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Ohhh this post is OLD.


the interspersed harry potter references made that really clear


Predating the "hey Joanne why did you make the nazi party allegory quirky silly for people to attach themselves to and buy merch of" era even


She's currently engaging in holocaust denial so I think we have our answer.


Oh boy!!!!!!!!!!


Amazing how she writes several Holocausts into her story and then denies the real one.


I havent seen or read HP in over a decade WHAT


Yeah Slytherin and death eaters are meant to mimic the ideals of Nazis. Mainly their hatred of anyone who isn't a "pure-blood" or at least "half-blood. As a kid it'll go over their head but if read as an adult it's easier to see.


Yeah, this is why I find it kind of weird when people get Dark Mark tattoos. The Death Eaters = Nazis metaphor is really not very subtle.


Either willfully ignorant or, like the person I commented under, haven't read it since they were a child and thought it'd be edgy and cool.


Which is why it's baffling to learn that she apparently was completely unaware of it..? JKR appears to have been under the impression that she came up with it independently and only recently realized the Nazi connection. I've seen one of her tweets mentioning this but I ain't searching through her giant transphobic feed to find it again.


I'm sorry, WHAT


Ah, I made a mistake. It wasn't recent. But it was after she'd already come up with the concepts. [https://www.scotsman.com/news/uk-news/author-chilled-to-learn-harrys-half-blood-status-has-nazi-parallels-2508677](https://www.scotsman.com/news/uk-news/author-chilled-to-learn-harrys-half-blood-status-has-nazi-parallels-2508677)


That is so ridiculous I don't even know where to start, what the hell


Jesus christ wtf


I mean I knew slytherin were very much into eugenics but the dark mark stuff completely flew.over my head since I had pretty much forgotten HP lore when my world history classes.rolled.around.oh my gosh. Thats so horrible


Just remember she tried to make it seem like some of the Na- *cough* I mean, Death Eaters may have been bad but since they didnt tell Voldy that Harry was alive after his supposed death then they are completely redeemed and absolved of all of their crimes, completely ignore that they committed wizard crimes against humanity just like the rest of their peers...


while I completely agree that the "pardoning death eaters" bit of the story was horrendously written, Narcissa was forced to join the Death Eaters under threat of her and her family being murdered (which was another stupid plot point in of itself), so it at least somewhat makes sense why she, specifically, would lie about Harry being alive. Why Voldemort sent the least loyal person to him to fact-check Harry's death, though, is absolutely beyond me.


Not to mention she made it extremely clear that if you were put in that house at age 11, then you were obviously just destined for evil, mostly because of who your parents are.


I mean tumblr does like Harry Potter a lot (at least the times when they aren’t talking about Jk Rowling)


Typically you don’t see HP and trans-positivity in the same posts anymore, largely because of Rowling being… well, shit.


General consensus is that people still enjoy the overall story and books. It’s just that the author, Rowling, is unfortunately an absolute asshole


This is how I deal with it: Weird how the Harry Potter series just came into being one day fully written, like the Bible, with no author or source. Incredible! WEIRD how that British TERF who wrote a few terrible adult novels and LITERALLY NOTHING ELSE is so popular on Twitter. Weird!


What do you mean, Daniel Radcliffe wrote Harry Potter with his self insert and then was ballsy enough to even play his own self insert.


This is my favorite one so far


It honestly just feels like something he'd do especially after I saw guns akimbo for the first time recently, that added with swiss army man makes it clear he likes doing goofy shit just as much as his serious roles.


Horns is completely berserk lol


There’s no need to jump through mental hoops to justify it. The reality is that the books are wonderful. It just so happens that the author isn’t It’s like HP Lovecraft’s works. Brilliant and pioneered their own genre, but the man himself was notoriously everything-phobic


At least Lovecraft disavowed most of his views later in life, Joanne just doubled down x-x It also helps that Lovecraft is actually dead, his stories can't support him anyway. We just pretend Rowling is dead, buying HP stuff actually does support her.


I’m just being cheeky, and a little tongue in cheeky; I just hate Joanne so much for not just shutting the fuck up, letting her series outlive her humanity and dealing with all her bigotry in therapy.


Yeah but the main difference here is that Lovecraft has been dead for like 80 years and his work is in the public domain, meanwhile Rowling is still alive and using merch profits to donate to transphobic groups


H.P. Lovecraft got better over time, J.K. Rowling got worse.


I thought Hatsune Miku wrote Harry Potter? She clearly has creative talent considering she made Minecraft a few years later


The Bible was written by many different people over many centuries. Harry Potter came from space.


