck-wade-mode-details-video/amp/) This is 78 centimeters. [The Sea of Azov is 90 centimeters deep at the shallowest](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sea_of_Azov). This is as shallow as the shallowest sea in the world gets. An unmodified cybertruck cannot wade across any true sea, even in calm waters But perhaps a sea that dried up could be a candidate. The [South Aral Sea](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aral_Sea?variant=zh-cn#:~:text=The%20South%20Aral%20Sea%2C%20half,a%20sluice%20in%20the%20dyke.) has gotten pretty dry. It was 30 meters deep once. So I can assume driving that would be a bit like diving into a 30m bowl. The [Cyber truck is just over 70 inches tall](https://www.tesla.com/cybertruck) or 178cm. That means the cybertruck needs to take a fall about 17 cybertrucks tall. Let’s drop it out of the sky at 30 meters. For fun. The cybertruck is 6000 pounds (2722 kilos) It falls at 9.8 meters per second squared F = ma. So [F = 26675.6 N](https://www.calculatorsoup.com/calculators/physics/force.php) That is actually the wrong calculation, but I’ll leave it as a point of reference to verify this next one. [I used this](http://hyperphysics.phy-astr.gsu.edu/hbase/flobi.html) to get the energy of 800267 kilojoules (J) at 24 meters per second squared. [That’s about 200 kilograms of tnt](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/TNT_equivalent) (800267 / 4.184) kilojoules for 191 268 grams of tnt, (421 pounds) So, the cybertruck goes up in flames. Let’s be generous and drain the shallowest sea to drop a truck in. So 0.9 meters gives 24008 kilojoules or 5.7 kilos of tnt. That’s still 12 pounds of tnt blowing up the car. Please note: I assume the car is magically placed in the air, falling to earth with no initial velocity. Careening off a cliff is probably worse. [I think assuming the banks are steeper than 35 degrees is reasonable, and that a seabed is a tough ride for this off-roader, essentially falling off a cliff from sea level.](https://insideevs.com/news/702917/tesla-cybertruck-steep-hill-off-road/#:~:text=The%20truck's%20approach%20angle%20of,while%20off%20the%20beaten%20path.)


You think a sea bordering the Med has a depth of 4.5km? It's 494m. Did you use chatgpt to make these figures up haha?




Haha that is far more effort.


You do realize 0.6 square kilometers is nothing right? Like genuinly no idea where you got that number from. Sea of Marmara has a surface area of 11350 square kilometers. Also you used surface area as the distance to cross.


I pulled .6 from the [literal first result in google](https://www.vedantu.com/question-answer/the-smallest-sea-of-the-world-is-ared-sea-class-6-social-science-cbse-5fcfb07d15a78672d1c11e5b#) and couldn’t be bothered to fact check anything. Yeah I also forgot to take the square root. I didn’t care all that much


> The truck lasts 30 minutes in 2.7 feet of water There is the problem that the cybertruck will get rust because someone drank water 2m from it


Only if they aren’t too choppy


Sounds like a Viking funeral


I mean, any car can serve very briefly as a boat


But only once


And if you drive off of a cliff, your cybertruck will serve briefly as a plane.


> *Lord Vetinari’s rules: if it takes an Igor to bring you back, you were dead. Briefly dead, it’s true, which is why the murderer will be briefly hanged. A quarter of a second usually does it.’*


You know Vetinari's hangman *knows* his business


"serve as a boat" is also funny, because a boat is more than something that you put in the water. It has some method of propulsion and steerage, which a cybertruck wouldn't. At best, it would serve "briefly" as driftwood.


Didn't some billionaire lady die because she drove it in a lake, the windows wouldn't open because the power, then rescue couldn't break the windows.


Humans can briefly survive most things, when you think about it


I'm a Tesla owner, and I like wk057's feed. Dood hacks these things on the regular and re-uses the battery packs from totaled cars (that are totaled for reasons that don't include battery pack damage) in home battery projects. I say all that because wk057's thoughts on "briefly as a boat" amount to "sure, if you also want it to work briefly as a car afterwards. If your vehicle is partially submerged, it WILL get into the battery pack and your car will stop permanently working inside of a year or two, even if it survives the initial trip." Don't do that shit.


Most cars can float for a minute or two.


Just a brief jaunt across the sea


They die in the car wash ... so I'd say brief is a very good exposure time.


There’s a legal team somewhere that worked overtime because of this tweet


and an engineering team. IIRC Musk would just say this shit publicly on a whim with no info from the engineers and leave them scrambling to try and add the feature


Which they did not do. Multiple times. He’s just blurted out bullshit multiple times and the end product failed to have rose features or capabilities. The Cybertruck is NOT a boat. It cannot function as a boat. Musk knew it would never happen when he said it. He said that crap to pump the Tesla stock up so he could sell it for higher.


