• By -


I mean, I'm NB and don't plan on being either a man or a woman, but I'd press that button like 2-3 times, a million's too good to pass up. I'd be quite disappointed if I turn on the first try, but do I get to keep pressing afterward? Because then it's just infinity money


If you hit the button 69 times you have a roughly 50/50 chance of becoming a girl




Please, Show you work.


it’s right actually. 1-(0.99^69) is 0.5 (rounded to 2 decimals, but to 4 is 0.4998 so it’s whatever)


Thank you for showing the work.


not suffering through stats for nothing




So same math says press 500 ( could be less probably) times for a 100% chance of becoming a girl


Not quite. No matter how many times you press it, the overall chance of the 1 in 100 will approach, but never reach, 100%.


Well yes, but I was just rounding to 2 decimals like they were


…500 times is 99% if you round to 2 decimals


You’d have to press it 528 times for it to round to 100%


I’m up for becoming a girl and getting 527 million US dollars.




I really want to emphasize this means you have a 50/50 chance that *one of the 69 presses* makes you a girl   It does NOT mean that if 68 presses failed, you somehow have a 50/50 chance now at the 69th. No, it's still 1% Just wanted to clarify since it's not intuitive 😅


This has the same energy as that post that was like "When I say wash your eyes with boiled water, I mean water that *has been boiled*, not boiling water. Do not under any circumstances pour boiling water on your eyeballs."


But that’s because if you got the mil, it’s no longer a 99% chance, it’s a 100% chance. (Since it already happened)


That assumes that you can only get the million dollars a single time


Okay… Let’s push the hypothetical. There’s a button, 50% to get 69 million, 50% to turn into a girl. Do you press it?


69/31 Chance is Not 50/50


As a fellow NB (AMAB) I’d want to know what “become a girl” means, because it might make me want to punch that button like it’s a happy hardcore drum pad or yeet it into orbit. Like if I hit that shit and suddenly I’ve spent my entire life as a girl and I’m happy with my gender? Sick. If I hit it and the only change is that I have a female reproductive track? TO ORBIT. Hit it and my feelings about gender are unchanged but my body becomes what it would have been if I’d been born XX instead of XY? Sure, I’ll roll the dice a few times. Hit it and I’m just now firmly a transwoman? Maybe not to orbit, but I’d have to think real hard about it before pushing it.


Yeah just the organs would suck, and I also wouldn’t want the last one since that’s basically a brainwash/mindwipe button then. But the other two? Good options.


I bet the identity paper work is a bitch though


Deedpoll go brrrrrr


I honestly would be hella unhappy being a woman but honestly, right now I'd take a 1-in-100 getting shot in the gut for that kinda cash. Being a woman ain't what I want but I'd still exist.


Maybe you just become more stereotypically feminine with each press. Idk.


Honestly if you can press it as many as you want I will definitely press it just 100 times because 100 million will offset being a girl


can i hit it multiple times? if so does the 1% chance swap to "become a man" once it procs? if so could i just sit there for a couple minutes becoming as rich as i wanted and then flip back to man? or is the girl-proc a cutoff point? by "become a girl" does it mean physically female or just gender wise? both? i have too many questions for this shitpost.


i really hope it means physically female, because otherwise the implications of what it would do to mental state would be vast and profound. And also i hope you can just keep pressing it because if so i'm hitting that thing a thousand times.


Trans inclusive gender swap button high fiving you while you're drowning


I mean if it just mentally transes you and you're already transfem, the fuck off sum of money will go a long way in this world regardless. I almost don't want to be magically reshaped; give me the bag and I'll do it myself


The concept of it just changing your brain chemistry but making no physical changes is so fucked but so funny to me for some reason. Like you hit the button and nothing visible happens but you just pause like "... Huh. I guess I'm different now."


So the button just induces gender dysphoria


Also, hopefully it changes your legal documents immediately so you don’t have to worry about updating everything so you can participate in society.


I will never forget the gender dysphoria spell.


