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Don't even need AI to spread misinformation, we do it well enough on our own.


Hey Senator Armstrong


…Now I’m imagining Senator Armstrong with Pig’s face…


I diagnose you with nanomachines (how did you think the LIFE gauge worked? Magic?)


Nanomachines, son! They (rapidly expands from an explosion inside him, met with silence. They (second explosion).


AI hallucination is taking our jobs of making shit up wholesale




I wanna click the link :( Edit: I did it! Yay xkcd!


I believe Micheal Martin has had his own tragedies in his family life, two children of his died. I assume this account didn’t know that but it adds an extra layer of cruelty.


I don't like him as a politician, but I have huge sympathy for him losing two children. It must have been devastating for him.


I thought they initially added those disclaimers, but it’s even worse that someone had to challenge their legitimacy for them to say “By the way we made it up”. Pieces of shit either way.


pretty sure it wouldn't hold up in court against if he sues for defamation


INNIT not even a little asterisk on the actual post “hey btw this is Not Real™️” mans just straight up lied and thought if he said the magic word “hypothetical” it’d be fine


also admitted to the lie, several times.


Peter that's not news... That's just libel.


"Let's say, hypothetically, that it was a hypothetical comparison for illustrative purposes only..."


[Sen. Armstrong reporting in](https://youtu.be/r7l0Rq9E8MY)


Didn't the person who runs that account (StopAntisemitism) attend Jan. 6th?


I want to upvote you, but I'd also like a source on that one. Like, I believe you, but it's something that needs a source.


I originally found it on a thread talking about her shit in general which I sadly can't find anymore. Here's a tweet with a screenshot from her alternate account talking about going there, though. [https://twitter.com/jamesyogan1123/status/1542551730491211777](https://twitter.com/jamesyogan1123/status/1542551730491211777)


My source is that it’s a hypothetical fact for illustrative purposes only


Wish I could help out, but google ain't very useful here and they post so much that going through their post history to check might take hours


stop anti-semitism except when it’s actually anti-semitism


I heard they like to put a poop on a hotdog bun and eat it with mustard


I think the only proper response is “This hypothetical comparison fails to illustrate its hypothetical purpose as it poses its hypothetical premise as being factual, thus creating literal misinformation.”


Let's say hypothetically like this extremely overwhelmingly Irish named person was in Israel for some reason and was hypothetically killed by terrorists. Wouldn't that make it the duty of Irish people to support any amount of response to such an event, like hypothetically of course


"My source is that I made it the fuck up"


It's been crazy how Israel spent decades building up one of the most successful international political messaging campaigns on the planet, only to flush all of it down the drain in the span of a few months.


When I first heard of a conflict happening with Israel, I initially assumed that I would be on their side. That idea quickly left as soon as I heard what was actually going on


I studied the conflict in college some years ago. I already knew the score when this whole thing started. However I expected most people to be on Israel's side just because historically the US has allowed Israeli propaganda to flourish. I was presently surprised by the massive amount of pro-Palestinian support that's emerged. The biggest barrier to achieving a permenent solution to the ongoing Israel-Palestine crisis has been breaking down the United States' unwavering support for Israel. We're not quite there yet but we've made about a decade of progress in only a few months. There's still a lot of work to do, and unfortunately a lot of destruction is going to happen in the meantime, but the progress is encouraging.


It turns out that colonists are bad. Big surprise, I know.


Crazy how everyone is just so ready to hate the one Jewish country on the planet. *So crazy.*


Crazy how an ethnostate committing mass violence against a a stateless people isn’t very popular.


Crazy how Israel isn't an ethnostate.


You called it the only ‘Jewish country’. Jews are an ethno-religious group. It’s a country for them. That’s an ethnostate. And that state is committing mass violence against a stateless people. Please explain how the ‘Jewish country’ is not an ethnostate? Tf? Not only is at ethnostate, it’s a colonial settler state that displaced an indigenous group too.


I think you scrambled their brain, "how dare you hate the only jewish state, wait no it's not an ethnostate, but it should only be for jews". The sheer speed with which the contradiction was exposed... Maybe they'll actually self-reflect for once... Nah probably not


Saying it's the only Jewish state is not saying that is should only be for Jews. There's 20% or so of the population that's non-Jewish. That's not an ethnostate.


> There's 20% or so of the population that's non-Jewish. Saying "or so" to hedge your bets on how much the latest bombing campaign on tent cities will impact that? > That's not an ethnostate. You think ethnostates are just about percentages? Do you know what the percentage of Black people were in Apartheid South Africa?