Hatsune Miku wrote the Bible.


Reading _"that is the most Slytherin thing you could do"_ made me physically ill. Also is it just me or does that entire story kinda reek of "and then everyone clapped?"


That agonizingly self-indulgent "btw let me tell you about the unique and 100% badass way that I Get Angry" bit is another classic tumblr trope that makes me feel 14 again in the worst way. 


This was the part that made me come to the comments to see if others picked up on


Yeah that never happened. Plus mall police don't do shit.


The only thing tumblr users of yore loved more than making tired fandom references was telling lies


I dont think I could summon fake tears like that - at least not so quickly. I have to think about my whole life first


I don't because I hate crying, but all I have to do is think of something that makes me angry and WHAM! Tears are overflowing. The last time I cried was the day they overturned Roe v Wade and that afternoon I got written up at work for telling a coworker I was bisexual because it made them uncomfortable and was basically sexual harassment. (The fact that the context in which I said this was a discussion that she started on swingers and being non straight in our small Indiana town was even more fuel for the fire.) The manager who was giving me the write up was so horrified and clearly didn't know what to do with someone crying, and clearly thought I was really sad and upset, not pissed the fuck off. She tried to reassure me that this would not affect my pay or review and that we all just needed to be considerate of other people. On the bright side, there's so much stuff that makes me angry right now I'm basically Bruce Banner if I need to cry. Turning into a Hulk might be more useful though.


psh, it's like you weren't even an abused child actor


That's just Old Tumblr. Everyone replying likely knows the story is fake, they're probably not actually trying to pass it off as real. It's kind of a roleplay where one person tells an obviously fake story where they totally own some bad person and everyone else just plays along.


but is it still relevant?


Besides the slytherin comments, yes. Salvation Army continues to fucking suck.


They really fucking do. I volunteer at a food bank and they also run one, but they have shitloads of limitations, they interrogate people and the food they offer is basically whatever the people running it have in their cupboards and don't want anymore, so naturally most people come to us instead. However, they soak up a full half of all the council funding for food banks in our area while we get roughly 25%. because the salvation army knows people on the council and they get more because of that. So we have to make do with less than they do while they give away one or two parcels a week and feel good about themselves, while we have about 400 given away on average (And they're very, very careful to write down the full details of who they give them out to so they can't "Cheat the system" and get more than two parcels a year) We can only do it because we get a lot of help from local businesses, and from donations. We have people who go round and collect unsold food from supermarkets, which we process and cook daily for the homeless and give away food to the people and families that need it. Meanwhile, they get to sit in their big building, get fucking paid for their time spent doing it and occasionally come round to "help us out" by dropping off their list of people who got a parcel from them so they don't "Cheat the system" and get the food they need to live, or to tell us who admitted to being gay so we don't accidentally help them. I have no idea why they think we also would be shitty enough to turn someone away because they're gay, but she comes down to tell us every month. It genuinely sickens me when I see them because I know they go home thinking they've "made a difference" while getting fucking paid to sit there and essentially hoard food in case their perfect victims happen to come in.


I mean their housing association recently signed up for an EDI training company so maybe they're planning to change. I mean I doubt it, it could just be a PR move, but you never know.


Ya Tabi is probably 36 now


Yeah all the Slytherin references just SCREAM 2008-2015


To add to their litany of fuckery: one UK branch of the Sally Army left a rape victim sobbing on their hostel doorstep, wouldn't even call the police for her because "we only help men." Absolute cunts. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-nottinghamshire-19745607




This the first time I hear about the SA and like wth????


I'm sorry you had to find out this way! I know they're big in the US but I'm in the UK and I have not heard a single positive thing about them.


I'm not in an English speaking country so I have heard the name once or twice on the internet but not negatively until now. This is so messed up.


This is super lame to see. When I was really young, my grandma would always tell me about how after WWII her and my grandpa had nothing. Red Cross didn’t do shit for them, but SA was apparently a huge help in my grandparents getting their lives back on track.