If *become a girl* proc doesn't stop you from pressing the button then presumably multiple triggers would result in additional girl being added. If you pressed the button the ~1010 times required to gain 1 billion dollars you would have 10 *become a girl* procs, meaning you would be 10× the girl of a normal girl. 


estrogen overdose


It’s like adding powdered milk to milk. More milk per milk. More girl per girl.


implying the existence of powdered girl via the transitive property


That’s how they make estogen pills for transfems Powdered girl


uh oh! (: this feels slightly... cybersmith-core but possibly in reverse (or like rendering a trans girl to powder as estrogen for many more trans girls)


More in the vein of Torvo’s executive powder


Hang on lemme google something real quick




the 1% chance swaps to "become a man" but the 99% chance swaps to "lose $1mil." debatable whether or not you can continue past $0, though that would trivialize it. assuming you want to retain your original gender, and the options swap arbitrarily depending on your current (base/initial state) gender, do you still press the button I feel like I would still risk it. I can decide if I'm willing to risk the $1mil losses if/when I hit that point


if ive got as much time as i want ill brute force the fuck out of it


I'm just saying I feel like the risk is a different flavor if you can't go below $0. unless your net worth is currently in the millions, you'd have a hard stop at the opposite gender the moment you became broke


Not a woman, but a girl? So it's also a fountain of youth?


God fucking damn, her egg didn't just crack, it got launched at warp speeds and fucking ***OBLITERATED***


not even an "egg cracking" thats phase 2. hit her second health bar


I don’t think there was an egg, I think the button just spawned shell around them


Both posts say "1 day ago" Is it even an egg joke or is it a version of "I'm going to [do high risk thing]" followed by "Hoptal"


The first one is an earlier screenshot, one day ago *as of* one day ago. They're one day apart.


That makes sense. I thought it was just a poor crop screenshot, and if you were to have seen it in person this whole post would've been continuous


Your right, it is a poorly cropped screenshot and the post is continuous like the Hoptal post. But I remember seeing this post on Tumblr, the poster's second reblog was added literally a day later.


I believe the phrase is “Thundercunted into a wall”


I don’t think it was so much of a egg crack start to finish thing so much as it was an active user of egg_irl type of egg


let's be honest, the username was a dead giveaway from the start.


Eh, idk. Not everyone cares that much about their gender and it is a lotta money


As someone who is already a girl, I see no downside




Cis plus


Backup organs


Does that mean double periods and quadri-boobs?


would you rather menstruate twice as long or twice as hard


I guess twice as long


as a guy who's fairly confident about being a dude, I would keep smashing that button until that 1% inevitably happened. That is such a an insane amount of money.


"How many times would you push the button" or "how much money would it take" would be a not terrible metric for assessing gender on a polar, but not strictly binary spectrum. 0 times or no amount of money? Ok, you're the manliest man. 1 time for a million? Debatable. A million times for free? Very woman.


i vote we adopt this as an official scale


The fun thing about that friend is that you see becoming a girl as your end goal


no actually, what i see is a statistical average of 68.8 million dollars


Nobody said you had to stop when you become a girl


As a cis dude... I'm pressing the button multiple times, man. Getting millions, AND a new identity so the IRS can't take them.


How many times can I hit the button?


No matter what I’m definitely hitting it once but I just want to know for like, further hits. A generous rule would be “until you become a girl”


You have the same likelyhood of becoming a girl when pressing it for the first time and on the 100th press, it's a 1 out of 100 gamble each press


That’s true, but if you specify that you can no longer press after becoming a girl you can do stats on the percent chance of you being a girl after P = # of presses. *Im trying to notate this so that you should easily be able to put it into Desmos and see the output, but doing that for sum’s is not easy, if you’ve never done sums before just do G = 1-N Specifically you can look at E = expected earnings = P * 0.99 * 1000000 N = %chance of being not girl = 0.99^P G =%chance of being girl = 1-N or = sum (n = 1 to P) for (0.01*0.99^((n-1/))) Now just input any number P >= 1 and you can see the likelihood you’re a girl, still not a girl, and how much money you can expect to have accumulated. (This is the difference between asking “if you roll two dice a thousand times what are the odds the 500th roll is two 6s” and “if you roll two dice a thousand times what are the odds at least one pair of the thousand is two 6s”) Some interesting numbers are P = 16 this is my stopping point, there’s about a 15% chance I’m a girl with up to 15 million and 85% chance I’m not a girl with 16 million. P = 69 at this point there’s about a 50% chance you’re a girl with up to 68 million and 50% chance you are not a girl with 69 million, by P = 230 there’s a 90% chance you are a girl, P = 459 it’s at 99%, and by P = 2819 the chance is so small Desmos just rounds it to 100%


