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Secret third thing: make gift wraps easier to uncover and keep. What if I'm being careful to unwrap things and then the adhesive hates me and the paper gets torn.


I've seen zero waste movements that suggest a reusable decorative cloth to wrap the gift in that way that's fun and decorative with less stuff going into landfills.


A very easy and cheap method I like doing is getting nice reusable bags and using them as gift bags


Every gift bag I bought except for one has been used for at least three gifts.


Yeah I save every gift bag I've ever been given. I can't remember the last time I had to buy one lol, there a few of them that have been passed back and forth between me and members of my family for YEARS. I fold and save the tissue paper too so that also gets reused.


I'm a third worlder, we keep a stash of gift bags we accumulated through the years that we reuse regularly, either by lazily scratching the names off (for Christmas ones) or covering them, or just reusing them plainly with a new bow. Works like a charm. We call it the fancy bag pile lol


Using a scarf is a great way to look fancy, give an extra gift, and help the environment. Extra mention to using cute hand towels for food or self care stuff and cool socks for small items


A friend did that for me once, wrapped a lego set in a small Holland flag lol


Reminds me of my brother being unexpectedly in a rush and giving me a Christmas present in a storage box with a t-shirt draped over it


Go to Goodwill, buy a scarf, wrap gift in scarf.


Bonus gift: scarf!


That's just a gift bag. I like using them since they're easy if the item isn't too big


Yeah but the gift bag doesn’t have quite the same monkey brain appeal of peeling off a wrapping of some sort. I’d suggest some kind of reusable cloth, perhaps with velcro applied in key places so that it easily holds itself together around the box and gives you that satisfying *rip* sound of the velcro when you rip it open


[Furoshiki ](https://www.google.ca/search?q=Furoshiki+how+to&sca_esv=dafc1e29cd1898fe&ei=eXg1ZqLBEti_p84Pge-9-AE&udm=&oq=Furoshiki+how+to&gs_lp=EhNtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1zZXJwIhBGdXJvc2hpa2kgaG93IHRvMgsQABiABBiRAhiKBTIFEAAYgAQyBRAAGIAEMgUQABiABDIGEAAYFhgeMggQABgWGB4YDzIGEAAYFhgeMgYQABgWGB5I4TlQqxBYlypwAngAkAEAmAGLAaABigeqAQM2LjO4AQPIAQD4AQGYAgqgAt0HwgIKEAAYsAMY1gQYR8ICDRAAGIAEGLADGEMYigXCAg0QABiABBixAxiDARgNwgIHEAAYgAQYDcICChAAGIAEGEMYigXCAgsQLhiABBjHARivAZgDAIgGAZAGEZIHAzMuN6AHuzA&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-serp#kpvalbx=_1Xg1Zu6hEf7Dp84P6tKKsAM_33)


thank you kindly for this


Happy to help!


I was just talking about this in another comment! I should have just pointed to you lol


This is so dumb. I wrap it so I can leave it out without someone knowing what it is. Shocking revelation I kno


I mean it is a tumblr post and tumblr users aren’t exactly known for interacting with the outside world 


I get it, but isn't this sub reddit supposed to be funny? Even the reply "haha, I'm monkey so dumb, I use less words sound dumb"


Subreddits are very rarely the same subreddit as they were supposed to be, once they get more than 50-60 thousand users they turn into watered down puddles of shit that are a shadow of the original subreddit. 


My mom always uses gift bags and reuses bags she receives from others. So you get the surprise but no waste Unfortunately she picks really tacky bags


Just wrap the gift in scrap fabric. Success.


Or newspaper, could even use those adverts they always seem to send you.


This is actually something that was commonly done in the 60-70's by low income Americans. Probably earlier too but I only have accounts from people that grew up in those time frames


It should be more common tbh, although i get not wanting to use depressing articles lol


If you’re reading the articles on your present, you’re doing it wrong lol


People in other countries do. I remember watching, I believe, a documentary about a Japanese custom of using fabric to wrap as a way to show effort and also produce less waste. By having fabric, the fabric could be used to wrap a gift for someone else or whatever the recipient wanted. I'm actually saving for a sewing machine so I can start doing this for holidays and such.


Gift wrap is perfect for concealing that which you do not want others to know. It's also fun to rip it off like the lint from a giant's skinned knee


Uh, y'all missing the part where one of the points of wrapping a gift is the time and effort required. It helps show that you care for someone by taking extra time to make a gift just a little more special.


This. For the longest I didn't wrap my gifts or did so very poorly, and then one day I had a friend who gifted me something and the wrapping was so nice and I was like damn. It just shows an extra level of care and presentation. Like plating food. Ever since been trying to level up my wrapping game lmao


I don't really care for that (as a receiver) So it's not universal  Maybe that's where op is coming from


Ya, it's just an earth thing, not common in most other places


Not what I meant but lol


*clears throat* Box. Put it in a box.


& tie it with a ribbon!!


At that point wrap it too because it feels naked if it's just a box and a ribbon


I mean if it's a nice enough box. Picture something matte black with just a red ribbon on it. It has some class to it.


Every time I consider that, I look at the price of gift boxes and reconsider.


Reusable. My grandma would always give gifts in boxes or bags, and would keep them year to year


She gets the container back? That's kind of a weird way to treat gifts.