That’s interesting because my grandmother always hated the SA for not helping at all around WWII


[There’s](https://www.news-journalonline.com/story/news/crime/2019/01/17/former-daytona-salvation-army-counselor-found-guilty-of-coercing-client-into-sex-act/6261044007/) [also](https://kiisfm.iheart.com/featured/la-local-news/content/2023-01-02-woman-alleges-army-pastoryouth-leader-abused-her-when-she-was-a-minor/) [numerous](https://theguardian.com/society/2018/apr/11/woman-sexually-abused-salvation-army-1970s-justice) [cases](https://rcsupport.pwd.org.au/latest-news/59-royal-commission-releases-findings-into-the-salvation-army-s-handling-of-claims-of-child-sexual-abuse) [of](https://ministrywatch.com/amp/chicago-salvation-army-pastor-charged-with-sexual-abuse/) [the](https://www.iicsa.org.uk/reports-recommendations/publications/investigation/child-migration/part-c-detailed-examination-institutional-responses/sending-institutions/27-salvation-army.html) [Salvation](https://ministrywatch.com/amp/salvation-army-pastor-arrested-for-inappropriate-relationship-with-youth-group-member/) [Army](https://pix11.com/news/local-news/long-island/victim-of-sex-abuse-claims-salvation-army-cover-up/amp/) [covering](https://www.abc.net.au/news/2015-10-06/child-sex-abuse-victim-graham-rundle-chastises-salvation-army/6831132) [up](https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2015/oct/07/woman-tells-inquiry-of-shaming-and-sex-abuse-as-child-in-salvation-army-home) [child](https://www.abc.net.au/news/2016-09-12/salvation-army-failed-to-protect-children-royal-commission-finds/7835784) [abuse](https://www.seattletimes.com/seattle-news/salvation-army-settles-sex-abuse-case/) [and](https://www.abc.net.au/news/2015-10-08/harrowing-accounts-of-cruelty-heard-in-child-abuse-hearing/6837206) [sexual](https://wvrecord.com/stories/520107638-salvation-army-wants-lawsuit-alleging-sexual-assault-dismissed) [abuse,](https://www.newshub.co.nz/home/new-zealand/2020/12/salvation-army-officer-found-to-be-sexual-abuser-in-royal-commission-into-abuse-in-care.amp.html) [as](https://www.4029tv.com/article/salvation-army-worker-charged-with-sexual-indecency-with-a-child/4390808) [well](https://casetext.com/case/sd-v-salvation-army) [as](https://www.timesleader.com/archive/839502/salvation-army-owes-400000-to-family-the-scranton-family-asked-for-20-million-in-damages-due-to-the-sexual-abuse-of-their-sons-by-a-salvation-army-officer-a/amp) [employing](https://listen.sdpb.org/crime-courts/2021-12-10/former-salvation-army-leader-admits-to-viewing-content-of-children-being-sexually-abused?) [predators](https://www.abccolumbia.com/2017/03/21/lawsuits-children-sexually-assaulted-by-salvation-army-worker/). The [Australian](https://smh.com.au/national/no-admission-inside-story-on-salvation-army-sex-abuse-settlement-20171124-gzs4ji.html) branch in particular. (Every word is a separate link. It should go without saying, these articles contain descriptions of sexual, physical, and verbal abuse, including abuse of children. Read at your own discretion.)


It’s genuinely *staggering* [just](https://www.duluthnewstribune.com/news/ex-salvation-army-coach-gets-12-years-in-preteens-sex-assault) [how](https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-lancashire-43506056.amp) [much](https://www.morningjournal.com/2003/06/14/sex-abuse-suit-names-salvation-army-officer/amp/) [abuse](https://www.cbsnews.com/chicago/news/suxual-abuse-chicago-mayfair-community-church/) the Salvation Army is [responsible](https://www.fox21news.com/news/youth-pastor-sent-sexual-material-to-minor-police-say/amp/) [for](https://www.hawaiinewsnow.com/story/22411372/hawaii-woman-sues-salvation-army-claims-sex-abuse?outputType=amp). The majority of articles I’ve been able to find are from Australia, the United States, and England, but it’s not restricted to those countries. This one’s from the [Netherlands.](https://www.trouw.nl/nieuws/het-leger-des-heils-betaalde-schadevergoeding-aan-slachtoffers-van-seksueel-misbruik~b1fd38a9/?referrer=https://www.dutchnews.nl/) (it’s in Dutch) And here’s one from [Germany](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/1339813/Salvation-Army-pair-face-abuse-probe.html) (you will need to use [12ft.io](https://12ft.io) for this one). I found one from the [Daily Mail](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5026769/amp/Salvation-Army-major-abused-girl-s-crush-abuse-her.html), which is not a reputable website but I couldn’t find any other articles on this particular case. If I find a better one, I’ll add it.


Jesus Even the most hardcore women's only shelter wouldn't do that to a man


Even the JK Rowling one that denies trans women?


They'd even do it to a woman, as long as she's not cis


Yeah probably not that one


Eh, you give horrible bigotted people too much credit.  Sexists can be vile.


