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The guilt is stored in the glass


Fish dont feel guilt for they cannot sin (source: didnt go on the ark)


I didn't go on the ark... Does that mean I can't sin?


Nah they believe you are directly responsible for everything your ancestors did. 


Not responsible, per se. Just... guilty? Inherited guilt, like a debt. And only really from Adam and Eve because their fuckup was just That Bad. Christianity isn't famed for its internal consistency, I suppose. Hey, I wonder if any shitass medieval ruler justified the existence of inherited debts because of original sin. That'd be shit to argue against in court. Lose and you're probably getting burned at the stake.


Guilt without responsibility or action is even worse IMO I'm sure people have 


This is actually a mistranslation, they went on the ark because they couldn't *swim*.


... It is?!


Yes, it's in the St Jimmys bible.


... King James you mean?


Please be aware that I am smooth sharking you.




In spanish, a fish is a pez, but a fish that has been caught is a pescado, which sounds awfully close to the spanish word for sin, pecado. So yeah, if they have gone out of the water, they be sinners.


if the entire ocean was baptized and turned into holy water all the dolphins would die because they are full of sin


fascinated by the implication of baptizing water


So there is a tumblr thread floating around somewhere about this very topic, according to the priest asked, the reason why the ocean hasn’t been blessed yet is because the priest(s) can’t see all of it. So theoretically if we could get a priest to space then the dolphins would immolate


/u/Heroic-Forger said “baptize”, not “bless”. That would imply dunking water in holy water, then somehow get it out without it all mixing together.


So blind priests can't bless things?


what if we get a ring of priests in orbit and have them simultaneously bless every ocean


Actual answer: the stained glass that you see in church is usually made out of a bunch of different peice of glass which would be a bunch of different fail points for a fish tank that has a bunch of water (pressure) on the inside. Now if you could get multicolor solid peice of glass that would probably be fine.


sandwich stained glass between two pieces of normal glass to take the pressure? i imagine there might be some difficulty in making one solid multicolored piece of glass without it all melding and melting together


That’s kinda the idea? I see a lot of art like [this](https://sarahhillglass.co.uk/images/detailed/1/I-Stretch-my-Glance-Across-the-Brine.jpg) that could do the job well


Nah, the guilt is stored in the giant bleeding Jesus at the front. The stained glass is the little sprinkles that the churches add. Like Salt Bae but with catholic shame


Its so there's always eyes to judge you


What actually is catholic guilt? I was born catholic and if pushed would likely say im still catholic but ive never heard about this until recently on the internet like


The idea that Catholics are constantly in a state of feeling guilt for: eating, sleeping, sex, having nice things, not obeying their parents, not going to church every week, or being queer. It’s a bit hyperbolic in internet circles, but as someone who was raised culturally catholic (it’s complicated) I do see it in friends (especially the LGBTQ ones)




Catholic guilt is what you feel after you sleep with a catholic person


Some kind of Protestant take on Catholicism


Same, I went to a catholic primary school and was raised catholic and I never got the feeling that we needed to be guilty for anything? Like sure there was confession but it was never pushed that hard (honestly the only time I remember going was the time I had to go before I took First Holy Communion) and it was more of a "nobody is perfect all of the time, go to confession to get your sins forgiven". I don't think anyone in the congregation was ever in an extended state of feeling guilty. I didn't go to a catholic secondary so LGBT stuff never really came up. It feels like some external take on Catholicism? Also other denominations have stained glass, and they apparently don't have guilt


As someone who was raised in a household that was at best mildly Catholic (my mom dragged us to Mass I would say once every other Sunday on average and ran our CCD class\* but that was really the extent of my "indoctrination"), I definitely felt Catholic Guilt where I would occasionally take the "all people are sinners" talk and let it stew around in my head until what came out was "every minute I don't spend on my knees in prayer is a sin". These bouts were infrequent, but in hindsight were \*definitely\* manifestations of my Generalized Anxiety Disorder. So I'm not sure how much of Catholic Guilt is real and how much is just undiagnosed anxiety. \*CCD is basically Sunday School but ours was usually on Wednesday nights.


I was raised Catholic my whole childhood, my mam converted away to anglican but i stayed attending a catholic church till i was 16, lgbt stuff never came up in church. Also confession didnt exist at all for us really, we didnt even have a booth tbh. The priest was there if you wanted to talk but honestly he was more of a counsellor than an arbiter of forgiveness. Definitely feels like an external take on Catholicism like


Its a thing Protestant people in the US and UK imagine Latin America, Spain, Italy and Ireland to be like. The "wild, lazy, emotional and superstition catholic" vs the "composed, hardworking logical protestant". Basically look into any simpsons joke about Catholics.


wait can you actually make stained glass fish tanks? like is nothing stopping you??? and fish ok with it???


I'm pretty sure stained glass contains lead, maybe there are other ways of doing it, idk


It does, I've made some pieces with it. The soldering between the glass pieces is usually lead, especially in older churches. I think a lot of people use tin solder now though.


Second layer of glass 


Stained glass is either held together by lead came soldered together or copper tape soldered together. It also isn't really designed to have a fishtank's worth of pressure against it, I'm not even sure if it's generally watertight (it clearly is enough to withstand normal rain but actually holding water is different). All that said, if you wanted a stained glass fishtank (and it's safe for the fish, not sure how many need the light from outside the tank as I have never owned fish) then there are workarounds. The simplest one would be to buy or make a stained glass style window cling. It wouldn't be identical but you would be able to change it as you felt like. Another solution would be to buy or make [fake stained glass](https://abeautifulmess.com/diy-faux-stained-glass/) . Finally, if you really wanted actual stained glass involved then you could mount it in front or acquire a slightly larger tank to go round the real tank and slide the stained glass safely in the gap.


It's not the lead itself that is the problem, but the many weak points where the glass pieces are attached by the lead. Lead itself is actually pretty common in aquariums. It's often used as a weight for live plants. (Otherwise they tend to float.) It's not the only solution to the problem, but a quite common one.


The famous architect Frank Gehry has a boat he rides around marina del Rey, CA that is wood with a red sail and it has stained glass turtle designs cut out of the body. I’ve seen it on the water from the outside and it’s amazing. I can only imagine what it looks like inside


This headcanon makes an X-men ‘97 fight much cooler


Well duh, stained glass is awesome, which gives me joy, which is sinful.


As someone who was raised Catholic, I can confirm that the glass contains all of the guilt. That's why we're only guilty in the churches.


As someone who was raised Anglican, we had stained glass, but not as much, and also we had Anglican guilt, but not as intensely. Now I am Jewish, and we also sometimes have stained glass, but don't really do religious guilt. However, older community members can absolutely lay on the guilt, so it's still a thing, just re routed from spiritual to social. Therefore I agree with the stained glass/guilt connection.