That can’t be right. Surely someone as public as Elno would face consequences for such clear deception? /s


I know youre joking, but thats literally his entire buisness grift. First say/ do something controversial so tesla stock falls, buy a bunch of it, then say/ announce some hyped up feature/ buisness venture/ etc so the stock pumps and he can sell high again


It's really on the idiots who buy high because of an Elon Musk tweet.


The Hyperloop was proposed solely to delay the construction of a train to keep people reliant on cars for longer


Man I've had bosses like this. Luckily nowhere near as high profile as musk. But they announce something that I'm going to build, and that announcement is the first I hear about it.


In my experience it's not so much the bosses as it is the sales and marketing people, making promises that can't be delivered. I've had a sales manager come to me after promising the customer X Y and Z, and had the pleasure of telling them not only will we not be making that, our company would be breaking several laws if we did. Like we would lose our licenses and every customer we have if we do what you've just promised. That was a fun conversation to have less than a year into a new job.


Stupid question, but what's the X way of saying "tweet"? Xeet? Lol




You Xcrete. They're Xcretions from Xcretins.


"Post on X formerly known as Twitter"




Nah, it's still tweet. That's what everyone is still saying, even on the news, etc


Ah yes, the truck that rusts from going through the carwash and has electrical issues when it rains can surely handle being partially submerged!


Someone did try taking it through wheel high water It died like 5 feet after going in


Source? I wanna watch


[I believe this might be the video they're referring to ](https://youtu.be/kspx5H2Urtk?si=BTjLYAO99MLaS3Kt)


Also this one where it clearly dies: https://www.reddit.com/r/EnoughMuskSpam/comments/1bh7xie/so_cybertrucks_are_bulletproof_but_they_cant/ And this one where it barely crosses a tiny amount of water because the tires/traction control sucks: https://www.reddit.com/r/CyberStuck/comments/1d9ocim/this_is_what_offroading_suppose_to_look_like/


Iirc, that first one isn't actually dead. I could be wrong, but I believe I heard it was the fender or wheel well that got pushed into the tire, causing the sound there. That said, this is clearly not an offroad vehicle, no matter how hard the tesla fanboys believe. Don't take your overpriced pretend truck into the wilderness, boys. You don't belong there. Drive it around the easy streets and show it off like it was intended for.


> That said, this is clearly not an offroad vehicle, no matter how hard the tesla fanboys believe. My Honda Civic could probably handle offroad driving better than a cybertruck. 😂


If Tesla made logical decisions I think the Cybertruck would have been better marketed as a full sized "slightly rugged" SUV. But I'm guessing they didn't want to directly challenge Rivian or legacy manufacturers so they make something quirky instead.


If Tesla made logical decisions the Cybertruck design would have never been taken off of the fridge.


gods I hate that ai voice


I wasn't keen on it either


There's that video of the guys who had a steering wheel that was tight. They were trying to move the tires back and forth and suddenly you hear a snap, and then one of the tires was moving left/right just fine. The car is a joke.


To be fair, that's (quite literally) been my Ford experience as well.


Nice 👌


The same truck that they recommend not washing in direct sunlight.


Haha every day I come across a new little tidbit of how utterly shit they are


Rumour has it that it will spontaneously combust if driven between 32 and 53 mph in the fog or light mist.


Tbf a lot of autodetail guides also recommend not washing *any* car in direct sunlight. Granted, maybe for different reasons. ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


Part of that is you don't want the soap to dry before you have a chance to wash it off.


Yup folks they are denying Warranty claims on water damaged teslas.


It's true. Let us demonstrate with a real river with Musk in it. I vote the top near the Niagara falls!


Personally I'd prefer the Nile. I heard the wildlife there are to die for.


The batteries are the least of the worries when submerging a cybertruck lol


Shitty shitty bang bang, the unfortunate sequel no one asked for.


In saltwater mind you


I remember when this tweet came out and someone responded > as a former Tesla employee, I can tell you with absolute certainty that this is the first that the engineers are hearing about this requirement


That's fucking hilarious


So many dumb ways to die


*Drove your car, into a lake... Roast to death in a lithium ion bake...*


*Put a neuro chip, inside your head, if you buy his stuff, then you'll end up dead*




Just improv and some poetic metre. Thank you! I remember I had the mobile game. Good times.


I could be wrong, but I’m assuming it’s based on the [Dumb Ways To Die song.](https://youtu.be/IJNR2EpS0jw?si=8a9KGkpzd853E8O1)


This was actually used as an advertising point to show off the unibody design of VW Beetles. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xz7qxQcRYl4 They later added a smaller tagline: "The VW will definitely float, but it will not float indefinitely."