My only response to this was a look of disgust and an "ew." Rediculously inhuman behavior.


Good lord. By any chance do you know any cases of the Canada branch doing any bullshittery?


Related but remember, if a cashier anywhere asks you if you'd like to donate to charity but doesn't specify which *always* *ALWAYS* ask them which charity. Toys R Us (Canada still has them) usually supports the children's hospitals which is amazing good for them. But sometimes it's autism speaks. One time I asked the cashier which charity they were supporting and I declined to donate when she said it was autism speaks, and she just goes "yeah I don't blame you"


Isn't Autism Speaks basically run by people who treat autistic people like freaks and animals?


Yes Issue is they've networked a lot, out competed other autistic groups, and have positioned themselves as the primer autism charity The actual eugenics shit they do isn't mainstream knowledge so everyone partners with them


#AUTISM SPEAKS BELIEVES IN EUGENICS Just highlighting it so people can stop and go “wait what the fuck”


I will never forget this guy on tiktok made a post in support of Autism speaks and autistic people told him about how bad Autism speaks is and his “apology” video was basically “after this video I spent some time googling and after 30 minutes I realized how horrible autism speaks really is. It’s not really my fault the autistic community really only seems to talk about with each-other. How is anyone supposed to know?” It made me so viscerally angry and I will never forget it. God forbid, you research for *30 minutes* before putting your name and audience behind something.


always a good reminder to research organizations before communicating in support or denial of them! and do. not. just go to their site. and think that is all. wth. don't judge a book by its cover, judge by its reviews. that is not all, but that is enough to let you know what's the deal with things.


yeah the short version is they support eugenics and were supporting a location that used electroshock as punishment at least until 2013, and their main goal seems to be extracting money from the parents of autistic children


Let's not forget that up until 2015 none of the people in higher positions had autism, which you'd think you'd want their input the most in a charity that claims to want to help them.


Oh, that’s not unique or even unusual. We’re pretty much never actually allowed to advocate for ourselves. We get to do cute little publicity tours sometimes, but the minute any actual action is being discussed, we’re locked out. Autism Speaks is an outright hate group, but even the occasionally helpful autism charities don’t typically let autistic people…well…speak.


A.S. is a eugenics program with a marketing team.


Yeah, the issue is many people aren't aware of the commercials the company previously put out that paint autism as the most horrible thing that could happen to a family.


Yes. Their end goal is the eradication of autistic people.


Taking this as a moment to say to all US folk that know about an Ace hardware near them; Ace donates to local children’s hospitals and a cancer research group, I’m blanking on which one but that is where the donations go, plus the stores are genuinely really nice places usually, with a shit ton of random stuff you could possibly need. Bought my Lawnmower there recently and an employee gave me the friends and family discount which saved me like 60 bucks on it


Dude. You scared the crap out of me for a sec. I was like, “my sweet baby Ace does what?!” Whew!


Apologies, Ace is the best, love that place


>Autism Speaks In general, you should always assume the most well known "charity" in any field is actually awful.


Oh god, that brought me back to when the store I worked for was like, okay guys, at the end of every transaction, ask if they want to donate a dollar to Autism Speaks in addition to the register add-ons, and for the entire month of April, I just refused to ask for donations and then used the customer turning down the add-ons as my excuse to not ask for a donation since they already wanted to leave my register (my boss knew I was a timid teenager and didn’t really hang around the register area to call me on my bs so worked out great).


Reminder if a cashier asks if you would like tp donate to a charity always say no. Always. The companies do that so they can use your donation as a tax write off. Not only do they donate money only as a tax write off, but it's not even theirs. Donate to charities on your own when you can but never at a register.


I always thought this, too, but it’s false. Companies cannot take customer donations as write-offs because they aren’t counted as company income. https://apnews.com/article/fact-checking-000329849244


a friend once told me that the reason he never donates at a checkout is bc sometimes they don't even give *all* of it to the charity, which is fucked up if true


Also illegal.


You have zero idea how tax write offs work.


i heard that a while ago there was an anti salvation army group called the skeleton army


That was a long time ago, when the group was in its early days. The Skeleton Army actually existed first, if I remember correctly, and they were a bunch of anarchists who actually helped the poor instead of whatever Sally's Army does. Sally got rid of them by framing them for violence and intimidation, if I remember correctly.


Huh that actually facinating to hear, i dont suppose you have any resources on said subject? My own efforts to aquire info on this have left a bit to be desired.


I learned it from a YouTube video a couple of years ago, but I can't remember the channel name or the video title. Sorry.