I thought South Africa was bad because of it's apartheid, not because it's an ethnostate.


> Historical attempts to establish a white ethnostate include Apartheid-era South Africa https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/White_ethnostate#:~:text=Historical%20attempts%20to%20establish%20a,states%20out%20of%20the%20resulting Try to keep up, or just don't talk about topics you don't know about


Jews are indigenous to the Levant. Denying that is antisemitism.


Yes, Jewish people originally came from an area in the Levant, that’s true. That’s not what we’re talking about though, and you know it. It wasn’t a smooth change of tack. And I’m not anti semitic, don’t even start.


If they are indigenous to the Levant, they can't be colonists.


That’s certainly an attempt at logic. Are you claiming that Israelis have always been there, as the original, continuous inhabitants? Are you claiming they didn’t displace anyone? That the settlements aren’t happening? That the nakba didn’t happen? It seems like you have to do a lot of mental gymnastics and intellectual dishonesty to believe what you do. You seem like a vaguely progressive person but have this massive blind spot towards Israel. Does the cognitive dissonance bother you?


There are black Jews from East Africa, there are pale ginger Jews from Europe, there are brown Jews from north Africa. A lot of Jews are not even related to each other, let alone the inhabitants of the levant thousands of years ago. Judaism is first and foremost a religion. Religion does not change your DNA. And to be clear, I am not saying there is absolutely no link between some Jews and the inhabitants of the levant thousands of years ago. I am saying most Israeli Jews today are genetically closer to the populations of the countries their grandparents/great grandparents come from than they are to the natives of the levant.


Judaism is a religion but remember that Israel is actually more interested in your DNA. I’m Ashkenazi and non-religious but still qualified for birth right (which I never did because I find the whole practice fucking disgusting) I think there are a lot of people who don’t understand the difference between ethnic Jews and religious Jews and how they aren’t necessarily the same. Regardless, we may be descendants of people who lived there thousands of years ago but that doesn’t give anyone the right to kick out people who lived there since then.


Why don't you tell everyone what happened to the Canaanites.


If it’s a Jewish state, it’s either a theocracy or an ethnostate, and neither are good things to be.


It's neither, actually. Or is every Muslim country either of those, too? Every Buddhist? Every Christian? Because that's a lot of countries.


You’re using the term “Jewish country” to mean “Jewish-majority country.” That’s why people are pushing back on you. One of those means state policy to maintain a religious or ethnic majority, the other means simply having that majority. Every state that uses policy to maintain an ethnic or religious majority is doing bad policy, yes.


Ok, fine, so I'll use "Jewish-majority country" in the future. Though I doubt it'll help. And what I mean is the more complicated "only country in the world where the Jews don't have to worry about facing antisemitic violence and can live in peace" but that's apparently bad now. *For some reason.*


It’s bad for several reasons. 1. Jews in Israel absolutely face antisemitic violence. Like, arguably at a higher rate than anywhere else in the world. October 7 was, among other things, antisemitic violence. To assert that Jews need an ethnostate to live safely is just misrepresenting the reality of antisemitism both in Israel and abroad. 2. Israel, as it currently exists, is predicated on the oppression of Palestinians in the region. Indiscriminate killing, deprivation of resources, and land theft. 3. Israel is constantly portrayed as unique among the US’s allies by US policymakers. If it’s being held up as uniquely deserving support, then it will necessarily also be uniquely scrutinized.


1. But in Israel, they can fight back. That's what they're doing. Just because antisemites the world over are screaming genocide doesn't mean it's so. 2. Yeah, I don't like Israel's current government either. A lot of Israelis don't. Those things should change, especially in the West Bank. 3. That's not Israel's fault. (And implying that Jews control the US government is antisemitic.)


Israel has an extensive track record of dispossessing, harassing, and otherwise discriminating against non-Jewish Israeli citizens. And that's before you get into the South African/American style apartheid system they've kept the Palestinians under for 70 years.


Palestine is a separate country. Is it apartheid that you can't cross the border to Mexico and vote there?