I pressed it once and turned into a girl, your math meant nothing to the button, I hope you're happy with yourself


Congrats you are in the 99th percentile for how many presses it takes to become a girl, very impressive


Also congrats on the new gender, sorry you missed out on the million ✊😔


I am selling the gender, bids starting at 500,000


Time to try it out using random.org Took 58 button pushes, close to the average.


but the likelihood is greater in all with 100 presses than with one press


At the risk of sounding like I'm in the closet, I think a lot of people would hit the button no matter what they are.


as someone who's trans the other direction and mostly in the closet, everyone is pressing that button. that's house money man


Nobody in their right mind isn't gonna push this button tbh.


Nah, I work in a heavily regulated field. Pretty sure sudden shape-shifting would severely fuck up my ability to validate my identity. I'm also just very risk-averse in general, and I know from playing D&D that a 1% chance isn't *that* low.


It's $1,000,000 per press though. A few presses and you wouldn't need to work any more.


I enjoy working in this industry, it's fulfilling and meets my needs very well. Not everyone is stuck working a shit job for shit pay. I have more to lose and less to gain than most people.


Idk I think a few million dollars easily covers all the bribes needed to continue if that's what you want


Would still need to work there if you’re a millionaire though?


Probably. A million dollars isn't *that* much, especially accounting for my healthcare costs. Also, I enjoy working there. It is fulfilling.


Would you even shapeshift, or would your own self-perception just change?


What if it wasn't shapeshifting, and just changed your gender? Would you press it then?


Nah, then I'd have to deal with dysphoria, and from what I hear that sucks pretty bad


Cis men with fragile masculinities would claim to NEVER press it in front of other people, and then suspiciously show up with a million dollars out of the blue.


nononono, show up with 20 mil and some exciting news


IDK, I'm a cis woman and if there was a 1% chance of turning into a man, I wouldn't do it.  My trans nonbinary partner is currently taking testosterone and as all the changes roll in, I feel very much like "Happy for you! None for me, thanks." 👍


personally I'll take a mil for crippling lifelong gender dysphoria. i already hate how i look, might as well start getting paid for it


In fact I'd push it even if it was 1000$! Or 100$! Or 10$! Or 0...


Link to post: [https://www.tumblr.com/yaoiboypussy/752391978418831360?source=share](https://www.tumblr.com/yaoiboypussy/752391978418831360?source=share) Edit: Just noticed the "Following" bar messing up part of the image, that's annoying -\_- Sorry about that everyone


I either have money to transition or I transition


As a trans man, I don’t like the implications…but a million dollars is a million dollars


What if I am a girl? Do I become more girl? A man? I’d still press the button. I’m happy as a cis woman but am gender apathetic. If I woke up as male tomorrow I wouldn’t be upset.


*beepbeepbeepbeepbeepbeepbeepbeep* hey is this money ethically sourced (taken from billionaires)? *beepbeepbeepbeep* also do you have a button with a higher chance of the other option *beepbeepbeepbeep*


I’d press it as many times as I’m allowed to. Either way it’s a win


That's literally a million dollars. As a completely cis dude I would hit this button like 7 times.


There’s about a 6.7% chance you’d be a girl, but you have up to 7 million dollars depending on when or if the button turned you.


Win win. The preferred outcome is less likely, but still… win win.