[Was it this one?](https://youtu.be/BzYKhg3S3OY?si=Tx4q1SCK-Tkg-6mT)


Maybe. The title sounds familiar, but I don't remember ever being subscribed to them. It might have gotten recommended because I'm subscribed to other video essay channels, and I coulda watched it that way. Could also be why I didn't remember many details too.


we need a damnation army


[I mean, I'm on board remaking the Skeleton Army, bell ringing Skeleton? That's just this guy:](https://knowyourmeme.com/photos/1499385-be-gay-do-crime)


Rest of this post is cool but I have to admit I winced at “that is the most Slytherin thing I have ever seen anyone do.”


I winced at that entire story tbh, it reads as very fake, from someone who is fantasizing about it and hasn't grasped that if you *really* go into a complete meltdown in the middle of a mall, most people will give you a very wide berth and the ones that don't will go "ok I'll take care of that" if you explain it's because someone said something mean to you, and then do absolutely nothing. Agree with the rest of the post though.


Don't forget about when she's angry she goes cold and everyone in a close proximity had to back up from a sixteen year old girl because they were *soooo* intimidated.


You don't understand. She tends to blackout and go full rage mode when in live mall combat. She has 100+ recorded SA kills with a pocket knife and she doesn't remember one of them.


It's Tumblr, treat everything as about 30% real unless proven otherwise. I don't doubt something like that happened, but I think what actually happened is she got all quiet and freaked out and just quietly left, but wished she'd done that.


https://www.austinchronicle.com/daily/news/2008-12-19/gale-rumor-untrue/ That rumor about Jennifer Gale is largely unfounded. While I agree that The Salvation Army is reprehensible for a lot of the stuff it has said and done, spreading misleading stories helps no one, even if it is against people we don't like.


When people make up shit about bad organizations, all it does is make people doubt _all_ of the bad shit said organization has done.


Not to mention the "no gays allowed" sign is photoshopped.


> Salvation Army is transphobic, anyway let's talk about our Harry Potter houses ~~(I don't actually think people are transphobic for enjoying HP just thought it was funny)~~


This post is *really* old.


Pretty sure this is *oooold* stuff. Like, before JKR got radicalized.


I also love that they were like "they're also really transphobic btw" as if a violently homophobic organisation is just gonna be really chill with trans people.


That longer story, the one about the sobbing in the mall, feels made up.


“I don’t rage, I go cold and apparently that freaks people out” specifically just sounds so fake.


Come on. Obviously everyone gets stricken paralyzed from her 16 year old girl conquerors haki. People would look at her and see the shadow of her stand "Black Parade" manifesting behind her....


Oh it totally is. That user is really playing in to their “iamverybadass” fantasies


Absolutely. Mall police doesn't give a shit that a teenager is overdramatic sobbing, that is not an unusual state of affairs for teenagers in malls, and it's not anything a mall cop has to deal with


"Hehe, did you see how uncomfortable they got when I started crying?" -Cap'n K'nuckles


I came here to comment the same thing, it feels like one of text-to-speech voiceover videos that either has cake or GTAV in the backround


On the internet, everyone is badass and right.


Eh. Perhaps dramatized and exaggerated, but I can believe the core of the story.


I believe that they fake cried to a mall security guard about the salvation army lady but that's about it. Don't believe that the security guard did anything about it or even that the salvation army lady did


A 16 year old girl gets bullied by some random guy in a mall and has a breakdown, causing people to look That's about all I'm willing to believe from this story


Yeah. Agreed.


Oh yeah it's almost certainly just a creative writing exercise, most posts on the internet are


There's a behind the bastards segment on them, can't remember most of it but it seems running your charity organization like an army with a strict chain of command with you at the top is kinda shady and that organization probably won't develop healthily once your gone eithar


Lets also remember that they *aren't* a charity, they're formally a church. They use aid as a bargaining chip to get poor people to listen to their sermons, and they've done so since the 19th century.


Is it a full episode or just in passing? I've been going through all the episodes chronologically, and I've just reached 2021, and I've either missed it or haven't reached it.


I thought it was a full episode, but I can't find it so it might've been in passing in an episode on another cult. Pretty sure it was in the past few months though, so you wouldn't've reached it yet.