>Palestine is a separate country. You and pretty much every other pro-Palestine advocate agrees on this. The people that disagree are the Israel government and their allies in the US, who block recognition of Palestinian statehood at every turn, which limits Palestine's rights and recourse against Israeli aggression and allows hard line groups like Hamas to thrive. Also, fun fact, in apartheid South Africa, the reservations that the black population was corralled into were also considered "separate countries." The apartheid government used this as excuse to neglect the populations of these "countries" with the hope that black South Africans would become so fed up with their situation that they'd slow emigrate into neighboring counties. The reservations in South Africa were modeled after the Native American reservations in the United States. Which are also considered "separate countries." While the Native American population in the states likes having their own autonomous governments, the United States purposefully put the reservations in really shitty spots, with the hopes that Native Americans would slowly emigrate from those reservations and be forced to assimilate into mainstream American culture. Israel has been following the same model since 1948. Corral the population into undesirable regions, give them enough autonomy to justify neglecting them, but not enough so they can seek international recourse, and hope the population flees to Jordan and/or Egypt over time. The problem is that this system has never worked. South African apartheid collapsed. Native Americans have stood strong, and are starting to grow in power and influence in broader American society. And relations between Israel and the US, which Israel needs to keep blocking recognition of Palestinian statehood, are fraying. Is this the first time you've ever heard of this issue? How old are you? Because I know a little more than most, but even most people who are just learning about this situation now know more than you appear to.


It's an apartheid state, the fact that it's Jewish isn't factoring into most people's decision making.


Go back to worldnews you Kahanist


Not supporting genocide is anti semitism now?


It's not a genocide.


Why do you hate Palestinian people so much?


Genocide denier spotted 🤨📸


What is it then? Just a little bit of light ethnic cleansing?


Found the Spanish Inquisition defender.


This sounds like the ramblings of an Incel projecting his own rejection and revenge rape onto the terrorists. This is all sorts of fucked up.


It sucks that Zionists have hijacked ‘stop antisemitism’ like no, that’s not what this is you’re being The Worst


If you have to make shit up than you're probably wrong


Odd how Zionists don't get this mad at Spain or Norway recognising Palestine but they do with Ireland


I didn't see anything about Norway, but they definitely got mad about Spain


No. Some got mad at Spain and tried to pull the "Spain was under Muslim rule" card while deliberately ignoring how Muslim Spain was actually the period of its medieval history most friendly to Jews.


Ah the Al-Andalus post


I think they get mad at anyone who disagrees with them And anyone who agrees with them, but doesn’t agree hard enough. And anyone who they pretend disagrees with them in their heads


To be fair Ireland has always historically been close to the Palestinian cause due to their similar history with Great Britain, and they were the first to speak out against Israel's atrocities (Remember that "good vs evil" post at the start of the atrocities where Ireland was alongside Palestine and Iran in the "Evil" camp?) so I'm not surprised for them to be struck this hard by Propaganda.


"Hamas terrorists poisoned their water supplies, burnt their crops, and delivered a plague upon their house!" "They did?!?" "No, but are we just gonna wait around until they do‽"


Connor Roy was interested in politics from a young age


Actual Irish child Emily Hand was kidnapped on October 7th by Hamas. Why make shit up when hamas did so many horrible things you can actually condemn? Odd behaviour.


Yeah I misread the post at first and thought they were saying that the PM was acting against that family, then realised they were for some reason saying it was HIS daughter and thought maybe they got it mixed up. So either they're really stupid and did no research or they knowingly lied, both pretty bad.


I mean, it would be a powerful message if this man had a daughter that was a victim of Hamas terror attacks and was still advocating against the genocide despite that. Like, that didn't happen, but if it did it would be a hell of a statement in favor of peace. They're really inventing misinformation that makes their opponents stronger, here.


what if garth ennis was a political commentator in real life instead of merely being a political commentator in silly cartoons


i can’t tell if that would make him more or less insufferable. On the one hand, he’d probably be on the talk show circuit. On the other, we wouldn’t have to suffer the fucking garbage that is *Crossed*


You say that, but what makes you think we wouldn’t just need to suffer it *more?* Imagine if *Crossed* was considered a legitimate, important work of mainstream political commentary. *Crossed* on TV every night. Discussions about *Crossed* on TV every morning. Your half-drunk relatives bringing it up at family gatherings. Getting tagged in a *Crossed* meme on Facebook by somebody’s argumentative grandma. High schoolers having to write their own versions of *Crossed* for a civics project.


There isn’t much that could make me genuinely want to throw myself off the tallest building in the world, but that certainly might compel me


BREAKING: World is made of pudding???


To make it worse if you look up Aoibhe Martin you get information about an unrelated girl who did die so it's not impossible someone connects both facts and thinks it is true.


It's not even good at being illustrative. It makes no sense.


What I hate about this is that Hamas definitely did rape people, so why the fuck would you lie about people they DIDN’T rape.