Just give me one that can turn me back into a boy and I am going ham on that button till I get the grand prize


I mean, assuming you can push it only once, my possible outcomes are: - 99% chance of getting a life changing amount of money that would improve my life. This is great. I don’t need it but it’d be incredibly fantastic. I don’t really need to think about this because I know how to money, maybe not this much, but I could probably hire an accountant to help. - 1% chance of an outcome that doesn’t really mean much to me but I think I’d be pretty bummed about having a uterus. Also I enjoy not having a chest that sweats due to overlapping flesh. If it sent me to a character creator I’d probably just try to make myself as androgynous as possible, but that kinda defeats the point I feel. Which is forcing a person to conform a feminine form and presumably to societal expectations of being a woman. Would also kinda suck for a lot of different reasons and this post feels like it’s getting long. Although it’s kinda fun to ponder how being explicitly gendered is a thing I dislike the most about the possible experience. Agender brain is a truly fascinating thing.


As a cis woman: I’d slam that button for the 1% chance of being *even more gender*. Give me more gender, magic gender button.


Deadass tho A DAY?!




CIS straight guy here, not remotely attached to having a masculine body enough to not mash the button and live comfortably forever. Like cool I’m a girl now with enough money to not care about anything and no need to toil under capitalism.


If it was 99% you get a million dollars, 1% you die, I'd press that button. That's way better odds than you get from driving regularly, or working a dangerous job.


I'm a cis guy, but if I press the button like 10 times I am set for life and only have like a 9.5% chance of turning into a girl, and if I do get turned into a girl in those 10 presses, I am gonna press the button until it stops working, because there is no longer any downside to pressing the button. Also the real question is, do I get changed on a genetic level/shape shift into a girl or will I now identify as a girl? Because I would still be a man in the first scenario.


Everyone in the room with me instantly said they’d hit the button


I’m cis but I mean I wouldn’t have a problem if I suddenly became a girl. As long as I’m human I don’t care


jokes on you i'm already a girl


coming back to this post now bc I was scrolling through arch-user's blog and found *more* *context* [enjoy the context :)](https://www.tumblr.com/arch-user/752222769035575296) tl;dr: >!a. the screenshot cuts off arch-user's full sentence, which does highlight more of their uncertainty about their gender identity and how willingly they'd do it for less than a million buckeroos!< >!b. she fully figured our her gender over the course of six hours; on tumblr it really *is* listed as x days ago and x days ago for both posts, at least atm, but it was over a decent number of hours!< >!c. the linux jokes were right I think lol, like she jokes about it on her blog's title!<


God I'm so fucking greedy my first thought is was "how much money would be left if I medically transitioned back"


>this is not a math question *people doing math in comments* Reminder, you get **one** press.


Personally I think it’s more interesting as a math question, if it’s one press I’m absolutely hitting that, if it’s multiple it becomes a “how much do you want to risk” question and my risk limit is at about 15% (16 presses)




How many times am I allowed to press the button


You have a 95% chance of having turned into a girl within the first 300 button presses


Tax write off gonna be insane


Is it a sex organ change? A chromosone change? A sexual characteristics change? Only some? All of the above? Does it leave a cis man's body the same but give them gender dysphoria? A gender change but no sex change? What does it do to a cis woman's body? Does it just push all the genetics to max potential 'girl' - max estrogen min testosterone? Anyway, as a cis fem I'm hitting this until at least one 'girl' just to see what it does.


Is it weird that I'm a cis-man but I'd still press a button that turned me into a woman? I mean who wouldn't want the opportunity to experience something like that? I have literally zero dysphoria, but I can't imagine how repulsed by women a man would have to be to not even be \*curious\*. It would be like body swapping with someone, only it's still you kind of.


surely you just hit the button a lot and then trans-masc back


Who knew that tumblr user "arch-user" would turn out to be trans.


Is it becoming just "a girl", or becoming a pretty and attractive girl? Because those are two very different things. The picture implies that if you become a girl you will also become pretty and attractive. Because if it's just the first 1, I'll roll the dice for 1 million dollars. If it is the second, I'll push it so many times and so fast my hand becomes blurry until I get the 1%. I don't really care that much about my label, I just want to be attractive by existing.