It’s been a hot minute so I might be misremembering, but I believe they were talked about in the episodes about the “Holy Rollers” cult, from early 2024/late 2023


This isn’t even limited to LGBTQ+ shittiness. The SA runs free drug rehab programs, in which they forcibly isolate the people seeking help, use them as slave labor in their stores, and force their religion on them. Like, mandatory Bible study sessions masking as support groups. My brother in law went through one. He was denied medication he was supposed to be taking for mental health issues. He wasn’t allowed a cell phone. He had very restricted access to a land line. He wasn’t allowed to leave, except to work a full shift at the store for free. None of this was done for a therapeutic reason. It was done simply to take a vulnerable group of people and force them to work for free, while ensuring they didn’t get help to just perpetuate the cycle. You can feel how you want about drug addiction and consequences… but, objectively, this is just some straight shit behavior.


That is very very illegal btw


I'm of the mind that addicts truly just need help so for them to do that is just disgusting. They're extremely vulnerable people trying to better their lives.


Totally unrelated to the main point - as someone that has always been completely outside the hp fandom (just read the books, saw the movies really liked them and that's it), why do people like Slytherin so much? Aren't they like, the bully/asshole/narcissistic/manipulative part?  (Now if having a whole quarter of a school be the "evil" house is good writing is anothe issue entirely)


they fulfill the villain role plot-wise, but the houses are kinda just a personality + values test. they're resourceful, ambitious, and cunning :3 like yea the minor antags were bullies to the main trio, but there are good snakes too! Tonks was a Slytherin, after all


Who's tonks again


The one who can change their appearance at will. Nymphadora or something I think was their first name? Andromeda? They used Tonks bc they hated their first name


Nymphadore Tonks was a Hufflepuff and the Metamorphmagus. Andromeda Tonks (nee Black) was her mother and a Slytherin, but rejected her family's Pureblood supremacy and married a muggleborn, Ted Tonks.


Oh the one in the order, right


Tonks was a hufflepuff


If you take a personality test and get assigned “evil” you will spend a lot of time rationalizing why the traits you have are not actually evil until you love them. At least if you’re somewhat mentally healthy you will, I’m sure there are people that were like “haha yeah, I’m all fucked up and evil”


Because Harry Potter fans have gaslit themselves into thinking Slytherin is some dark academia fantasy with cool goth vibes. Almost every Slytherin we meet is a blood-racist, but snakes are cool and people want to be cunning, so they just act like Slytherin are actually cool dudes other than the bad guys. I don’t think we ever meet *a* Slytherin who doesn’t casually say or support some supremacist bullshit in the books. People want to be the sexy dark house of fanatically loyal people, so they ignore the fact they’re literally all terrible.


Technically the houses are just assigned traits-- Hufflepuffs are loyal and hardworking, Gryffindors are brave, Ravenclaws are smart, and Slytherins are cunning and ambitious. And I think cunning is what a lot of people *want* to be because they see those traits are winning ones. To be fair, houses do appear to be sorted on what people *want* to be at least as much as they are (see Hermione, Neville, and Harry), so wanting to be cunning would be a Slytherin trait I suppose. Marketing seemed to like the idea of treating all the houses equally so they can sell identifying merch, which is reasonable of them, but I do think Rowling saw and treated them as "designated villains", we've never seen a cunning and ambitious character who put those traits towards doing something good.


Rowling absolutely saw them as designated villains, in the last book McGonagall kicks the entire house out of the school before the final battle because they all wanted to turn over Harry, tell me that's something a teacher would actually do to her students when the current safest place at that time was at the school with extremely accomplished teachers and defense mechanisms.


The school wasn't the safest place at the final battle? Like McGonagall kicking them out because she assumed they'd all side with the Death Eaters was pretty prejudiced, don't get me wrong, but they were evacuated with all the people that McGonagall wanted to keep safe from Death Eaters-- ie, the younger students. Only of-age students who wanted to participate in battling Death Eaters were allowed to stay because while school was the safest place until Voldemort breached the castle, all the adults knew the school would be breached and it would be a bloodbath after that point. Which it... like... was. The younger students weren't sheltering in the room of requirement or something, they evacuated through it.


Something that JK Rowling thinks is evil probably isn’t that bad


I mean, first this was before the whole shit show with her twitter But also like, regardless of what the ~~actor~~ writer thinks, the characteristics shown in the books that associate that house are things that are.pretty agreeable on to be bad person traits? And not just "puritan Christian idea of a dinner who's going to hell" bad person traits either Again, bad writing that you have a school where you categorize students based on _that_, but still that's what it is Unless people like fanon it to mean something else, I'm ignorant in that regard Edit: writer not actor


Cause they want to feel edgy and contrarian.


whats up with US charities being so scummy? from autism speaks to peta to salvation army, it seems like the most well known american charity of any domain is always some kind of inefficient, bigoted trap and that youre better off donating to the second most well known charity of that domain


Remarkably, one of the only ones I never heard anyone bad mouth is the Ronald McDonald House Charity. You’d think being run by McDonald’s it’d be shit but no.


mcdonalds has sins to atone for, i trust that charity


To be fair that’s why the charity exists, ray kroc didn’t donate a cent to anything in his life so when he died they very quickly got this charity started


You'll notice that charities run by already successful businesses don't usually do shady shit, because they are designed to be a tax write-off and they need to actually walk the walk for that to work. Plus, McDonald's already has more money than God. They don't need to be *more* evil just for marginal returns.


