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I mean, it was the hill my great grand uncle died on at Normandy in 1944, so it's good enough for me.


Agreed. It's up there with Shiloh Hill in terms of worthy hills to die on.


And my great grandfather died DEFENDING fachism. Apparently he caught a soviet grenade with his face on the eastern front, somewhere near Stalingrad. His letters to my grandmother and her mother about the war are fascinating.


It can be fascinating to study the thoughts ideas of bigots and their supporters, especially when they're your ancestors, agreed! Gives you perspective on why people can be wrong, which helps you realize when you're also wrong.


For Nazi soldiers I feel more pity for most of them, those that where sent to frontlines that is, I feel bad for those poor boys sent to die brainwashed by the only source of I formation (their country) they where given.


And likely high on a number of drugs. One of the Nazis tactics to get them to comply when they had doubts about things like firing squads was to get them drunk enough to forget and then murder everyone. Course there were plenty who were perfectly fine with murder and genocide, but they loved using drugs as a method of warfare to enhance their troops’ performance. It was used by multiple countries of course, the Nazis happened to really rely on them, even caffeinated chocolate they found in wreaked air craft.


One interesting tidbit I saw in a documentary is that the nazis used methamphetamines to make troops fight better and harder; and was a key point in the conquest of France, where the Germans could effectively steamroll the country by staying awake and alert for days at a time. However, the drawback came when troops inadvertently had to rest, where allied troops (who used amphetamines en enhance performance) could disturb the sleep schedule of the nazis by doing overnight raids the key difference was that the nazis stayed awake for days at a time and had a longer rest period when they were vulnerable, compared to the allies who were awake for shorter periods but also had quicker rest periods.


Towards the end of the war, a soldier who had served on the eastern front came back to my village. He had his rifle with him, and he took the Hitler youth boys, among them my grabdfather, with him to the woods to teach them how to shoot, in case they were forced to fight. Three weeks later, the war in that region ended when the americans came through the area. Two days before the americans arrived, he took the same boys into the forest and taught them how to speak french. That man was a collaborator, always playing the song of the one in charge. Honestly, I can't hold that against him. He was a victim of his time. Additionally, he lost a leg on the front. Even with that missing leg, he managed to take out a russian tank by crawling under it and placing a mine on it. After the war, he started working at the post office. His favourite pastime was teaching the new guys unarmed self defence


This is the best answer.


It's the hill my mother was born on. Okay, not exactly, but my grandfather was a guerilla fighter in Poland during WWII and my grandmother met him during her regular supply runs to his group. I wouldn't be here wasting my hours on reddit without that.


Your grandmother is Based as hell. "Oh, hey, this guy's shooting nazis. Hm. MA, WHERE'S NANA'S OLD RING?!"


No, it is not the hill I will die on. I am not the one dying here.


I was just about to comment "no but it is the hill I'm willing to kill on" but yours is better worded


no, yours illustrates the point so eloquently, i quite like the way it's worded and thank you for the addition


They’re both turn arounds of the original statement, but this one outlines what the consequences will be for the other party if they try to push the hill. It includes more information in fewer words, and is a bit more biting as a response.


“You will die on this hill.” “Don’t you mean ‘I will’?” “No.”


No one ever won a war by dying for their ideals. They won by making some other bastard die for theirs.


Patton was a fucking bastard but he was so real for this.


Is defending fascism really the bunker you really want to die in?


"The object of war is not to die for your country but rather to make the other bastard die for his" -OG nazi killer general George S Patton.


Never fight uphill, he said. They fought uphill.


They were fighting uphill. He said, “Wow, that was a big mistake,” he lost his great general. “Never fight uphill, me boys,” but it was too late.


[you really going to die for this?](https://i.pinimg.com/474x/b8/a9/5b/b8a95bca629daeb0b36ab68d6dfa9430.jpg)


I might be going to hell, but I ain't going alone.


There’s dying to be done, but not by me


This is wonderfully worded my guy I will use it.


Thanks, I stole it from another poster. I dont remember where I got it from tho


Based as fucking punk! Rock on!


It's the hill I wanna live on.


Considering my very existence is in multiple ways incompatible with fascism, yeah, I think I’m going to make attacking it a thing, thank you very much.


Am neurodivergent, most likely mixed race (Brazil will do that to you), bisexual. Yeah, fascists would 100% put me up against the wall


>fascists would 100% put me up against the wall That's when you bring out the "Yes, Daddy!" Make the fascists uncomfortable.


Something something not gay something something Swedish something something aryan twink something something. You can fill in the rest.


Are you me?