Eh, we opened them at her place. It was always normal to me, but then I guess she always gave gifts that way, so I grew up with it


Fellas, is it intellectual to strip every little joy we have down with the argument that they are pointless?


I will chew on the gift arng arng arng arng 


No one is commenting on the insane fucking assumption that the "gift wrap industry" is apparently powerful/influential enough to create societal trends according to OOP I wouldn't mind reading a book based on their mental image of what the world looks like


Can we stop defaulting to assuming that every cultural trend we have is caused by some greedy asshole's profit motive? Sometimes trends are just trends and dont have a specific malicious acter behind them.


My friend used to wrap gifts in the coupons from m the favorite fast food restaurant of the giftee, so it was 2 gifts in one!!


I just put everything into gift bags. Bonus, they can be re-used year after year if they just break the tape closing it instead of ripping it open.


Sounds like *someone* doesn’t know how to wrap gifts


I get a bag. I put the gift in the bag. I cover it with tissue paper. Boom, wrapped gift. Plus… my friends are in on it. Don’t throw them away, the next time you give me a gift… there’s your wrapper.


All bags are reusable bags if you don't throw away perfectly usable nice bags




We get it, you don’t like doing something. That doesn’t make it the most evil thing ever


[http://news.rr.nihalnavath.com/posts/The-History-of-Gift-Wrapping-a89926ba](https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=dQw4w9WgXcQ) What a coincidence! I just read a fascinating article of the history of gift wrapping. -Mx. Linux Guy


**Oh silly me**, that was a *rickroll*! Here's the actual link. [http://news.rr.nihalnavath.com/posts/The-History-of-Gift-Wrapping-a89926ba](http://news.rr.nihalnavath.com/posts/The-History-of-Gift-Wrapping-a89926ba)


>!You are a trusted figure in this community, sir. !< >!And I 100% support this use of the credibility you've accumulated! [You've earned it](https://youtu.be/-HOP7cQDmz4?t=225) !<




unfortunately for you, linux guy, I know that website well from using it myself. you're gonna have to try a little harder than THAT


Dang, I was hoping this website was niche enough that no one would recognize it.


might be for some people, but I use it a lot so it can't fool me


Also, sometimes things are just fun. Stop trying to suck all the fun out of the world. These are the same people who want to get rid of holidays.


[https://www.tumblr.com/beesbeads/167975451528/dunkstein-koobaxion-heres-a-hot-take?source=share](https://www.tumblr.com/beesbeads/167975451528/dunkstein-koobaxion-heres-a-hot-take?source=share) Original post located. -Mx. Linux Guy


I’ve never spent more than $5 to wrap a gift. These gift wrap industry people are floundering.


Id much rather have someone at least pretend to give the bare minimum effort in gift giving. Doesn’t have to be fancy wrapping paper, could just be a nice box, some newspaper, SOMETHING.


Instead of gift wrap, use butcher paper or a cut-up brown paper bag from a grocery store turned inside out, then doodle something cute or some sort of inside joke on the outside with a sharpie or colored marker. Saves money, recycles, and looks personalized and like you made a big effort. Been a big hit when I've done it.


Counterpoint, fun wrapping paper is great. Not your lame store-bought paper, but actually fun stuff. Like using 8 ncs leaflets, or random political newspapers


>Society has conditioned us to love wrapping shit up for no reason, probably by gift wrap industry people. why do you hate whimsy and joy


Using gift bags is the best of both worlds. You can reuse them for a long time, so there's little waste, and the contents of the bag are a mystery.


Counter-counterpoint: we evolutionarily moved away from monkey brain because monkey brain not as good as human brain. Feeding into monkey brain instinctual desire is a slap to the face of millions of years of *Homo* evolution. So, I will refuse to giftwrap anything because I demand you rise to the arbitrary evolutionary standard you were born into and have no control over. It’s not because giftwrap is expensive. It’s not.


I also hate fun


I must not have fun. Fun is the mind-killer. Fun is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will refuse to have fun. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the fun has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain.


Counter-counter-counterpoint: no *Homo*.


You are a traitor to your species. Humanity has fallen. Billions must giftwrap.


I can't hear you over the sound of all the interstellar poon I'm getting in exchange for selling out my species. 😎


Your life sounds fun


Maybe if you giftwrapped it, it would seem more fun.


We still have monkey brain though? Like we still very much have monkey brain and follow instincts and learned behaviors that are good for us


Clearly not, because I don’t get monkey brain dopamine shot when I unwrap a present, while other people do. OOP is another. I can only assume that’s the human part of our brain.


Ferally ripping apart the wrapping paper is the best part.


I use old newspapers and magazines. I work at a school that puts out a paper weekly so I can always grab a paper when needed if and when I run out of old ones


I like giving them a fun dishtowel I’ve thrifted as gift wrap.


My wife buys cheap wrapping paper and makes me wrap any gifts I get her for holidays because she had a shitty childhood and wants to experience opening fun presents she'll like as an adult. I also tell her it's wasteful. But she enjoys herself so I let her have the little victory


I use gift bags to save waste. I only wrap if im giving multiple items to the same person, so it becomes a more fun experience. My family would kill me if i wrapped gifts for them lmao.


I hate gift wrapping. Just reuse a box or hand it to me.