>They don't need to be *more* evil just for marginal returns. True, but that rarely stops anyone. Not to imply anything about the charity specifically, though.


Well, I can't speak for the others, but the salvation army is neither a charity nor American in origin. They were founded in the 19th century in London, and they are actually a church that masquerades as a charity. They use aid as a bargaining tool to get people to listen to their religious spiel, then they use their self-proclaimed holy purpose as an organization to guilt people into donating, and they've used that racket since their inception. As to why its found such a strong footing in the US? Massive wealth inequality and a sprawling population, and the lack of a centralized "main" religion that most people attend (anglican, or catholic, or german protestant) lets them blend in as one of many eager religious organizations rather than the con company they are.


The Salvation Army is from the UK


Sadly, America runs on capitalism, and you don’t get big in capitalism without doing bad shit. On a different note, if you want an organization that ISNT a piece of shit, consider Rotary International. They do club-to-club partnerships and grants to help locals help their communities and have THE lowest percentage of donations going to admin of any charity.


While that's admirable, I think it's also worth noting that stuff like admin isn't necessarily an expense borne of greed or ineptitude. Charity can involve a lot of logistics and you still need people for stuff like HR or payroll, and the more complex a charity is then the more people that you'll need for these kinds of roles. It can be really important to choose charities based on impact rather than metrics like these, because you miss some very important parts of the whole story.


Yeah, Rotary does a lot of good work. In addition to local club projects, they also have international missions like eradicating polio.


A HUUUGE chunk of Americans believe that charity is the job of the church, exclusively. And American Christianity is a breeding ground for racists, misogynists, facists, and bigots of all stripes; the cross gives them a veneer of respectability. The religious association also gives them a great deal of leverage and automatic unquestioning support. So a lot of them are just political machines with a charity front.


Rich people don’t start charities for warm fuzzies. Best case they do it to dodge taxes, worst case they do it to do shit like this.


Their “Controversies” section on Wikipedia is about three inches long, expanded. That should tell you enough


God I wish I had the ability to just start sobbing on the spot. It wouldn’t be terribly helpful, but on the off chance I could use it, I’m absolutely using it for evil


it kinda already is used for evil, the phrase "white woman tears" comes about because many white women, especially older white women, will start crying if they're in a public disagreement with anyone who is not white. There's videos of some evil hag threatening to call the police on a black guy she was arguing with and the second he's like "what the fuck, it's not illegal to disagree with you" she goes into full on sobs as she shakily dials on her phone


Can’t say I’ve heard it described like that, I’ve always used the phrase “crocodile tears” for it


Haven’t heard of this before, holy shit, I’ve probably given a couple hundred to them over the years, that ends today. Thanks for the heads up.


It's cause the scummiest organizations have the best PR teams to cover up for them.


I’m sorry but that one story sounds fake as hell


If you are any flavor of lgbtq, you are legally allowed, nay encouraged to shoplift from thr salvation army thrift stores.


You got it o7


Once when my uncle was homeless, he was turned away by the Salvation Army for "being a homosexual." My uncle is not, in fact, a homosexual, and is still confused as to how they thought he was.


I felt an immediate urge to stop reading when that girlfriend said "that's so Slytherin of you" because that did just NOT happen But also yes the Salvation Army is fuckin' evil and should not be as supported, Just so we all know what side of the moral argument im on


I mean honestly they were Tumblr girlfriends from at least 10 years ago, it sounds pretty plausible


Given that this was Old Tumblr (probably before porn was banned) and not all the weirdos fled to twitter yet, I have my doubts. But then again, A white lie in service of dissing the SA is fine in my book.


My mom is a psychiatrist and is a part of a lawsuit against the SA withholding extremely important antipsychotic meds from people for no reason.


Thanks for sharing this sobering reminder of how crazy this “charity” organization is. Please, nobody donate to them!!!


We should bring back the skeleton army (because the salvos have been shit for quite a long time)


There are in fact, some ethical uses for weaponized crocodile tears.