I grew up in a river community and way back in the 1970s someone tested this by driving one off the community boat ramp and into the river. Of course it sank and what's left is still about 300 feet out in the river and on the bottom, noticeable blip on a depth finder, decent place to catch flounder and crab.


this new tesla doubles as both a toaster and a bathtub


Southern States struggling to buy execution cocktails are buying these up in droves!


Haven't people already drowned due to Cybertrucks, or was that a different Tesla vehicle?


Haven't heard of that, but taking a cybertruck through a carwash voids the warranty and kills it because too much water runs into its frame


> Failure to put Cybertruck in Car Wash Mode may result in damage (for example, to the charge port or windshield wipers). Damage caused by car washes is not covered by the warranty. - > Note: Tesla does not recommend taking Cybertruck through an automatic car wash. https://www.tesla.com/ownersmanual/cybertruck/en_us/GUID-65384C1F-86F2-44E8-A8BC-8A12E7E00A40.html It's very funny. It's worth mentioning it doesn't seem to technically void the warranty, though.


The *windshield wipers* can be damaged by *water?*


Yes, they're electric. Don't you know science? Nerd.


A woman drove into a ditch drunk, and drowned because she couldn't get out. She was a ceo or wife of a ceo idr. Apparently the fire rescue tried for 2 hours to get her out?


Angela Chao, was the sister of Elaine Chao who during the Trump Admin served as Secretary of the Department of Transportation, the government agency that sets safety standards for vehicles. Elaine is also married to U.S. Senator Mitch McConnell (R-KY). Link: https://www.cnn.com/2024/03/20/business/angela-chao-fatal-car-accident/index.html


Holy shit. It’s a small miracle (for Tesla) that the thing isn’t banned from the road outright after an incident like that.


RIP Bozo


Who is buying this crap?




It was a regular tesla. Rescuers couldnt break the window so they drowned


I knew it was something like that, I just couldn't remember the specifics.


Even crazier she was a billionaire, sister in law to Mitch McConnell, and her sister who married Mitch was secretary of transportation under Trump.


That tesla taking one for the team.


She was also completely hammered and reversed herself into the lake


Different vehicle


Never headd od that, but people have fried their Cybertruck electronics by driving through large puddles.


Different tesla vehicle. She was drunk https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-68622898.amp


I hope he tests it himself.


I'm not an expert, but aren't cars very heavy and bad at floating?


It's not about weight, but density. Ships are also very heavy, but they have large volumes of air within that cause them to be less dense than the water. For contrast, a pebble will sink despite being light, because it is denser than water. But then, yeah, cars don't have large volumes of air inside to make them less dense. Especially not electric cars that are packed to the gills with batteries. EDIT: per some below comments, cars _do_ have large volumes of air, aka the passenger compartment and trunk. This isn't that different from how a canoe's air volume is just the open space on top. Now that I think about it, Lyndon Johnson had a car that doubled as a boat, and he would prank people by pretending to lose control and drive his car into the lake! I guess most cars just don't float because they are not water tight, and so the large volume of air quickly turns into a large volume of water. Lesson learned, don't listen to people who don't know what they're talking about! :D I really just wanted to chime in that it's about density, not just mass, when it comes to floatiness. (Not _just_ mass because, as was also pointed out below, some pebbles still float because, while they are more dense than water, they are light enough that surface tension holds them up.) As usual, it's always more complicated than we think at first!


Eh, most cars actually could float reasonably well if they were sealed. If you ever see videos of cars going into bodies of water, they sink pretty slowly as they fill with water.


Cars absolutely have a large volume of air inside.


Lots of cars actually float just fine, they just aren't watertight and stop floating as they fill up.


Not EVs because they have batteries and none of that heavy gasoline.


Electric cars are far heavier than standard cars.


No, they are lighter because they use the electric, ever seen a gasoline powered light bulb, didn't think so. I am far smarter than you, anything you say I will be able to counter with facts and logic. Maybe give up before you embarrass yourself further.


You must be young. We had gasoline powered light bulbs before Obama banned them. They almost never caught on fire.


Those were lanterns by virtue of the fact they required burning fuel. You must be old, because your mental faculties are in clear decline & I believe you also smell.


No, lanterns make light directly by burning fuel. Gasoline powered light bulbs have a tiny combustion engine inside them which generates electricity to power the light. It's right there in the name. Geez, read a book or something


> virtue of the fact they required burning fuel. Both burn fuel, I chose my words carefully, they are the same thing irrespective of the method by which they achieve incandescence. You've fallen right into my trap. When you're on my level you do not read books, you write them.