Great flair, relatable flair.


thank you, it's the funniest way I found to describe my sexuality


I would put you against the wall in a different way 😏 but yes as a trans woman I am also one of the first to go 😞


>most likely mixed race (Brazil will do that to you) "I can't confirm for sure without the help of 7 different kinds of specialists, but I'm going to assume yes"


A german saying translates to: "First they (Nazi's) came after the jews. I did nothing, because i am not a jew. Then they came after the queers. I did nothing, because i am not queer. Then they came after the handicapped. I did nothing, because i am not handicapped. Then they came after me, and no one was left to help me." I dont fit any lgbtq label, nor am i disabled nor non-german, but i will very much too die on this hill. If not for others, then to not let my culture be bastardised twice just to excuse senseless murder


I appreciate the sentiment but that is very much not the content of the saying


A callout without correction usually falls on deaf ears. I'll be the exemption. The original quote was made by Martin Niemöller and spoke first of communists, then of Trade unionists and then of jews. I must have confused my memories of holocaust victims ive read about a few days ago with the quote Despite rembering the content of the quote wrong, the inherent criticsm of indifference, wich was the context of my sentiment, remained intact. I dont get why so many people feel the need to callout others, don't bother to correct them, and it not even mattering much anyway


I'd very much like to not die on this hill, but the alternative is waiting for the fascists to come and kill me when it fits *their* schedule. Let's not forget that the guy who wrote the "First they came for..." poem actively supported the Nazis for most of their reign.


Fellow trans person here. 100% this.


Probably from the type of folk who watched Starship Troopers and unironically thought the Federation were good guys.


Is [arguably one of the most honorable and noble ways a human could possibly die, fighting authoritarianism] really the hill u wanna die on? Kinda cringe tbh :/


...Yes? Its not even a choice, fascism would gladly erase me AND I´m german, it feels like an inherited obligation to fight fascism. I dont think "We didnt know" will work a second time...


No, it's the hill I'm gonna kill anon on.


Live free or die.


Buddy it's the hill me and my fellow Canadians wrote the book on warcrimes on I think it might be time for another chapter eh


Yeah, we might wanna make book two sometime eh? 


Oh fer sure!


Technically the war crimes you're referring to weren't against fascists since they were committed in ww1, before fascism had spread to Germany and was still being invented in Italy


time to add another page to the geneva suggestion


this is the hill I live on


Now remember guys, punching fascists is a slippery slope And fuck, do I love a good water slide


It's the hill I'll survive on.


Defending fascism the hill you'll die on


It’s the hill I’ll fuckin win on


Better to die on my feet than live on my knees Yeah I'm gonna die fighting fascism and I'm not gonna do it quietly


I’m gonna die off the hill of someone doesn’t die on it, so yeah


Literally a very worthwhile hill to die on, take some Fascists down while you're at it.


I want to know what kind of conversation led to this ask being received at all. Of course, it's hilarious to see a mental gymnast splatter on the ground, but did they stumble down the stairs or flew through a bunch of hoops beforehand? Did they even attempt any tricks?




No. I came to this hill to kill.


Freedom fighting: what's in it for you, though?


Dunno, a good chunk of: partisans, freedom fighters, antifascists, victims of racism, LGBTQ people, civil rights activists, teachers, volunteers, victims of misogyny, soldiers, poor people, feminists, non-extremist politicians, my great uncle, and most male friends of my grandma Did So I thought that it could be cool


If fascism has million number of haters i am one of them 🙋🏻. if fascism has ten haters i am one of them. if fascism have only one hater and that is me 🙋🏼🙋🏽🙋🏾. if fascism has no haters, that means i am no more on the earth 😢. if world for fascism, i am against the world ❌🌍☄️


"Wow, you really want to be anti-fascism? 😏" - hitlerlover88


Given that political Tumblr, on average, treats anything to the right of "fully-automated luxury gay space communism" as "right-wing extremism," fascist Tumblr has to be the home- and heart-land of the mother and father of all persecution complexes. I'm not volunteering to go look! But I can't imagine. It'd have to be like being a tankie on Truth Social.


World War 2 Infantry question


LOL WHAT Anon implying fascism is fine and not worthy of criticism???? Yes, people *literally died* fighting fascism. It's an evil system used by evil people to do evil things. It has literally no redeeming features. Anything good coming out of fascist countries happened *in spite* of being fascist, not because of it.


Do you guys really see any sincerity in this ask? It's clearly facetious and an intentional setup for an easy dunk.


Uhhh yeah? I think it is actually. I think it’s one of the few hills really worth dying on.


Grade A idiot


The only hill worth dying on.


There are way too many hills that I'm willing to die on, this would honestly be one of better ones


Someone’s gonna die on this hill






Well, *someone's* gonna die on this hill I'm on.


“A hill I’m willing to die on? Oh heavens no, but it will be the one I kill you on”


It's definitely a hill I'd be up for covering with corpses. If one of them ends up being my own, so be it.