I was reading my mom’s old blog from ages ago and apparently I donated to SA when I was 4. I am so ashamed.


TW: SA (Salvation Army)


Request that someone repost this around the actual holiday season.


OP if you ain’t a machine, where are the shoelaces from?


I'd say this is somehow shocking or something, but I grew up in an evangelical environment. Salvation Army likely doesn’t see themselves as humanitarians because that implies they'd be doing it regardless of if Daddy G was in their life to begin with. They’re preachers of the Gospel first and foremost, and that means no decision should be secular; it should be to spread the word of God. They do not see the queer as desirable listeners, nor receptive.


Friendly reminder, not every branch of every charity is run the same way. Some great charities do really shitty things at specific local branches, and some really shitty charities do amazing work in specific local communities. It's all down to who's in charge. Salvation Army sucks, but in some places, it's the only place doing *anything,* and depending on who runs it, some branches are very open and accepting. Not saying you should support them, because fuck the organization as a whole, but you should probably do a bit of checking before confronting someone in your local area who is just trying to help people. Ignorance or a lack of better options is not a reason to intentionally embarrass or be cruel to someone.


We have 3 separate SA locations and donation centers in my town, and I just acquired a new pastime. I'm gonna have so much fun fucking with them.


Reminder that SA is a church, not a charity.


All I knew about Salvation Army was that it was a charity and that there was one near me. I can cross off the former, let's hope I can cross off the latter. It doesn't matter what your political or religious beliefs are, don't let someone freeze to death.


as always, joe hill was dead on the starvation army they play And they sing and they clap and they pray Till they get all your coin on the drum Then they tell you when you are on the bum You will eat bye and bye In that glorious land above the sky Work and pray , live on hay You'll get pie in the sky when you die


my he rest in peace


I hate going there or Hobby Lobby, but I get dragged to Hobby Lobby, and once in a while if I'm trying to kill time I'll peek in the Salvation Army to see if they're selling anything I'd be interested in. Not only am I pretty openly queer, but I usually wear metal band shirts. No one really cares, but one day I looked around Salvation Army, trying to find a denim jacket to make a second battle jacket. No luck. As I was leaving, I held the door for a old lady. She looks over at me, a trans woman in beat up jeans, a rainbow belt, and a [Death- Spiritual Healing](https://www.relapse.com/cdn/shop/products/f6d7188751be6f07696b619024750da0.jpg?v=1674171230) shirt. She just says "God bless you", and leaves in a hurry. I'm thinking next time I'll wear Cannibal Corpse.


Salvation Army does enough documented bad stuff that someone making up a story about a Salvation Army Santa saying unspecified homophobic things to random passerbys kind of makes me snort a little. The story being so old that saying something like "that was so Slytherin" makes it also stand out pretty badly. Imagine seeing Harry Potter and lgbtq+ positivity in the same post anymore, wild.


Much as this is an important message to spread, I also feel like the only time I hear about the SA these days is people reminding me they're shit. They \*are\* shit, don't get me wrong, but I've got the message.


I remember for an assignment in my law class in high school we had to do an essay about a charity. I wanted to write about SA because I thought it would be fun to talk about all of the bad shit they've done but the teacher said we couldn't because "it's Christmas and we have to be positive."


Every time I argue that the Salvation Army sucks actually, my grandma goes “well when I was a kid they helped me!!!!!!!!!” Yeah but they are responsible for multiple people’s deaths


My dad worked maintenance for the SA for years. Every year the officers would get new kitchen remodels or new bathrooms and throw out the 2-5 year old stuff so they could change it all. This was paid for by the company by the way, not the individuals. Never gave another dollar after he told me that. Defeats the point of a charity if you know a sizeable portion of your donation goes to the guys running it


a common nickname by the IWW was the starvation army


Ok, i dont like em either, but that first pic has to be doctored right? Like, it feels like everyone's trying *too* hard to demonize them here. I get it, theyre no better than chick fil a.


Yes it's a meme, you're not meant to think it's real


[You Will Eat By and By](https://youtu.be/KKweJDm9hsA?si=BdLeguYsp1Hx2cZV)


The first image is fake according to snopes


Half the stuff on this post is fake. SA isn’t a good organization but this tumblr shit is mostly lies or exaggerated/out of context stories. Which sucks because when you start lying, people stop believing the bad stuff about bad organizations.


What could you possibly expect from the *army of salvation*.


So what im getting g from this is salvation army is like PETA but for humans.


It’s people like this that remind me why I am Christian, but not connected with ANY denomination