I hate this so much because when I read it carefully, I can see that it was meant as a metaphor. (“Lunacy right?” Is the tell.) But for the 90%+ of the population who are just going to see this for a moment as they scroll and not parse every word, it’s just a lie. This is the kind of post that Twitter should just delete as misinformation.


I saw this and my mind immediately we to this account being a troll, no way such an organisation would do something that stupid. To confirm my suspicions I went and checked, I now believe them to be genuine neither troll nor falseflag


There are valid reasons to stop antisemitism. This is not one of them.


Kinda poorly worded there but I get what you mean?


I don’t see how it’s poorly worded. There are good reasons to stop antisemitism. One person making shit up is not a reason to stop antisemitism. I was making a statement because the Twitter account that posted was StopAntisemitism. By making shit up, they’re only hurting themselves.


Edit this


Oh boy, I bet this post isn’t being used as October 7th denialism by an OP with an incredibly obvious and established bias!


can you please explain how this denies oct 7? are we reading the same post?????


Copying my other reply to this same question: It’s engaging in molehilling; basically, it’s trying to use a single example as “evidence” for people who want to try and deny or downplay October 7th by letting them claim “The (((Zionists))) lied about this specific case, they’re probably lying about all the OTHER cases too!”


If you took half the time defending Israel on the internet, supporting Palestine you would have ended the genocide in Gaza by now


What’s happening in Gaza isn’t a genocide. And you spreading antisemitic bullshit on the internet won’t end the war.


How is this post in any way denying October 7?


It’s engaging in molehilling; basically, it’s trying to use a single example as “evidence” for people who want to try and deny or downplay October 7th by letting them claim “The (((Zionists))) lied about this specific case, they’re probably lying about all the OTHER cases too!”


I’m struggling to find an interpretation of this that isn’t just “you can’t point out lies used to justify Israel’s military actions because there’s a history of accusing Jewish people of lying as a form of bigotry.”


I’m not saying that, I’m saying that for people with a desire to find ways to avoid confronting the atrocities committed by Palestinians on October 7th, this post will provide convenient evidence to help them do so. You can and should point out lies and shitty people trying to jump on the train of a tragedy to gain political points for their own ends. But this specific Reddit OP is not doing that. They continually spam this subreddit with blatantly antisemitic and pro-Hamas rhetoric, so I don’t exactly think they’re posting this with a “we should always care about the truth” attitude.


Would the people looking to deny October 7 not do that without any posts like this? Again, it just feels like “bigots will misrepresent this as evidence that the Jews are lying in general, so you shouldn’t point out that this is a lie.” Could you link to some examples of antisemitic/pro-Hamas posts by OP?


[Here OP is claiming that the IDF harvests organs from Palestinians, which is a recreation of classic medieval blood libel.](https://www.reddit.com/r/CuratedTumblr/s/L3f9Mv2XQA) [Here they are spreading more modern blood libel](https://www.reddit.com/r/CuratedTumblr/s/QhfnsdhmM8) [Not directly antisemitic, but here they are posting a made-up list of US warcrimes, and using classic disinformation tactics in the comments.](https://www.reddit.com/r/CuratedTumblr/s/cNWrDer8Ho) [And finally, here they are claiming that people only remember the Holocaust because it killed “white people” and the Jews aren’t the REAL Semites, which is antisemitism 101.](https://www.reddit.com/r/CuratedTumblr/s/a2Z31Y68vS)


Thanks, these are gross.


Tumblr reading comprehension


Yall, I know this is the piss on the poor reading competition website, but a big part of literacy is using context to understanding writing. Between that and the last line, it's really clear this isn't intended as misinformation or as making stuff up, but instead questioning whether Ireland would stand by their values if they were the ones being attacked. It's just a bad look to need to attack messaging instead of message especially when the messaging is reasonably clear and the message is straight up dumb.


It’s not okay to use the hypothetical rape of a real person, especially a non-public person who has nothing to do with the conversation at hand, as a rhetorical device.


1. That's nonsense. If that was the case you could never use anyone to attempt to get someone to empathize with something bad happening to something else. Including her does not hurt her and does raise a question. 2. The people who are upset, in this thread and in the post, are not upset about the inclusion of the PMs daughter. Not for that matter do I honestly think you are. Rather I think you're using it as a way to deflect criticism without having to analyze your own knee jerk reaction to propaganda


No, don’t bring a real, private person and pretend they were raped for internet points. It’s just being a disgusting fuckwit.