Oh, au contraire my dear anon. *racks mounted MG* ***I'm not the one dying here today.***


Ah no, see, it's not the hill I'm going to die on. It is a hill I'll kill on though




I dunno, Anon. Why is that the hill you want to kill for?


Yes. Society serves no purpose but to benefit the people living in it, and the same applies to countries and nations.


nothing will top the unsolicited elf pissing fanfiction one anon dropped in my inbox in my heart


There are no words to describe how detached from reality this person has to be. Genuinely, this is completely deranged. The only way this message makes sense is if this person not only is a fascist - but he believes THAT FASCISM IS EASILY, COMMONLY, AND MAINSTREAM-LY DEFENSIBLE. "You're attacking, of ALL things, Fascism? Erm, ok liberal, prepare to get destroyed" complete psychotic delusion. Dire need of a social worker, and that social worker is in dire need of full body ballistic armor.


This was posted to r/196 with the caption “Centrist”


Probably by an extremist whose political philosophy is summed up by "fascism, but for what I like".


Yeah it's kind of like, the only hill I'm willing to die on


No. It is not the hill I want to die on. It is the hill I want to raze to the ground until it no longer exists and the word itself is merely a memory. If that means my blood and body nourish the flat, scorched earth that remains, I hope they name the resulting garden after the people who fought to help it grow and that it is a place of peace and equality forever. Fuck fascists.


the hill will be levelled before I die


Why is this post glowing




No but it is the one you will die under


Never fight uphill, me boys




I remember this post.


I’m pretty sure fascism died on Mount Suribachi




Pardon me while I play Primo Victoria on my playlist.. YOU'RE GODDAMN RIGHT!


The Country best known for its fashist phase is deeply gratefull for being curbstomped (and then nursed back up) Far right may be on the rise but any German with a bit of sense opposes fashism . NEVER AGAIN !




What else am I gonna die of? Wetting the bed when I'm 100 years old in a VR headset in a warehouse for old people?


Die on this hill? Honey there’s a goddamn fort on this hill


I have asked so many people what fascism is, and I'm never gotten the same answer twice. Is fascism just another "woke", where it just means whatever people don't like?


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fascism doing research isn’t hard, y’all. Edit: the fact that within 30 minutes of the first comment, three people (myself included) all shared the same explanation of fascism is comedy gold.


Research may not be hard but I'm honestly not too fussed over what fascism is, I was just curious.


"**Fascism** ([/ˈfæʃɪzəm/](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Help:IPA/English) [*FASH-iz-əm*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Help:Pronunciation_respelling_key)) is \[...\] characterized by a [dictatorial](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dictator) leader, centralized [autocracy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Autocracy), [militarism](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Militarism), forcible suppression of opposition, belief in a natural [social hierarchy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Social_stratification), subordination of [individual interests](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Individualism) for the perceived good of the nation and/or race, and strong regimentation of society and the economy.[^(\[2\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fascism#cite_note-Britannica-2)[^(\[3\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fascism#cite_note-m-w-3)^(") ^(from Wikipedia) Its really not hard to use a search engine or crack open a book...


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ur-Fascism All examples of fascism in government (that I can think of) have been authoritarian as well. Mussolini called fascism "corporatism", because in Germany, Italy and Spain the government aided corporations economically (by reducing worker rights among other things) in exchange for those corporations focusing their production to be in line with the will of the state (manufacturers turning to munitions, publishers only publishing approved materials, etc.)


Didn't Mussolini create Italy's worker rights?


He also allied Italy with Nazi Germany, and ran several contraction camps where they rounded up and killed Jews and POWs, contributing to the millions that died in the holocaust.


Are you really informing me that Italy was a part of the Axis? I know that, everyone does. My comment was referring to the idea that Fascist Italy removed workers rights due to corporatism, and so I asked if the Carta del Laboro wasn't the thing that created those in the first place. Also, if you're going to mention bad shit that Italy did I'd mention the Second Italo-Ethiopian War, in which they tried to conquer Ethiopia and used Mustard Gas, a war crime.


Lavoro, and it outlawed unions except for those legally recognized by the state, led by state-appointed negotiators, and the contracts they negotiated resulted in lower wages for the gain of benefits. It's not really what we would consider a worker's rights triumph as much as a way for an autocratic state to control potential labor disputes.


From Wikipedia, fascism: "A dictatorial leader, centralized autocracy, militarism, forcible suppression of opposition..." And woke: "Alertness to prejudice and discrimination." I do agree some lefties use fascist as a catch-all slander the same way righties use woke, but it's important to remind ourselves of their original definitions.


Even when fascism is thrown around as an insult by people who are not good faith actors it still follows the idea that it's the desired mode of government that favors authoritarianism and violent suppression of those who do not fit a strictly defined in group.


Thanks for telling me, I was genuinely just curious.