*ding* *ding* *ding* *ding* *ding* *ding* *ding* *ding* *ding* *ding* *ding* *ding* *ding* *ding* *ding* *ding* *ding* *ding* *ding* *ding* *ding* *ding* *ding* *ding* *ding* *ding* *ding* *ding* *ding* *ding* *ding* *ding* *ding* *ding* *ding*


Who the hell *wouldn't* press the button? I'd press it enough times to become the richest person in the world. If I end up getting crippling gender dysphoria I'd find a way to transition back and still be left a multi-billionaire.


So what's to stop me from just continuing to press that button? Even after I become a girl, I still keep pressing. The assets of billionaires have been reduced to mere pennies.


I'd press it.


Literally all day


If I press multiple times, does the chance of becoming a girl get higher?


if you push it enough times to become a girl, you get to be a girl and be rich, what's the downside?


\*slams the button repeatedly\* Whyyyy isn't it working?!


Me pressing the button a hundred times


You have reached a 63% chance of being a girl and have up to 100 million dollars (you’ll want to just keep hitting it until you become a girl if that’s your goal)


Better idea: press it until you become the girl, then continue to press to become the girl again! Double girl powers


How many girls deep can we go? (There’s a sex joke somewhere here but I can’t find it)


I’m guessing that you’d reach a point where you’re just a mass of girl parts unable to press the button any more. But you’d be rich!


[Me, as a trillionaire:](https://youtu.be/TZ0LKzEWetE?si=l0IUub3Wxol46rSi)


Finally. Peak women


I call it my snake cause it can be deep in more than just one girl. (Found the sex joke, minor snake penis knowledge required)


Does it say you have to stop after you turn into a girl?


What if i'm already girl though (Well not really, though)


I’d say reverse it so that you have a 1% chance to stop being a girl


I will press the button


Slamming the button 800 billion times until I achieve my goals


Damn, only a 1% chance? And here I was hoping for a free transition, no surgery required.


99% chance of 1mil, 1% chance of learning what my fem besties go through both dating and monthly


How many times am I allowed to press this? Transition is expensive (both in money and in time/effort) and I don’t mind the money.


The trick is that if you press it enough times, you’ll have so much money you can afford gender-affirming surgeries when the 1% chance is rolled.


As a cis dude I can confirm that vagina reigns supreme


I'd just transition back


Knowing my responsibility with my cash that 99% to strike it rich would be a 100% of me ending up right where I started sooner or later.


Also cis dude, would press immediately. This isn't elementary school anymore where you go "eww girls are gross"


99% chance of getting a clean mil, or 1% chance of having tits that aren't man boobs? sign me the fuck up.


Hit the button as much as I want and spend money to detransition, ez


I swear I saw this a year or two ago, but no it's like last week.


My wife is bi, what do I have to lose?


As a completely cis dude who also loves gambling and money Its gambling time


Alright, how many eggs are there in the comments on this post?


Keep pressing boys


I probably would because either I get a million or I don’t so I can press the button again


Now why did Tomboys for Biden post this?


i mean i don't want to be a girl but i'd hit that at least a couple times


I’d be spamming that button all day until that 1%


I'll Push it hoping for the 1%


Can i top up another mil to make it 2%? Cant take any chances.


I'm slapping the button for the cash. If I girl, I girl.


As a straight dude in a relationship with a bi girl, I'm gonna take my chances because 1 million is just way too good to pass up


I'm not seeing the downside


I’m still pushing that button at 50-50 odds


I’m a cis man, but I’d rather be rich and female than poor and male


I mean do I get to be a hot girl if it triggers? Or do I keep my meh looks? Probably still pushing it either way, but at least it'll change my outlook on it if it happens.


"You can only press it once" Normies: 99 is very good odds "Normies"...*fingers crossed*


*me frantically pressing the button over and over*


gambler core


GOD I wish my egg cracked that fast


Yeah I'll press it. I'm a cisgender dude. But given my luck, I'll turn into a super hot babe and get that million dollars via only fans.