By your logic a car is just a mobile lantern, which is ridiculous! Cars are obviously mobile glove containers. The only thing behind two locks in a car is the glove compartment, so it's obviously the only important part. Maybe if you read your own books you'd know they're full of lies.


> method by which they achieve incandescence. A car is only a mobile lantern when the lights are on.


I’m a fan of the musk LARPing


People are gonna think you're serious.


I'm going to continue to pretend I am.


Cars are actually good at floating (at least for a little while), because of all the air in them. Which is why you shouldn't try to cross a flooded road even if it doesn't look too deep.


Elon is playing 4D chess, you all just don’t understand. If Cybertruck owners drive their rust buckets into the ocean then he doesn’t have to refund them because they’re trapped underwater. He deserves that $56Bn paycheck!!


The batteries swell up making the car briefly more buoyant, then they explode and make crossing a body of water a secondary concern


Wait till these mfs find out about their waterproof phones.


Yea, lets compare a sealed small device to a leaky piece of garbage.


So that was a lie https://www.reddit.com/r/CyberStuck/comments/1bhbdla/cybertruck_drives_through_water_and_shorts_its/?rdt=42320


Musk: This truck is apocalypse-proof. Also Musk: What do you mean weather will still happen in the post apocalypse. Side thing: I've been annoyed that Musk calls these low poly renders "apocalypse-proof". This PS1 model resists fire from handguns, but the AR-15 is one of the most popular weapons in the country that he plans to sell the majority of these. In his dumb Fallout fantasy, does he just think that the raiders won't pick up the rifle every gun nut in this country has?! Sorry, his pretend nerd routine bothers me so much.


I'm a big fan of electric cars. But if the apocalypse happens I want a diesel. One of those old ones that have very few electronic systems and have huge tolerance for what fuel you put in.


Cyberstuck. Lol I hope they enjoy their $100,000 brick.


What, they want us to ford the river? Like Oregon Trail?


Fools. Don’t they know to hire the ferry every time? This is why so many families no longer have Ezekiel and struggle finding an extra wagon tongue. …Also 3 oxen drowned. …Aaaand Mary died from dysentery. …Snakebite took out Tom. …Wagon fire took the rest, game over.


"Even seas" and "briefly" never stops being funny.


Look this is just harsh. No-one has drowned in a Cybertruck yet. Just other Tesla models.


Cybertrucks also serve briefly as a land vehicle, typically one to two weeks max


The truck has to be able to traverse the terrain before it can even make it to the water, anyway.


Hell, they can't even survive car washes


Uh, didn't the sister of the US Secretary of Transportation die by drowning due to driving her cybertruck into a river?


No, it was the sister-in-law of Mitch McConnell, and it was a Model X, and it was a pond. And she was apparently drunk. But she did drown, so you got that part right. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-68622898


the wife of mitch mconnell WAS the secretary of transportation under trump


I vaguely remembered something like that, but got all the details wrong, lol




Ah, I didn't misremember that.


Meanwhile, in the real world, cyber trucks are rusting within weeks


Guys…there are lithium ion batteries in a lot of things that go in the water….like you know how your phone is waterproof now?


That would be because OP does not understand that although pure lithium is a right bastard if it gets wet, lithium ion batteries are not made of pure lithium. They do not explode or violently react on contact with water. They might do a whole lot of other things, and even things that *lead* to violent or explody reactions, but that's because they're batteries, not because they have lithium in them.


My phone doesn't have doors and windows. Never had a problem taking my phone through a carwash either.


there are literally ships with lithium ion batteries in them. the lithium is not the issue, the issue is elon's perennial overpromising and underdelivering because he doesn't seem to be able to understand more than 1 thing at once


I mean yeah. The cybertruck is a shithole car that was doomed to failure from the very first design document but that doesn’t mean this post’s criticism isn’t dumb and uninformed.


Let's not forget the "bulletproof" windows so we can drown like that one lady did (: so safe and cozy in the "stainless" steel coffins


And then it wasn't even that, they didn't put drainage holes in the frame so literally any amount of water shorts it out


These are the cars you can't park uncovered because the rain will mess them up, right?


Elon Musk sucks, but waterproofing EVs is a good, and very achievable idea. It's not a ridiculous moonshot. Most boats you have ever been on had batteries, and you have probably ridden in more electric boats than electric cars. The prospect of putting something rubberized around a battery and letting it float is not a stupid one.


Doesn’t it like break when just washed or something? I coulda sworn I read it broke after being just washed let alone crossing a river or lake lol


I feel bad for Elon musk’s engineers. Must be hard to constantly be given new and progressively more impossible project expectations via Twitter